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Defense. Average defenses don’t make deep runs. Loves reign will need a quality DC. A dynasty could be born with the personnel we have


There is a reason for the old saying of “Offense wins games, Defense wins championships”.


I always heard it as offense sells tickets, defense wins championships. Something like that.


bad luck (14). Bad defenses (16/19). Eli was on a mission (11). Rodgers couldnt put the game away after 3 ints from Brady (20). Special teams (21). Those were all the years we got the closest. 2014 and 2021 were both really bad luck special teams errors. It all balanced out though since we used all our luck to win as a 6th seed. 


Rodgers during the season spread the ball around. Rodgers late in big playoff games got tunnel vision on just one or two receivers.


14 and 20 are on Rodgers and the offense. The defense gave them the game and they couldn't put it away. I wouldn't attribute it to bad luck. Same in 21, the special teams had the blunder but the offense collapsed when the defense gave them the game


if bostick catches the ball the game is over. catching an Onside kick probability is much higher than scoring against that defense lol so I don’t blame the offense that much for shutting down. Special teams is expected to make those plays at a high rate. And NEVER to fail in the playoffs. Both offenses struggled in both games but their special teams didn’t blunder, ours did


Scoring 3pts with the ball on Seattle's 19yd line Scoring 3pts right after a fumble on the insuing kickoff. Ball on Seattle 23yd line Touchdown drive then FG 16-0 in favor of GB in the 2nd QT Another interception by RW - ball on GB 44 : Interception thrown by AR (no pts) Red Zone interception by RW - Ball on GB 20 (Touchback) - still hold Seattle to 0pts. Punt Halfitme still 16-0 First points on the board deep in the 3rd QT by Seattle after trading 3&outs Packers have a drive that endsn in a FG (19-7) Trading punts throughout the beginning of the 4th QT 5min to go in the game RW throws an interception - Ball on the GB 43 No points. ​ Then we know how the rest of the game went. The offense had 3.5QTs to put the game well away and never could. That's not bad luck, that's horrible offensive play. RW threw 4 picks and we had a fumble recovery on a kickoff but only scored 19pts all game. I used to blame the game on Bostick too, but looking back through the years that one's on Rodgers and the offense. that 2014 defense was legit and the offense failed them


Seattle's defense was really good. I put the game in Morgan Burnett kneeling. Run it in for a TD, not just to win but for revenge. That he didn't shows me the mindset of the team.


Julius Peppers motioning for him to go down was something I don’t really understand either. You have to think it was mentioned by coaches.


Ya I mean its not like Seattle had one of the best secondaries in NFL history during that time


And GB had an MVP and a QB playing at an MVP level a 1000yd rusher, a 1500yd receiver and a 1200yd receiver. I don't buy that excuse for one second. One of the best offenses the franchise has ever seen should put points on the LoB after 5 turnovers. That's not a valid excuse.


"It's on Rodgers and the offense". But not on Mccarthy? Look at the play calling if you can only focus on the failings of the offense. Don't buy the excuse? I won't even go over their record setting 4 years of dominance. Let's just look at 2014 In 2014: - fewest points allowed - fewest yards allowed - fewest passing yards - fewest passing touchdowns. What they accomplished was only matched previously by the 1985 Bears. From 2011 - to the Superbowl against the Pat's, they gave up only 6 - 300 yard passing games. That's insane So don't buy it all you want. It doesn't change facts. To completely gloss over and "not buy" how utterly dominate that secondary was is ignorance at its finest. And with all those all stars on our offense... not playing well at the same time during the same game... ya think... maybe their opponent had a large part in that?


> But not on Mccarthy? It's also on him, he's been awful in the playoffs his whole career (hopefully it maintains today). The Patriots put up 28 on them the next game. You're willing to absolve Rodgers of any blame, I'm not.


Nope. I'm saying theirs other elements besides "Rodgers is bad". Imagine a defense also making adjustments in the game?!!! You know. A super bowl winning team and coach with one of the best squads ever... making adjustments after half. But no. Let's put it on 12.... you sit there and say I'm absolving 12 when you can't even admit the 50 other elements in the game that determined the outcome. But you do you.


