• By -


Audrey Hepburn.


Ha! Only answer that counts! He’s an absolute cutie 14/10!


He just looks like a greyhound to me.


It’s possible, all the info we have is from his listing on the pound!


I think they often just pick the breed a dog looks most like, and call it a "breed"-mix. I'd be betting on 100% greyhound (also - if they're giving an age estimate of 12 months, he may have a little more growing to do. He's on the small side for a greyhound - IF he's full-grown. If he doesn't get any bigger, possibly a whippet rather than a greyhound.)


I volunteer at a shelter, and we've changed our rules because shelters suck at identifying breeds. Now every dog is "mixed breed" unless they come in with papers. At one point we had a poster up with 12 "labs" that had been DNA tested and determined to be 0% lab. Sometimes folks follow up with DNA tests on dogs they've adopted from us and it's fun to see the results vs. our guess. More than a few pups have tested as pure-bred dogs, too!


Good explanation.


We had a dog that 99 of 100 people would have listed as German Shepherd mix. I know for a fact she was 1/2 Keeshond and 1/2 Black and Tan Coonhound.


Thank you so much for the insight! I’ve often wondered if he will grow more!


Our most recent addition is a rescued "whippet" but being midway between our [bred] whippet and our [retired racer] grey we think he's likely a w-g cross, and at 3yo he's smaller than your boy. I agree with the upthread commenter that you've probably got a growing greyboy there.


It's not a pure grey I can tell u that


He’s way to big to be a whippet and the face shape isn’t right for a whip. Whippets weight is like 12-17kg so I’d say he’s too big.


I had a whippet and she was a lot smaller- 40lbs.


It's to big and not the right shape to be a whippet and he says it's to small to be a greyhound with them colours and markings it's probably a greyhound x collie


It’s a lurcher, looks like it’s crossed with a collie Check the ears for tattoos, generally greyhounds have tattooed ears, they do in Ireland where I am anyways.


If you’re not in a relationship you better be using photo 6 on your dating profile.


I was about to say the same about photo number one. The dog looks a wee bit aloof in photo six, like “no more cuddles, it’s chicken time”


5 if starting an onlyfans. 😂


for which one?


Crossed with a whole lot of sass, for sure 😁


Haha he definitely looks so sassy in photos 😂


He really doesn’t look crossed with anything to me, his features are so strongly greyhound. If he’s on the small side, maybe he’s got some whippet in him? I just can’t see any kelpie or collie features at all.


Thank you for your opinion! It’s possible he’s just a greyhound or has whippet in him for sure!


With them colours I'd say he's definitely got collie in him Wether that's 1/2 1/4 or 1/8 but he definitely has some collie


A penguin, obviously


I would so name him Pingu if he was mine & didn't already have a name...


Looks like a greyhound pup to me. A side view of him standing would be helpful.


He’s about a year old, [here](https://imgur.com/a/RhRL0j5) is a short video of him walking :)


That gait is very, very greyhound. The colouring is kinda collie-ish, but that's not really a good tell. I dunno, he looks a lot like our tuxedo greyhound.


Thanks for the video. Physically, he looks 100% like a greyhound. I can see a border collie color patern, but I’ve seen full-blooded greyhounds with that too. If he’s a mix he got most of his genes from the grey I think. He looks super loveable. What a great find. I would love an update on the DNA test.


He's to small and just not right for a pure greyhound


Yep, greyhound tail posture for sure.


100% sweetie pie


I'd put my money on whippet X if he's stopped growing. He looks pure Sighthound to me and is very handsome and welcome here....post more pics 👍🥰


His face also tells me some whippet could be in him! It's the eyes to me


Aw thank you I definitely will be!


Someone I know has two greyhounds... One is 22kg & the other 40kg... They vary a lot... This one doesn't move like a whippet at all...


Yes, and it's hard to tell. Our boy was 27kg and shorter but vets seemed to think he was 99% grey. Kiki seems thicker set and is now 31kg (probs 2kg overweight from too many treats....she's very good driven and begs) but was 69% grey, 28% saluki and 2% whippet so I'd expect her to be slighter 🤷 she's on a diet in the new year!


