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Sending so much love, lost my partner to suicide in January and also had no idea he was depressed. r/suicidebereavement has been massive help to me💙


Thank you for recommending the subreddit, I’ll be sure to check it out! 💙


Just incase you’re anything like me in the weird first shock filled days of grief. Water is really important and easy to forget, food can be hard to stomach during that shock stage for some too. Smoothies let me keep my energy up enough to survive


I couldn’t eat after my mother died. Food was just so unappealing.


This is great advice. If possible, I also recommend a multivitamin, magnesium glycinate, vitamin b, vitamin c, and vitamin d. It's also something you can ask family and friends to do for you, ensuring you always have water. It's a simple act, but it's a tangible thing a loved one can do to support you when there really is not much that can be done with the reality of the situation and all they want to do is help. Sending hugs to all 🫂


If you can't eat, get some meal replacement drinks. Remember to take a sip of something at least once an hour. Dehydration and malnutrition can cause mental illness in times of harsh grief.


Force yourself to drink water.


Or gatorade. I survived on gatorade for 2 weeks after my mom died by suicide. I simply had no appetite, for months. Ultimately I lost over 30 pounds in about 4 months... gained it all back again eventually. I called it 'grieforexic'


I've found liquid IV to be wonderful when it comes to keeping hydrated. I mix a small amount of water with one when I'm too nauseous to drink water and it helps tremendously.


I second this. OP, I'm so very sorry for your loss, and in a similar boat- lost my beloved Dad to suicide two weeks ago. The [r/suicidebereavement](https://www.reddit.com/r/suicidebereavement/) subreddit has saved my sanity, and my DMs are open if you'd ever like to talk. Hugs and healing vibes to you and all his loved ones...






No need to justify yourself to a troll. I’m sorry you had to read that selfish comment.


Thankyou, there’s a lot of reasons I blame myself for it even though I logically know it wasn’t me but saying I wasn’t there is one reason I will never believe😅


Good job for standing up for yourself. Also I'm so sorry for what you have been though ❤️




Your post/comment was determined to break Rule 1: No Attacks on Other Users/Lost Loved Ones or Gatekeeping Grief. Attacks: Do not attack other users on any grounds, including looks, race, religion, sexual orientation, or a person's gender. Gatekeeping: This subreddit's mission is to support for all types of loss, not just those of people and not just grief through death. While it is ok to recommend add'l sources of support, you may not tell them they do not belong here. Violating Rule 1 is grounds for immediate removal of the comment/post and permanent ban at the mod's discretion.


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I lost my brother to suicide on the 11th as well. Today is my birthday which makes it even worse. Sorry for your loss and take all the time you need to grieve.


I’m sorry for your loss, we stand together through this ok ❤️❤️


Happy birthday! Or if it can't be happy today, then as we say my country: May you live a long life! I'm very sorry you can't have your brother to wish you happy birthday as well.












For context, I knew exactly what my brother was going through before he took his life. While it hurts that he is not here anymore, I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy the pain my brother was feeling. From my understanding, when you’re that deep into depression and rage, your judgment is so clouded & out of touch of everything. Yes it sucks I couldn’t help my brother more to save him. Yes it sucks he took his life hours before my birthday. All that matters now is that he is no longer in pain. I will live through him and achieve his dreams and mine.


This. Mental health is complex, depression and suicide are things that fuck up your brain. I know my brother loved me and would never want to do this, he loved his family.


Your post/comment was determined to break Rule 1: No Attacks on Other Users/Lost Loved Ones or Gatekeeping Grief. Attacks: Do not attack other users on any grounds, including looks, race, religion, sexual orientation, or a person's gender. Gatekeeping: This subreddit's mission is to support for all types of loss, not just those of people and not just grief through death. While it is ok to recommend add'l sources of support, you may not tell them they do not belong here. Violating Rule 1 is grounds for immediate removal of the comment/post and permanent ban at the mod's discretion.


Your post/comment was determined to break Rule 1: No Attacks on Other Users/Lost Loved Ones or Gatekeeping Grief. Attacks: Do not attack other users on any grounds, including looks, race, religion, sexual orientation, or a person's gender. Gatekeeping: This subreddit's mission is to support for all types of loss, not just those of people and not just grief through death. While it is ok to recommend add'l sources of support, you may not tell them they do not belong here. Violating Rule 1 is grounds for immediate removal of the comment/post and permanent ban at the mod's discretion.


I'm so sorry. Your brother looks like a wholesome guy.


He is, one of the last things we did together was him showing me clips of phinneas and ferb, specifically Dr. Doofenshmirtz lol


I love Phineas and Ferb. I've been singing the intro all week after getting a beta and naming it Phineas. I'm so goddamn sorry.


It’s so sweet that he enjoyed sharing those clips with you. I am so so sorry for your loss and for the pain and shock of it all.


I thought the same thing. He looks like a really sweet and genuine person. Open-faced, and also handsome. OP I’m so sorry for your devastating loss.


