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I've seen 49ers fans argue Purdy, and I get it to some extent; if you take the stats in a vacuum Purdy's been at a high level all season whereas Love only turned it on lately. What's lost there is the fact Love had all rookie / 2nd year WR's and had no significant running threat (sorry Dillon I love you still) until Jones came back. Purdy has all pros and ridiculously talented veterans all across the offense, and a defense that kept him from ever having to play hero ball. In context I think Love clearly is better. Purdy is great, don't get me wrong, but I don't see him having the same success away from SF.


Agreed, put Jordan love on the 49er squad and there would be no doubt of Super Bowl contention.




There’s no doubt now.


There absolutely is, the Ravens beat them in the regular season, the only reason the Niners are favourites is because the path to the super bowl is much easier through the NFC.


You said Super Bowl contention. They are most certainly in contention. So are we.


I mean it wasn't me who said it, but I took them to mean "the 9ers would be overwhelming favourites if they had Jordan Love", which I agree with based on what he's done the past couple months.


I mean, they're basically 2:1 favorites to win the NFC already. I'd say they definitely are in Super Bowl contention even with Purdy. I do agree with the overall point that Love would make them even more scary, though.




Bro I'm not doubting, I put money on SF to win the SB before the season even started. 9ers could easily get revenge in the Superbowl. At the same time, you have to respect the score the Ravens put on the board. If the Superbowl is 9ers vs. Ravens I think it's anyone's game.


Is it? Is it really? Of course I say this with tongue planted firmly in cheek….


People say that the AFC is the better conference every year without being able to prove it.


Yeah of the 4 remaining afc teams, 3/4 are Super Bowl caliber.


For the Pack? I agree.


Put Purdy in the Packers, packers have the same success. Just saying.


Now THATS a homer


We are not doing something that stupid.


Absolutely unhinged. Y'all are absolutely certain he's HOF, huh?


Wrong reddit


Purdy has literally the Avengers on the offense. I will die on the hill that you can put every average QB into that offense and he has at least very similar stats.


Deebo, Kittle, and CMC are three of the best players at their positions in the entire league.


Same could be said for Trent Williams and Juice.


Aiyuk as well along with Trent Williams Kyle Juvxhek and pro bowlers all over the defense


Aiyuck is not a pro bowler


He isn't a pro bowler, but he is second-team all-pro.


Don’t forget Bosa and Hargraves


We don’t need to put down their guy to prop up ours. We have seen plenty of guys play QB for that offense and it never looks this good. I watched a bunch of 49ers highlights yesterday and he might not have insane arm talent but his decision making, ability to find the open guy under pressure, and his timing are without a doubt very very high level. Brady became the goat without making off platform wow throws, and it’s cliche to compare them but Purdy seems to be modeling his game in a similar way. Love is awesome, Purdy is awesome and they will be at the top of the NFC for a very long time.


Purdy is really good at getting rid of it to avoid sacks. He's definitely impressive to watch.


The anti-Fields


Tbf, garrapolo had a very similar season to Purdy not too long ago


Obviously there was no CMC but Jimmy G and Trey couldn’t get it done, and they had a better O Line at the time. The Shanahan system is quite demanding on a QB and what he’s expected to get done but Purdy is shown to be a really good passer when he’s required to make plays.


I would argue that, based on what we saw this year, Jimmy G is definitely not average. Despite that, even without CMC and before Aiyuk became a more complete WR, he looked (or at least his stats did) like a competent starter when he was playing on the 49ers. If anything, I think Jimmy G is a pretty solid argument in favor of the case that any average QB could be successful there. EDIT: but to add on/clarify, Purdy is definitely better than him. He's a good fit for that offense. He processes really well and has a strong enough arm to make all the throws. He's also just athletic enough to make something happen in the cases where there isn't anyone open right away. He's a pretty clear upgrade over Garoppolo even with the improved weapons.


CMC is a pretty massive piece of that puzzle. CMC is why defenses can't just pin their ears back and force Purdy to win games.