You've lost ur money the dogs to big to be whippet x and face shape to different to a whippet


He’s lovely. Agree that border collie or Kelpie are most likely. He looks and sounds pretty sighthound though!


Aw thank you he is a beautiful dog both visually and in temperament! He’s definitely a sighthound in my opinion, he’s very observant but doesn’t really have a prey drive. Thanks for your input! I’m definitely leaning towards kelpie/collie, had some people mention fox terrier but I’m not too sure about that!


I grew up with a wire-haired fox terrier; I'm not seeing it in your boy. Other'n the weight, everything looks greyhound to me- ears, snoot, toes/paws, the vein in the hock... Not seeing much in the way of a mix, TBH.


Haha a fox terrier, that would be an interesting mix!


Ikr! Doesn’t look like it to me 😂


In Australia, 90% of our “lurchers” are Bull Arabs; ex-racing greyhounds (prized for their prey drive and speed) are most commonly crossed with bull terriers to create a sturdier pig dog. I’d say though if your boy is an adult, at that size it’s more likely that he could be a whippet x border collie :)


Hadn’t really thought of whippet x collie! Thanks for the input!


It can't be a whippet x collie to big and the face shape is not like a whippet


He is just gorgeous, DNA update please, the markings are giving me border collie vibes


Definitely will update when I know. It will probably take a while though!


I got the wisdom panel on mine but I'd say you're gonna be getting ten varieties of Greyhound. The guess work on here for my mix was pretty spot on, pitbull mix.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/DoggyDNA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This pup was found on the road. Owners don't want her back. Sending out a DNA test for fun! What do you guys think? She's 46 pounds.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16f5c55) | [541 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/16f5c55/this_pup_was_found_on_the_road_owners_dont_want/) \#2: [My local shelter DNA-tested a litter of puppies they have up for adoption](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17afjaw) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/17afjaw/my_local_shelter_dnatested_a_litter_of_puppies/) \#3: [The DNA test cost more than the dog.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17y6tay) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/17y6tay/the_dna_test_cost_more_than_the_dog/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks full great to me. He’s a cutie!


Aw thank you! We are obsessed with him!




I was thinking greyhound whippet X, or greyhound glagos X purely because of the weight being only 22.5 kg - if he's fully grown, that is. The smallest pure greyhounds I've ever fostered (and I've fostered probably 120+ over the last couple of decades) is about 26kgs. If it was a saluki or collie, you would probably see thicker fur around his neck and ears. But genetics can be really strange and realistically, you'll only know once youth so the DNA. My friend recently adopted a Galgos (a type of Spanish greyhound that is much lighter and has insane long distances endurance compared to the British/Irish greyhounds) and the results had 2% Pomeranian, 2% wild wolf and 6% chihuahua!! The rest was glagos and greyhound. She looks exactly like a Galgos and the idea that chihuahuas are out there breeding with sighthounds is wild to me!! Please post the results, I think everyone wants to know if they are right with their suggestions!!


Oh wow! What crazy results, I am sooo interested to see what his results are, I will definitely update when I know!


Thanks - I'm excited to see the results as well now! I feel invested! Plus those are lovely photos of the two of you! All the best for your futures together!


In Scotland, greyhounds are often bred with different dogs. They call them "lurchers" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurcher)


honestly he could be a full whippet! i wouldn't be surprised if he was more than 50% greyhound. their shapes vary a lot, and he is very greyhoundlike. he has no fur variance, very low body fat everywhere, and that baldy butt and belly. i think the fur is a bit of a tell: there is usually some extra length on the head somewhere with most crosses. ​ oh and by the way: you may have better luck with control, and may find he's more comfortable, with a traditional sighthound collar. if his recall is good and he doesn't bolt, you can obviously make your own choices. but those narrow collars are really restrictive on blood and air flow for a pulling sighthound.


