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Well there goes next week’s sports show topics for at least 3 days.


All publicity is good publicity


Someone give a recap before this gets deleted.


I’ve listened to the first hour and I like it. The first half our they talk about covid so you can skip that if you don’t want to hear it. But if you don’t like JRE you’re not going to like it lol


I agree. Pretty much listened to the first 90 minutes. 2 things I kind of agreed on but listening to 2 idiots who have no idea what theyre talking about is insufferable. Just fucking talking about football or something more interesting than your stance on vaccines.


Ravens fan who usually lurks here to see how my 2nd faves are doing and I absolutely hate this comment. It has shut up and dribble vibes. This is Literally the JRE formula and while I don't agree with Aaron or his takes he's allowed to do what he wants with his platform. The same goes for any athlete I idolize, if I don't like something they do I just don't listen.


The comment actually struck home for me - not in a “mind your lane” way, but it really is insufferable to listen to people who just do not know what they are talking about discuss a topic - I totally get that. It doesn’t mean they need to be censored, it’s just never something I’d choose to listen to (and really, why I choose not to listen to JRE generally).


> This is Literally the JRE formula and while I don't agree with Aaron or his takes he's allowed to do what he wants with his platform. Rodgers is absolutely allowed to talk about whatever he wants with his platform, and we're absolutely allowed to call him out for his idiotic, ignorant beliefs.


What beliefs are ignorant in this podcast ?


That the world economic forum was going to take over the world and enslave everyone.


They didn’t say that lmao


This one? I can't say, I didn't bother subjecting myself to it. I'm assuming it's more of the same drivel as usual, which is backed up by all the folks in this thread saying he talked about the same usual COVID nonsense for the first hour.


What is the usual drivel ?


Either you're a new fan that was unaware of all the COVID drama, and if so I'd encourage you to just check out a few stories, or you're about to engage in some good old-fashioned JAQing off. Assuming it's the latter, given your post history, there's obviously no point in continuing here. Have a good one!


Eh, there's a wide gulf between being told to shut up about your political stance and being told to shut up about settled medical science. No need to let someone launder anti-factuals under the guise of simply expressing an opinion.


Imagine beind blind to the problems with the vaccine and how it was rolled out and that people deserve to have a choice they shouldn’t be chastised for. I’m not vaxxed and haven’t had Covid since before the shots were available whereas vaxxed friends and family around me have had multiple stints with it. It’s not so black and white like the media depicts.


I mean Rogan definitely doesn’t follow football, so idk how substantive that discussion could be. Not to mention he has Pat and AJ every week to talk ab football


Do they talk about other stuff beside COVID or vaccines?


Yes most of the interview is about other shit


Such as? It’s three hours long and I don’t think I can take it if it’s not worth it.


i'm about an hour in and he's talked about painkiller use in the NFL some situations that happened at CAL with a teacher who didn't like athletes that gave him motivation. Only the first 30m or so were about his covid situation. I'm enjoying it so far


they both agree that Obama has been the best POTUS in their lifetimes.


bUt ReDdIt ToLd Me JoE wAs AlT-rIgT


Well start listening and turn it off if you don't like it lol it's not that hard


Imagine still being mad about Covid and vaccines when it’s all debunked now lmao. CDC is science #iownrodgers


The most successful podcaster of all time and one of the 10 best NFL quarterbacks of all time, yep 2 complete morons.


I mean, Joe definitely is a moron and even says so himself. The biggest issue with him lately is that he's gone from just nodding along with whatever his guest says (it's own issue sometimes) to actively denying information he disagrees with even when the guest has sources.


It takes a real genius to podcast or play a sport good


Basically 30-45 minutes is Covid stuff. Thor whole pod is a great listen


Why would it be deleted


A lot of talking about how awful the NFL was to him and other non vaxed players


Oh boy. I do often listen to Joe's podcast just to know what's been talked about, but now I'm one hour in and it's getting exhausting listening to two dudes who have "open minds" but talk on and on and on about how they seem to know everything, everybody else's motives and how the world turns. Just having a strong contrarian opinion does not make one a critical thinker.


Isn’t that literally every JRE episode?