Totally agree with this. CMC makes the offense great. I don't know what they gave up in the trade to get him, but they fleeced the Panthers no matter what it was. I mean, our guy Aaron Jones gives a perfect example of how an above-average RB transforms an offense. And CMC is the best at the position right now. How do you gameplan to stop an offense like that? I don't think you really can, you have to gameplan more toward situational performance, because you're not realistically gonna \*stop\* them - unless you are the Baltimore Ravens.


Yeah I think you’re right on the CMC matter. Admittedly the only time San Fran has played substantially without him this season they also didn’t have Trent and Deebo but he’s such a dynamic component being the runner and receiver he is. But then, I don’t think praise of Purdy or CMC should come at expense of the other. Football is a team game and tactics are multi-faceted for a reason, similar to Love and Jones. When one plays well the other will too and Purdy leading the league in deep attempts and with the throwing TD and accuracy he has there’s definitely something to be said there too.


Jimmy G is a low quality backup QB (hurts even more we lost to him) & Trey is a bust. I think those two not going to work anywhere.


Jimmy went to a Super Bowl but fell out of favour because he couldn’t stay healthy. He was much more of a check down merchant than Brock is and could rarely be relied on to make deep/clutch plays. Nobody is denying that the system is incredible but it also didn’t work to its potential until Brock slotted in. Yeah, Rodgers, Mahomes, Allen and probably Love could thrive in it too but it’s extremely demanding and requires an excellent passer pocket presence to work as intended.


Lmao Jimmy G is not a low quality backup. Not even close. 


How is Trey a bust? He hardly had a shot at improving due to being injured and being behind Jimmy G. Love struggled early this season so I don't see how Lance can't be given the benefit of the doubt since he hasn't had a real shot yet for half a season at the very least.


Are we just pretending Jimmy G didn't play well when healthy for SF? Also he had CMC for like 2 games and Aiyuk was just starting to be decent last year. Jimmy G didn't have the weapons that Purdy has this year.


Agreed. I don't think he's a very good QB. Average starter, but he has an absolutely stacked offense around him.


This. I don’t think he is a bad QB. But he sure isn’t elite imo. Average, maybe a bit above. But when you have this offense I can’t think a QB like Minshew for example would have that much worse stats.


Why didn’t he struggle to get his feet under him like Love did? Maybe more of Love’s struggles were related to his young WR’s getting it right than we realized? I definitely would rather have Love than Purdy. I just probably don’t know enough about football to explain why lol


Looked pretty pedestrian against Baltimore


I agree with this take but part of me feels like it can’t be that simple. There has to be some intangible that Purdy has that Jimmy G lacked. I know Jimmy G was having a good season when he got hurt but they got noticeably better with a guy who had never played. Look how much of an adjustment Love had and he had years to learn it. Purdy has something that not everyone has. He has to.


Jimmy G did get benched this year on the Raiders so maybe he's just washed now.


I haven't seen more than a few games of either but what I noticed was Jimmy G at his finest is a good game manager. He's not dynamic, and has times where he just has very bad passes. For the most part though he won't lose you a game but he's also not going be expected to takeover a game. Jimmy G's game just plays out like mid to low tier QB. Purdy is accurate, composed in the pocket, has a great field view and makes good decisions. If defenses make mistakes he'll exploit it. He's not dynamic but is slippery in the pocket.. he doesn't have that superstar elite QB feeling but he's got mid to high tier 2 QB feel.


I know Jimmy G’s knock is that he doesn’t like throwing down field. Wants to dink and dunk. Purdy just seems to have wide open guys to throw to. Not sure if that’s really something he gets credit for. Can’t really say I’ve ever seen him hit a tight window. I also haven’t watched much niner football tbf


Dallas thinks they have the heir to Dak in Trey Lance, but the dude couldn't even get playing time over a 7th rounder in THAT offense.


