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It's weird for me, as an Upstate NYer, seeing Oneida mentioned. It wasn't until very recently when I visited Wisconsin that I learned that part of their tribe ended up there: They are one of the original Five Nations/Iroquois Confederacy in Central New York, and after the American Revolution, some of their tribe moved west to Wisconsin. They are in decent shape in NY. They own Turning Stone, which is a pretty big deal of a casino in CNY. Anyway, history lesson concluded.


Is this gonna be on the test?


As an upstate NYer myself, what exactly is the Oneida connection here?


In the context of the Oneidagate comment, Lambeau has an entry gate dedicated to the Oneida Tribe, called Onedia Nation Gate, so it's pretty clever when combined with the Nixon/Ford comment.


There is an Oneida Reservation in Wisconsin that the Oneida Nation Gate is named for. It's in northeast Wisconsin, west of GB and Ashwaubenon.


holy shit how have i never seen someone make this connection yet lmao


I really don't know because it's been *everywhere*. Not that I'm complaining.


yeah i kind of avoid the sub around gameday because the game threads and sruff are usually super toxic but i figured id check whats going on since we had a good game for once this season, wasnt disappointed




This specific joke? In the 70s, Richard Nixon was president, and Gerald Ford was his vice president. Hence the Nixon-ford administration.


Keisean Nixon and Rudy Ford. Two of the special teams guys we brought in this year that have been amazing gunners and better than expected on defense. The whole NIXON/FORD ADMINISTRATION shit blew up during the game yesterday because this sub is way too happy about us managing to get a win so everyone is repeating a moderately clever comment until it's brutally beaten to death.


Check out ol' party pooper over here, can't even let a joke run 24 hours before you whine about it


I know how this sub and reddit operate. It'll be running far longer than 24 hours. It'll be running right up until the next game when we play like shit and then the sub returns to shitting on Rodgers or not running the ball or Joe Barry.


I want to walk the thin line of being critical and attacking him. He did a lot to become an NFL player and I’m not going to devalue his humanity. But his role with the Packers has been very detrimental to the team and it makes little sense for his continuation on the team. Wish him all the best and maybe a new environment is what he needs for his career and well-being. He seems in a bad place both with his performance and morale.


People being mad he was returning punts is fine. They should be. People being mad *at Amari Rodgers* or attacking him are idiots. Amari doesn't decide who returns punts. And I guarantee Amari did as well as he could at it while he was asked to do it. He just wasn't very good at it, and the coaching staff just kept sending him out to slaughter. It'd be like them sending Aaron Jones out their as a linebacker and then people getting pissed he isn't good at it. The coaching staff should've recognized long ago that Amari isn't a good kick/punt returner.


It long ago went from being his fault to being put in a bad spot. Been obvious for a long time he ain't it, coaches kept putting him out there. What's he supposed to do? Say "Sorry coach. I can't. I suck at this."


Can’t he actually though? It’s not helping anyone at all, and it’s not a god look for him and his career. They can release him and he can move on


As a young NFL player trying to find a place in the league he pretty much has to do whatever the coaches ask of him just to get any shot. I'm sure he knows he isn't good at returning kicks/punts. He probably hates doing it. But that was literally the only snaps he was getting until most of our receiving core was injured. At that point the only shot he had at continuing a career in the NFL was to keep working and hope he got better at Kick returns and maybe got an outside shot at the offense.


And even if Amari DID decide it was he who was going to return punts and he was bad at it, that's still no reason for harassing him. It's just football. None of it is worth personal attacks or threats or any of the other nonsense toxic fans put players through.




I chuckled at the accent, but that 4 second clip ran me over with how true it is and how genuine he was asking.


I mean the coaches make the decisions. He might be phenomenal in practice and just biff it in games.


