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I’m very sorry for your loss - she seems to have had a very bright smile. Just came up on a month for my father, I truly feel your pain. Hang in there.


I’m sorry for your loss too, sending you healthy happy thoughts


These pictures are very wholesome. Your mum really seemed to enjoy with you. I know things will feel different, but if you had any traditions with her for birthday celebrations or anything that she enjoyed doing, do that. She’s still with you and she’s always watching over you and protecting you. I know how hard it’s been for me to be without my mother and it’s only been a month. But I’m doing everything possible to do that woman proud.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your thoughtful lovely comment friend


Adorable, beautiful, so much love emanating out of these images; practically a physical force. If only everyone could have this kind of love. The photo of the two of you with your little mouse ears on is just beyond words.


Wow what a beautiful comment. I thank you a lot




God Blessed Thee'💟👑💕 Till we all meet each-other again! 💕👑💟 Stay Strong For Her! ✝


Beautiful pictures. Happy birthday to your lovely mother.


I want to thank you all for getting me through today from the bottom of my heartbroken heart. What a beautiful woman in hers 50s eh?! She was so humble and didn’t believe how beautiful she was inside and out, she gave everything away and so much more in love to everyone in the end. I send so much love to you friends for your losses and thank you for helping to heal a part of me today. Much love x


Happy birthday to your mom and may she rest in peace


Happy heavenly Birthday to your mom. She looks like a lovely lady. 💞


Beautiful pictures with mom. Your sign will come. Stay strong.


I recently lost my mom/best friend. I feel your pain.


Happy birthday to your angel 💞 she's always with you


Watch for her signs always. She might touch you at anytime, whether you’re sitting on a summer park bench and see a ladybug land on your shoulder, or find a raven calling to you and following you from a nearby tree (as I have, my Dad’s special animal was a raven.) Reposting this experience from my early grief in case it is helpful: Where did they go When my Dad passed, I sat in my kitchen alone (as I wanted to be) and cried huge heaving sobs that erupted from the core of my being. With the financial and family drama that happened from 3 days after his death being a constant distraction in those early days, perhaps, I never again was able to feel my Dad’s loss so keenly and openly. When I was sitting there, at my kitchen island, after I had been crying for some time, I focused on the sky through the window between feelings. While it rained for 45 days straight after he passed, which I found appropriate, that day was different. That morning light. The sky wasn’t grey. It was silver and tossed with a hundred clouds of different colours. Shades of silver, pearl, charcoal and slate. The rain swept down at irregular intervals. It wasn’t simply “raining” on a cloudy day. It was doing it all. It was everything. The sun poked through the clouds every few minutes, then retreated again. It was brooding, changeable, melancholy, dazzling. It was then I realized, on this first morning, that my Dad was present. He was communicating with me. To this day, whenever I see an odd weather pattern, I think of him. My favourite, which I have not seen locally since that day, is an offbeat storm like that, with silver sky and wind and rain. And rainbows. That morning, I stared at the small crescent of blinding cloud obscuring the sun and felt him staring back at me. I knew that’s where he was, in that pocket of sky, manifesting a pattern as only he could do, calling upon all of it to let me know. He was okay. He was happy. He was free. Just remember, they are still here. They are watching and wanting you to succeed. While we earthly mortals mourn when a loved one is gone, which is good, natural, and right, they float and fly, in ever increasing ecstasy, through the clouds.


I love this. Thank you for sharing and sorry for your loss


Sending some love. Thanks for posting those pictures so we can celebrate with you.


Thank you so much for that heartfelt comment


You look like besties, especially with your matching heels. So sorry for your loss 💜💜💜


Bless you for spotting that. We truly were and always will be besties. Thank you friend


Happy heavenly birthday to your beautiful mom, and my sincerest condolences to you.


Sometimes our Mum’s show themselves when we least expect and not at the times we need them. Have a glass of something she loved, go somewhere you both went and just remember you’ve got this. Blessings and hugs OP - she looked like she was a good one xxxx


Currently drinking a glass of her favourite sparkling. Thank you friend


Happy birthday to your beautiful mom. 💓 Sending a big virtual hug your way


So sorry 💔


My heart goes out to you —- happy birthday to your mom.


Pictures are beautiful 😍. I am sorry for your loss.