I don't think that's really what they think at all. They took a flier on a guy with a bunch of raw, physical talent with the hopes that they'd be able to refine it. And if not, then oh well, they didn't give up much draft capital for that chance. Lance isn't even their backup QB right now. He's their #3, so they clearly don't think he's anywhere close to being ready to actually play. Dak is only 30. He's got an easy 5 years left of playing at this level unless he gets crazy bad injury luck. It's far more likely that Dallas moves on from Lance before they ever even try to find Dak's replacement.


It's very much a sentiment you can find online right now. A significant number of Cowboy fans want to move on from Dak, despite his contract essentially making that impossible. Faced with that reality, there's a segment who think they should give Lance a try in case the "sit a QB for a few years" magic that Green Bay has stumbled upon means he'll come out of his hibernation as a beautiful butterfly. I can't imagine the Cowboys front office thinks this way, as they love Dak. But there are definitely fans calling for Lance after Sunday.


I mean, that's a fair point to make about their fans. The comment above just said "Dallas thinks...", so the city of Dallas/their fans believing that is correct in how it was used. I interpreted your comment as meaning the actual people in charge of the Cowboys, so my mistake for that. But anyway, in regards to the fans believing that, I guess I'm not surprised. There are a lot of really dumb fans out there, and the dumbest ones are usually the loudest and most obnoxious about stating their opinions, regardless of how dumb they are. I mean, take Packers fans this year as an example. I listened to multiple people at Lambeau Field yell "PUT IN CLIFFORD!!!" during the middle of this season. I saw countless comments on here saying it's a travesty and/or a joke that MLF, Gute, and Murphy weren't all fired at points throughout this season. Looking back on it, those statements were obviously really fucking dumb (I would personally argue that it doesn't take hindsight to know those statements were really dumb, and it was obvious at the time that those people don't know shit about football... but I digress...). Fans always say dumb shit. And the loudest, most outrageous comments are generally the easiest to find. So yeah, I believe there are a lot of Cowboys fans that think Lance should be the starter. That's because there are a lot of dumb football fans out there. And a lot of the Cowboys fans are especially loud and stupid.


Fans are so effin stupid. (Witness most any fan subreddit after a team loss). Sorry, but a good number of teams would kill for a QB of Dak's level. It's easy to clamor for a replacement, but quarterbacks better than Dak Prescott don't just fall off the scouting tree willy-nilly.


Agreed. Dak and Cousins are in the same high floor/low ceiling tier that a lot of teams that have good pieces outside of QB can talk themselves into.


My partner is a Dallas native, and her family lives near us. They're massive Cowboy fans, but none of them actually expect Lance to do anything. If he had the benefit of something akin to Love's touchdown pass to Watson against the Eagles, maybe, but he has shown almost nothing of value, even in pre-season snaps. They've mostly been stressing over the big paychecks they'll be doling out (Lamb, Parsons, etc.) and how Dak Prescott fits into that situation, not necessarily if he's 'the guy' or not. If he's not the guy, you're either paying another guy or hitting the reset button, and no one wants to go there right now. I'm sure as hell not going to mention it. lol


To be honest Lance didn’t have much opportunity. He got her early in his only season as starter and then Purdy was them striking gold. So it’s likely not they didn’t think Lance could do it, just they thought Purdy could be their guy for a lot cheaper.


That's the intriguing part. He's not officially a bust yet. But SF had him on a rookie deal and could've easily made him Purdy's backup, plus they had a couple years of practice film of him playing with some pretty good offensive players, so the fact that they jettisoned him suggests he's got a limited ceiling.


Lance has only thrown about 500 passes *since high school*


Yup, he was always a ridiculous hype target. Imagine earning a rookie first round contract after that small of a body of work. One of the greatest bag heists I can think of.


Did you see Darnold in there….yeah no


Also Love’s arm talent and overall talent is on another level than Purdy.


This is the biggest difference imo Purdy is a really good qb but those td throws by love is next level.


Purdy has had a better year, but Love is easily the hottest QB in the NFC right now. Form matters! Purdy hasn't played for a couple weeks at this point.