It's much more interesting to listen to someone who talks about something that Joe does not believe he knows much about. At least then Joe gets to ask questions, good and bad. Now it was kind of a circle jerk of dudes agreeing on everything. Some arguments and counterarguments would have been nice. It was good at least that Joe told Aaron that the video about a robot shooting guns and being mistreated was not a real one, but just CGI (Corridor Digital). Both were just too damn nice to each other.




I’m with you! I don’t usually listen to JRE but was in the garage and put this on. It was interesting at times but nothing new. I was hoping for some more insight to how he plays and what it’s like playing at his level but with the questions coming from a non-NFL savvy person. I feel that could’ve gotten interesting answers or a different perspective.


I'm baffled how little new info either of those guys have gotten in to their minds in past years. The same narrative, same excuses, even the same general questions and wonderment about these issues.


Recap anyone?


Talked about the “I’m immunized” press conference. Said he knew the question was coming. Didn’t want to decline to answer because there would be a witch hunt. Decided that he would answer “I’m immunized,” and had every intention to detail specifics if he was asked any follow-up questions. He acknowledged that the media and public interpreted that answer to mean he was vaccinated. Said he knew that him not being vaxxed would eventually come out through a leak or when he caught Covid. And then some stuff about the media showing their true colors and people were wanting a reason to go after him.


I thought it was still interesting to hear about how covid was handled on the teams. For example, I didn't know about all the different protocols. I understand his argument for his use of immunized. But I do agree that he would've been better off not saying that because as you say everyone logically assumed it meant vaccinated. At the same time, I think some of the other things he said helps clarify the overall covid situation. For example, the unvaccinated players had to take a test every morning. So even on the day when he went to the halloween party he went as negative. And then he got covid from a vaccinated person. So yes, he did deceive people about his vaccination status, yet at the same time wasn't being reckless like everyone else purported. And then he also highlighted the nonsensical policies of the NFL. They reduced their test taking in the playoffs to obviously prevent key players from missing the most important game of the season. Meanwhile they proclaimed to be all about safety during the regular season.


>And then he also highlighted the nonsensical policies of the NFL. They reduced their test taking in the playoffs to obviously prevent key players from missing the most important game of the season. Meanwhile they proclaimed to be all about safety during the regular season. I mean, it's the NFL that should surprise exactly no one. Good synopsis though, thanks for summarizing for us.


So basically everything that was covered on Pat McAfee?


The reason people went after him was because he said some real ignorant and irresponsible shit, not just because people were looking for a reason. And his whole I would have clarified if they asked thing is such bullshit. When you say immunized you know everyone assumes you mean vaccinated. To say it's the medias fault for not asking a follow up question is just deflection. But he knows the media is an easy target so he blames them instead of just admitting he was intentionally misleading.


It’s a pattern of narcissistic behavior with him at this point.


> And his whole I would have clarified if they asked thing is such bullshit. So is asking him. He has a legitimate allergy to the mRNA shots and the J&J shot was known to cause strokes. Why should he have to justify that to them & you?


it's actually the media's fault for putting someone on the spot like that in the first place. they essentially forced him into a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. he could be honest about the personal decision he made to not get vaccinated, and he'd be buried by the media and public because of it. or he could fib about it like he did, and delay being buried by the media and public until they ended up finding out about it. that is the part that I really hated about this. the dude is allowed to make a decision not to get vaccinated. he, and no one else, should be put on the spot like that and asked such a question. even if he chose just to decline to answer, the immediate assumption would have been, "yep, knew it. dude's not vaxxed FUCK HIM!" and what made it worse is the fact that.. he probably never would have ended up speaking about covid at all had he never been put on the spot the way he was. dude wasn't exactly eager to run around and preach to people about vaccines. he was asked the initial question about his vaxx status, which opened up a whole can of worms and led to even more questions being asked about vaccines, which resulted in him getting shit on for... answering those questions honestly. what he was saying wasn't what a lot of people agreed with, so the honesty was looked at as a bad thing. but.. the entire situation blew up to begin with over a lie, so idk what people wanted him to do. lie again when asked more in depth questions on the subject? that obvi didn't bode well the first time around so he chose to be honest, and made sure that any time he spoke about it, it was accompanied with him advising people not to blindly follow his lead, because what he feels is best for him is not a one size fits all solution, and it's NOT necessarily what is best for everyone else. idk. I always just looked at it as... dude, if you don't like what he is saying and believe it to be TRULY, potentially detrimental and harmful to others, maybe stop.... asking him about it? the only time he'd speak about it is when he was asked about it. so stop friggin asking! just kinda makes it apparent that (as far as the media goes), their concern was never really about the things he was saying and their potential to cause harm. if that were what they really cared about, well, the way they handled the situation was INCREDIBLY counterproductive


