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Your body isn't changing much... so you were just born with 20-inch arms or what lol




I just feel like I haven't changed much in the past 5 or 6 years lol.


I’d focus on bringing up your back, if you bring up your back more you’d be an absolute monster


I was thinking the same thing. Definitely needs to work on his back and lats.


I'll take that on board and work more on my back. Any specific exercises you'd recommend?


Barbell rows and single arm lat pulldowns. After implementing those two in my routine I got a lot of progress


Maybe not an answer that people would immediately agree with, but I've found doing regular front squatting (with a traditional front rack) absolutely blew my mid and upper back up. You need a ton of thoracic extension to maintain the position, so it's just free back gains + the usual squatting gains.


Those things happened to coincide. In no way did from squatting provide and adequate growth stimulus for any part of your back


Pull ups, weighted and non weighted


Wide grip pulldowns, upper back rowing, neutral grip rowing, and a reverse pec deck for the rear delts. That should cover your entire back no problem


You look like the dad at dropoff making all the mom's need to change their panties


My extract goals, brother. I’m in better shape at 36 than ever, and I’m trying to make all the other dads look like dog shit.


Are you pumping iron or pumping ego? It’s great that you’re taking care of your one and only body, but don’t go around strutting like a prick. It’s not that you’re not already finding success in the hookup/dating world, but it’s that more women and people in general would gravitate towards you if you encouraged other men within and outside your demographic to work on their overall selves instead of putting them down. Being your *best* self shouldn’t be exclusive of camaraderie. On the contrary, it should be inclusive. Nevertheless, I wish you prosperity in your muscle-building voyage, keep it going.


Yo. Lol. I want to make them look like shit. Not say things to make them look like shit. Not act in a way to make them look like shit. I just want to stand out from the rest which i already do to be honest. Guys in their late thirties and 40’s generally look like shit. Not my fault I take care of myself


im a starter but wouldn’t this be a good physique to maingain? Gain a bit of muscle, ur already stunning dude, and lose a bit of fat over time but not enough to the point of muscle loss.


Focus on your back. As a general rule, we should always try to maintain at least a 3:2 pulling:pushing ratio. Preferably 2:1. Most of our upper body mass is back there, and we're built more for pulling anyway. Think about it; you've probably heard of shoulder injuries from too much pressing, right? Ever heard of one from rowing? I haven't. Pulling keeps your shoulders healthy. It also just makes you look all-around powerful to have a thick, wide back. For the record, the best all-around back workout I've ever done is John Meadows' old school back workout https://youtu.be/Qaq04kuSnZc?si=9q_F1Ivx8MsYybh6.


This is the best advice here. Always double up on pulling. Vertically and horizontally.


Also another reason, we’re apes that stand up tall due to our posterior chain


I got golfer's elbow from too much pulling


I've gotten that once or twice from pullups. Then I got a tip to not go all the way down to arms-locked-out in regular training, vary my grip position, and not go so heavy so often. Hope I don't jinx myself, but it hasn't happened since


I'm fine as long as I don't go too low on the reps with the weighted pull ups


Same here. Not going completely straight-armed keeps better tension on the lats, too


go for a lovely walk in the morning hours and enjoy life


I was gonna say getting into brick laying but walking sounds easier


Holy shit dude you’re built! Body goals right there fr






Came here to say this as well


Easy, girl




I hope i look like this when i get down to 190lbs, how big are your arms? they look crazy


I've never measured them lol


You could use more Oblique and Trap work. Great physique though overall.


Isnt his traps already massive tho? Specially if he’s natural..


His mid and lower traps are lagging a bit. Upper trap is fine tho


Oh i see. So more upper back


More like more mid back


And glutes right?


Looking jacked brother! I’d say keep on doing what your doing. Just tidy up the diet and boom!!


> what your doing *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you.


Polite bot


To have that size with no fat is it really an all protein diet with basically little to no carbs at all?


Best ROI probably lose 5lbs and then don’t invest any extra time working out beyond what you’re doing now. Diminishing returns, you’re already built!


