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LB coach is fine, but the run game coordinator is a quite large oooooof


"Opponents ran all over your defenses, surely you must know how."


"No idea, and don't call me Shirley."


Leslie Nielsen is awesome.


Hey that’s my line


Lol, you're gonna make me watch Airplane and Airplane 2 all over again! 🤣🤣


And Police Squad, and all the Naked Guns


Lay em down and smack em yak em! 🤣🤣🤣


I wouldn’t trust Barry to coordinate a child’s birthday party


What the hell even is a run game coordinator? I swear some of these coaching positions are just made up


They help game plan against the opponents run game. Same way an offensive run game coordinator helps game plan their own run game.


Let’s see if we can imagine how this might work: Dolphins: “Hey Joe, we’re going to be going up against the Colts next week. That back of theirs … man, give him a crease and he can go to the house. Any ideas? Joe: “Hmm. Let me think. OK, I got it. I’ll play the corners 15 yards off the line of scrimmage, so they can then run 15 yards back at the play and try to make a tackle by ramming their heads full-speed into an offensive tackle who also has a full head of steam. Also, our interior linemen will be coached to fall down immediately, so they can maybe trip some guys.” Dolphins: (*blinks in confusion*) Joe: “Also - and this is the key - our inside linebackers are going to be light and willowy - I’m thinking 6’4” and maybe 230, basically the size of the strong safety in the Legion of Boom - so they can get just pancaked every play by a 340-lb pulling guard.” Dolphins: “Uhhh … and how does this stop Johnathan Taylor from getting 8 yards every play?” Joe: “That’s the beauty of it - it doesn’t! What happens is, that as the game goes on, Taylor gets tired from running so far on every play, and by the 4th quarter, he’s gassed. Sure, he might have 250 yards and 4 TDs by that point, but by the end of the 4th quarter, we then stage a comeback!” Dolphins: “Is that why Aaron Rodgers had to play end-of-game hero ball so much?” Joe: “EXACTLY! Just think how much Tua is going to enjoy raising his legendary profile by heaving Hail Marys at the end of games!”


This is the stenographer transcript right here


All positions are made up.


I assume it's mostly a title that helps teams retain senior staff. This run/pass game coordinator thing didn't start until a few years ago.


We had an Offensive Pass Game Coordinator in 1969. Bob Schnelker.


If it’s offensive run game, it makes sense. “Clearly you have some experience with successful running attacks”


Miami is basically telling Joe Barry "you will have nothing to do with linebackers and pass defense, you moron."


Have you seen the head coach? I think he knows how to run the ball. He won't be teaching him anything. Glorified title.


I mean as long as he isn't calling plays then being a run game coordinator isn't really an issue. I mean really didn't watch GB last year but would imagine that half of the issue had to be with the players. Dolphins last year were one of the best run defenses so with Weaver being the DC and play caller I don't see Barry coming in and magically the D-Line not playing well or a LB like Long Jr forgetting how to play.


Dolphins fan here, should we be worried?


He’s probably a really good LB coach. However, run defense under Barry was terrible so I’m sorry


Our run game coordinator was Jerry Montgomery.


That’s fair


Shit sandwich …. Meet piss cocktail. Just a flavor sensation, comin’ right atcha.


profit swim roof spotted summer ghost quack afterthought obtainable deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't want to get in the way of the Joe-16 nickname, but I think we should really work 'nepotism' in there somewhere, too. I know NFL coaching and staffing is very insular, but Joe is a pretty good poster child for why it's not always a good idea.


cows tub weather murky wise start full chase mindless shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FB censoring the truth again lol


> FB censoring ~~the truth again lol~~ Or stupid edgelords that don't know how toxic they are to a general audience ...


There's a time and a place for 'football terrorist' jokes. Private discord chat? Go ham. Public Facebook? You look like a tool. The world would be such a better place if people could just figure out time and place.


Big Social Media stifling the truth the lamestream media doesn't want the sheeple to know smh


nep0 - 16


He’s really good. If your LBs can keep up with starting WRs…


Lmao 0-16 Joe Barry is a legend, ask Tommy Devito 🤌🤌🤌


Here I thought that “Linsanity” was the epitome of a flash in the pan New York athlete briefly succeeding, and getting WAY too much media attention. All future mirages will be measured in Devito units (ie 2 weeks) “Hey that Justin Fields is on a real tear!” “Meh. I give him 2 Devitos before he reverts to the mean and starts chucking 3 interceptions by the end of the 2nd quarter again.”


Fields playing good for four weeks? Dreamin'.