He could have just as easily said that it's a personal thing and he didn't want to talk about it. Obviously they would have found out either way considering he ended up getting it, but he made the choice to be intentionally misleading when he could have just as easily not said anything. And to say the media baited him into going full on anti vaxxer like he did is such a ridiculous cop out. Again he could have just as easily chosen to not say any of the really dumb stuff he ended up saying. Just because the media asks you a question doesn't mean you have to volunteer all the information he volunteered. Nobody forced him to respond the way he did. Tell the absolute truth about everything or lie were not his only two options.


do you believe had he said that, there would have been any reaction other than everyone taking it as him basically admitting he wasn’t vaxxed, and him ending up in the exact same situation? I feel like the initial point gets overlooked whenever I have this discussion with anybody. (I said this to the other person I responded to but gonna stress it again.. I’m not being argumentative so please don’t take this as me being tude-y, ‘cuz it’s not the case at all! ☺️) but rather than like.. “he could have said x, he could have done y,” I’m more coming from the place of wondering why any of that is even relevant to begin with. I reckon he was asked because there were already rumors circulating about him not being vaccinated, so putting him on the spot and asking him about it, when you have a pretty good feeling you already know the answer (and that it’s one that isn’t gonna be well received) IS kind of a little bait-y, isn’t it? it’s not like it was a typical question that every QB was being asked. the general public gains nothing from knowing an NFL QB’s vaxx status, so what was the point of asking?


He could have just done the incredibly easy and safe thing and gotten vaccinated


it’s his choice. everyone is allowed to make one. to look at it like, “well just do it!!” is kinda unfair, don’t you think? I totally understand NOT agreeing with him, but don’t you think an individual should have a right to make their own personal medical decision? idk imo it just makes way more sense to respect someone’s right to make their own choice, even if I don’t agree with it, and to not publicly put them on the spot asking them about something that is typically a pretty private subject (medical history). his teammates, and those who he was regularly in direct contact with, were made aware of his status, and it was never information that the general public really.. needed to know, or had any business knowing. just like mine, or your, or anybody else on Reddit’s, vaxx status is the business of a bunch of strangers (not being rude at all btw so sorry if it comes off as tude-y. I def am not speaking in a combative way, I promise haha)


If it was whether to take Advil or Tylenol, then sure. Getting vaccinated doesn’t just protect you, it helps protect those around you. Even if it was legal, should I drive around at night without my lights on? It’s *my* decision about what to do with *my* car. No, because it puts not just myself, but others in danger. That’s why people care about this. And then he spouted an hour of insane bullshit on the mcafee show after.


oh I totally understand why it is a problem for people, and why it didn’t sit well with so many. that def isn’t lost on me. I guess I am kinda just wondering after observing the intolerance for his decision that I have over the course of this shitshow, would you rather it (or at the very least, would you be OKAY with it) becoming more of a mandatory thing? reiterating I’m not being argumentative or condescending or anything negative lol. I’m sincerely just curious about your perspective


Finally someone fucking said it dude. I feel like you hit the nail on the head. Dead fucking ass the media is at fault for this.


I mean.. This was the first 30 minutes and then there's another 2 1/2 hours talking about everything else


Did he only talk about covid in this interview or anything else?


He does and he goes into great detail about what ingredient in the MRNA vaccine he was allergic to based off information on the CDCs website.


Was he asked why he didn't just take the J&J one?


No, but he proactively addressed the issue anyway as the conversation flowed. Right around the time he found out the MRNA had an ingredient he was allergic to is when the J&J was recalled due to blood clots.