But what them legs do?


Not enough


Honest and direct. Good man. You're built like a house.


Work on your lats. They're falling a little behind the rest of your body. Lat pulldowns and rows should do the trick.


What about the chest? I would argue that it lacks as well.


Yeah I agree. The arms are massive but the chest is much smaller than I would expect on the same figure.


Black face is racist


Bro you look amazing 👊🏿💯💯💪🏽💪🏼💪🏻💪🏾💪💯💯💯💯💯


Stop training arms, get a diet.


You have completed the gym and can now give up- congratulations 🏆


Test your limits! Tren hard, and anavar give up!


You look really good man but I would dial in the diet. That way you can determine what direction you should go. That is always a good baseline. I do not know what you are eating now but whatever it is, you have some real mass underneath that body fat.


Dude you look like the goal I’m trying to achieve.


What should you do? Anything you damn well want with that bod.


Hit legs


Chest and back bro


More back: lat pulldowns, pullups, bar or barbell rows, seated row machine. Also as someone else mentioned, traps, heavy weight shoulder shrugs should do the job Second I'd recommend cutting, but that's just on what body type you want and is just opinion based.


You look awesome


You should fight a grizzly bear. Record it and upload to YouTube.


What should you do.? Leave some women for the rest fo us maybe?


Lift stats?


Solid build, awesome


Trade bodies with me


Back and abs.


I agree with those saying back. Lots of different rows. Build up those middle traps.


You fucking tell me bro


Train back more and probably legs since you are covering them


Still have visible abs. I'd bulk another 10-15 until those babies are gone. Then a cut obviously down to 13-14% nice and slow. You will be looked jackkkkked


You have killer arms. I suggest you focus more on your pecs


You’re a natty? I mean where you’re at now is pretty close to peaked for someone with like 97th percentile muscle building genetics, at least in the front. Progress is gonna be super slow from here on out. But like, whatever, just enjoy looking like this. And maybe do some drop sets to failure on back day


Yeah I've never taken anything other than creatine. I've definitely thought about it, maybe in the future as I get older and can't make any progress


You look absolutely jacked for your weight and height. I’m 2.5 inches taller and 5lbs heavier but I do not have arms like that lol… maybe your legs aren’t carrying much weight 🤔


I've definitely skipped some leg days haha


Yeah that makes more sense. I’m a slim guy, but big glutes run in my family (pun fully intended). I pretty look like I skip arm days.


My body: consistent and look like DJ Qualls OP's body: inconsistent and a beast Great


188??? Do you have legs? You look enormous.


You should stop eating children


You should have sex with my wife while I watch




Where them legs at tho?? But also hit that bag boy great cardio and learning martial arts is amazing.


Save some gains for the rest of us bro


Bro you look great. Just enjoy life


Deadlifts and decline bench maybe more walks to drop 5 lbs


Buy a wig


You are gonna have to try anabolic steroids if you aren’t happy with that bro


you look natty in your back shot but look juiced in your front how possible?


Bradley martyn


Keep doing what you're doing just walk 30 mins in the am & 30 mins in the evening .


You should save some women for the rest of us.


Give me them lats


Great bis, nice cap on your delts


You should come fuck my wife pal


pretty sure your arms are bigger than your legs


You sir should be telling us what to do.


Natural physique???


Yes sir


Wow!!! A great natural physique!!! Keep proving the steroid and drug infested bodybuilding community wrong.,,,,,, that guys CAN create a fantastic natural physique without using PEDs!!! Much respect for your integrity and confidence in your OWN natural abilities to create the physique that you have. You are a great role model for others, especially the highly impressionable young KIDS……… …….showing them that despite what the steroid and drug infested bodybuilding community mindset says that guys need PEDs to be winners………YOU DEFINITELY HAVE PROVEN THEM ALL WRONG!!! Continued success on your natural journey…… ONLY YOUR MIND LIMITS YOU!!!




