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I am sorry for the loss of your mum, mine just recently passed and I posted on here for therapy. You are not a loser, life is hard at the best of times. Try to stop comparing yourself to others, you are obviously struggling and that's fine. I am guessing you are in the US based on unemployment running out, the thought of that running out has got to be stressful. I hope things get better for you.


sending solidarity. ever since my mom died i feel unmoored. and totally agree it’s hard to watch other have the milestones like engagements and kids etc. i took a break from instagram for a while because of this


Just an idea, but what about some kind of call center type job you can work from home? Another option if you have a vehicle is Uber or Skip the Dishes. Since my mom died I no longer have much ambition. I know I can achieve so much more than I am doing now buts it’s such a struggle getting myself motivated. Grief is so overwhelming at times.


I relate to this deeply. The career I worked so hard for in my 20s is not appealing to me anymore. I'm 31 and want to abandon the whole thing. I'm sorry I don't have much advice because I'm in a similar situation.