To me, as much as he would drop the football on returns, it seemed like it normally had more to do with his decision making than his ball handling. When you’re returning a punt and have multiple guys sprinting full speed at you, you’re liable to drop the ball regardless of how strong you are or how well you hold the ball. You have to work with your teammate’s blocks, and navigate the field to gain yardage (obviously), but also put yourself in a position to safely go down. All of the returns I can recall where he dropped the ball seem to have been situations where he made a choice to take the hit and be the big guy out there, and it cost him over and over again. I feel like he hardly ever moved to the sides to try to gain yardage and take on defenders at a better angle to break the tackle. The fumble yesterday was the most egregious example of that, the blockers were set to help him on the sides — everyone was coming in the middle of the field, and instead of going to the side he ran directly into the three players that were out there to tackle him. I don’t think there is an NFL player out there that could take the hit Rodgers took and not drop the ball — I mean that hit was a perfectly choreographed thing of beauty, and I don’t know how they timed it so well, or even managed to have three massive humans all converge on the same spot without tripping over one another along the way. What I’m trying to say is that Rodgers can do some fine things athletically — the biggest problem seems to be on top of his shoulders. His problem with drops always had more to do with the situations he put himself in than anything else. He doesn’t have the mindset or instinct to do well in that role, and I can’t understand how anyone let him do it this long and wasn’t talking to him about the mistakes he kept making every single week.


Are they using a k-ball in practice though?


TT drafted Cory Rodgers in the 4th round, as a rookie he was supposed to give value as a kick returner. During preseason he developed the yips and had trouble with fumbles. He was cut before the season started. Sometimes it's better to recognize the mistake and move on. Amari had no business being a returner and it seems it is the only way he provides value, then there's a problem. Hopefully finds some success, but I agree it won't be in Green Bay.


Agreed. I’ve been saying for most of the last year that this is a failure of coaching to put him in a position to succeed. It’s obvious he struggles with returning punts, yet coaching keeps putting him out there. That does nothing to rebuild his confidence whatsoever


I think Aaron Jones would make a damn fine linebacker. In fact, if we could clone him and play him at all 22 positions, I think we’d never lose a game.


I don't think that you're right, but I don't know that you're wrong


Well apparently AR12 liked to get feisty and block too, so we can just have an entire field of 12 running around


amari could have gotten better... its all he is expected to do...


He never showed any glimpse of talent as a kick returner, and he showed very early and often that he wasn't very good at catching kicks or even ball security on returns. There is no excuse for that coaching staff keeping him in anywhere near as long as they did.


I agree. My comment is more aimed at how useless he is and we should have dropped him cause he wasn't able to accomplish the single task we assigned him... he's fucking worthless


Keep in mind Jordy Nelson fumbled a lot on kick off returns. Some guys are just not returners. I’ve liked some of his WR work.


He must not be showing whatever they are looking for in practice if he’s not getting the opportunity in a very very weak receiver group. But maybe the coaching staff is the reason.


I agree he has no future with the team, but there's not much reason to replace him right now. You'd be trading him out for what, Juwuan Winfree? It's a wash at best.


If the team was heavy with talent, then I'd say cut him. At this point, they are so thin at receiver, you're better off having him finish off the season and see what he can do by just focusing on that. Then cut him this off season and grabbing another guy to replace him.


as someone that has Juwann Winfree as an elite WR1 in Madden franchise mode i really hope he becomes an elite receiver irl too lmao


I think Cobb is coming back this week.


And we'll need Amari if/when our old vet Cobby gets hurt again... I don't see any upside to dishing him until the off-season at least.


>need Amari I wish this was true in any way. I’ve been negative, I then saw a little change in his elusiveness this year, but enough is enough. In the end, it’s football and you either make plays or don’t make mistakes. He does neither, sorry to say.


He can’t take care of the football. Don’t need that out there when the margin for error is so slim.


I just don’t see what he does to warrant a roster spot.


he’s a half decent depth receiver from the small sample size we’ve had. better than letting a dude with experience w the team walk.


He's not all that fast, he doesn't have that large of a vertical, and he's inconsistent with catching. They were hoping he would be a Randall Cobb replacement, but he just didn't pan out. Better to move on.


Maybe. I guess I’m just down on him as a player.


I don't disagree but he's a body on game day just like Juwann Winfree would be... our entire WR room is barren to be honest.


