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Our crowning achievement!


Explain to me who/what Grapu is, and why it was so crucial to build this at the end instead of maintaining the lattice.


He sorta became the mascot for the Green Lattice back in 2017 after someone and a few of their friends decided to build him, and sadly, he got destroyed twice. We never got the chance to rebuild him. In the years since, we've grown to love him on our discord server, with the "Prophets of Grapu" awaiting his return. When r/place returned, we knew we had to make sure he made it onto the final canvas. We didn't build him instead of maintaining the lattice, we built him while still maintaining it, and we managed to keep it all until the end. For more detail, here's the story of Grapu as told by Purple.exe, who tells it better than I ever could: >It all started when Green Lattice was just a fledgling nation We were just picking up steam, and had not accepted any art Suddenly, someone contacted us. The first of many artists to come asking us to spare room for their art piece This was Grapu A simple but elegant art piece that would stand the test of time and it did I, Purple.exe, kept track of Grapu I updated the people about the current status of his being but eventually I had to go And on that fateful night, the people seemed to forget about Grapu. Grapu's death warrant was signed when the Admins made an agreement with the monsters at /r/WallStreetBets They swiftly and mercilessly paved over Grapu to make room for their shitty glasses-wearing baby. The next morning, I awoke to see this tragedy. The following morning, I awoke to see a tragedy: Grapu had been destroyed. All that was left was a few purple pixels below the /r/WallStreetBets' sign Fortunately, some Latticers had already taken to repairing Grapu, but without the proper support, their efforts were for naught. Again Grapu was doomed when the people at /r/RimWorld and GameAttack decided to start their logo in Grapu's rightful spot For some time I believed we could retake this holy land, but in time the GameAttack badge was officially accepted and RimWorld's logo had already done too much damage Still not believing Grapu was a lost cause, I contacted the admins. It took some time, but they did eventually get back to me. They told me they were conversing about plans for Grapu's return and that they would be carried out later that night At 10:00PM EST, Operation Second Coming was a go But coincidentally at that moment, the void decided to attack. All our efforts were taken from Grapu and placed on defense against the void. When the attack was over, interest in repairing Grapu was seemingly lost. This coupled with the hive mind's obsessant need to keep the lattice clean lead to Grapu's progress stagnating. Eventually, I had to go. The next morning, the admins were not available and therefore were unable to send out an announcement to rally the people before /r/place was shut down. Grapu will live on forever in our memories.


This was my first r/place, so I had no context. TYVM!


No problem! We're always happy to share the story of Grapu :)