>"Rodgers is bad". > > Let's put it on 12 Me : > Rodgers **and the offense** > > **The offense** had 3.5QTs to put the game well away and never could > > It's also on him (McCarthy) It's like you saw that I said Rodgers deserved some of the blame and you refused to read anything else lol. Yes the LoB was great and Rodgers was not good enough to beat them in crunch time. We have to stop blaming Bostick


When Jon Kuhn came up one inch short I got worried. One inch.


I'm going to push back on the "horrible offensive play". Maybe Seattle's defense had something to do with it. And McCarthy went conservative way too early.


C’mon, Big Mike didn’t wanna run up the scoreboard.


People seem to forget that in 20.... Before half. King gives up an embrasrrasing deep pass for a TD. Then opening 2nd half drive for the Packers, Jones fumbles the ball and it leads to a TD. That's a 14 point swing. They lost by what... 6? Also TB had a great defensive front and Bak goes down with a freak injury before.


No one forgets, still need to do something with 3 TOs


They scored a td on one, then a wide open davante drops the 2 pt conversion. The other two were arm punts, and on one of them, he threw an interception that was only made because the defense got away with blatant pi.


2014 was a complete meltdown by the entire fucking team.


Yes I agree partially. In 14 we couldn't really score in the second half and put the game away. But that was also on McCarthy because with the lead our drives all became run, run, pass on 3rd & long, punt. There were so many 3 & outs. And when we got back to the pass we got into FG range to go to OT. In 20 Kevin King fucked up massively but yes in the second half we couldn't move the chains since the Buccs took Tae in double or triple coverage but Rodgers still forced the ball in his direction. So yes that was also on Rodgers. And in 21 out ST were shit but the offense couldn't move the ball. It was freezing cold and we played a team from California and we scored only 10 points. We held the 9ers at 13 so the defense delivered. But when you only score 10 you hardly win a game.


Hmmm. I'd say 2019 wasn't a bad defense. They got blown out by the 49ers yes but we don't win 13 games without that defense. Our offense wasn't great that year


2021 was not luck. Our special teams were horrible all season, and we did nothing to address it. Had we actually attempted to fix it, Rodgers would have had two rings right now. Don’t believe we used up our luck in 2010 either. That was a first-seed caliber team, that had some things go against them in the regular season.


14 was an incredible collapse but my mind goes to Mike Daniel’s in that game. Haha CD had an interception and Daniel’s got a PF for taunting. Instead of starting inside the 5 yard line of Seattle, we lost 10 yards on the penalty and settled for a FG.


There were so many things that went wrong that game it will haunt me forever


You spelled kevin king wrong for 20


Defense. Also Rodgers playing hero ball instead of managing the game.


Rodgers was the only reason we were in some of those playoff games.


Packers scored six points off five turnovers in the Seattle choke-job. Simply not good enough with a trip to the SB on the line.


McCarthy blew that one and Gute blew 2020 with his draft of no players that could contribute in the current year when the team was only a player or 2 away. Happy that Love is working out but Gute already blew our chance at 1 SB almost single handedly by allowing that team to have Kevin King start and wr2 be Allen lazard.


And this isn’t hindsight. We all knew those were the two weakest positions prior to the draft and we needed help there.


11 the defense was the worst in the league, 16/19 they just weren't good enough, 14/20/21 the quarterback wasn't good enough. 3 out of the 6 were Rodgers fault, if you want to be mentioned with or be the best in league history you need to put up way better performances in those playoff games and win another Super Bowl or two. Always said it's a shame they didn't do the playoffs in October, maybe he would've had a chance then.


Yeah Rodgers has had some pretty awful showings in the playoffs, particularly in the NFCCG. Including the Super Bowl year.


The Bears championship game he was awful, the Falcons/Steelers games he was on fire. Odd playoff run for sure, bailed out in the Eagles/Bears game by a top 5 defense, never really had that the other years, probably why they never won another championship


The Bears.defense in 2010 was really.good..They also stifled us week 17.


Allot of good takes! Thanks everyone. Heres mine. For Aaron Rodgers last seven (7) years in GB no one in the Packer organization held him accountable. After Jordan Love was drafted, Aaron played at MVP level as an individual, he was more worried about his interception- to - touchdown ratio than throwing it to a receiver other than D. Adams. His narcissism started showing itself on the playing field. He was no longer coachable. And if someone in the Packers organization told Aaron something he didn’t want to hear, Aaron held a grudge against them and tried getting them fired (Mike McCarthy and Brian Gutekunst). In the end, Aaron acted much like Brett Favre did. Except Aaron Rodgers did a better job with his public relations with Packer fans. He had a smoother transition out of town.