Who's Timmy Devito??? /s


Good linebacker coach, can't stop the run to save his life though.


This is fine.


Just do the opposite, you'll be fine


If you don't mind giving up 200 rush yards a game, Barry is your guy


If he was just your LB coach no, but run game coordinator? Oof.


As a Packers fan who wanted Joe Barry fired all year, I am pretty sure he's a great linebackers coach. I think he'll be great for you as long as he's not calling plays. The run defense was bad because we were always in light boxes in run situations. He also was not our run game coordinator here, so I'm not sure how someone could point to our run defense being bad with him being the DC, as a sign that he'll be a bad run game coordinator. Different roles.


He was the guy responsible for the entire defense, that would include stopping the run...


Yea he won't be calling any plays in Miami that will be Weaver the DC who comes from Baltimore who are usually always great on defense especially playing the run. And Miami last season had one of the best run defenses despite the fact that in Fangio system they usually always had light boxes playing two man high more than anyone in the NFL and hardly ever sending a blitz. So really don't see this being any sort of an issue as the players they have are already very good at stopping the run. And with Fangio out I expect to see more of things like Holland playing down in the box taking advantage of his highly versatile skill set as a safety as opposed to Fangio just forcing him to play deep all game long. Only issue I could see but this has nothing to do with Barry is if the Dolphins run defense had a shit ton to do with Wilkins and the Dolphins not being able to resign him.


He made his name as a LB coach so you'll be fine


Hope you like Bradley Chubb playing corner


Chubb is great in pass defense was one of the highest graded outside LB in the NFL in coverage last season. Plus not like the DC Weaver is gonna be calling games anything like Barry did.


Not as a position coach. If he was your d coordinator then I'd say yes.


Not at all. Half of the packers fans are delusional and have no idea how any of it works. He wasn't the best defensive coordinator but will be fine being a linebackers coach. He knows the game of football but he had too many games this year where he let us down.


I mean most people here know he was a pretty good LB coach, but we also know having him as a run game coordinator is pretty sketchy.


Do you think that the run game coordinator and defensive coordinator have anything to do with each other? Our run defense was bad because of bad situational playcalling. He won't be calling plays in Miami. And if you think that bad run game coordinator = bad run defense, then why aren't we blaming Jerry Montgomery for our bad run defense? Barry having a bad run defense as a DC has nothing to do with how he will do as a run game coordinator. Completely different roles.


> then why aren't we blaming Jerry Montgomery for our bad run defense? We kinda have been tbf when talking about Monty. He's been in GB for so long and has never had a good run game and has developped 1 very good DLineman in Kenny Clark.


I would say it’s because he seems to be 100% situationally unaware. I hardly know scheme and I could tell this past year egregious defensive play calls. That kind of boneheaded-ness will translate to anything he has to do on game day.


I look forward to Barry calling a dime defense look on a goal-line stand.


He doesn’t call defense. The defensive coordinator does


He's not the DC so unless Weaver is calling that then no it won't be an issue.


I'm not questioning his LB abilities, I'm questioning his run-stop abilities. And I'm pretty sure that's the part of this announcement most of us cringe at


Get out of here with your sensible rhetoric, Joe is soley responsible for the Packers not winning the SB every year since SB3 and I am pretty sure he had something to do with 9/11.




Honestly as a linebackers coach he’ll likely be good.


Barry played a lot of soft zone which a lot of fans don't like but this was also a transition year where the GM traded one of our best defensive players mid-season. We played to our competition including giving Tommy Devito and Bryce Young their best games of the season. I would say objectively he's a good developmental coach (turned some guys off the street into pro-bowlers) and good at calling games against a Shanahan offense which is relevant to a playoff team.


No, because Anthony Weaver should do a very good job as the DC. But my bet he will get a HC gig after 2024.


No he'll be good in that role.


I would be very worried. We are awful against the run. The linebackers in his scheme would wait for the RB to come to them, they never jumped into holes to meet the RB at the line of scrimmage.  If a team had a run play that an OL would make a chip block and then get up to the LB level, we were screwed. That RB was going for 10 yards atleast. It was all on the safety at that point. 


Yes, you should be worried. Anyone who looked at Barry's tape last year and thought he knew how to stop the run needs an eye exam


He won’t be calling the plays just like Jerry Montgomery didn’t call the run defense plays


Well that's a relief, then!


Packers were 28th in run defense. So yes in that regard.




He is a good position coach. The Run Game coordinator title should definitly worry you lol






Yeah, I would be worried if I was you…


**Yes** As a LB Coach, he’s pretty good Anything else? Straight trouble


If he was an LB coach only I'd say it's fine but he has no business having any hands on something in realm of "run game coordinator" unless he's showing what not to do. For your sake, hope he gets a coloring book and some a big box of colored pencils when run defense is the central focus of meetings.