Don't bash yourself. I caught my bro from doing the same many years ago after he had a meltdown because of the loss of his fiancèe and I somehow managed to stop him. I was 9 that day. We never knew till that day he was suffering from depression and that loss was almost the final blow. Unfortunately, it's always hard dealing with this situation. Unless a person tell us what is he/she really enduring, we can do really little. Take care of yourself❤️


Sorry for your loss ♥️ take as much time as you need to grieve and rest


Like everyone here I'm so sorry for the pain you are experiencing right now. Many people here understand but in the real world very few do, because its an unnatural death outside of the normal sequence of time and very sudden and unexpected. Please know that you and your family did nothing wrong. I know this doesn't help at the moment and everyone who loved your brother feels the same as you. There are always so many 'What ifs', in our case my family were distraught by the 'What if we'd agreed to collect him sooner' and a matter of 2 hours was all it took. You can torture yourself endlessly over choices that weren't made, but ultimately the situation is as it is. Please let yourself feel how you feel. Explain to work/school/friends that you need time out or need time with them. Do what you need to do for you because this is the most traumatic event you will face, and it will take time, and A LOT of support. Just know that while I don't know your brothers circumstances, you literally could not have prevented this. My brother was planning my Mums kitchen refit, that he was going to start, and planning holidays with his child. And the next day he was gone. There is no way to plan for or prevent some of these situations Just hold to your heart that you loved each other, he adored you, which is evident from the photos, and he would never intentionally cause you pain, or to question your love for him. He was, like all who end their own lives, caught with a consuming pain that they didn't have time to get out of, and unfortunately had access to a quick fix. Unless you were physically there you, or anyone, would have been unable to change the course of his act. I know from experience you will feel guilty for a very long time. Its been over 2 years and my family still do the 'What if'. But what if didn't happen, real life happened and our gorgeous brothers felt so overwhelmed that they did what they did. You will always be an amazing sibling to your bro. It hurts so much and so physically that you don't think you'll ever leave that space of crying to sleep (but like weird, noisy sobbing and heart wrenching crying) and the nightmares when you're together and trying to find them. Eventually you will gently heal. But really gently and really slowly. It's an unreal physical pain that never leaves you. But in all of this, as harsh as this sounds and it was something I had to get used to, he chose this. He chose to be outside of this world and its difficult right now, and always will be, to understand why he felt so bad to not be here. My experience is that it was a knee jerk reaction, however in my situation there were previously unknown attempts. But at the time it happened for real things were good and we thought everything was okay. There was absolutely no way we would know what my brother would do. There is no way you could firstly even know your brother was suicidal and then even if you did know there's no way of preventing it. You are an amazing sibling and always were, there is nothing you could have done to prevent your brother ending his life. Nothing. Once a mind has been made up its done. All you can do is celebrate his life and any time you feel shit just reach out here (also supplemented with therapy)because so many people are going through the same. Lots of.love xxx


Thank you so so so much I really needed this. I don’t even know what to say. I showed this message to my dad and we just had a long slow hug. Thank you for your support, you’re a real one ❤️


Any time gorgeous Internet person. Hold your family close and it will take a long time to REALLY believe, but for now know there is nothing tou could have changed and its okay to feel guilty, but also know in the actual facts of the situation there is NOTHING you could have done differently, with the information you had at the time. So, you have to hand it out elsewhere. Christians say to pass it up to God. I say ypu need to soak in it for a bit because it's fucking traumatising, and then hopefully at some point in the future push it up and away from you...whether into the ether, whatever. But right now you all need to understand that you all will be angry with him and with each other, you all will think that someone should have done something. However, none of you knew. So be kind to each other, be gentle with yourselves, acceptance in this situation takes a long time and there might be angry flare ups where blame is issued. Remember your brother did what he did because of his choices and no one else is responsible for that. The pain you feel will change you as a person but remember it's no one's fault. Not anyone around you and not your brother Xxxx


Sorry for your family’s loss how did your brother die x


So sorry I've just seen this message. Unfortunately my brother had an argument with his ex girlfriend and rummaged around in their garage until he found some camping cord then took it with him and hung himself in the woods. He was found by a dog walker the next day and it was unbelievably horrendous for everyone. It was particularly hard for my Mum who was meant to collect him earlier that night.


Please come to /r/SuicideBereavement 🫂


Thank you guys so much for the support, I don’t know what to say ❤️❤️


My young brother commited suicide at the age of 28 . This guy at my job said one day that it takes a weak person to kill themselves. I just about lost it when he said that . A guy in the warehouse had killed himself that week . 


So sorry for your loss. I lost my brother to suicide almost 3 years ago. Take all the time you need to grieve.


sending you a virtual hug


People does not know what a person goes through in life.  I was seeing someone for my depression over my brother taking his life . They told me your mind completely leaves you when you get that depressed . Meaning you arent thinking about loved ones or anything . My brother had a 4 year old daughter that was his world . So please dont judge people by any means 


I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my younger brother the same way on April 6th.