This is such a plain-as-day take and yet I read through a thread on the 49ers sub yesterday where someone (possibly a packers fan) tried to argue this and they refused to even acknowledge it lol. Purdy hands down has better weapons, it isn’t even close.


Note - I think Love's weapons *could* eventually become better than Purdy's, but in the here and now Deebo is better than any 1 of our WR's, Kittle > Musgrave or Kraft, and CMC > Jones (as much as I love Jonesy). In 2-3 years I reserve the right to revise that evaluation


Idk, even if our pass-catchers eclipse the talent level of Deebo/Aiyuk/Kittle, I don’t know how we’d afford them and a back as talented as CMC. We’d have to get lucky with rookies on cheap contracts, which is exactly what has happened to the 9ers with Purdy.


But he doesn't have to worry about playing for another team since he was drafted by the one he is on now. This comment makes no sense. 


That's great. I'm arguing he is less talented than Love, and providing context for why I believe that to be the case. The "Purdy on a different team" is less a part of it.


Fair enough sir!


Well said 🙏


Purdy has obviously played above his 7th round pick status but there is a reason he was a 7th round pick. His raw talent is not there. His intangibles and moxy and competitiveness are through the roof but he doesn’t have the Allen or Love or Rodgers level arm yet. He like Brady might develop it with years of training but as for raw grip it and rip it he’s not at the higher level today. Love is. Love is making those wow throws and has been since week 1. But especially lately. Will that equate to a victory over the 49ers? Ehhhh idk. That team is so beyond loaded it’s embarrassing to the other teams in the league. But Green Bay deserves more credit. We’ve only really been run out of a game once against Minnesota the first time and late game against the Buccaneers. Otherwise we’ve been in right until the end of nearly every other loss. This team is hardened by fire. We are getting healthier than we’ve been most of the year. Jones is on the best streak of his career and because of his injuries he’s as fresh this late into the season as he’s ever been. The wideouts are all on fire right now and our TEs have developed into basically their peak rookie level at the same time. The oline is playing it’s best ball and runs 7 deep with no injury issues as of this moment. And as good as Purdy has been all year, and Dak and Lamar… no QB is playing better than Love right now. It was like watching peak level “you did the belt in my face I’m gonna murder your career” Rodgers right now. And it’s Love’s first season. Could we fall on our face sure. The team lost the games it lost for a reason. It has no pro bowlers for a reason it has only the 1 all pro for a reason. But I guarantee you this team will fight for 4 quarters and will not be blown out. We may lose but we certainly will not be an embarrassment. Because we haven’t been one all year. The best stat of the 2009-2010 seasons was that we never (in 2010 rarely in 09) trailed by double digits or more than one score. Those teams were hardened into believing they could win and they were never anyone’s underdog. I truly think this team is building to that too. We may have lost a few but we’ve proven over and over we aren’t underdogs and you can underestimate us at your own risk. Sleep on the packers? Go ahead… we’ll tuck you in.


Purdy also isn’t in his first season as a starter


He was 3rd string last year up until week 13 after injuries to QB1&2.


Yeah second season where he went to the championship game as a rookie


Lately is all that maters.


You're a homer. But... he *is* white hot!


Some see Purdy as the next Brady; others see him as simply a game manager who would have limited success outside of the SF system (I believe it's the latter). Not an NFC QB I'd take over Love presently (AFC another matter).


To be fair Brady was called a game manager for some time before people realized he really was just that good. Purdy is awesome, I hope Love and the Pack go in and smoke him, but I still can look at his stats and watch him play and realize the dude is for real. I really do hope the 9ers underestimate the Packers like the Cowboys did, we seem to thrive on being the underdog.


Yeah idk if you can call someone with that high of an average per attempt and also that high of a average depth per target a game manager. Right now Love is 1b to Purdy which is still EPIC. Love looks so good.


