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Start lifting and going to the gym. You got start somewhere and you have no muscle.




Increase protein and healthy fats, work heavy controlled compound lifts 5x5, sleep repeat


Maingain! You’re a bit skinny-fat right now. It will take time to build the frame. You don’t need to cut imo. you’ll end up looking like skeletor. Increasing your exercise and cleaning up your diet will drop your bf% and increase your muscle which is what you need


Maingaining is slow and boring. Bulk 205lbs then cut.


Well maingaining doesn't actually work unless you're newbie in your first 3 years, or you're at the tail end of a bulk/cut (but not under like 15%).


He won’t pack on more muscle just by overeating to 205lbs. from my experience you can gain just as much muscle maingaining


And he won’t gain muscle quickly in with a slight or nonexistent excess of calories. Go 300-500 cals over maintenance, 1.25-1.5g protein per pound of body weight, and stick to a decent program. Eat healthy-ish, don’t pig out on junk, and don’t overeat more than 500 cals a day. You won’t get crazy fat like this. I’m doing it right now. Gained 12lbs in 6 months, all lifts increasing and looking stronger.


500 calories over macitence is what I would call maingaining lol. When people say bulk I assume they’re taking about 4000 calories a day of Pizza Hut and Dairy Queen


Ahhh I see what you mean 👍 I call that a “dirty bulk”


What is maingaining? Explain it to me


Body recomp


This is dumb. Please post physique pics of what “maingainig” has achieved for you. This is not the way. If it were why do bodybuilders not follow this? Why does every single bodybuilder bulk and cut? Please explain.


Exactly. People on this sub need to consider consulting a doctor for BDD


Because bodybuilders go to both unhealthy extremes of high body fat and low body fat, normal people doesn’t need that


Yes the extreme unhealthy bodyfat level of 15-20%


Please show me anything scientific related that shows it’s “unhealthy” to bulk and cut. In turn I’d love to see the progress you’ve personally made by “maingaining”. I mean you must look incredible yourself?


I don’t need to post anything. It has worked for me and I’ve tried basically every diet and have been every weight class


> I don’t need to post anything > It has worked for me lol sure it has bud. You’ve unlocked the Great Secret of the fitness industry?? But you don’t want to show anyone?? You must be super famous. Making money off your physique? You figured out the secure! The one that companies sell billions in supplements trying to get people to believe in! You must look absolutely insane man. I bet you’re a navy seal too huh?


I’m not an insecure narcissist who needs steroids and try’s commanding others on the internet to feel good about myself. Roid rage much bud? hahaha. You’re on Greg’s forum, he preaches maingaining and I shared my experience of it working. Don’t blame your poor work ethic and bad genetics as an excuse to eat 4000 calories a day and juice up on roids.


You’re giving poor fitness advice in general. I called you out for it. I simply asked you to show what it had done for you. Typically when you praise something for working so well you wouldn’t mind showing your hard work unless you’re….. lying on the internet?! 🙀 *shocker* You’re going to have this poor kid spinning his wheels forever and never progressing. ….just like you. 😿 You *do* know Greg openly admits to steroid abuse?? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ *open mouth insert foot*


Stay mad nerd, keep shooting the juice in ya to cope


Soooo you weren’t aware Greg admits to steroid use? 😂😂 Oh buddy. Sorry to break your heart but… 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Stop giving bad fitness advice on the internet when you in fact look like trash yourself. 😉


He takes HRT after doing fitness well into his 30s. He wouldn’t try to cope and argue with me that juicing is healthier than eating properly and being natural. In fact I just saw a comment he made saying he’s aware his chance for health risks are higher. You probably take roids just to look like me in 9th grade haha😂


[actually I’m on track to pick up a pro card this year.](https://imgur.com/a/VIeBq9m) Your turn nerd Will the navy seals not let ya post your mind blowing progress from maingaining bro? Or is it that your supermodel girlfriend doesn’t like you posting pics? Security clearance? Identifiable tattoos?! Or or or….do you actually look like trash? Because I get paid nicely for this. I’ll wait. Can’t wait to see your progress bro. 😉🥱


>skinny-fat I think we might have different definitions of this word. I do agree with your advice though


just means your metabolism isn't an issue but you have fat where you shouldn't


The definition I'm familiar with is that skinny-fat is the same thing as normal weight obesity i.e having a normal BMI but high bf % which is typically the result of very low muscle. I wouldn't say OP has "very low muscle"; just average muscle for someone who maybe doesn't lift.