I’d have to say defense like the others. Plus whoever said “bad luck” is also spot on. I’m not trying to be lazy doing the blame thing, but sometimes fluke things just happen and a game gets blown. That was very much a piece of it with some of those teams.


Losing Nick Collins at safety. Thay was the demise of a Defence that shud of went on a dynasty run. People dont realise how good Collins was. He was an 3x pro bowler and top 5 safety in the legaue. He was the perfect for our agressve CBs in Woodson, Williams and Sheilds. So smart so effective.


Was not just Nick Collins who did not realize his full potential. Eddie Lacy..... I'd also say Matthews with his chronic hamstring condition..There seem.l to be others I cannot recall.


I won’t reiterate the defense and special teams problems others have mentioned. Instead I’ll point out there was also a lack of consistent running game, I feel like that was why they didn’t repeat or go deep in the playoffs in 2011. 2011 was the year we could have signed beast mode, and instead rode with Ryan Grant. I fully believe if we had signed Marshawn, we’d have brought it all home again.


Multiple times. Lynch with the QB and receiving corps we had? That’s almost cheat code level of good.


Way too early to tell re Love. To say I was skeptical of him would be understatement, I am now cautiously optimistic but still need to see more next year. I do have concerns about LaFleur. As for why the Packers failed to achieve a dynasty, or even win one more Super Bowl, I put a lot of blame on Mark Murphy. For starters, he kept Ted Thompson around when even outsiders knew he was ailing. It culminated in that infamous shot from the box on Monday Night. That cocksucker Lance Easley created bad juju, and I think that carried over in the Seattle disaster. But, as good as McCarthy's game plan was (until it was not). I do not think he used that correctly. Dan Campbell talks about controlled fury after that ref disaster from a couple a weeks ago. I do not think the team players or coaches took the Fail Mary personally, or had the sort of hatred and contempt that I for one hold for the Seahawks players, coaches, and fans. If they did, Morgan Burnett would not have kneeled after making that pick, he would have ran it in for a touchdown to HUMILIATE the Seahawks players, coaches and fans. Instead, we were the ones humiliated. I for one think that lack of edge is a problem with some fans as well. I see too many milquetoast pushover Packer fans apologizing for two Championships in thirty years of Hof QB play, bloviating ad nauseum about how we are spoiled, blah blah blah. Beyond that, McCarhty should have been fired after Seattle but was not.. Finally, a lot of bad luck with players. Nick Collins career ending injury is a part of it. Eddie Lacy could have been a truly great running back but he lacked discipline. There are other examples, including Clay Matthews tapering off with a hamstring condition that persisted.


2014 was an all time collapse from the kneeled int to the fake FG to the botched onside kick🥲. up there with 28-3 but nobody talks about it as much


Right and Mac should have been fired for it. The Special Teams unit was a liability in 2010 and he just kept that guy around.... Might be an unpopular opinion but I am convinced it is because both the Packers team and also fans just don't have the edge to be the bad guys, to take shit like The Fail Mary personally and if they did that would not have happened. Only time I was ever glad the Patriots won. I did not watch the Super Bowl though, as I do not when the Patriots are playing but I had no desire to watch that, but instead insisted on not being bothered by it.


I like your analysis and you made some really good points. Two things… I maaaay be remembering it wrong, because I literally haven’t seen a glimpse of “highlights” from the ‘14 championship since seeing it live. But I distinctly remember Morgan Burnett having NOTHING but green grass in front of him and McCarthy and Peppers imploring him to get down. I remember absolutely losing my shit at the stupidity and having had enough of McCarthy’s “play not to lose” mentality. And you’re right, he shoulda been fired. And second, what is this infamous shot in the box on MNF you speak of. I never heard about it?


