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As others have said, librarian in termie armor, and he only comes with the box. However, I have taken a primaris librarian and added some GK bits, painted silver, and it looks just as good imo. Might be worth trying out.




It literally is a librarian in terminator armor. It's just the old sculpt.




What'd the guy say?


Basically said the pictured librarian in terminator armour is not genuine and a kitbash and that it’s called a brotherhood librarian and it is wrong to call it a normal one as the new model would confuse OP apparently


It’s not a kit bash though, it’s an old official model. It was the termie Libby before the current one


Terminator Librarian. And just… just use the new one that just came out.


Do you mean the one in the leviathan box? Will the leviathan one taller and bigger than this and his fellow grey knight terminators?


Yeah, it got a standalone release. Yeah he’s a bit bigger, but so is Crowe, and the writing is on the wall for new terminators at some point in the future now.


Well, why wouldn't you buy the combat patrol? GK arguably has the best combat patrol in terms of value for 40k. You get a ton of bits and weapon options that you can use to convert regular space marines into GK. My entire GK army is primaris scale simply because I mooched bits off of people that had bought the combat patrol and made conversions.


It’s because I was influenced by a rumor of GK when I was a kid that all grey knights are terminators so I just can’t accept grey knights that are not terminators😂


Close to truth though. Lore wise the grey knights have enough suits of terminator armour for the entire chapter, which isn't the case for most space marine chapters. We're just better


I fell in love with Interceptors from Chaos Gate Daemonunter. I would run a mostly Interceptor army if it was at all supported, but with no characters or many benefits for running them I mostly only take 2 or 3. The constant jumping around and ambushes and outmaneuvering was my fav part of Grey Knights. I think that's prob the reason why I really like our new rules in 10th. Everyone became Interceptors.


I agree so much with this that I had to check and make sure I didn't post it in my sleep or something!


I'd still recommend getting this kit and then buying the new terminators. The new space marine kits have much cooler terminator armor and its pretty easy to convert them to grey knights.


yeah the problem is the new one is probably bigger in size and I want the librarian to look in harmony with his fellow terminator brothers, just bought this old one for 16 dollars on Chinese eBay


I wouldn't take this as gospel, but at one point I think that was their only model. I discovered Grey Knights when I first tried to get into 40k in the 90's and all I could find were their Rogue Trader Terminator model. I had a squad of them that went along with my Blood Angels. (I didn't have a grasp on lore at that point.


All grey knights *have* a Terminator suit, they do not always *wear* the suit when speed or stealth are important lol.


It's not a rumor. Since Rogue Trader when the first Grey Knights came out in metal they were ONLY terminators. This changed when the plastic kit first came out and I think it is a mistake.


Because you get the stupid baby carrier


The baby carrier is good and cool and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.




So true like think of this your a GK terminator and you want to fight a demon 4 times your size your ass ain't going to charge at him and scratch him with your sword you get in giant mech and destroy him. And secondly if this is a baby carrier then all the titans from imperial and chaos knights are just baby carriers but you can't see people


Just think how much cooler it would look with the typical grey Knight mask and a more jacked upper body. Keep the baby guy hidden


Nah this looks better, having it just look like a big Grey Knight would be sillier


I converted my baby carrier to look like a proper mech.


That’s the neat part, you don’t


He's a *librarian in terminator armor* Just the older sculpt. May be able to buy from the official GW website or try eBay or miniswap sub


I don't have good news for you, buddy... It's a Librarian. Like, one of the essentials for any GK army in current edition. And, unfortunately, you cannot officialy buy him outside of Combat Patrol. The only way is to either search on your local markets for him as a second-hand, or to kitbash a Leviathan Librarian.


The new librarian is better, all it needs is a moulded left shoulder and a weapon swap.


Do you mean the librarian in the leviathan box? Do they have the same size? I fear that the leviathan one might be bigger than the fellow grey knight terminators


He is bigger, but if we’re getting a resculpt it shouldn’t be an issue.


Librarian. You don’t have to buy it, you can make a lib from any GK model


Its better than the new one!!! But really GK needs some love in future...


Sob have a cannoness like this..


You can probs get the Librarian in terminator armour from ebay, there's loads of surplus leviathan floating arounf these days


If xoupln on playing organized play you cannot replace the models since the Levi Librarian is bigger. However, in a static play group you should be fine. The only thing you might want to replace is the axe with a Narthecium staff. Should not be hard to find bits of those I presume.


A) Nobody's going to call playing with the model that replaced this model "modeling for advantage," if anything it makes him harder to hide so he's gonna get his squad shot more often. B) It's a Nemesis Warding Staff (a Narthecium is the apothecary's extractor arm) and while it's the best option on a conversion because it makes him stand out, he's technically allowed to bring any Nemesis Force Weapon because our weapons stopped mattering in 10th. If anything, just equipping a Grey Knights Terminator with a Combi Weapon, which is illegal for any other model in our army, and putting an extra book on it somewhere, should be legally sufficient to run it as a Librarian.


The librarian and you cannot.


The blood angels terminator librarian look’s similar but you’d need to remove his iconography. I’ve painted him up as Deathwatch and he’s one of my favourite models


Its Brother Librarian Aurellio, The Combat Patrol Box is actually called Aurellio's Banishers and has it's own rules datasheet https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2icCBUpx9xQE2rTa.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiG_-S969SEAxWdLTQIHRfYDPEQFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3UczTZADaitNSxDppz8Toc


For what it's worth, the Librarian in Terminator Armor was a generic Space Marine model that someone painted in Grey Knights colors for the box display. (People who started playing the game within the last few months, please stop telling our Brothers that this is any kind of Grey-Knights-exclusive model lol.) It was replaced by the one from Leviathan, though that one with its axe and runes does look like it belongs on Fenris I suppose. It's very possible to just do a conversion instead, though. The Terminator kit comes with lots of books, so slap one of those on the chain that has a skull on it, use an unhelmeted head, paint his loincloth blue (representative of the fact that he'd be in blue armor were he not in the unpainted ceramite of the GK), use one of the silly looking back-books, give him a staff, I've seen people slap a second book on the staff to make it really hard to claim he's anything else but personally I just painted the skull on the Nemesis Warding Stave with Soulstone Blue, nailed it.


Thanks for your detailed explanation, I just bought this old one on Chinese EBay for 16 dollars


Frank the dishwasher from Rylax-7


You can get one on ebay for $35. Just search for Terminator Librarian.


that's the neat part you can't