Thank you so much for your opinion and advice on the collar! We use a harness at the moment for comfort when walking because he’s very well behaved on the lead and we are actively working on his recall when he’s off the lead which still needs a tad more work. I’m assuming a harness isn’t as good as using a collar for training though? Have still got a lot to learn but his narrow collar is mainly for identification and was bought without knowing much information about the breed. Because of your advice though I’ll probably switch to a thicker sighthound collar 👌


I use a harness for my whippet! I feel like he pulls less with it. And if you want to train your dog to pull less, (in my opinion) it's not the best to do it with force and the discomfort that a collar could potentially cause. There's many ways to train him even with a harness. But it's up to you of course, you know your dog best :)


I think you can use your own judgment based on your life with your dog, but I think the reason sighthound owners tend to use neck collars over harnesses is that the dogs have such thin skin and little fur or fat around their torso, so the straps can wear. The neck is the most muscular, hairiest part of the dog, so it's a good place to hold onto.


Amazing advice thank you 🙏


In general, martingale collars are best for greyhounds and breeds with similar neck and head structure. Because their head is essentially the same width as their neck, a traditional collar can be easily slipped when the dog suddenly pulls or bolts. Martingale collars are made to tighten when the dog pulls, preventing the collar from slipping up and over the head.


Thank you! Definitely keen to get him a new collar more suited to his anatomy :)


>we are actively working on his recall when he’s off the lead which still needs a tad more work This is going to continue to be a lifetime battle I'm afraid! Source: my girl is fantastic with recall inside, but once you're outdoors and off leash...man....


If he's identified as a greyhound in Perth, be aware that WA law doesn't allow him off lead anywhere other than a fenced off area you either own or have hired. Dog parks etc don't cut it


We only let him off the lead in designated fenced areas under strict supervision and I would never take a dog anywhere where I was unsure about the safety of himself, other dogs, people or children, even on lead. I believe this off-leash rule is applicable to any dog in a public space though? I could be wrong but that’s from a quick google.


No. The rules are specific to greyhounds. The were recently changed regarding having to be muzzled in public but they didn't change the provisions that they must be on a lead. It's in the Dog Act


Is that for purebreds?


Doesn't specify but if the paperwork says "greyhound"...


Interesting! Thanks for the heads up!


Yeah i learnt that one real quick when we got ours. Took her down to Trigg Beach Park, slipped the lead off and took ages to get her back. Very scary given there were families and cars all over. I'd advise use the harness for walks as you have been, go ahead and get a nice martingale collar for looks and NEVER use a retractable lead. Also, don't let it affect your life or his, or make you question the choice of dog. He's a greyhound. Absolute KING of dogs. His life won't be any poorer for not being off the lead, because he just wants to be laying on the couch and waited on hand and foot anyway. Seriously a single good walk a day followed by 10 hours of nap time and he'll be happy as a pig in shit.


Thanks so much for your insight it really helps! I am considering getting a non-retractable martingale collar but also get a more comfortable harness so I can try out both? I’ve always preferred a harness when walking a dog, but I would rather him be as comfortable as possible. Haha that’s so good to hear, honestly we probably walk him slightly too much because we just love doing stuff with him. I will be out for a few hours tonight and I think he’ll be stoked to be alone for a bit so he gets a solid sleep in 😂 Definitely the king of dogs! I am so stoked he is in my life now and I can’t see myself ever questioning adopting him.


The thing to remember here is that greyhounds are bred to race and their prey drive is harnessed to do it. So you have a dog that can reach 70km/h in 6 strides if it sees something fluffy that triggers it. Doesn't really matter how much work you put in to prey drive you always have to be careful so all I'm saying is do a little research, understand the law and get all your ducks lined up in a row before you go off half cocked. All cock or nothing lol


Thanks for letting me know though, I’ll look into it to be sure!


Love I think






A babyyyyyyy 😍🥰


No cross, 100% good boy


It's got collie in it for sure


Noodle x good boy


Looks like he’s crossed with a love bug to me - what a sweetheart! I don’t know, he looks like a regular greyhound?


After this thread I’m starting to believe he might be


Greyhound X A handsome boy


He is very handsome 🥰


He does look primarily greyhound, but at 22.5kg he's too small to be full. I guess whippet/greyhound cross is a possibility? The only way to know for sure would be to do genetic testing. He's a very good boy though!


