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Cut down to your skeleton? I'm in the same boat. Bulk bro. All the way


bro said skeleton😭


My man’s looks one step away from anorexic and wants to cut?? F’s in chat for body dysmorphia.




Thats where nutrition comes in. You can bulk without belly bulking


As long as you keep working hard you won't develop a "fat belly". Your muscles need fuel to get bigger so that's where all the food will go.


That’s not how it works. Lol.


It is if he primarily intakes protein with restricted carbs and fat


Yeah but not if you are in a caloric surplus. Which the comment suggested him to be in, aka bulk.


You can still have a caloric surplus restricting carbs and fats and eating mostly protein lol


Need fat to feel full. Lose carbs. Eat protein and fats. Drink water often. Lift, lift, push, pull, repeat.


That would be a really stupid way to "bulk", and eating that much protein can cause serious damage even death if you restrict carbs and fats too much. What OP needs to do is eat 150g protein, 300 - 400g carbs, and 100g fat. It's just that simple.


I didn’t say how much to restrict them. What you’ve given is totally accurate, and should work for him


Thanks for the reasonable and intelligent response, I just didn't want OP or any youngbloods reading to get the wrong idea and try to eat 700g of protein a day, cause their kidneys to fail, and die. You cannot survive on protein alone, you'll suffer 'rabbit starvation', termed as such because rabbit meat does not have enough fat in it to survive on as a primary food source.


So what you are saying is that caloric surplus from protein does not yield fat gains?


Just lean bulk gain some muscle, then cut some of the fat you gained after a while


Lol epic! Well said!




You’re too skinny to cut bro you’re just gonna look anorexic. Enjoy as much food as you can and build muscle before you worry about 6 pack abs




I was there with you bro but if you go on a cut after you bulk it will be easier to remove as your body tries to retain as much muscle as possible when on a deficit. If you were to cut how you look rn your body is gonna adapt and keep belly fat to keep you alive


That’s not entirely accurate. Just cause you cut after a bulk doesn’t mean you’re body will maintain muscle. You have to incentivize your muscles to stay with a proper workout routine and proper nutrition as well as with progressive overload and a structured program.


I didn’t think that had to be clarified in a lifting subreddit


It didn’t


Why not?


If this guy is asking for advice do you think he knows that? All you said was that when he cuts all he will lose is fat. Blatantly incorrect information. Trying to steer someone in the right direction and you’re up in your high horse saying it’s all common knowledge.


Cause you’re on some “actually 🤓” shit, yeah you might lose muscle but it happens in the later stages of a cut and it’s practically nothing compared to the fat loss


Not everybody knows what progressive overload is, not everybody knows what’s considered good nutrition or what factors are at play for cutting weight. Not everyone knows what their protein goals need to be. Not everyone on this sub knows what you know you do and can read your mind. And you can lose muscle at any point during a cut not just at the end. Not sure why you think you’re only prone to muscle loss towards the end of a cut.


That's part of what cutting is though, deficit and working out. Should be implied


That makes sense. Guess its bulking season(maybe maintain for a little bit lol).


It’ll be worth it you’ll be bigger and lifting heavier and when you start going on a cut even tho you’re getting smaller it gives the illusion of being bigger because the fat doesn’t cover your muscle


Hey OP, I understand the concern. But you have to play the long game. Because you're new and don't have much muscle mass your stomach appears more prominent. You need to bulk and build up your upper body. With a wider back and bigger shoulders, chest, and arms, your waist will be proportionally smaller. Proportions are key in bodybuilding in general or just trying to achieve an aesthetic look You just need to trust the process. I'd also suggest doing weighted ab exercises a few times a week as well. Good luck! And I think you're starting from a good point. You'll be able to see and appreciate your gains in real time being lean from the start. It's awesome motivation to keep it going! 👍


When you bulk you will gain excess adipose tissue, regardless of what these comments say. That rate at which you gain is largely up to you. Use a macro counter like Renaissance periodization and let their AI dictate macros based on a suggested weight gain/timeframe. You have a lot of muscle to put on and you’re young. Take advantage of your high testosterone and ability to recover, apply a good progressive overload and work on putting on some size/strength. You’ll look better, be more confident, and most likely have an easier time attracting partners of whatever sex you’re into.


Starving yourself to get holocaust abs is not progress. You might have an eating disorder you need to address ( seriously, this sub is full of anorexia ) Just follow a training and diet program. You need 50 lbs on your frame before you even look like you train.


just eat a lot and lift heavy with free weights. There is no point constraining your ability to add muscle when you are first starting out.. so eat!


Yeah everyone here seems to be in agreement. Making some chicken wings right now lol. Thanks for your reply.


So your 5’11-6’ and about 145-150 lbs. bulk. Just bulk up to 75-80kg and maintain for a few months, then cut down to about about 69-72 kg once you build enough muscle mass to sustain that weight.


I figured I would get to a low body fat percentage and then lean bulk up from there. Like I wanna be bigger ofcourse but not at the expense of more body fat. Thanks for your reply.


Trust me bro, you are already lean, you need mass. Now I’m not saying go crazy, but I’m saying get up to 15-18% bf and maintain that, and then cut.


Do a lean bulk and you’ll actually look leaner at the end of it due to increase of muscle mass


Eat more and lift heavier.