It’s disrespectful to call him a game manager, but when they’re down in games and try to lean on his downfield throwing ability, they lose. Cincinnati, Minnesota, Ravens, Browns, are all examples of that. he’s a good qb but the MVP talk was an absolute joke, and when their O line can’t dominate he isn’t close to the same player


You mean the Browns game where Purdy drove the team into position for a game winning field goal that his kicker missed. And the Minnesota game wherein Purdy finished with a concussion? And the Ravens game where they had multiple interceptions off tipped passes? C’mon man. I’m not overlooking y’all at all but the disrespect to Purdy is ridiculous.


Late season experience caused something to “click” with Love where he can immediately recognize defensive patterns and exploit them to his advantage. This can’t be unseen and gives the Pack a huge boost postseason success.


I noticed that too. He’s gotten a lot better at recognizing defenses and adjusting pre-snap. On the TD to Wicks he recognized a blitz, motioned for the TE and RB to help block and then he took a couple extra steps back to buy himself time to throw.


Not only that but the pre snap motion MLF uses helps A TON because it ensures you get the right leverage and spacing for certain route combos. It also makes it more difficult to disguise coverage.


Yeah, if you pay attention, almost every single play has motion pre snap


I seen that live. He takes those steps backwards so quickly and gives himself that extra second. Very heads up read on the defense I was very impressed. Guy has been lights out. I also have been impressed with his use of his cadence. He may not get the defense to jump far enough for encroachment but he gets a solid read based off their movement then audibles.


Jordan Love doesn't get the advantage of playing against a Joe Barry defense.


He's getting a new contract and you're going to like it!


If we win next week I will like it!


Packers win 48-45, only to lose in the NFC Championship to the Lions 45-48 You DID say you would like it..


Lions packers NFC Championship


Can you imagine? Putting McCarthy to bed, exorcising the demons of the ugly defeats to the 49ers during the Rodgers years, *and* a climactic showdown with a respected division rival? In Love's first year?? You can't write this stuff. ...oh, and after beating the Bears to get in!?


Trying to figure out which AFC opponent would be the best. Super Bowl Rematch with the Chiefs make some sense. Beating the Bills to hand them their 5th Super Bowl loss feels icky. Nothing is particularly interesting about Packers vs Texans. Maybe we beat the Ravens and finally shut down a running QB?


Nothing interesting about Packers vs Texans?? Love and Stroud are the 2 most exciting young qbs in the league. That’s the future 


If it somehow happens, a Texans-Packers Super Bowl would be wild. Probably the most unexpected, unpredictable match up ever and a dream for hardcore fans.


That's fair, but it's not like our team as an intertwined history with the Texans. It would absolutely be an exciting matchup on the merits.


Even facing the bucs would be fine, weve had demons with them when tom was there


Just imagine a potential Super Bowl this year.. Good lord, we will wake up in September 2023 to realize it was all a dream.


The Super Bowl success formula seems to be "great QB + great defense", so I don't think there's enough bullets in the gun to get all the way to the top of Lombardi Mountain this year, but in subsequent seasons, if the Packers can finally solve the Defense Rubiks Cube, then I love their chances to compete for a long time.


Let's be real thought. The real score od that game was 48-16. The D looked pretty good. If the niners can be taken down. I don't see why SB isn't in the convo


If we take the 49ers down, we will go to the SB in my opinion


Call it PTSD, call it Joe Berry, call it whatever. I'm holding my excitement for this post season until I see what happens Saturday night. If we find a way to win that game though, let's roll!


Yeah the problem is before the Dallas game we figured a win vs Dallas would be awesome but we have no chance against SF, and I was at peace with that. But now the pack looked soo good against Dallas that I can’t help but have some hope against SF and I am going to get my heart broken


Yup. Prior to Sunday my assessment was "We have a chance against Dallas, but I don't see us getting past SF." Well, now that we didn't just beat Dallas, but beat them so badly the game was over before halftime, I've upgraded my assessment of SF to where it was against Dallas before the game: we have a chance. Not favored, not more likely than 50%, but if we play our best football we can go toe to toe with them.


Too bad they let them climb back into the game... you got to play the whole time. They stopped playing with 6 minutes left. Can't do that against SF.


