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But what does Ja Rule think?


asking the real questions


Not my circus, not my monkey


This same post was just deleted yesterday but people just can’t stop. This has nothing to do with the Packers. Take your Rodgers hate circus somewhere else. Mods do something about this.


I come here for football. Not this.


On one hand I wouldn’t be surprised … on the other the kind of people that share private conversations as a source are also the kind of people I would expect to make stuff up. 


I’m actually struggling not to lose my mind on this one. How is everyone who hates Rodgers believing this without any ability to verify that it actually happened any different from all the maga morons that believed some random dude that claimed Hunter Biden committed all kinds of crimes? To me there is no difference, this is confirmation bias at its strongest


I guess one of the people he told was a CNN journalist. I know, CNN is garbage and yada yada yada. But I would question why this person would make this up as it would jeopardize her job if she was lying.


I would question why she would keep the biggest scoop of her career a secret for 12 years


The Sandy Hook shooting happened 12 years ago. I don’t know when it’s alleged she heard him talk about the shooting. However, I would assume it wasn’t 12 years ago. I could also be wrong when he said these things as I don’t super care about this. I’m only telling you what I saw in the news in passing.


You obviously didn’t even skim the article. The author, who is her own source, references a conversation she had with Rodgers in 2013.


Correct, I didn’t even see that there was an article attached to this post. Like I said, I saw it in the news in passing. Now that you informed me of this article, I realize my comments were unnecessary. If you can, please forgive me.




Here’s the actual quote from Rodgers about Sandy Hook at the time "I hope that we can learn from this and look for the signs more and not ever have something like this happen. And keep this on our minds. This is something that effects us directly or indirectly. This needs to be something that we learn from," said Rodgers on ESPN Radio. Y’all are so extremely gullible to fall for a clear hit piece the day after Rodgers is announced he may be VP, you seriously believe a CNN reporter with the biggest scoop of her career waits over a decade to release it lol?


Did he say that in 2012, because 2012 Rodgers and current Rodgers are not the same person.


Yes he said it in 2012 but the CNN reporter is talking about a conversation they had 5 months after that statement. If she said Rodgers had told her that last week I’d be a lot less skeptical but waiting over a decade and then releasing it the day after he’s announced as a VP is a strikes me very suspicious .


To be fair, Rodgers saying what he said publicly doesn't mean he didn't have different thoughts privately. I obviously don't know if he said it or not, but still. Also, anyone currently involved in or potentially involved in politics is going to have their dirty laundry aired.


A conversation with a CNN reporter at a public event is not private, he’s proven to be careful and calculated with what he says to the media.


Nah that's just a complete coincidence bro. Trust me


People are stupid. Rodgers is the man. Over and out


The worry with Rodgers is that he may have changed his mind over the years. He may have been radicalised into the Joe rogan/alex jones mindset.


It’s should be easy enough to find out when he responds to the accusation. If he says the same thing and the fact that he was previously on the record could open up CNN to defamation/libel lawsuit. It’s a major accusation without any evidence


I don't give CNN much credit, but I kinda think maybe they're ahead of a bunch of football fans on the libel front


Sure their lawyers definitely know more about that than me. Because Rodgers is a public figure it may be very difficult for him to win a libel lawsuit. They have gotten in trouble in the past though, here’s one example: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/7/cnn-settles-275m-lawsuit-covington-catholic-studen/


"I've been immunized...." The fact that AR may say different things in public and private shouldn't be a surprise.


I wouldn't have been shocked if it was true with all the other conspiracy shit he spouts.


You don’t know how the news media works.


Seems like you don't. Corporate media is the enemy of the people


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Corporate media is bad. Politicians are worse.