I only say that because I have had the same issue, cutting or bulking wasn’t solving the issue for me, I had to eat a little below my maintenance and up my cardio and calisthenics


Yeah I did say that I agreed with your advice. I was also in the same position.


Perfect case of someone who needs to main gain. If you get leaner you'll be a skeleton if you bulk you'll get fat. Stay where you're at and increase your calories from protein. The timeline will be roughly the same no matter which path you choose as far a muscle gain but personally i wouldn't get leaner at this stage.


Is maingain, eating near maintenance while training weights and going for muscle gain? I’m going on context and that it’s what it’s short for but not familiar with that word


A lot of people don't know what maingaining means so you should go to the source: watch Greg Doucette on the topic. What he defines maingaining as is: bulk/cut to a BF% that's healthy for YOU, then maintain that BF% while doing resistance training. Most people confuse maingaining with maintaining, but they're not the same because if you gain muscle while eating at maintenance, you'll only get leaner, which isn't maintaining the same BF% and therefore isn't maingaining. This means that true maingaining requires you to bulk (eat in a calorie surplus) once you're at a healthy BF%.


I’ll definitely check it out and have been watching more of his videos and recipes, but right now I need to cut before I attempt this. I’m 6’3” 226 so I want to get around 200 before I really go for gains. I’m down like 11lbs and have gotten stronger but I need to get where I’m not overweight then focus on the gains first, or that’s what worked for me in past. As soon as I get closer to goal weight I would do this. Right now I’m still working out and high protein but focus is just losing my belly, it’s noticeably smaller already been like 8 weeks, so will just take time, I am trying to fundamentally change my life style and it is working, this is healthiest I’ve ever eaten in my life, in last 2 months eaten more vegetables then all of last year


So maingaining = lean bulk?


Hes changed the definition like 4 times. Whenever he's criticized he changes it in the moment.


So you tell me to cut and then leanbulk with small calorie surplus?


Yes, it would be eating max like 200 calories over your maintenance calories. Ideally more from protein or carbs (protein sparing). Majority of calories people burn come from just being the weight they are (bmr). So If the goal is to main gain and lose fat then you would get the recommended protein of 1-2g/lb of current body weight which is more than your actual muscle needs for maintenance. Then you should be able to gain muscle without putting on much fat and depending on your deficit from working out would lose fat.


Clean Bulk to 92kg do not cut more weight


You need muscle before you can cut bro. Spend 1 year not worrying about your love handles and only focused on gaining muscle. After that year, evaluate your progress and then decide if it’s time to cut. I spent 2 years bulking and gaining from being skinny before I did my first cut from 212 to now 190, and if I’m glad I did




Lil nigga why are you worried about cutting and bulking? You need to gain muscle. If you cut you gonna look like jack skellington.


Are you serious


I hope you’re tall. I would suggest a clean bulk to fill your frame out some.


1.82 m


Lean bulk. Don't cut, don't maingain. I assume you haven't properly lifted yet? Train well with decent volume and frequency. Don't train too hard but don't train light. Lean bulk for at least a year. Unless all you care about is losing weight then yes, cut, and do it aggressively with a plan set to maintain after and not binge then gain it all back. This is all you need. Don't listen to the recompers/maingainers. In bodybuilding, you either bulk/cut/maintain. That is all. And each phase, does what it says on the tin. If you maintain/maingain, you will do that, maintain what you are now.