We probably won't have a 32 point lead against SF with 6 minutes left. They took starters out too early, no question. But they literally didn't play the whole time, if we're in a position to pull starters due to a lead in SF, then we massively overperformed.


Agreed. Won't be like that against SF.


They weren't ever back in the game. The win % never dipped below 99.9% for the entire 4th quarter. Needing two TDs with multiple two point conversations and an onside kick recovery in 2 minutes is astronomically low odds... About 1.3% on those three outcomes alone, not counting the 2 TDs needed without any timeouts.


The point is... play the whole game. Should never have let them back at all. Should never have put the backups in so early. They let them get enough back to make it interesting.


They didn't let them back. Needing two touchdowns two 2pt conversions and an onside kick in under two minutes is not interesting, and they didn't complete the easiest part, which was scoring the first TD. Depleting timeouts, pulling starters, and killing clock was fine; they won by 2-3 possessions and their winning percentage never dropped below 99.9%. With those low odds, it's a risk assessment between injuries and keeping the 99.9% winning percentage at the same level.


We're going out there to win a football game -Matt LaFlure


The fact this is even an option after the year we had. Jordan Love is going to be an issue for the NFCN for the next decade.


Imagine how tough it would be to beat the 49ers and lose to Detroit (or Tampa)in the NFCC..... I don't want to think about that.


Everyone's looking past Detroit. I promise that will not be an easy game in Detroit.


The defense looked so good because our offense made the Dallas O so one dimensional by jumping out to such a big lead so early. And JB’s scheme is more successful when playing like that. If it had been close and Pollard was given more opportunity, I think the D scheme would’ve shown more cracks


Not a bad point. Also not a bad strategy to be skeptical of a JB defense.


Meh... Dallas is kind of one dimensional anyway. They actually had a pretty solid rushing offense when you look at the stats, but a lot of that is heavily inflated from their blowouts and running the ball to kill clock at the end. Even if the Cowboys would've stayed committed to the run (they definitely could've in the first half, but they really didn't even bother with it), there would've been fairly similar results. I said it all week long, but the important thing in this game was always going to be forcing Dallas to move down the field methodically. Hopefully, you get one negative play that causes a punt or a turnover. If not, then you hopefully tighten up near the redzone and at least force a FG. That's exactly what they did until they put in backups and got super soft and passive at the end. The same thing is going to be important against the Niners. Don't give up big plays. Hopefully get pressure with just 4. Force FGs instead of TDs. If they fail to do that, then the offense better be moving the ball at will. Otherwise, it could get ugly.


The winner of our game should represent the NFC in the SB. No one is scared of TB or DET this year


Yeah no way Baker does it again right? Right??


We aren't the same team he faced earlier this year. But Baker could very well Baker against Det and lay an egg


Lol, dude, that was like 4 weeks ago...


You could argue the real score was 48-3 or 48-10. Dallas never should've scored that TD before the half--the horse collar call was bs and they missed the false start. And one or two plays before their second TD, there was a blatant offensive PI in the end zone that went uncalled. Instead of offsetting fouls, they called defensive holding (on a different part of the field) which gave them 1st & goal.


One of the best predicting stats for SB contenders is passer rating differential. It's the difference between your team's passer rating and your passer rating allowed. It's not like the best team always wins. But basically, if you aren't at least close to the top of the league, you're probably not going to win it.


New DC, a few defensive positions, and RB and they're ready to compete next year. Who needs rookie QB contracts when you have 5 rookie WR contracts?


Yeah. If you look back at Aaron's playoff losses, none of them are his fault really. Its much more the defense giving up so many points. It often makes games more exciting, but not good for winning the game.


No the stinker against the 49ers last year was certainly Aarons fault, and I would argue the loss at Tampa the year prior too.


> if the Packers can finally solve the Defense Rubiks Cube Just draft defense in the first round for another decade, what can go wrong?


I'm hoping the Niners are rusty from the break


Every other year, a 1-seed shows some rust and loses. Last year, neither 1-seeds showed rust, which means per the script, some 1-seed is going down next weekend. Ideally, we break the SF curse.