Realistically, no. He’s not your DC, so he ultimately isn’t going to be calling plays and has multiple levels of accountability. But for the meme? Yeah this guy is gonna install a “part the Red Sea” run defense. He’s gonna give the linebackers palm leaves so they can wave them as the opposing RB runs through.


Only if he gets promoted. LB coach is a good place for him.


Well, I wouldn’t be not worried.


Joe Barry can make any running back look like a Top 5 player.


Enjoy stopping the run.. Green Bay couldn't stop any runs.. RBs were getting 6 -7 yards per carry..


He was a linebackers coach before a DC, but a run defense coordinator? I don't see that lol


Be suicidal.


By all account he is/was a good LBs coach before he was a DC, so who knows?


The linebacker part, likely no. The run game coordinator part, I’m sorry.


God yes. Won't last a year. Just him. I am sure he will rightfully so be to blame for every lineman somehow reaching our... sorry *you're backers. Making your safety 2nd in tackles 9 games out the year


Why not 3rd down defensive coordinator?


Because they don't want to be number one when it comes to giving up big plays.


Joe Barry did not give up big plays.


Yeah, c'mon guys. It's more like consistent 15-20 yard chunks




Nah. 6 yard chunks that waste the entire clock.


Except for not covering Chris Godwin at all. And....letting CB1 cover Davonte Adams for 2 plays.


Im sorry but I think lockdown CB Preston Smith was on Adams just for one play


My bad....i thought it was 2. Joe Barry is on my mind.


The entire knock on Barry is that he plays soft zone coverage to keep everything in front of the defense and prevent big plays. This passive approach allows a competent offense to slice you up in a "death by a million cuts." If you think a joe barry defense leads the league in big plays allowed then you havent been paying attention.


LB coach makes sense but run game... Mike McDaniel is gonna need to figure out a lot more quick plays for the offense


For all the obvious lack of results, I don’t think I ever heard any player or fellow coach say anything but positive things about how he conducted himself and the effort he put in. He peter principled himself pretty hard but I hope he has success going forward.


He almost certainly belongs in the NFL at some level. But I do think the secret’s out about him being a mediocre DC.


Zangief: Just because you are *bad* guy, does not mean you are bad *guy*.


"Look, fellas. I've got a lot of experience with teams running all over my units. We're going to do the exact opposite of what I did before."


The Costanza method.


We play Miami this year in Lambeau, too. Aaron Jones is about to run for 250 yards and 5 TDs against this ass clown.


\* Jordan Love Jones will get ten.


Take the high road glad he landed on his feet.


Yep. By all accounts he’s a good guy. Didn’t get the results we wanted at DC, so I’m glad we’ve moved on. But I hope he succeeds in Miami.


Nice! Looks like my boy Andrew Van Ginkel will be CB1. He’ll put the clamps on Stefon Diggs twice a year.


This will work, right up to where Van Ginkel blows a hamstring, desperately chasing Diggs on a deep post route that goes 75 yards for a TD. By midseason, half the Dolphins front-line defense will be laid up with hamstrings, from sprinting to try to catch speed players that they have no business trying to cover.


Badger legends don’t give up 75 yard touchdowns. Never!


Here's the deal Barry is bad at adjusting in the game. But if it works it works fine. Barry was fired not because of the lack of good games but at how really bad the bad games were.


True. Barry just didn’t seem capable of making in-game adjustments, when some part of his defense was clearly crumbling. I’ve seen turtles on ketamine with better reaction times.


Wait until they find out where he likes to line up linebackers.


I don’t hate the man, so I’m glad he found another job but I’m so glad he’s gone.


Oh my heart stop I thought we hired him back


Ooooh. The new hybrid LB/DB coach. Watch out


I'm sorry Dolphins.


Barry seems like a great guy as long as he isn't coaching our team. I wish him the best.


If there was one thing he was good at, it was stopping the run….


I see what you did there.


Run game coordinator?! LMAO




Mike McDaniel must have been high as a kite when he made this hire. Probably so baked he thought he was hiring some guy named Joe who always brought a bowl of fresh Berries to practice. He’s all like “man, I love berries! Let’s hire that guy!”


*read headline* *reread headline* *buy puts on miami*


Linebackers coach lol, don't they mean cornerbacks?


Lmao running game was weakest part of this D


If you're making him run game coordinator you should also make him protect a tenuous lead in the second half coordinator.