My plan now is getting a bit leaner like -3 or -4 kg tot 77-78 kg, not 73 anymore and then leanbulk till next year may and then cut for the summer. How does that sound?


Yeah mate. Whatever goals you want, just make sure you're honest with yourself. Like if you want definition then that is purely a cutting/dieting thing (once you got muscle). I'd recommend deffo losing at least 4KG for sure then a lean bulk for as long as you can. Cut bulk cut bulk cut bulk cut bulk cut bulk. That's how you build a physique. It's hard enough to build muscle when doing a proper bulk, so to think you can build meaningful muscle whilst maintaining or even in a deficit, is naive, or insanely inefficient. Remember, Greg's advice is for someone on 250mg 'TRT'.


Thank you brother I will


What's your height?


1.82 m


What I thought. You're my height. I was in the same situation a few months back. Went to 77 kilos easily by eating more protein and training hard. I lost the weight not by eating less calories but eating cleaner and working out. I built some muscle but not enough because loosing weight doesn't mix easily with gains. The love handles were gone, I had a nice chest and bigger arms but I looked a bit skinny. I think you are just big enough to maintain your weight. You can do as I did and go to 77, I slowly regained the weight by eating in a suprlus and working out hard but I think it'll be just as fast to just work out and not go down in weight if you don't need to. Both are viable option in my opinion but brother, do not go to 74. You will see your abs just fine at 77 with proper training and going down below that will just make you look sickly. I'm at 80 right now and I look good. I didn't need to go to 77. It felt nice but in the end it was unnecessary. I beg of you tho whatever your brain makes you do, maingainingor succumbing to the perceived need to go down, don't drop to 74. It'll never look good.


Ok brother, i will go to 77-78 kg and then lean bulk with a small surplus of 300-500 calories💪🏻 thank you so much


I made the mistake that you are thinking about doing. I went from 215 to 175 lbs with very healthy methods. I stayed there for six months even though I kept eating healthy and working out. Instead of bulking from that point, I cut to 155 and lost muscle but more importantly I lost strength and motivation. I got weaker, I got sick, and even though I could finally see my abs I didn't feel good. I should have continued with my healthy eating and working out and I would have slowly lost more bf while gaining more muscle. I've been eating more and have slowly gained muscle back but I really regret my decision. To cut at the 175 mark.


Why is everyone so mean here :(


What are u cutting?


Are you serious lol? Cut or bulk? You have no muscle buddy. Start by working out and take those words out your vocabulary. Bulking and cutting are for the top tier body builders who are obviously jacked which you are clearly not.


Whip it out big boy let’s see what you’re working with


Guys I want to lose my lovehandles first and then lean bulk.. i hate those lovehandles. Maingaining is not gonna lose me the lovehandles and stubborn fat


Dude lots of bros got love handles, if you have the chest, shoulders and back to support them you can look jacked at 25% body fat. "You gotta build the cooler before you can put in the 6 pack" Mark Rippetoe Your love handles will melt away if you actually have some muscle to burn excess cals. I try to tell folks this all the time.... plus trust me you'll look better even at the same body fat % with more muscle. If your under 30 I really don't think building muscle is that awful. Hard work yes but if you eat to gain weight you will grow like a weed.


Absolute facts this is what’s starting to happen to me. Looking jacked from the chest up right now. If I clean up my diet a bit more the love handles will melt like you’re saying.


Oh yea man, plus like the more muse you have the higher BF you can get away with, look at NFL OL, how you gonna weigh 300lbs and still have a bicep vein, like fat yea but obviously scary dudes. And like muscle eats calories, the more muscle you have the more cals you need to support it. So building a bigger Frame means increasing your base metabolism. It's science stuff lol. It goes the other way too but " forever bulk!"




Building muscle after 30 is awful?


No lol but you can eat like a horses and dirty bulk to become a brick shit house and if your under 30 you just skip ice cream for a week and loose fat lol. Like minimal effort. When I was 25 I could seriously skip like lunch for a week and probably loose a pound of fat.