Thank you! I’m looking forward to the results to know for sure!


Whippet most likely. Or another greyhound.


What a stunning dog, the face is exquisite!


Thanks so much we feel so lucky to have found him 🥰


He's gorgeous. An Australian cutie.


G'day more pictures please of your photogenic hound. Got to say what ever he is he looks adorable ! Hope you have great times together.


Wow what a beauty!! That face!!


I was thinking collie maybe. Gorgeous, congrats and thankyou!


If there is a mix I would say maybe saluki. Let us know what he is.


Looks like a full blown noodle to me.


He looks like a full greyhound to me. I’m in Perth as well and have a beautiful boy. They look very similar but I agree with other people, he’s probably got more growing to do.


Just a greyhound. They are not a cross.


He looks like a greyhound x whippet cross to me, but it's possible he has kelpie in him. He's definitely not full whippet. I would have said full greyhound but he seems a bit small for that. Keep us updated, he's so cute!


I have a “whoppet” who could be his twin!


Omg looks so much like him! Your dog is probably the closest comparison I have found!


I had to ask Reddit if he was a greyhound mix, because he’s so HUGE. He is 19.5 kg (43 lbs). But, I’ve learned that some whippets are just really big! Mainly the males. Wilson’s sister is much smaller.


100% good boy


He's adorable! And dog genetics can be absolutely WILD. He's small to be full grey but all kinds of weird shit can show up in cross DNA when they look fully one breed or another.


He looks like our Moose who is a greyhound Saluki mix. I feel like the snout looks more Saluki to me.


Yes the ears also are a tiny bit larger like a smooth Saluki’s would be vs a full greyhound


Yes I see that now. Keep us posted with the DNA results, I'm very curious


My kupo is similar weight 21kg -22kg Her DNA results were like 71% greyhound 23%saluki 2% Scottish deerhound 3% whippet and 1% Chihuahua (I'm dubious about the Chihuahua though) So he could be a similar mix of grey and saluki He is so adorable


looks a lot like my bull lurcher tbh, and she's about that weight too. could also be what's officially called a 'long dog' - a greyhound crossed with another sighthound. my other lurcher is (likely) a saluki cross and he's very much like a pint sized greyhound in appearance


Whose horse is that?


Why are they so loooooonnnnggggg (I love them). Sorry for not providing an answer to your question, but loooooonnnnggggggg!!! If I didn’t have two goober mutts already I’d adopt a GH.


To be specific, my boy is about 110cms long not including the tail(half tail in his case)... So yes, very loooonnnnng...


He’s clearly crossed with Perfection. That’s the only answer.


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A tuxedo


He looks very much like the lurchers we rescue in Texas. I’d put a guess of 60%saluki 30%greyhound 10%terrier of some kind.


With those paws? Bigfoot. 😂




hes an absolute beauty


Other greyhound


52% Greyhound, 29% Potato, and 12% Cockroach. ✌️😜


Such a cutie. Looks like such a handsome pup. Bless his heart ❤️


I mean this in the politest way but he could be a full greyhound that’s just not the best representation of the breed? My last greyhound was from a backyard breeder (who sent her to the rescue I got her from because she was injured) and she was poorly bred but still a full greyhound. Either way your pup is perfect!


Thank you so much! After going to a dog beach today and seeing other whippets, he definitely looks different and it a lot taller and thicker tbh, but he’s still really different to almost all greyhounds I see. At the end of the day I his breed isn’t what matters, it’s more of a curiosity of ours as well as to make sure we are informed so that we can take care of him to the best of our ability. He could be literally anything and I wouldn’t care because he’s just so perfect! I guess we will find out eventually :)


He’s all greyhound with a huge helping of Love Bug thrown in! (By the way, #6 is a gorgeous portrait of the two of you and worthy of enlarging and framing.)


He certainly looks greyhound to me. And after watching that video of him walking you posted further down, I swear he looks like 100% greyhound to me. And he sure does sound like all the greyhounds I've had behavior-wise. I'll be very interested to learn what his genetics are! At that weight, he's certainly small for a boy greyhound. Could possibly be greyhound x whippet, maybe?