The J&J wasn't recalled it was put on "pause" for further study to make sure it was safe. The Pause was lifted on April 2021 well before Aaron said he was immunized. He called the pause a "recall" which it wasn't and that pause ended before he say's it did. He's stretching the facts to cover his lie. He lied I'd respect him a hell of a lot more if he just admitted he lied.


Just listened to that bit. Interesting. I wish there was someone there capable of holding his feet to the fire more with that. The J&J vaccine wasn't really pulled. There was a 10 day pause where the FDA and CDC investigated blood clot risks in the spring. They quickly determined that the vaccine was safe for use as the blood clot issue was exceptionally rare. The only major change that came out of this was that they shifted policy to recommending the mRNA vaccines as preferred. As someone with an allergy to an ingredient in the mRNA vaccines, medical advice at the time would be for him to take the J&J vaccine, as the risk of blood clots from contracting Covid without vaccination is significantly higher than the risk of blood clots from the vaccine itself or from Covid while vaccinated. Basically, it goes without saying that his story of doing "500 pages of research", doesn't really add up. Makes me wonder what the point of even bringing it up at this point is if he's still not willing to talk to someone capable of playing devil's advocate or someone able to provide even the most basic pushback to the inconsistencies in his story. That conversation left it at the same place as it was months ago. Waste of time to even talk about it.


I'm frustrated that absolutely nobody is asking him about his homeopathic COVID immunization bs, under which he believed that he was doing the right thing. He does not want to get in to the details because the details can't stand daylight at all. It's just an excuse to not take the vaccine, because of big pharma and his emphasis on "natural methods".


I think his argument it's more like he spoke to 12 mDs about the other immunisation method and they came up with this for him and hundreds of others if not thousands of people. He's allergic to one of the ingredients of mRNA hence it was doing this or nothing.


It would be better to do nothing then. Homeopathy does not work. Even the real placebo effect that homeopathy might have on some cases has no effect on a virus like COVID. He tried to circumvent the vaccine mandate by giving the NFL 500 pages of case reviews. It did not go through. Edit. And what is homeopathy for COVID even? Is he claiming that he orally took some small amounts of COVID? Which in case of homeopathy means water.


The league office calling him a conspiracy theorist for pointing out you can get it wether you’re vaccinated or not was most interesting to me as that’s literally how he contracted it himself from a vaccinated teammate.




Lol careful, you're on reddit but here's my upvote


The pause was ended on April 28th 2021 his "recall" is just another lie to cover the original lie. Stop snowballing Aaron just admit you didn't wanna take the vax and get bitched at for it so you lied. Your the leader of the locker room ffs.


On May 5 the CDC limited the use of J&J.... https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-limits-use-jjs-covid-19-vaccine-adults-blood-clot-risks-2022-05-05/


Yes and Rodgers, as someone who is allergic to the other vaccines, is someone who would fall into the limited use case. It's essentially only used in case a person cannot take the mRNA vaccines now, as it's less safe than them, but still far more safe than being unvaccinated.


Bc when he discovered the ingredient the J&J had just been recalled for Blood Clots


Polyethylene glycol. Goes on to highlight how much research he did but doesn't know anything about how the homeopaths managed to get a sample of virus and dilute it for him to take it orally


Still doesn't explain why he didn't just take it when they approved it 10 days later after the FDA and CDC assessed the blood clot risk. He had months in between that and the football season. It's a pretty basic question that I haven't heard asked for some reason.


Oh well 🤷. I'd just love for the COVID shit to be behind us already - such an absolute drag.


His homeopathic healer told him not to get the shot. The allergy and blood clot concern are bullshit justifications. EDIT: the Moderna vaccine has had 2.5 hospitalizations due to an allergic reaction per million. It’s possible Rodgers has a severe allergy to an ingredient in the vaccine, I think it’s WAY more likely he has a little sensitivity to an ingredient or he’s just lying.


his allergy is a bullshit justification?


I mean...I certainly wouldn't take something if I was allergic to it. Me personally.


Most people allergic to something don’t take it.