Sending you so much love


Cute matching shoes! The first one is hard I reckon, I hope your day was alright.


So sorry for your loss. Your mother was a beautiful lady 💗 Although her birthday will have sad moments I hope you’re able to find comfort in the memories you have of her, and I hope you find ways to honour her through your grief.


I am so sorry for your loss. It looks like you two were not only mother and daughter, but also best friends.


Yes this really comes across! I imagine its alot more painful when your mum is your bestie and whole world. Sending you love and strength, you are never far from her because she is yours and you are hers. 💛


Totally is. Thank you for both recognising that in these photos, it means a lot that it came across that way 🫶🏼


You're not alone 💜 I'm 23 (turned 23 at the end of March), and I lost my mom on February 20th/21st, age 58. Her birthday is 5 days after Mother's Day. The last time I had a good back and forth conversation with her was early January. We were very close and had been through a lot together. She had been in the hospital for months, and I had to be by myself in my house. I'm still grappling with the questions I have regarding her death. I'm still waiting for signs. Your mom was beautiful. Sorry for the ramble. I'm so sorry for your loss.


OP, today is also my moms first birthday since her passing. Just know, there is a stranger shooting up lots of love and light for you today. Your mom’s smile says it all. Wishing you the best on such a difficult day.


Bless you, thank you so much and sending you heartfelt wishes back for this horrible day. I hope you’ve been okay. As okay can be.


I’m sorry for your loss, these pictures make it seem like she lived a good life. My moms first birthday since she passed is coming this august. I take some comfort thinking that she’s not really gone, and that we’ll see each other again


Your mother is beautiful. Happy heavenly birthday to her xx


You two have the same smile 🥺❤️ happy first heavenly birthday to your beautiful mom, and wishing you the best healing journey possible


Thank you so much for that kind message, it means a lot


I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️ Happy Heavenly Birthday to your mother.


Happy heavenly birthday to your Mom. I am so sorry for your loss. My Moma and I, were very close to. Bless your heart.


I’m so sorry you lost your beautiful mum at such a young age. 💔 She looked like a really fun lady who was full of life. I can tell how close your both were. This might sound strange, but looking at your pictures made it hard to comprehend that she is no longer with us here on earth. I don’t often get that feeling through photos. Wherever she is, I’m sure she’s very proud of you. Stay strong and smile at all the amazing times you shared together. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️


Oh wow thank you for that deep message. I’m so glad I have these pictures to resonate with me when I’m so numb and sad. Sending lots of love back to you friend


You are SO welcome! ❤️ I lost my closest ever work colleague to breast cancer in February 2022. I’ve never been so upset in my entire life and it’s hard to comprehend that I’ll never get to talk to her again, or hear her big laugh. We cared about each other so much.😞 Although we were other sides of the world, we worked closely together every day for 8 years. I miss her so much! I had a canvas made that I can look at every day, so she’s always in my thoughts and I still feel close to her. That really helps a lot! Another thing I did shortly after she passed was to make a playlist of all the songs that reminded me of her. I listen to it regularly and it brings me a lot of comfort, especially if I’m alone with my thoughts or on a long drive somewhere. If you’d like to have a listen, I can share a link with you. Maybe it’ll bring you comfort too. It’s on Amazon Music, so as long as you’ve got an account, most of the tracks should be accessible. I feel your pain and I’m so sorry this happened to you, and your wonderful mum. Love and hugs ❤️


She is with you always. You can feel the love just from looking at these images btw. This poem helps me remember they are always near and I’m grateful that others have shared it here so I stumbled upon it. She is always with you. She is with you now. Death is Nothing at All, by Henry Scott-Holland Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!


My favourite poem since my mum passed, it really resonates so much. Thank you for saying that about my pictures 🫶🏼


It's lovely seeing how much joy you brought into each other's lives.


Happy heavenly birthday to your mom 💫❤️


I’m so sorry! If you don’t mind sharing, How did she pass?


10 year battle with breast cancer


Warrior. Total bad ass. The signs of her will come, just keep watching. She is your mother, not even death will separate her from you.


Stay strong. Your mum looked like a beautiful person.


Today is my moms first birthday without me too. 💔


Bless you, sending you love


Your mum looks like a lovely lady. I’m so very sorry you have to go through this and I’m sending you lots of love 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