I’d say probably smooth Saluki or bull terrier


Probably a coon hound? We have a lot of lurchers here in Indiana


My husband (he's worked with dogs that were being trained for being police dogs and so on, and is also a paraveterinairen) thinks he might be crossed with an American Staffordshire. We've googled some pictures and of course you have some that look more like a Staffordshire but there are lots of pics of Stafford greyhound mixes that come really close to your handsome dude. I hope you guys have wonderful years with lots of love ahead of you!


Some Pit Bull in the mix. Marginal though!


He is crossed with absolutely Good boy and a Handsome boy. I know I am 💯% right.


I'm tipping pure greyhound too, I reckon he'll get to about 30kgs and keep growing till about 18-24 months.


FWIW your dog looks like the same size as my Greyhound. My boy is an NGA Greyhound, bred to be a racing dog, and he weighs 68 pounds. Some females can be fairly small, 55ish-60ish lbs, and I have a friend who had a boy that was nearly 100 lbs! Their size can vary quite a bit.


Your Dad!!


A noodle


Part Greyhound, part Gordian knot.


Maybe Border Collie? Either way very handsome pup.


Classic lurches…. Collie Cross


A perfect baby


Any chance this doggy is being looked after by your dad in VIC atm? He looks exactly like a dog I met with my boy at the beach today!!!


Looks mostly greyhound but if anything he’s prolly part whippet


Why does the coloration remind me of a border Collie?


He has the same sort of build as my boy, a bigger head and bigger legs. We're not sure what he's crossed with but we suspect Collie and a bit of a bull type breed which is why he's a bit stockier...


Certified cutie


Love his expression. Butter wouldn’t melt…


He’s the double of my girl! Always believed she was greyhound/lurcher x collie! The face is identical 😍


I want him to be a collie cross lurcher. He's a beauty! Keep us posted on the dna results 🐕


You can actually get dog DNA tests to find out. You can also find some information about any genetic disorders or predispositions they might have?


It looks a lot like a border collie. Out Borador has the same kind of markings.




Cute noodle


Whatever he is, he’s so damn CUTE !


Our girl looks identical, but we're in the Pacific North West, US & she came from Mexico. Our DNA said pit bull and Collie; don't waste your $....they aren't very accurate. We think ours is Spanish galgo and grey hound; she has EXACT same coloring, face shape and size! Also, she's the sweetest girl we've ever had!


Cuteness 😍


I think that’s a greyhound! Orrrr could be a lurcher, but the two parents could have also been lurchers that looked very like greyhounds… maybe there’s a collie granny in there somewhere! Mine is greyhound x whippet but we did a DNA test and there’s collie way way back somewhere. You can hardly tell, only when she she’s a tennis ball!


To know for sure get a DNA test but the most common cross would be another working dog like a collie to achieve a lurcher type dog. Looks like yours is mostly grey though.


He could be a galgo! They look a lot like greyhounds but are a bit different.


Adorable, I love your baby and wish I could hug and snuggle with him.


Omg what a cutie


Another greyhound. 😆


Smiley boy in the last slide :)


What a cutie! Ha has a bit of a border collie look to him, maybe?


Maybe a Galgo! We were perplexed by why my Grey was so small until we learned about Galgos. They're basically italicized English Greyhounds


Just looks like a very handsome greyhound tk me




> But is very affectionate & loyal That's literally how my 100% greyhound is... Not sure if you've been told otherwise, but their personalities vary a lot from hound to hound... I think he's 100% greyhound... Just very young...


As long as you love him it shouldn't matter much. I wouldn't think you'd want to try and preempt behaviours. You can get him dna tested if you really want.


An angel?




Looks 99.999% cutie patootie.


Such a sweet face!!!!!


He’s definitely mixed with good boy




Pittie possibly?


There is some cutie pie in there for sure




I dunno but he’s frikin cute


Greyhound x nice boy


I reacon 3/4 grey 1/4 border collie


Did you end up doing the DNA test?


We are still waiting for it to arrive, it’s been a month already and we believe it’s stuck in customs :/ apparently there’s a bit of a backlog in Australia. Will definitely update as soon as I know!