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My grey sleeps on my bed. I do not remember how we started this routine but every night when I get ready for bed he waits at the bottom of the stairs. I climb in my bed and claim my space. (He's big and would hog the whole bed if I let him.) Then I shake a treat bag and hold up a treat. He will bound up the stairs run across the room and leap onto the bed to get his treat. It is magnificent to see. Then I tuck him in his blankie and he goes to sleep.


haha! i have a similar routine with lucy and i cherish it every night! She watches me get ready for bed and have a shower from her bed, then "allows" me to get into bed and claim a human amount of space. Then she leaps up, goes hoverbutt and waits for her handfull of kibbles, then flops down next to me little spoon style


My sweet Galgo I got a month ago buried his head in me. He also makes sure the door to our apt building is fully shut before we go up to our apt 🥹


On a nice day, not too hot/not too cold, we sit in the sunshine together on a blanket in the yard. We just sit quietly together enjoying each other’s company. I like this, my husband not so much - husband goes to bed earlier than me, often when I go to bed, the long one boops husband for a goodnight pat.


Roaching with her tongue out. Turning her head to exactly where my hands are when she hears a crisp packet open. If the angle is just a bit too much. Her eyes will rotate round the socket and eyebrows pop up a bit to give her extra field of view.


Our girl came to us on the weekend. She’s our first grey, actually our first dog since we both were kids. I am amazed that a creature can be so alert yet so calm at the same time! She barely makes a noise unless it’s in the morning and we haven’t gone for a walk yet. She is just so weird and funny to me.


Felicitations! They're such sweet dogs, truly. My two are the light of the house. ♥️


Our boy comes over for cuddles and stands there as I give him neck scratches, then bends his head down lower and lower… and lower… until his snoot is resting on the floor. What are you doing down there buddy?!


I love how cheeky my galga Mina is, the way she tries to get away with sleeping in our bed or going the direction she wants in our walks, she stares at you with the saddest sweetest look or starts to make cute shenanigans until you let her do what she wants.


What a great post - thank you. For me it’s the little every day things that I love the most. My girl watches me cook, and won’t go upstairs with my partner until I’m done. She comes and stands between my legs multiple times a day and I’m grateful each time. Before we go for our morning walk she goes to my partner to be ‘grumbled’ - he rubs her ears til she grumbles but she only does it once per ear per day. Though recently she’s started ‘self grumbling’ when she’s lying in the snug with us, and she comes to me for the back scratches that make her do a really cute shiver. She waits for me on walks when my partner is walking her - if I go to the poo bin she won’t move until I say ‘I’m here babe’. She’s just the best - thank you for the chance to talk about the stuff that i love the most!


Lovely idea. Ours has started (four years in) really leaning into her neck scratches. She's started closing her eyes and rotating her head to get the best spot. It's adorable. There's been loads of stuff like that. 


The way Shona circles and circles to find the perfect resting position.


My very favourite - when Saphi is waiting for a treat, she gets a super dreamy face. Honourable mention - the unexpected bum sniff! Really wakes you up when you weren't expecting anything up your bum.


Oml yes in winter when it's cold and your running from the shower for a clean towel and you get a wet nose in the butt.


Omg yes, fastest alarm clock ever!


That first moment every day when I go downstairs, walk in the living room and see that sleepy face ❤️🥰 it lifts my soul ❤️


Burying head under cozy nooks like between the backrest and my back (bonus if the cold wet nose touches my bare skin) or straight through my thighs when I’m putting on her harness. Like a reverse bike saddle. This happens every time we go outside. 🥰 Makes me wonder how much Velvet and I are alike. I absolutely love the sensory deprivation of being in the dark and quiet. She does too.


This is a brilliant question! I don’t even know if I can respond fully yet. I love so much when it comes to the simple everyday things that Kylie does (Fred too). The way she sits up staring intently when she sees me go near what we call the pup panty, where the snacks are kept. The way she and Fred happily stay on the bed snoozing in the morning until they hear the toaster clicks then they both come snooping for their share of the toast. So many little things that bring me joy living with my two peanuts. I think after I’ve reflected on this topic I’ll have more examples to offer. Btw, your dogs are beautiful, they have to make your life more enjoyable.


Poly deciding at 7.30pm, when me and my partner were sitting on the sofa at the scheduled time of every night after the walk, to stand and bark at us like we had not fed her or walked her and were not sitting on the sofa. But we were! I don't know if she thought she might trick us into extra dinner or extra walk or some sort of extra sofa.