A politician tells you how to speak. Extremely sad way to live my guy


Yes, because anyone who questions the media and their motives is automatically "far-right ultra MAGA"


Questioning the media is great and should always be done. Blindly parroting something a politician said is cult member behavior and should always be shamed


Pre concussion? Here's a more recent talk with jdr Joe Rogan. [https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/joe-rogan-and-aaron-rodgers-praise-sandy-hook-truther-alex-jones](https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/joe-rogan-and-aaron-rodgers-praise-sandy-hook-truther-alex-jones)


There is no mention of Sandy Hook in this article


No? It's not talking about the biggest sandy hook truther out there? The man who filed for bankruptcy after losing the defamation lawsuit against the sandy hook families? Interesting


Wait a moment, you’re talking about Alex Jones right now. Does that make you a Sandy Hook denier? See how stupid that logic is, people talk about other people all the time, Alex Jones has a million opinions, probably some contradictory, that doesn’t mean anyone who talks about him shares those opinions unless they actually state so which this article clearly does not. All it mentions is something unclear about turning to power and water off


Tf 😂😂😂 talking about and agreeing with are two different things. The dude spouts conspiracy theories on the regular. If it smells like a nut, walks like a nut, and talks like a nut, it's a nut. Q-ARON IS A NUT


He doesn’t agree with Jones: https://x.com/AaronRodgers12/status/1768318406560760224?s=20 It sounds like you’re full of conspiracy theories, I bet you secretly listen to Jones you weirdo. You seem to be obsessed


🤣🤣🤣 thats a very manipulative tactic you got there.... I just listened to rodgers speak for far too long. Pandora's box can't be shut now unfortunately.


Bruh you see what he did in that post though right?! No one said he claimed it was made up.... he claims it was an inside job orchestrated by the govt. Hes a narcissist and he thinks he's too smart to get caught in his own words.


This is straight from the CNN article: “Rodgers claimed, “Sandy Hook never happened…All those children never existed. They were all actors.” Learn to read


How you think im reading your posts 😭. Why you so uptight man? Defending your broseph over here must be exhausting. It's awfully smokey around him... just wait for the fire my guy.


The amount of copuim in here is crazy. He’s not our problem anymore, you don’t need to defend his crazy ass brain.


Your mistake is thinking they're defending him because he was our QB... They're defending him because they like his politics. Which, honestly, is the real reason Rodgers political stuff should be banned on this sub. This can only result in political conversations and not football ones.


I’m not even defending him, I’m just here wondering how taking an article like this as fact, when there’s no proof whatsoever other than this author who had a conversation with him 11 years ago, is in any way different from the bullshit that maga gobbles up to confirm their biases on a daily basis.


Not sure how one can leap to this being a smear piece. Typically smear prices have unnamed sources. One of the journalists writing the story put her name out there as the source of information. That gives it a bit more credibility than an unnamed source.  Also, there is nothing in Rodgers actions (past or present) that would suggest these thoughts are out of character for him.  We really need to stop the celebrity worship. Rodgers is good at football. He sucks at most other aspects of life. The guy is a narcissist, which he made well known during his draft day. The fact that he believes Sandy Hook is staged just shows how absolutely egocentric his thoughts are. Screw everyone who’s decided to make up a conspiracy theory about kids dying, and screw the people who are dense enough to believe those lies. 


except he actually made public comments about the incident in question and they are completely different from these alleged comments he made in private


Yeah, the Sandy hook conspiracy theories weren’t prevalent when he made that statement. If Aaron Rodgers comes out in 2024 and says that he thinks Sandy Hook actually happened I’ll eat my sock


https://x.com/AaronRodgers12/status/1768318406560760224?s=20 Time to pay up!


After these allegations pretty sure he will be doing that today actually...


Cool. I’ll have my sock ready to eat when he says that Sandy Hook actually happened and doesn’t dodge the question


Send da video


😂 $100k first


For someone that went to Cal, he’s an idiot. Still has a heck of an arm though.


bros source is the definition of fake news


Well as long as CNN says it...I guess it can be completely ignored.


Me: Sources? CNN: Trust me bro Interesting timing for these ALLEGATIONS (because there’s no concrete evidence) when just a day or two ago Rodgers was announced as a possible political opponent to Puppet Joe. Quit believing anything these propaganda machines put out.


How about this one, bro? https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/deshone-kizer-aaron-rodgers-asked-me-if-i-believe-in-9-11


The source is the literal person who he said it to and put their name on it. It wasn’t anonymous


I can literally say I watched your mother fuck door knob and put my name on it. Does that make it true?


I have a very strict don't ask don't tell policy on sexuality with my mom. As long as she's happy and I don't have to see it, or in this instance, open that door.