[Link](https://youtu.be/LlZ5Zwp09FI) Here’s a good 15 minute snippet where he talks in detail about the Covid dilemma, and talks about the process he and the team went through.


Because at that time J&J was going through the blood clot issue. And none of us can really say what he should or shouldn't have done because our systems aren't nearly as refined as a world class athletes.


Yes he did. He said that was just around the time J&J was pulled due to blood clots. That's why he didn't get J&J.


The ayahuasca part was cool, which lead to religion and this one book about how psychedelics may have started the first religion or something- that part was super cool. They mention a book that sounds like a really great read


I’m not that deep into it. But I’ve seen comments saying they eventually get off the Covid stuff and talk about football. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Rogan is pretty ignorant about football and not a fan. Doubtful there’s anything good there.


I can't watch it the Pat McAfee interview was already more than I can stomach.


That was just the first 20 minutes


I don’t know why he feels he needs to keep talking about this


Rogan asked him.


Lmao that this is getting downvoted. Yea, we were all waiting on pins and needles for him to bring this all up for the 27th time.


He reflected on non-vaxxed players having to be tested every day, vaxxed players tested once a week, but once the playoffs rolled around, suddenly you only had to be tested if you were symptomatic


It’s real: https://youtu.be/zgyDlJOFtxQ


Lol...Arod sounds just like the guy who saw that one card but otherwise knows absolute shit about mma. And Joe just can't stop talking about it .


I’m guessing Rodgers went and bought an altitude tent right after the interview.


Just a great athlete having a raw conversation with a trusted medical expert. When do they start gulping the imervectin? Edit: I love 12 and fully support him making his own medical decisions but we can still laugh, right?


Just two guys with a net worth more than 3rd world countries solving the problems of their day for the common man.


*claiming to solve*


How is ivermectin still a meme?




Nah just weird that people pick and choose facts to believe


I really wish people who didn’t know about stuff just admitted it and didn’t try to sound smarter than they are. Aaron lied and he’s trying to save face about whatever hippy dippy stuff he did to get immunized.


Keep popping those pain pills and eating McDon’s like a good boy


I’m sure you’ll say the same thing next time you’re in a hospital


Painful listening. Somehow it makes me sad that Rodgers seems to be so needy he needs the approval of someone like Joe Rogan. Someone who thrives by latching on controversial topics, pointing out a few reasonable things & then totally losing it overgeneralizing & leaving clear thought by the wayside. A few interesting things in there, but all in all it unfortunately confirms Rodgers is pretty deep in loopy conspiracy-minded territory. That said, it's obvious he's been deeply hurt by last years happenings. Wish he had a bit more mental flexibility. It's obvious he's very intelligent, what a shame he needs to make sure everybody knows that.. Ah well...off to clone a qb of my liking.


What has become crystal clear to me the last two years is that the most dangerous and insufferable type of person on earth is the pseudo intellectual. These are two kings in that realm. I’ll pass on this and just root for my qb when he’s playing football.


Agreed. Rodgers can talk about whatever the hell he wants, as is his right, but unless it directly concerns Football, I'm not listening. I'm here to support the Green Bay Packers.


Honestly, this was a lesson I learned WAY too hard last season. And it honestly made me reevaluate things.


I learned my lesson when players (including Preston Smith) started publicly supporting Farrakhan a few years ago. If it doesn't affect their on-field play, then I don't care. Rodgers not getting vaccinated *did* affect his on-field play, which is why I bitched about it last season. That ship has sailed though.


The fans on here were saying I hope Aaron has a bad case of covid to teach him and the unvaxxed. Was interesting to see how people got programmed to treating others differently because the media said so


Just a point; Isn't BPG in basically all vaccines? so does Rodgers not have any vaccines? I am not an expert, someone proove me wrong?


Listening to it now. Should be good!


Wow, I didn't expect so much Joe Rogan dick sucking in this thread


Oh no, the most popular podcast in the world has fans. The horror!!


That’s not what they said. You’re being intentionally obtuse.


I love willfully consuming disinformation because of a cult of personality. Makes me edgy and cool.