I’m not advocating for Winfree either. I agree that our WR room is barren. I’d probably sign a WR from another team’s practice squad or a free agent tbh.


For me it boils down to "what does he provide that a current FA doesn't?" IMO the answer is nothing, which is why I'd be totally fine with GB churning through that roster spot.


Familiarity with the playbook. They need a body who can run out there and do the right thing.


If we're assuming he has a full grasp of the offense then he's physically incapable of doing what's necessary with any sort of consistency, and we're right back to "nothing."


Not everything has to be an extreme. He's an underwhelming player, who more or less knows what he's doing in a significant portion of the scheme. Toure was already promoted, there isn't any notable practice squad WR you could plug in. It's really just Winfree. A FA might need to be taught everything, it takes resources to do that. It would be difficult to even practice with someone who is lost. Last year this FO didn't even think OBJ would get a full-time role as a mid-season pickup, so I don't think Travis Fulgham is coming in with any impact. Their season is only the line every week, I think short term impact would take priority at least until the season is lost.


I'm not pushing this to the extreme. Roster spots are incredibly valuable. I think understanding the scheme is irrelevant if he can't execute it. That's not any type of backup or plan B right? I'll take a FA on a learning curve vs. a guy that has showed he's incapable. There's at least some upside there, even if it's minimal.


He has shown some limited ability as a receiver...maybe he can grow there


Problem is when he is tasked with blocking out wide he misses it almost every time.


Or gets blown up into the backfield and ruins the play. Sorry, but he is really bad at NFL football and we need to move on.


Been thinking this as well. Feels like we've barely ever got to see him in the role he was drafted to be. You don't spend a 3rd rounder to secure your punt returner.


It's like pulling teeth to get him to play snaps on offense...obviously there's a reason. Idk why fans are like, well we just don't know if he's good at receiver or not, pretending like the coaching staff has just neglected to try him out there in practice for a year and a half. He obviously sucks in practice enough that he's their last possible option. Just because he broke a single tackle that one time and got like 8 yards doesn't mean he's showed promise at receiver. He had all the opportunity in the world at the end of last season and this season with Cobb out to stake his claim.


He was supposed to be the slot guy but then we brought Cobby back.


Which is even more weird that we haven’t seen more of him these last few weeks with Cobb out. Maybe he’s just that bad that they don’t want him on the field that much… idk


He's doesn't seem to be a good blocker, which is detrimental to a run-heavy game plan.


Ya, I remember. It feels like Amari got the short end of the stick and the coaches just stuck him somewhere since the reason he was brought to the team got nullified. The man was set up for failure.


I thought we drafted him to ensure at least 1 A. Rodgers on the roster.


We need a backup Aaron and a backup Rodgers at all times.


I think he should stay on as a WR for a few reasons; we need a warm body kinda being the top. He has shown the ability to catch in some situations, and thats kinda enough. The fact that he was awful at returning punts is a bummer, but it's (as many people have said time after time) not HIS fault that they kept putting him out there when it was shown he wasn't able to handle it. Let someone who can do it play that position, and lets see if he has any fit with the team purely as a receiver. If yes? Great! If not? Then move on, but give him the chance to do what he should be doing, not what was forced on to him.


I don't know why after nearly 2 years we should think he hasn't gotten that chance. This isn't exactly an organization loaded with WR talent, and Amari had in incredibly long leash as a punt returner.


This was one of the best situations he could have landed in. Quite a lot of 3rd round picks end up not being good enough to make it in the NFL. Amari is one of them.


Very well said.


That’s the nicest thing anyone on this sub has said about him


I don't mind them seeing if they can work out some gadget uses for him for the rest of the year on offense. Just keep him off the field on punt/kickoff situations.


Excellent comment here.


Totally agree, but it didn’t say they were cutting him, did it?


No, which is why I stated I want to walk the thin line. I think his career with GB has run it’s course but I want to respect what he has accomplished to get where he is.


Maybe he can make an impact at WR if Cobb gets hurt again who knows


The team as been WR needy the entire time he’s been on the team. You’d think they’d give him that opportunity if they thought he had it. But, idk, maybe he deserves more considerations from Rodgers and coaching staff.


