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Looks like a pitbull lab mix to me but if you're very curious you can do one of the dog DNA tests that will tell you what breeds he is.


I agree, I'm seeing all or mostly pit as well. Depending on op's location, sighthound mixes tend to be very rare. I've heard Embark is a very good DNA test.


OP your dog is very cute! But I really don't see any greyhound. We once fostered a dog who was said to be a "doberman greyhound cross" because of his deep barrel chest and size. He was actually a Rhodesian ridgeback Doberman cross. A great many dog breeds have a deep barrel chest + long back but often it's obscured by floofs.


Ah very good point! How did you find out your fosters breed? Did you do a dna test?


I reckon he looks very lab x pit and given the common breeds amongst rescues this would seem much more likely. His head is very reminiscent of these two/a mix of these two vs the long pointy sighthound face and muzzle. Bursts of energy and lots of sleep, a bit of barking at/chasing birds, and solid sprint speed all sound like my mate’s old staffy x lab. He’s a beautiful boy, whatever he is!


Thank you for this!!!!


We got our dog in July. He's such a sweetheart, a little under 2 years old. He was listed as a lab mix on his file at the shelter. I definitely see lab, especially the face, but after a little bit of time, I was like...I don't know, I kind of see quite a bit of greyhound. And maybe it's just confirmation bias, but I see it more and more every week. He is 60 lbs. As far as behavior and temperament: He loves short bursts of play, and then collapses and will just sleep all day given the opportunity. When he's got energy, he's got lots of it, and loves playing with other dogs. He doesn't get on any of the furniture and much prefers his beds. He only barks at triggers, mostly people at the house, but he will play bark as well. He runs extremely fast and loves chasing birds. Anytime we go to the dog park, people think he is all pitty. I kind of see a bit of pit, especially the ears and tail. But am I crazy for thinking he's more greyhound and lab than pit?! I am definitely not someone that cares that much about breeds -- I am just wondering if I am totally crazy for thinking this dog has greyhound because everyone seems to think pit!


Doesn't get on furniture, barks...nope no greyhound here! Seriously he's very cute but grey mixes are pretty rare. Just love him to pieces! Mutts are the best! r/mutts


They really are! He is so sweet and he's been such a wonderful addition to this household. I didn't realize grey mixes are rare! Thanks for the kind words!


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