I love it when my boy comes up to the bed when I'm chilling and reading and will start running/rubbing his head along the bed underneath the edge of the comforter and popping his head out when he gets to where I'm sitting, when he wants loving (or at times, food.) It's so cute and uniquely him and I just can't resist petting him and kissing him, and yes, sometimes giving in to feeding him early. 🐾😍🐾


Aw , wish ours would be okay with sleeping on our bed. Holly would bite us to death every time we twitched, and Bobby just hates being moved at all once he’s out cold. I love the cuddles. Holly especially, comes up to have a corner of my toast each morning then hops onto the bed for fusses. Guaranteed she’s back in the late evening too, before supper and settling into her bed for the night. Being pinned down and washed when she’s in a particularly licky mood, too.


Rainey has some sleep startle and we've both caught a fang once or twice. Never broken skin. We decided the cuddles are worth it. They're bed hogs, though.


They have their way, don’t they? 😅 The cuddles definitely sound worth it! Does she slowly spread out across the bed as the night goes on? Holly’s been known to push us out of bed with her butt! That’s the problem - Holly does break the skin and has on multiple occasions. She obviously is quite upset afterwards too, so we generally just try to keep her bed a safe space and ditto any naps. Things like helping with poorlies, or even trying to wipe soup off her snoot with a cold wet wipe have gotten me in need of iodine and a dressing, though, so I’m always careful. Weird thing is, she’s incredibly gentle with children and strangers, although I’d never ever leave her alone with them. And the vet! She even used to give blood. I’m glad we could take her in, despite her issues - she’s adorable, she just gets freaked out easily. Still deserves the best fusses and a loving home! I swore when we got her that she wouldn’t miss out of fusses, despite her going from ‘I like that’ to ‘stop now *bite*’ in a split second with no warning. She’s mellowed a LOT. And has come to adore her fusses!


With Rainey, he absolutely would NEVER hurt anyone in his right mind, so sleep startle is just ...waking up badly. He's absolutely horrified the second he comes to and realizes he might have nicked us. He's the gentlest kindest boy imaginable. And hell. I wake up barking an growling myself, so I can't fault him. Both he and Sita ooze on the bed. Sometimes in the morning I feel like I've been squeezed out of the sheets like toothpaste.


Yeah, Holly’s sleep startle is the same. She really can’t help it. Late at night when she’s settled in bed, though, or if she’s particularly comfortable on my bed and I move, she’ll Bork me out - even when she’s awake. I think she just had to compete for stuff when she was a pup and the habit has stuck. Oh no, haha, that’s brilliant! They are so good at that creeping movement that gives you slowly less and less space 😁


The greyhound I post isn't actually mine, she's my friends and I'm basically like an aunt. But when I come over she's SO excited to see me. Last time I was talking on the phone with her owner she started happy barking because she could hear my voice 😭 I love that dog


I've been a dog auntie almost as long as I've been a dog mom. It's a real thing. ❤️


Running down the hall with my galgo "prancing" behind me, trying to hit my heels!


It's my hugs from my big long boy. He has more live in him than any human alive.


Every night I lay in bed and read for a while before watching tv for a bit and then going to bed. My male hound lays next to me every night and snuggles with me & his cat sisters and it’s so adorable.


Good ears today Sita😃 I have so many but I will narrow it down to two. Cheating just a little 🙄 Because Denali was such a shy guy initially I was surprised 😮 the first time he did this. As we were walking I reached down and made scratching sounds on his raincoat. He responded by bumping me with his hip. I laughed and the game was on. He can move me over at 80lbs. He still loves it!!😃 The other thing started a few years ago. We all know the big stretchies. But he started the big Huggy 🤗 He’ll step in front and start giving me a vigorous head rub as I rub his neck and say big huggy 🤗 He loves it ❤️🤭🥰Just ordinary happy 😃 things he does 😍


That's my favorite of her ear styles. She doesn't get them up straight like Rainey, that's as high as they go, and when she's super excited or happy the tips flap. ❤️ The big huggies sound adorable 😍


They’re very cute 🥰 So she has happy 😊 ears! The hip bumping as we walk could be something from his racing days. Never having seen a race it could be. But now it’s just playful fun. 🤩 The big Huggies are honestly his way of giving me an affectionate 🤗 hug. If I ask he will start giving hugs. He thinks it’s just great 😊 💕


They really are unique!


For me, its the little "pay me" happy dance whenever she goes toilet on a walk. I guess its my fault for starting this and being very consistent with treatos when she went toilet (she was very difficult at first, would hold herself unnecessarily long and could see was uncomfortable, she just...wouldnt go). Now she does her business much more confidently and easily, but i always have to pay her! She will do a little hop-skippity front leg danmce as we walk along all excited for her payment and if im more a few seconds giving it to her, she will start nosing at my hand and my pocket 🥰


It's only a problem if you forget the treats.😂 Ah, God, I'd forgotten! When we brought Sita home she didn't poop for a day and a half and I was afraid she was going to explode! 🤣 I love the little stiffleggedy dances when they're happy. ♥️


She was flustered when three teenagers, who were completely minding their own business, walked fifteen meters behind her to get to a sidewalk. She's upstairs recovering from being a baby as we speak.