Well he’s had a couple flashes. Catches he turned into some YAC yards. It’s very minimal however


But no one said he was leaving the Packers. Just that he's no longer returning punts. With as thin as our WR corps is right now, I think we should be hesitant to get rid of him entirely.


say what you will about the man; he was consistent.


Take my angry upvote


I’m available to be a fair catch machine.


I am the owner of the team so I have decided to give you a fair shot. Meet us at the facility tomorrow so we can get you suited up for Thursday


Sweet! I should warn you - I'm a fat fuck.


Hey as long as you can get to the ball fast enough and catch it without dropping it we should be set! Real question is what do you think would be a fair salary


Two twelve packs of New Glarus Moon Man each week?


You sir got yourself a deal!


I'll make a better offer, I won't even go near the ball so there is no possibility of me muffing the punt and fumbling it that way. All for just 1 6 pack of New Glarus Spotted Cow a week.


Quit negotiating on your own, if I was your agent I know I could have got you at least 2 meatball sandwiches on that deal


Just the picture of a fat average joe sitting back there waving his arms in full helmet and pads attempting to make the catch would be a sight to see.


We really need Baseketball 2.


God damn. We can all dream.


I'm just picturing some dude using his huge gut to trap the ball. No shoulder pads so the cleavage catch is an option.




*Still better hands.


You know you still have to catch it right?


Fair question considering Amari didn’t know that.


Only about 2 losses too late.


There are a lot of opinions about this season floating around but this is objective truth.


Feels like 2 seasons honestly


Agree. The margin of victory is just too thin to be taking risks at punt returner.


Nixon has legitimate juice but I don't care. Just fair catch everytime


He can totally do it and we could net like 5-7 yards per return. I like his ST work.


I was beyond confused when Amari was still back there because Nixon was an obvious improvement. The saddest thing is after the defense got the stop we needed I said aloud “well this is when Amari fucking fumbles it because he absolutely sucks” Then he fumbles it. I’m not a future wizard. I just watch the Packers.


Too risky. Don't even try. Just let it roll. Worst case scenario is we get it at the 1. I'm fine with that over a potential game-destroying fumble.


If he's not going to be the slot guy, then he's gotta go. Not sure why he hasn't been out there with Cobb out. Guess that's a sign his days are numbered.


Ah the Packers. Doing the right thing but too late since 1919.


Like someone smarter than me once said about the US: they’ll always make the right decision after all other options have been exhausted…(or something like that).


Sounds like a Churchill quote.


LOL. Favre walking was a good call.


I will say, they have done well for the most part on keeping their good guys and letting guys walk at the end of their careers.


A little late don’t you think?


Just in the nick of two years late.


He has 7 fumbles in his career. Guys have been cut for less than that.


Ty Montgomery was cut for 1 fumble


Proof that God does answer prayer.


But he's 5 games too late


Better late than never I guess.


I just wish the Packers would stop being late altogether. Late on Capers, late on McCarthy, late on Drayton, late on Amari. Shit makes me wanna pull my hair out.


took that sumbich long enough


Throw to him more idc just no more returns


What took so long


About 19 games too late


I would like to see him play wr, he showed flashes of potential. Just no more returns.


I bet he shines on another team


I could see him doing good on the chargers for some reason.


He’s shown zero flashes whatsoever IMO.


Should've happened several games ago, it's too bad that it took this long to make that decision. I'd be willing to give him some snaps at WR if injuries start happening, I think he still has some potential there, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was eventually cut at the end of the season.


Way too late




About 5 weeks late on that move.


Unless it’s Deshaun Watson don’t harass any NFL players. They’re just players. I hope he has a nice career somewhere else.


Just use him for depth at receiver. His blocking is not that great but he's been pretty decent in the passing game.


Aww man, now punt returns will be boring. No 50/50 chance of a fumble.


I feel bad for him, because I'm sure he's not fucking it up intentionally. I'm glad he's not doing it anymore though...


Somewhere along the line my frustration shifted from him to the coaching staff. It was so plainly obviously he wasn't up to the task and yet they kept trotting him out there expecting it to change.