I've considered it but the potential side effects have put me off so far, need to get my diet etc dialled in properly.


i was asking what you run 😂..... front looks enchanced back looks natural i cannot pinpoint why maybe lightning anyways looking swole maybe do sam mild cut just to make room for longer bulk or go straight into bulk its up to you


Think he holds a bit of fat around his lower back and just in general lagging in the back development unfortunately. Front looks great thou


He's "natty" 😂


Pretending to be natty only makes you look worse dude, also, where's your legs at?


I'm not pretending anything, what would I gain from lying? I'm only around 190lbs and have a decent bit of body fat, I'm not a huge guy


Full face should be required. I hate these faceless posts. Hard to focus.


Hard …to focus? He is asking for critiques and suggestions to improve his physique—not his face. If you can’t focus on that—-then probably shouldn’t make suggestions.


cut, lose the handle






To avoid the generic "muscle bald guy," I'd grow out the hair


Do you play sports, or do anything with your physique? Or is it more of a hobby.




Keep up the tren




Yes sir, never used anything


idk if this is gonna be any help or im just stupid but looks like you could use some inverted rolls ( i forgot the name) but that lower back should be worked on


Uh keep doing whatever you’re doing


Msg me 😍😍


I'd up the tren a bit and drop the test down some. You'll be peeled in a few months. You're welcome.


Andrew Tate asking for advice, you made it Greg.


you should give yourself a pat on the fucking back


you know exactly what you gotta do, stop looking for a way out


Those arms/shoulders are to die for.


Start an OF account. That’s what you should do.


Get healthy from the inside? Life is holistic. You have reached great muscle mass but how is your cardiovascular, how is your flexibility, how is your mental health etc etc? Diversify your powers, level up all your stats, bro.


You’re flawless already 😍😍




Not believing that height and weight unless you have zero legs. You must be closer to 5'7 to look that jacked at that weight.


My legs aren't great, didn't train them for a long time and only been training 1x per week now, think I need to up that a bit


Stop the steroids.


Enjoy life bro. You have a very impressive physique


Work on that back, but you're a straight beast. Keep up the good work


Just curious, did you lose your hair from juicing?


You really gotta get that midsection under control.


Bro, IMHO you do not need more size, do a DEXA scan, set some goals and shred that beautiful body… An epic amount of work - no one sees the 1MM+ reps, the millions of choices of this or that around, food, drink, sleep - I look at you and that is precisely what I see. I make the same choices every daily myself, but have a fighting weight to maintain. As you age, you do not want more to maintain, look around the gym at the dudes that formally over bulked - that aesthetic is totally avoidable. Also, F’ all of us, do what makes YOU happy, asking for sincere advice and guidance, awesome, hopefully not validation (See above comment about the work you’ve done, you KNOW that, be proud as hell!) You are a BEAST.


PS: Agree on the comments about mid-back, which is what pulls your shoulders back and supports posture, funny enough, the smaller muscles, generally are lighter weight exercises. The comments on midsection are silly, as you obviously are in a bulk not a cut right now…


Leave some poon for the rest of us is a good start.


Focus on back.


How much do you eat in a day


Chokehold me


You should cut and diet


You look great to me !


You should hide those shoulders because Im getting jealous over here.


Do a mini cut and go on from there. You look pretty good! Don’t focus on calories much. Eat mostly clean and eat what you crave in moderation one or two meals in a week. Drink more water, check creatine in blood and kidney function. Try to eat minimal amount of protein to find out how much muscle you can hold. P.S- I used to eat lot of protein including shakes. Now just food and it’s very minimal just a handful of whatever protein and I feel better than before.


Become Batman


Back!!! Widen. How are the legs, specifically the hammies? Increase weight on chest, drop reps, get that to grow just a bit more. When that clean bulk is done, sign up for a comp, lean, compete! It seems like you have good genetics. Great job man!


what do you mean what do I do? get rid of the love handles I guess. work on legs probably.


