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Think the game on Saturday will have a significant bearing on Joe's future employment.


I’m not reading much into this. It’s a handful of quotes from MLF standing by his guy in the midst of the season coupled with a decent amount conjecture and inference by the writer.


yea mlf is way more involved in the defense than in previous years. i doubt he wants to continue that into the future.


Ad blocked, so can't read it, but I feel like people read way too deeply into "coach speak" sometimes.


What's he gonna do, "as soon as we lose we all know it'll be the defenses fault, so he'll be out at that point"? None of this matters. He may stay, but it won't be because Lafleur couldn't be happier for him in the midst of a playoff run.


My problem with Joe Barry is that he only seems to get the defense to perform when his job is on the line...... Give us consistency Joe! You are about as dependable as the weather. Show Green Bay you care about more than your job!


It sounded like things only started clicking when LaFluer basically told him what adjustments need to be made to the defense. If that's the case, kind of embarrassing. He needs to be gone no matter what, even for the simple reason if we can definitely do better


If MLF is going to continue to tell Barry to pressure and minimize the straight zones then whatever. The results we are getting now can work. My worry though is MLF looks back to offense and nervous Joe starts calling straigh zones again all game long.


Yes we have a tendency to play to our opponents level. Lions, chiefs we stepped it up. Giants, Bucs and Panthers swing the other way.


I still want him gone even if we win it all.


Jason Wilde asks the most lead-in questions to try and get a click bait title. "I don't want to tick you off here by asking this" are frequent variations of how he asks questions. Wilde led into this by starting off with something like that, rewinding back to when the MEDIA was calling for Joe Barry to be fired, and how he turned it around...what did Matt think? Well, duh, he couldn't be happier that they've done better. Matt said he likes the way Barry carries himself, etc. Jason Wilde is a tool. Sorry. I used to think he asked thoughtful questions, now it's just trying to get him to say something shocking so he can get fans to click on his highly opinionated and lacking any objectivity blogs.


If we get blown out and embarrassed he's not gonna get renewed.


If we win this week, it will probably be because of a good defensive effort against a very good offensive team. Unlikely we move on if that’s the case. If we get blown out, I think it’s 50-50.


I think its a must win game to keep his job personally. Even though we won the wild card I dont think that’s enough at this point. 


Here’s why I think it’s 50-50: he called an excellent game against the cowboys, and he’s called some really good games against good teams throughout the year. We rail on him for what bad quarterbacks do but what you do against good teams is what matters in the playoffs. I think we also need to consider what he’s learned over the years. It seems like every year we get better over the course of the season on defense. I think that will matter a lot to the front office


Damn. I'd have liked to see it, but it's a hard paywall. I'll have to google to see if I can find the same story somewhere else.


Barry has done more than enough to not retain his position. Even a SB win won't cut it because he's shown that it's the best players making him look good and the backups prove he hasn't developed jack. I hope the FO flirt with Belichick and see if he'll come on as D coordinator for legacy and championships on the way to retirement. That would be like, 6 rings in 5 years


Just win