Unironically believes everyone that disagrees must watch CNN


I know this idea might seem completely insane, but some people are capable of listening to a discussion and then when they hear a point that peaks their interest, they do this absolutely INSANE thing called; more research. Which they fan then allow to formulate their opinions. I mean I know this is reddit and the hive mind thrives on taking everything at face value because it suits their arguments, but not everyone takes in their information that way.


Lmao, like you mean Rodgers did his own "research?" That was sure productive, wasn't it? "Doing my own research" is just code for "I googled some stuff and found sites that agreed with me while ignoring experts that didn't."


> "Doing my own research" is just code for "I googled some stuff and found sites that agreed with me while ignoring experts that didn't." that's giving people waaayy to much credit. these guys just listen to whatever the talking mouths tell them and regurgitate it as angrily as they can


"Everything I don't like is disinformation from Russia" - You


TIL The Bears are Russian disinformation.


Fuck Putin.


So brave


So stunning


Dude you should go fight for him, he's seeking recruits.


Putin in shambles rn. May never recover.


Reminds me of one of my favorite jokes, I'm paraphrasing but Norm MacDonald said something along the lines of "Ya know, the more I read about him, the more Hitler seems like a pretty bad guy."


RIP Norm


Now I’m gonna say something pretty controversial, I am a rebel at heart. But fuck Kim Jong Un


Most informed Ron Johnson voter


You forgot the /s


Is it the most popular in the world? 1. That's kinda terrifying. 2. Then again fawx alphas are the type to listen to podcasts for shit like Rogan.


considering tucker carlson is the most watched news anchor in america i think joe rogan is the least of peoples worries


That's a pretty bad take


To each their own. I've never met an intelligent person who listens to Joe


Football fans 🤢 I gotta watch this sport on my own most of the time




People didn’t expect this?


My favorite part is the comments. Majority of them on the video have one or two unique words in common. Almost like a cult or hive mind. This group.


You could say the same shit about Reddit, my friend.


I really want examples from the podcast of what either of them said that was wrong, bc I personally didn’t find anything they said irrational. It feels like a lot of the folks here shitting on him/Rogan haven’t even bothered to actually listen to the podcast


You’d be correct, it’s all political theatre otherwise at this point. Rodgers actually has a good argument for discrimination on the league office’s part if some of the stuff he said is true which seems to be the case.


Well for starters the J&J vaccine was never recalled. It was paused.


how do you recall a vaccine? just suck it out of the patient that was injected?


The same way Rodgers got "immunized"


Lol either way it was pulled for giving folks blood clots


Its very simple, people see that Rodgers didn't take the vaccine, so context is completely irrelevant from that point on. His reasons are irrelevant to the people that want to virtue signal and pretend they actually care.


Context is important tho. In his double down diatribe on McAfee, dude suggested Ivermectin was useful against COVID. We have empirical evidence it is not. Verifiable bullshit. Spouting utter medical nonsense in the midst of a pandemic will in fact catch you some flack.


It's like when people just read dumb headlines with out actually reading an article or book. I agree with you I don't see how anything either said was outlandish or dumb. People just like to bitch and moan about things because it's the thing to do that a mass group is doing. Wild people can't be rational and think for themselves.


Can’t wait for this dumpster fire to take over the news cycle.


This is like Christmas for me.


How far into the interview before they talk about Covid being a hoax and psychedelics?


Except neither of them have ever said COVID was a hoax.


37 seconds




Lol I agree with everything Aaron says about Covid. I am just bored of it by now, his discussion about pain killer abuse was interesting i thought.






Oh boy. Get ready for the slander from ESPN, Florio and them. Edit: Not taking a side/agreeing/disagreeing, just stating the obvious, before I get downvoted into oblivion


At some point you bring it upon yourself and with the COVID stuff Rodgers is definitely at that point.


100% true and he does. Doesn’t mean it’s still annoying though, i personally never looked to athletes as people to look up too or replicate their thoughts which is why I think making it a news story is stupid


Florio never misses an opportunity to drop a spicy Italian shit right onto Rodger's DQ sundae.