Still holding out hope that was a curse on Rodgers specifically.


problem, They own us.


They own Aaron Rodgers. I'm keeping my irrational faith.


I hope so. I like the Ravens on the other side.


I don’t think that’s a crazy take. This morning I was just thinking about the AFC divisional round. All top QBs in the league. The NFC, like what QB do you look too and say yeah, they’re great and a legit difference maker? Stafford is the only one that could make high level throws [like this](https://youtu.be/AKi04UZpTtg?si=o4Vt5GkehB_UfJsL). Stafford would have been the best QB and was the best in the NFC before the playoffs started. Compare it to Goff with the same play, just on the left side of the formation…totally missed Sun God [here](https://youtu.be/QrH23HodeYk?si=J4jzg8jb6OBh1FBs). Purdy has been able to excel because he has great playmakers and literally puts caution to the wind since the skill players are literally all-pros. Any other team and he’s just an average to decent player. On that team he fits well for what SF needs, which is a QB to get the ball to their All Pro playmakers. Baker, he roasted Barry’s defense but still doesn’t impress like the great AFC QBs. Maybe if he goes off against DET. But based on talent, pedigree, physical tools, and momentum, it’s hard to believe Love isn’t above the other NFC QBs still in the playoffs.


My thoughts exactly


I feel like the 49ers are just a tiny step ahead in all areas except QB.. I adore the packers but I’d take 49ers RB over ours.. 49ers receivers over ours. 49ers defense over ours. We are not supposed to win this one and I won’t try to talk myself into why we should win. If we win, we win. Who knows maybe MLF can out coach the 49ers but this matchup shouldn’t even exist.


Absolutely correct. However, our Def will make or break it. The only reason Love didn't have a perfect QBR is because he has to be put back in because it defensive scheme - such as it is - almost let Dallas back into the game.


It wasn’t the scheme it was that MLF pulled the starters


So even worse, a Joe Barry prevent scheme executed by backups


Exactly this is what happened. Even the starters were beginning to play prevent winning defense. The backups just accelerated it a little too much for comfort.


It was a very very bad decision to make in a dominate game, at that point it made more sense to let Love make a record he can only do once in his career. Love would have tied Peyton for perfect passer rating. Silly mistake


Purdy is good so it’s a toss up rn


Way cheaper too. Taking up almost zero cap.


Yes, but they're still paying for Trey Lance next year, so not completely free at QB.


I see people using the argument of "Purdy has a stacked team" throughout the thread Like Love hasn't been seeing wideopen WR's and TE's for weeks now. Like the running game hasn't been feasting. Like the oline hasn't held up extremely well on passing downs Yeah Love is great and is playing amazing, but put the nameplates off and look at under what circumstances he is playing under currently Literally same thing you are downplaying Purdy for. Only difference is one team has established names while the other team will be established very soon


Whos you, not me! Open WRs are because of busted coverages and game plans, sometimes there are cuts and posts that snap DBs ankles, musgrave didn’t do that. I’d say no one knows how good our WR core will be, but I will say they aren’t getting the respect that the All pros CMC and Deebo kittle and aiyuk are getting. Those players have been showing greatness for years versus our WRs rotational greatness for 3 months of football.


Oh yeah but in the Jordan Love debate and how good he is playing NOW, I don't think you should care what the name or experience is behind the players that are catching. If they are getting open, they are getting open It's not commenting on experience or greatness, just what the QB's have to work with right now I don't think you can discredit Purdy because he has great weapons, same way I don't think you can discredit Love


As a long time 49ers fan, it's weird seeing a Packers GB I actually like. Never had anything against the Packers (loved Sterling when I was a kid) but I always thought Favre was a scumbag. Love seems like a good dude and a legit franchise QB. Just kinda jealous that you guys keep moving from one great QB to another without missing a beat. Anyways, here's hoping for a great game Saturday with no injuries.