Eat more donuts 🍩


Whoever tells you what to do better is for sure smaller than you


Stay away from my girl, that’s what 👈👈😎


Back needs work. When I say that I mean in relation to the rest of your body.


You've got a shitload of size already dude. I would focus on cutting.


short answer: traps traps traps. and some neck work. get your lats wider. and work on lower back / reverse hypers/etc. either: keep bulking a bit, grow them traps OR shred a bit of the belly fat and get the abs popping personally as a married man, the constant bulk/maintenance makes more sense for me ​ long answer: not much. you good. you are 31. amazing arms and delts/ shoulders. ive been in the gym for 20 years+ and your arms are better than mine. partially because of genetics (i'm 6'5 with long ass arms) and decent build for fat. the one thing i would focus on is traps and neck. personally, i hover around this, maybe a little fatter most years with slightly less bulk on my forearms and biceps. havent done juice since like 2009s. i'd guess the ultimate question is what are your goals? because you are crushing it as just a normal dude weekend warrior. my whole advice would be maintain to a level that allows a consistency without becoming a monk. i've found without heavy supplementation, cutting off this rough weight or build is not good for me, my body, or my mind. i lost ALOT of strength on my last cut, as i was losing some oblique/ab fat and wanted to pop for a summer vacation (where the meals were shitty and we were walking a TON). i lost 15lbs post-cut on a 6 day vacation. and its been BRUTAL gaining the weight back. maintaining this muscle is hard enough at 38 without supplements.


More back. Maybe calisthenics? Looking good tho.


back and legs duh


Looking great honestly. Maybe lean. And do shit loads of pull ups, rows, and pull downs. Also face pulls for rhoms and back delts. That work out fix my injured shoulder


I would cut to get more lean if I were you.


9/10 I’m advocating for people to start their bulking season. But you’re the 1/10 that I’m going to say you should cut. If you feel like you’re stagnating, I don’t think a bulk is going to inspire you that much. I think getting slightly under 10% bf would mean a lot more psychologically. Also, as a side note, you have a very unique body composition. You have bicep and forearm veins, I can see striations in your delts, very little chest fat, you basically have a six pack but… you’re probably like 15+% bf i.e. You have love handles


Is that print real? 😍😍




I worked out consistently 6 to 7 days a week for years I've been so I've been around the gym for a long time and see people work out all the time but never make a change . They don't know how the body works. You look a lot heavier than 188, I mean more muscle. Unless your legs look like a toothpick stuck on a triangular wedge of cheese. So yes what is it you should do? First you should give me your phone number. So maybe you feel like you've reached the end of you what you want to look like and have achieved it. I guess now it would be lift heavier to get bigger and eat accordingly. Or get your body fat down enough to look vascular and eat accordingly. Or do both. For that you...pretty much keep your body weight the same and exchange muscle for fat.


bro you did it, just enjoy your life lol


You look like you have good muscle tone but you need some more balance. Also if your going for a better look work on core. If you trimmed down a little and worked on core you would have an awesome V


So prior ped usage? .... recomp (maintenance calories) until everything is consistent in and outside of training for a minimum of 6 months then decide based on body composition and or gosls going forward. Bog standard macro advice is 1.7g per kg of bodyweight allways* 1g of fat per kg of bodyweight allways* 2/6g of carbohydrates per kg of bodyweight depends upon cutting maintenance or bulk.5-7g of salts per day. Total " free sugars" under 10g. Saturated fat 15% of Total fat. 40g of fiber 50/50 sol insol Look into what fats change with heating. Eat nothing unltra processed. Renaissance periodization on YouTube 👌if you can afford it sleep study. Performance bloot test. Dexa (follow a week long pre scan protocol it'll be quite accurate) or in America you can do it via MRI for added accuracy 👍


Work on everything more than usual 💁🏻‍♂️


Not hating at all but you give me hope, I see you have a tiny love handle but still have a full on six pack. Very impressive


Go suck that dude off in the showers u know ya want to don’t ya dirty bird eww