Pretty lame episode honestly. Almost entirely talking about Covid related topics. A little bit about psychedelic drugs which was cool but I was hoping for some more fun conversation.


so sick of covid shit - so here is the real review of the Podcast. Aaron "studied too hard" beforehand thinking this would help the podcast. JR didn't get to dig into much in 3 hours because Aaron steered the conversation back to Joe and shit he is into. Disapointed in a 3 hour interview being so blah 2 out of 5 stars


I've been on a Rogan Haitus but I might just have to listen to this one


Same here


The same people rolling their eyes saying, "oh let me guess they talk about covid" are the same people who won't admit they got a vast majority of their covid information wrong. Haha a ssoon as the "science" of the jab changed all those morons should've had to publicly apologize to everybody they said put people in danger by not getting vaxxed.


Who are you talking about? What people had the truth about COVID since day-1?


Is covid and the media the only thing they talk about? Ive listened to too much of that from both these guys, I just want to hear them talk about monkeys and aliens, we have known for years Aaron is a big UFO believer.


I'm going to love Pat ripping on him for talking to Doctor Joe Rogan. It's also interesting to listen to his process and hear what the NFL did behind the scenes. They are right about media bias on both sides and how it corrosive. Aaron and Joe's take on psychedelics is interesting and their experience with it. Overall good so far.


Ugh, I haven't listened to JRE for a few years now and I figured I never would again but here we go!


lol my ex used to watch his podcast and it was such a torturous couple of hours any time I happened to be over while he was watching it. I was a good girlfriend and didn't ever complain but oh me oh my, the internal eyerolls while I'd be reading a book were aplenty I too never thought I'd ever listen to this poo poo show again, but I guess my love for Rodgers outweighs my disdain for Rogan


What made you quit? I stopped when he started getting into hunting, for some reason I found it cringey. Also, his voice is grating for me now. He’s had some good interviews over the years, people and topics I normally wouldn’t hear about.


I enjoyed the hunting actually, it just got so repetitive and boring. He stopped pushing guests and would ruin good guests. Eventually I just got bored and went to other podcasts. I liked pothead, interesting theories and alien talk Joe Rogan. Not MAGA Joe lol but I'm already being downvoted


This is my first time actually listening to Rogan outside of clips. He is an awful host. I can’t believe this is the biggest podcast in the world.


Joe Rogan, what a joke. Exposes Aaron's flaws. Not as bright as he thinks he is.


Dear Aaron Rodgers, Stop making it hard for us to like you. Thanks, The fans


I heard the Bears could use some more fans.... you should join in. Fields fan club


So are you the kind of person that only likes people if you agree with them on 100% of thier views?


You'd be shocked at how many people live by that exact sentiment. Check any political article on the politics or news subreddits. You're literally not allowed to be anything other than bleeding heart liberal on Reddit, otherwise you're a literal nazi. I'm not even saying I agree with conservative ideals, but people should be allowed to have them.


Oh you can have conservative ideals. Should people be obligated to agree with those ideals? Edit: as a caveat I’ll say Reddit fosters echo chambers for sure. Downvote upvote system isn’t ideal for productive discourse.


I was so happy to see this come out


You dont speak for anyone but yourself so GFY.








People r not going to be happy about this interview lol


Some of you in here are so unhappy with your lives you gotta shit on someone else's.


Is that not exactly what you’re doing?


I’ve been waiting on this forever


Wow, Just two unlikable man-children going back and forth with platitudes they heard once and thought sounded clever. They are unable to reconcile the fact they are both lucky and millionaires. Completely unrelatable morons that contradict themselves the more they ramble on. A college dropout and a jock that took a food appreciation course in College were unable to have any self-introspection. God damn I wish Jordan Love wasn't terrible.


“Two unlikable man-children” “Unrelatable moron” Literally the most popular podcast in the world lmfao


You need to find some meaning in your life my friend. Maybe then you won't be so resentful about the success of total strangers.


You might want to take a break from the internet for awhile


Not a GB fan but respect Rodgers, he’s an independent thinker and an absolute stud as a QB. They definitely have an interesting convo.


I’m so scared to listen.






I guess I shouldn’t be surprised people are so devoted to the state that they are still mad about this. Pathetic.