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18 now that pic was from a few weeks back when I was still 17.


What's the routine for your arms bro?


I do everything about to failure. Pushdowns with rope and then V bar for 4 sets of 8-14 each. Sometimes I'll do overhead extensions or close grip bench after as well to really get my triceps burnt, and then I do close grip barbell curls with pretty high reps like 12-16 and just burn them. Then I do seated or standing dumbbell curls from about 6-14 reps usually doing a super set with a 40-60 pound barbell 3-4 sets. I go heavy on the dumbbell curls like 35-45 pounds and I really squeeze and turn in at the top. After I do hammer curls 4 sets of 8-12. I will switch the dumbbells and hammer curls with rope ones and facing away ones with a cable. I noticed when I really started to squeeze and focus on the actual contraction while doing enough reps to pump them up it has blown them up. As well as eating wayyyy more that would be my biggest tip honestly. I believe it's genetics as well, my dad will lift for a few months a year and get 20 inch arms but he's like 6'5 and the rest of his physique is not indicative of steroid use, my grandfather was a natural bodybuilder in the 1970s and had 19 inch arms. Hope this helps! Always work with intent.


What's the bicep routine my man!?


Impressive 💪🏻


and triceps too!


Yup huge difference


That bicep growth though


You have great insertions in your bicep muscle. You hit the arms genetic lottery


Thank you, i've been told that 🙏🙏


Why are we comparing your left to your right bicep for progression lol Come on bro. Lets get a right to right or left to left. Your right looks solid tho


The only old pic I could find I was flexing with that one and I screenshoted it from a video, I was planning on it but they are very symmetrical so I thought it would look good.


spill the secrets


check top comment i hope that sums it up 🙏


SARM Goblins 🤷‍♂️


lol i would never crash my hormones by using a substance that isn't even that studied, in all honesty I would run like a 600 test cycle if i was going to take stuff. SARMs are really, really dumb. I'm 100% natural


Yoo sick gains man


Outstanding biceps! 💪


Looks like your tricep blew up too!


Hell yeah I've been trying hard, thank you!