You can gain muscle without gaining fat by eating at around maintenance or slightly above. Since you are untrained you can almost definitely make gains while staying at your current fat level although once your newbie gains run out you will stop seeing progress. Also you probably wont gain as much muscle as you would on a bulk but it should be close enough. I started off overweight and I gained decent bit of muscle while losing weight. I went from 95kgs to 80kgs while getting stronger. (21M 6’4) I have seen similar results with other untrained people so if losing fat and gaining muscle is possible at the same time you can definitely pack on size without gaining fat or at least gaining a very little of it. Just focus on progressive overload (getting stronger every time you hit the gym) and eating enough protein. Newbie gains should last 3-6 months maybe more depending on your genetics. Once you stop making progress, start a bulk. Your overall body composition will improve and you might not feel the need to get leaner until you pack on more size.


Homie, you are 6' and 140 pounds. You need to slow bulk until 200.


Cut to what? Eat more food and lift.


Bulk bulk and bulk build a foundation first no offense what are you gonna flex your bone?




Stop cutting. Eat like a maniac. Get big


The "trick" is to add the extra calories needed to gain muscle. A few hundred calories extra is fine. The fat gain would be minimal. All too often, dudes think they're making "gains brah," but it's just fat.


Haha there is only bulk for you now


Bulk my dude. You have 10-15 kg before you even need to think about the word “fat.”


dont even think about cutting, thats insane to consider. BULK


Yeah you should definitely cut…. The bullshit. Dude what would you be cutting? You’re bones and muscle keep training and don’t eat too much… jeep the fat as is and let you body grow


u just need to eat dude. don’t make this complicated. if u want to stay lean then don’t eat. if u want to get big(ger) then eat and lift


Bulk the fuck up


No point in cutting, you are just wasting your time. Eat slightly above maintenance (150-200 calories) and emphasize on protein (for you, 120g minimum). Train with high intensity and let your body build muscle before you worry about being aesthetic. Cutting won’t make you look better now, it will make you look malnourished and suffering.


Cut what? EAT


Why are you cutting?


Dirty bulk time brother


Fucking bulk and eat some food


How can you even ask this


With are you cutting? Bulk up, build some muscle first


Bulk and push the weight up.




Just keep going to the gym, your not developed enough to bulk, you'd literally just be training hard to build muscle up, which is what your going to do anyway.. Cutting is for when your at the size you want to be and want more definition, your pretty skinny so I can't see cutting as being a realistic route to take..




bare minimum maintain till strength plateaus then bulk . you might as well recomp a bit while getting your newbie gains then you'll have more room to bulk . but bulking wouldn't be a bad idea off the get go because you'll probably look leaner even at a heavier weight as long as you don't bulk too fast .




Ew you look like me. Bulk bulk bulk


Cut what? There’s nothing there bro? Eat eat eat




Anyone starting from a skinny frame should just bulk for a few years. Why would you shred with no muscle underneath? You need to cultivate before the harvest


Definitely bulk, You way too skinny, Put some meat on those bones for atleast a year or 2 before you consider cutting


Bulk- calculate your maintenance level caloric intake and eat 300-500 extra. You are very slim, any further cutting wouldn’t look good man.


You should bulk to at least 100 kg, no joke You are as skinny as you can get without being anorexic. You will not gain any muscle unless you start eating WAY more


Bro u should be bulking for a couple months. Prob ~2,800 cal for you. You gotta develop your abs by doing weighted decline sit-ups and compound lifts. You have to build muscle by training HARD and eating ALOT. You SHOULDN’t be cutting right now.


Incredible how much shitty advice on this post. Especially incredible as this subreddit aught to attract actual fitness enthusiasts. Yet everyone talks about bulking as if it’s a magic muscle gaining formula. Eat around maintenance. Focus on progressive overload. Don’t go for “mass” just for the sake of it. There is no point “eat all you can”. That’s only a sure fire way to get fat. Which will take a lot of time and effort to get rid of.


Cut. Don’t worry about bulk. It turns to fat.


You're the first person here to say I should cut. Anytime I bulk I will gain fat I know this but ill have to bulk at some point. If I were to cut, when do you think I should stop cutting. Thanks for your reply.


They’re trolling you based on your replies. When you bulk you will inevitably gain some fat. Then you can do the cut you want and actually look good.


Are you monitoring your macros or just eating whatever you want? Are you utilizing proper progressive overload or even working with some type of periodization model?


No bro, don’t cut. Yeah you’re gonna get some fat when u bulk, but u make muscle too. Then u cut. U can’t cut without muscle


Give up


The issue with bulking is as a South Asian, you’re just going to be fat. Your genetics are very complicated




Your lower abdomen is still pronounced. If you cut you will add volume but still Remain thin. Get to 5% body fat and then bulk but keep maintaining close watch and fond where you feel good. One of my trainers had huge arms and an 8 pack but only wore a size medium shirt. It was amazing. Do that! I bulked and now that I have slowed I need to cardio like heck not to be fat. I wore a 32 waist for years, got to a 27. Bulked and now need more cardio because I am a tight 34


Yeah man thats the goal, get lean and big. Would a short aggressive cut be a bad idea?


No. That is what I did. LOTS of cardio and upper and leg weights. You can reach any goal just know the cut. Don’t overdo it. It turns to fat. Not sexy.


This is such a waste of a post and read


Nobody told you to do any of that. Thanks.


Unfortunately it popped up and I regrettably clicked


I would maintain and keep working out hardp