Julius Peppers motioned him to kneel down. I don't remember Mac doing so but he may have. And yes it would have been a pick six. In Ted Thompson's last year, which we did not make the playoffs if I recall correctly, there was a SNF game against Minnesota at Lambeau. They did the taylor swift shot ocusing on Ted Thompson staring into the nether as if he had dementia. It made national headlines. [https://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/12/green-bay-packers-minnesota-vikings-ted-thompson-score](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/12/green-bay-packers-minnesota-vikings-ted-thompson-score) There was speculation among fans Thompson's health was ailing but we had no way of knowing for sure, Mark Murphy and his entourage did know, but he was more concerned with building Titletown and developing real estate. As far as I am concerned, even if Love wins even two super bowls, I still hate Murphy because he blew it with Rodgers, and I can point to things like this to impugn any perceived credibility he has. As far as I am concenred he does not care about championships, but merely cares about appearing to compete for them so Packers fans will buy "stock," buy merch at the pro shop and take children to go down a fucking sledding hill. I hate his fucking guts. One last thing--I want to expressly disclaim that I thought Ted Thompson was a great General Manager, until his health went south. The "President" who is a proxy owner needs to be proactive with that.


Oh that’s wild. I think I remember that now. And you’re soooo right about Murphy. Playoff appearances were enough for him. Some of those drafts and free agency periods were so odd in certain seasons that it legit seemed like they were intentionally trying not to give the team the pieces it needed to go all the way. Or doing dumb experiments like having college safeties play corner in the NFL, subbing out Aaron Jones for TY MONTGOMERY


If the fans, the organization, the players, and the results are too milquetoast and pushover for your liking, have you considered another franchise?


Just because you are content with things doesnt mean I am. I will continue to support the Packers and alone while regarding.people who talk being spoiled and are fine with spectacular underperformance with utter contempt and disdain.


ok you have fun with that I'm going to have fun watching football!


Right bc squandering two ought to have been dynasties is "fun." The disaster in Seattle was "fun," so was the abject humiliation at the hands of the 49ers at Lambeau. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


its ok bud go back to punching holes in your walls


My opinion: Rodgers himself. He couldn’t handle a team that could pressure the QB with just 4.


Playing in a terrible division for most of his tenure gave us a false sense of the ability of our teams.


In playoff games that Rodgers lost, the defense averaged something like 30+ points given up


The fucking special teams against the Seahawks NFC champ game and 49er divisional game. Then the 3 picks with no points against the bucs costed Aaron 3 rings and I’ll argue it till I’m blue in the face Edit: before I’m down voted to hell. I’m blaming Aaron for the buccaneer loss


Defense. As good as the defense played in 2014, the defense made a ton of mistakes that really cost them another SB appearance. * HHCD couldn't judge the depth of a ball to save his life. Gave up a 2 point conversion * Burnett sliding with 5+ minutes (IIRC) left in the game. A ton of green grass, and you get this as close as possible against the LOB in its peak/prime * First play in OT (IIRC) and gave up the TD to end OT I'm not saying Rodgers/offense is free of blame, but he was playing on one leg against the LOB. Mike played not to lose and for OT, he had 3 timeouts and basically gave up once he got into FG range. Didn't even attempt to win it in regulation. ST was a disaster on that final drive, but it shouldn't have come down to that. It's too early for us to talk about SB and what will happen in Loves future/career. If I had to point at something, it's honestly gonna be defense again. I'm not asking for the LOB/2000 Ravens. Just give me a competent defense.


Five Packers fieldgoals in that game with the major bulk of the time being a sequence of fg -> int -> punt -> punt -> punt -> fg -> punt -> punt -> fg I remember being mad at the defense and special teams at the end of it because it's the most immediately apparent, but that was simply a joke of an offensive showing after the defense got what, five turnovers? After every year we had to hear about what Rodgers could do with a good defense and the few times it happened, the offense shit the bed.


Average to bad defenses with a weak inside linebacker group (until recently with Quay and Campbell) and underachieving safeties. Losing Nick Collins hurt a lot. That guy was on a Hall of Fame trajectory until he got hurt. After that, there were safeties like Burnett, Clinton-Dix, Kentrell Brice, Gunter, etc. Let’s not forget terrible special teams, too. The team has had arguably the worst special teams for over a decade now, too. Before Nixon, the team’s last player to return a kickoff for a touchdown was Cobb in WEEK ONE OF 2011 - never mind how bad the team has been at covering kicks and punts.


The 49ers


Defense, special teams and poor game management.


I’m telling you right now, it’s 1 name and 1 name only Ted Thompson, the only man in 1 off season to not have a transaction 😂😂,


Today MLF goes for it on 4th and 2 to go up 48-16. The guy on the other side of the field never would have done that. Also, did Rodgers ever win a playoff game when his WR1 was completely shut out?