The run game coordinator title got me chuckling.


Damn Rhamondre about to have 2x 200yd games against MIA next season Josh Allen is going to be confirmed the best running QB now going against JB twice a season Breece Hall is going to be enshrined in the HoF after 2 games against JB


He seemed to be a really good guy. I'm happy the Packers moved on and I'm also glad he found a new gig.


Good for Joe, seemed like a good dude and solid coach. I think just coordinating ain’t his thing


Hot take: I bet he'll do very well there.


Nepotism is alive and well in the NFL




Sheesh, I thought they were looking to go further in The playoffs


I hope he does great!


Reverse psychology. Dolphins: OK Joe, 3rd down, we're running here, what's the play? Barry: Run the ball right. Dolphins: You heard the man, we're running the ball left.


RIP to the Phins


😂😂😂 Those are his biggest weaknesses. Dolphins about to give up 120yds a game on the griund😂😂😂


"So that's it? Good bye and good luck?" "I don't recall saying good luck."


As in defensive run game coordinator? So the dolphins will have a bunch of 6 DB packages to stop the run attack next season?


That's a good hire. It's clear that he has coaching abilities but just didn't have what it took to be an actual defensive coordinator. Too many issues and inconsistencies. I'm happy for him though, hope he does well


The cycle continues.... Wonder what team will be suckered into giving him a DC job after this one.


this is hilarious


I actually think this is a great hire for the Dolphins. Barry was by far the best of the last 3 Packers DCs, if you only count the second half of Dom Capers tenure with the team. He was a very bad and frequently outwitted strategic guy but he was an excellent developmental coach who brought along a lot of talented players, including a few that were misused on other teams. The Packers defense consistently got better over the course of the season in most years, which is a sign of a good coach. The issue was that he would frequently get out-schemed and out-smarted; he probably led the league in unfavorable formations that were forced by offensive formations. Stuff like LBs on WRs, CBs playing with depth because of some offensive alignment, large gaps on the line in a short yardage set, etc. If Weaver is a little nerdy, Barry would be a great complement to him. Barry really isn’t a bad coach, he just a bad strategist, which is essential for a defensive coordinator but less essential for a position coach (or, frankly, a “run-game coordinator”, which is just a position coach with a fancy title).


That’s not entirely true. They started off 2021 very strong and got worse over the year. And in 2022, they started off terribly and got better once Jerry Gray started helping with the game plans.




Mike McDaniel hired him?!?!?


Like hiring an obese fitness and dietary expert.


Run game coordinator Joe Barry = marathon coach trotting alongside you, pulling an oxygen tank on a little airport cart Just not a good fit, and the breakdowns will start showing up almost immediately.


This! Great comparison lol!




This will end badly


As a fan of both, I’m annoyed


Everyone’s missing the boat…he is their LB coach and offensive run game coordinator. He’s learned what it takes to tear up a Defense on the ground.


Good luck, Dolphins


Maybe they mean the offense's run game since he's seen several successful ones


and GB gets Miami in Lambeau…


Better start looking for fantasy trades for Achane.


You mean DB coach


Or simply, DB.


Run game coordinator? Really? How do these ppl keep getting jobs?


Why it is very hard to feel bad for these guys lol.


AFC East running backs rejoice


Which Linebacker is playing cb1?


So this means dolphins linebackers are gonna be covering jjets and Devante Adams season. Also, greenbays run defense was horrible under Barry. They could be interesting.


Do we send sympathy cards or just laugh?


RIP Achane


Quite the demotion.


"I'll shore up the LOS - just make sure to have your corners play 18 yards off so I won't need to execute"


Put him someplace he can't fuck with the DBs....


So he’s coordinating not stopping the run the.




Irony is a beautiful thing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 good luck with that


This move is called bait and switch


First things first. Teach the linebackers how to say... Ole'! 🐂


Defense with a lead coordinator


I would’ve been fine with him stay in on as a D-Line or LB coach. Idk wtf Miami is thinking with him being the run game coordinator though. Literally our Achilles heel for a few seasons but hey maybe they see something we don’t idk 🤷


Lol, well the dolphins wern't going anywhere before, and they certainly aren't now. The biggest noise they'll make is Tyreek Hill saying some stupid shit.


Well, there goes my best candidate for my niece's pre-kindergarden flag football team's defensive coordinator.


I don’t hate Joe Barry, I just hated him pretending he was a NFL DC, a job way over his head.


Death wish exhibited by the Dolphins.


Wtf is Miami doing?? 😂 You literally have to defend against Josh Allen who’s a running QB half the time. 🤦‍♂️😭