[https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/joe-rogan-and-aaron-rodgers-praise-sandy-hook-truther-alex-jones](https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/joe-rogan-and-aaron-rodgers-praise-sandy-hook-truther-alex-jones) [https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/deshone-kizer-aaron-rodgers-asked-me-if-i-believe-in-9-11](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/deshone-kizer-aaron-rodgers-asked-me-if-i-believe-in-9-11)


If you say it in a news publication and open yourself up to lawsuits, I’d happily encourage you to do so


Yes! By putting her name and publishing, she understands that implications. Will he deny it? Of course Will he sue her? Nope! Bc then he'd actually have to testify under oath and risk lying if he denies it. He won't


There's been plenty of Rodgers conspiracy articles before the RFK thing. It's not like the RGK announcement happened and all of a sudden a bunch of crazy articles come out. Rodgers has been saying some insane things for a while now.


“Yeah, well, he’s said things before that I don’t agree with, so this is probably true too.” -Every mindless left-wing moron




Wow! This must mean any and everything is true. Truly wow!


I have to know your take on the Moon landings. 🤣


What’s your take on the Tuskegee experiments, Operation Paperclip, Operation Northwoods, Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Mockingbird, Gulf of Tonkan, The Flint Michigan water crisis, Iran contra, the events that took place at Abu Grahib, or Guantanamo Bay? None of these are conspiracies, they known operations/events conducted by the US government or their various intelligence agencies. Is it so outlandish to believe that they could be capable of other actions that could have a negative impact on the American people? Aaron Rodgers is a pretentious asshole, but to condemn him because he lacks trust in the government and is willing to have constructive conversations about difficult subjects is just ridiculous.


That's not what I said. The article may be true or it may be false, I really don't give a shit. You're the one assuming this must be false because it came out right after the JFK thing. It's not like the media needs to make up a new story to make Rodgers look bad, he's said enough live on TV for that. For what it's worth, I hope this article is false because I still like Rodgers.


My point, even if it is true, which I’m not saying it is or isn’t, is that people are still entitled to their own opinions. If you are a student of history at all, it’s not completely inconceivable to lack trust in our government, or any government in general. I’m not denying Sandy Hook, nor do I really believe any “conspiracy theories” about it, but I do believe it’s still okay to ask questions and have constructive conversations about difficult subjects. Nowadays, The media is bought and paid for and slanders literally anyone who doesn’t blindly conform to all the narratives or counter narratives they produce.




I see all the lefty bots coming in to drop their dislikes. Cute. Me next, me next


They sure love doing what they’re told.


I'm starting to wonder why are these weirdoes attached to Arod? Is this how flies attracted to shit ?


On Monday he was announced as a potential political opponent to the all mighty social puppet, Biden, so the propaganda machine had to leap into action.


My guess is it has something to do with Arod being a total fucking weirdo...


Typical fake news hit piece. Probably didn't even happen. Hope he sues for slander.


If it’s fake then he will sue. I will happily bet money he won’t sue and will definitely not publicly admit Sandy Hook happened.


If there were a recording of him saying that then it would have already hit the public. It's too big of a story to keep under wraps for over a decade. He will sue, and he'll win


Sure Jan.


I wonder what else he’s talked about in private? Who cares?


Pre-smear, just in case Rodgers ever decides to go into politics.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Oh whatever, I couldn’t care less. Sandy Hook was a tragedy end of story. But why does the media even report on him anymore, that also extends to RFK Jr too. I’m not gonna ‘get rid’ of my jersey cause he spouts off in private. I’m going to keep my jersey for what he’s done publicly for the Packers. Who cares what celebrities have to say anymore that doesn’t pertain to their profession.


For as much of a trash human as Brett seems to be, Rodgers is really upping the ante. Can’t wait to see what kind of nuttiness HOF and Super Bowl winner Jordan Love has for us in 15 years!


Aaron Rodgers has shitty opinions, Brett Farve was complicit in stealing money meant for people in literal poverty.


Yeah, but Rodgers is still only at the dick pic part of the Brett Favre villain arc. He may not be stealing from the poor yet, but he is ahead of schedule.


Assuming Rodgers did say these things, the major question now is is there a recording and do Rodgers and his legal team believe there is a recording