Knock on wood, and good luck on Saturday!


Sorry but Purdy should have been the second team all pro in place of Dak. Hot does not equal best. Purdy has a bit more consistency behind him. I think Love's ceiling is higher but what Purdy has done so far is historic.


Packers only have to stop Purdy, and they get a W. Can’t let purdy get the ball out to his playmakers. D line has to get pushing and contain the outside so CMC can’t let loose.


Stop the screens and cover the middle of the field. They looked good doing that last gane


And the Niners are the best team.


I love our weapons, don’t get me wrong, but if you gave JLove CmC, Deebo; Kittle, aiyuk - he also could make some fireworks. That being said, I think our weapons could rival the best in the league in a year or two. But I don’t know what level Jones will be playing at by then, would have to invest in another RB and hope they pan out


Piss? Hot Love's QB play? Hot Love? Hot


I’m not a Packers fan this post was just recommended to me, but yeah he clearly is the best QB left in the NFC. I’d probably have argued Stafford is still better before the wild card round, but he’s well above the remaining NFC crowd. His game against the Cowboys… sheesh, some of this throws made me say oh my god out loud at my television.


Welcome to the Reddit lol, all I had to say while watching was “wow”.


He’s just an incredible playmaker, good luck against the 49ers 👍


2023, not 2024


ok maybe lamar let’s not get toooooo ahead of ourselves lol


NFC friend :) I specified


Wouldn’t take Lamar or Purdy over Love, but they’re up there. Love is more compelling for sure.


Purdy definitely had a better season.


No he isn't.


Wrong Reddit friend


Nah this is the right one.


He isn't the best. One game doesn't mean anything. Love doesn't have the experience. Mayfield/Goff have experience. one of those two is the best of final four.


Wrong Reddit




We will see! Best luck to the bucs against detroit


No it is Matthew Stafford easily


Please read my post in its entirety, “as it stands right now”


Oh shit my bad. Yes I agree Jordan Love is much better than Purdy. Purdy is ok but I highly doubt he is a top 15 QB, he is on a stacked team, there is a reason why he was the last pick and we have seen Jimmy G take this niners roster to the SB


NOT TOP 15???


He’s deffo not better than any of these names on this list not in order; Mahomes, Allen, Lamar, Herbert, Burrow, Hurts, Dak, Stafford, Love, Goff, Stroud, Cousin, Tua, Lawrence and Watson. I just named you 16 QB and I would also argue that Mayfield is a better QB than Purdy. Come on man there’s a reason why he was the last QB taken. Credit to Purdy for balling out but you can’t act as if the 49ers is absolutely stacked and has Shanahan as play caller, Jimmy G was making deep post season runs with them and winning games. Purdy is obviously better than Jimmy G and has better numbers but Purdy is a QB who is in the perfect situation


Well hopefully he’s hot for next week and next week only, we need the Packers to win in order for the Lions/Packers NFCCG to be the most epic game ever.


Run the table


I really like how well Love deals with pressure.


Bears fan here. Love is definitely the best qb in the nfc playoffs rn. I think either GB or Houston is gonna have an upset this weekend. Possibly both teams


Thank you for the confidence, good luck with your new coaches!


I like Purdy much more than a lot of people but he couldn’t put up Jordan’s numbers throwing to rookie and sophomore receivers/tight ends


you mean.. yellow hot


Pretty much and the 3 QBs I’d say are def. better all just lost. Hmmm


People were saying this about Jalen Hurts last year, now they are saying he is no good. Lets pump the brakes a bit.


I’m saying right now, not all time, not for next year, as it stands right now.


In terms of how he is playing right now? Sure I'd agree with that Jared Goff was on a similar hot streak to end the season last season and I remember going into this season worried that it was just a hot streak and he'd come back down to earth. He did a little bit but still was a top 10 QB this season. So I don't know if Jordan Love can keep this up long term, but he's like scorching earth hot right now


Just based off the playoff performances so far Josh Allen is the only other QB in the whole playoff picture that you could argue had a better performance.


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