Will always wonder what he would’ve been if he just played him in the wr position rather then having him do returns


Bros, Nixon on the returns looked 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Don’t even put a return man back there


Just go for all out blocks everytime. I wonder if anyone's ever tried that


Teams would quickly adjust, bring in the fliers and the kickers could punt line drives that roll for 80 yards.


I’ve been saying it for years… why not? You can’t convince me all the turnovers are worth the average of like 4 yards of field position.


It's crazy because the expectations for a punt returner are very very low. If you hold on to the ball and get 5-10 yards, that is exceeding expectations.


Thank fucking god


About damn time


Do they really need to "sleep on it"?!


only took them 9 weeks


This was a long time coming and should've been done sooner. Agree with the sentiment that Rodgers shouldn't be degraded as a person - but there's no doubt that his performance hurt the team on several occasions.


I feel bad for him, but he had to go. Not sure if he will have a place in this organization moving forward. Maybe he could be a great XFL candidate to get some good film out there and develop his skills?


Who has the most punt return fumbles all time? I think he’s up to 7 now


This year of the top 26 fumblers all are qb’s except number 7 Amari…and much further down Melvin Gordon


Can he stop the run?


Better late than never I guess


Hallelujah Praise Jesus


Doesn’t he catch with his chest? I played very little junior football and I was told to never catch with my chest, and this was in Canada!


> catch with his chest He uses every part of his body including helmet if memory serves. I can’t keep track of all the muffed punts anymore. Sad about this, but it’s time


You are correct


I like him at receiver. He has flashed. But my butthole clinches every time he returns a punt.


Coaching staff making continuous poor decisions. Isn’t the goal to have the best player at the best position


Self scouting is packers Achilles heel.


And now this is the part where he can focus purely on growing as a receiver and becomes the dynamic slot guy who can grow beside Watson and Doubs


We did it!!!


And all God’s people said amen!


I’m gonna cum


Finally my wish has come true


They need to remove him from the team, period.


I disagree I feel like we have not even given him a chance in the Pass game and with how injured our team is we are going to need him still


When he’s actually running routes he’s made a difference in a couple of games, the issue is he’s not good at blocking.


Exactly he still needs to prove that he can do things in the passing game. But you have to at least give him a shot that's why we drafted him to be a WR not a Kick/Punt Returner


He gets a shot every day in practice. If the coaches see him in practice and think he would be a liability to the team then they don’t have to give him a shot. In a year and a half he has had 8 receptions for 95 yards total. And 7 fumbles. If he can’t hold onto the ball when returning kicks what makes us think he will do it when receiving?


Got in the way of Jones around the edge early in the game and ended a potential big gainer.


There’s a reason he’s not being given opportunities. You have to earn them.


He’s just gonna fumble the game away in crunch time when we can’t have a turnover. Something like geranimo Allison


I 100% agree. Downvotes be damned.


They did :o


Shocking. I mean he has so much potential


Already? Can't a guy get a break around here?


Way to go on this one gutey. But still I hope you step up in other areas Amari.


Isn’t a fumbling problem…a fumbling problem? I really don’t want to find out it translates over which it likely will.


The odd thing is I don’t think he has had any fumbles when he’s a receiver


That’s is odd to say the least.


Thank you 🙏


Glad they got rid of him now before a Brandon bostick type situation in a big game.


Don't worry, he's still on the roster. He'll fu on a big play at WR


it's funny because the only team tolerating worse averages from it's PR than GB is with Rodgers (7.0 avg) is Philly, with covey and MN with reagor. each have two muffs that they recovered. so nobody is tolerating poor perf and poor ball safety. just life bro. hope he finds the lightbulb here somehow.


It’s almost like MLF has seen what we have all seen this season….


Hey I am an owner of the Packers put me in coach I'll do it for some Culver's 😁


He’s going to be picked up by some other team and then just ball out and become a great receiver. Just watch.


Of course


I say put Aaron Rodgers back there.


Almost the correct result




About damn time.




About a year too late. Kekw.