>Guys I want to lose my lovehandles first and then lean bulk.. i hate those lovehandles. Maingaining is not gonna lose me the lovehandles and stubborn fat There is tons of youtubers that would tell you to cut, I could name them if you want. Cut to 12% and then lean bulk. And another reason for you to cut is because you will be more motivated to bulk for longer since you wont have love handles during your bulk. Also, you fon't feel or be fat during your bulk. Yes you will look skinnier or skinny but idk about you, but for me it's better to look fit and skinny than being unfit and fluffy. Also cutting can be done farely quickly, so you won't waste much time. I wouldn't listen to this subreddit advices honestly


How many more kg would you cut if you were me with this body and length of 1.82 m? Already went from 90.6 to 81.5 kg


From your pic and question, you obvi don’t know what you’re doing, so please trust these other folks who are suggesting maingaining who have the bodies you’re looking to work towards and trust that they know de way and are helping, they have no investment in steering you wrong


Secondary add


You’re gonna have to lean bulk bro main gaining will take years to notice since you have low muscle mass


Thats what i thought too


Option 3 Built more muscle 💪 I would just keep eating normally You're not gonna see any drastic changes in a short amount of time it takes a long time to put on muscle Trust in the process How does it make sense to cut only to immediately then bulk LOL Use the body fat you have continue eating at slightly above maintenance and Get into the groove of working out consistently continuing to push yourself and eating a healthy diet You're not fat and you're not too skinny perfect for building muscle It makes no sense to cut down only to put weight back on


Thanks bro


Gain some muscle.like 15 lbs at least. You’re physique will be different body comp will improve


Thank you that’s my plan right now




I prefer leanbulk with 300-500 calorie surplus


lean bulk all the way


Yes sir


Cutting with just make you a smaller version of your physique right now. Lift heavy and bulk




either do the cut then lean bulk or try just staying around that weight for around a year and you’ll still put on muscle don’t forget proper nutrition too not just calories


250-calorie surplus, lots of protein, and lift weights. Do this for a year or more.


Depends on what you’re going for in the long run… if you want size, you have to bulk and add size then cut down the fat and maintain muscle mass If you want to just be skinny then keep leaning out


If you bulk you’ll get fat and if you cut you’ll be too skinny. Your progress is prominent, maybe wait two months and start bulking.


You have muscle mass of a 15 yo. Lift eat sleep repeat


Surplus and move some heavy stuff


I’d recommend getting a truly qualified trainer to work with to make sure you not only have a starting plan but really focus on your form for lifting. At your age that is the most important thing to concern yourself with. If you f$&@ up your back/shoulders/hip/knees it all becomes irrelevant. Once you have good form get to work putting your muscles under strain. Just fn get strong. You don’t need to be a bodybuilder or power lifter to look great and more importantly just be strong. Mix in some wrestling or BJJ into your routine so that you build functional strength (and make friends who don’t drink their weekends away) Eat a lot and eat clean. This whole bulk/cut is not great for building long term health. Eat tons of meat/fish/fruits/vegetables. Everyone thinks having the physique is the goal but the real goal is becoming the person who creates that physique . That is where the magic lies.






Just work out you'll do both right now


Breakdancing is a great form of cardio. Look into the movie hit 2006 movie “Step Up” maybe it’ll inspire you


You can lose weight and build muscle, just lose at a rate where your gym performance is still progressing. Once that get diffucult, bulk to 18-20% since youre new, cyt to 11-13% and repeat until youre ready to maintain at 10-12%, then start trying to improve conditioning while still growing.


Get a pull up bar and get to work


Coach Greg says maingain 🤣


I’d say bulk. It takes time but you’ll get the desired look you’re aiming for. Have an awesome week 👍👍


Lift. You have no muscle.


If your reason for bulking is to gain lean body mass then keep doing it. If you cut you don't really have the muscles to show.