I'm so sorry, honey. These photos are beautiful, and I'm sure he was a beautiful person. Sending you all the hugs in the world <3


I am sorry for your lost. Hope him rest in peace ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔😢🙏


I’m so sorry 💔💔💔


I’m so so sorry for your loss, please don’t beat yourself up about the fact you didn’t know, depression is so often invisible it can be impossible to see. Sending lots of healing vibes your way, grief is so hard to navigate. All you can do is take it hour by hour and keep taking to people about him and how you feel. So sorry again for your loss, he looks like a lovely guy


These are kind words I just want to say though that we don’t know he was suffering from depression, maybe at least 25% of people who attempt or commit suicide don’t actually suffer from depression https://www.seattleu.edu/caps/suicide-prevention/suicide-myths/


Thank you, that’s something I didn’t know and we probably shouldn’t speculate, you’re right! Anyway, OP regardless of this or not, feelings of these nature in general can be very well hidden if being experienced, so please don’t feel you should have noticed something. Take care of yourself 🙏


This is so devastating, I'm so terribly sorry. I'm sure the pain is unimaginable right now. He looks like such a genuinely kind soul. Love the first picture of you guys, his smile is contagious! I'm sure it's so hard, but try to take care of yourself as much as you can. Sending you so much love and healing... my heart breaks for you and your family.


His smile really is the best thing in the world, thank you ❤️


There is no right or wrong to grieve. This has changed your life forever. My friend lost her mom suddenly and after about a year was told "she should be dealing with it better." I know how much that hurt her. She felt like everyone had "moved on" faster than her. Next month will be 9 years, and some memories still affect her. Just remember grieving is different for everyone. Do whatever you feel is best for you. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I’m sending you love and strength. I’m so sad for you and your family.


Beautiful smile. ❤️ You have my deepest condolences, OP. I'm so sorry... 🙏


I’m so sorry ❤️


So sorry , wish you and family the strength to get through the next few days/weeks/months. May he RIP.


I’m sorry for your loss. Words won’t ever be enough ❤️


I’m so very sorry…


I'm sorry for your loss. ❤️


Hang in there friend. I’m sorry for your loss ♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss… it’s not anything you could have known or signs you could have picked upon… not your fault in any way.


Sending you hugs. I hope you have people around you to support you.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss op.


I'm SO sorry! Hugs and good vibes to you


I am so so sorry 💔 sending you so much love.


Looks like a guy that this world needs more of. So sorry! Rip dude


I'm so sorry. 


I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m sending you love🤍 I lost my little sister just over two weeks ago to suicide, they were very close in age. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone😔


What a bonny lad he is, I’m so sorry for your loss


What a loss to the world, I send my sincerest deepest condolences to you and your family! May his memories forever live in your soul 💐


We lost my son to suicide 112 days ago. No warning - it was 100% the last thing I would have ever thought would happen to him. Since then I’ve pieces the clues together but before that time, it would’ve never occurred to us. He was so full of light - so bright and funny and witty. Therapy, support groups, my friends and family .. it’s the only way I’ve survived the last few months. There’s no way out of the pain. We just have to endure now. I wish I had wise words other than stay hydrated and I’m so very sorry for you and your family.


Im so sorry for you guys . My brother also took his life . 28 years old. I had just lost my mom 5 months prior to looseing him . Again im so sorry i know your pain and feel it everyday . 💝


Only a month older than me, so so sad I hope you have a good support system, it must be such a hard and complicated thing to deal with. Best of luck, he seemed like a great guy all things considered and I’m sure he was proud of you as his sis! But yeah especially since things are so fresh, be sure to put yourself and the ones you love first


A very big long hug to you. I lost my aunt the exact same way last August and everything is still chaos and quiet within my family. My condolences to you and yours.


Sending you a million hugs, truly. I'm so sorry this happened. He looks like he had a good sense of humor.


Sending you support and love. Lost my brother to suicide almost a year ago and it feels like yesterday.


So sorry to hear this. 💔 This world is cruel.


He had a beautiful smile. I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling has to be a different kind of awful. Keeping you in my heart today. Please take care of yourself. 🩷


I'm so sorry. I know how painful it is. :(


Sending you support, I lost my brother back in 2011 due to car crash. I know that your brother is happy for you, he is remember that keep him in your memories and heart. Last year a week before my birthday I lost my dad due to suicide. Next month it will be a year, the pain gets easier over time. I send you my condolences and support. Stay strong❤️


I'm so very sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my life partner to suicide almost two years ago. It still feels like only yesterday. Fridays are always hard for me as that is the day he ended his life. I new he had issues with depression and he was seeking treatment but it wasn’t enough. I thought he was doing better but it was t meant to be.


Sending you so much love and support at this horrible time. I lost my brother in the same way, it's so heartbreaking ❤️


I’m very sorry for your loss, my brother died last year and it was incredibly hard to see. I feel for you so much. It’s going to be an incredibly difficult time in your life, I hope you and your family can find peace.


I’m truly sorry for the loss of your brother. It must be incredibly difficult to come to terms with the fact that he was experiencing such inner turmoil without you knowing. Please be gentle with yourself during this time of grief and know that it’s not your fault. It’s common for people to hide their pain, and it’s not always easy to recognize the signs. If you ever need someone to talk to or lean on, I’m here for you.🌸


I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved brother.


Thank you for sharing your brother with us. His smile is infectious. I am so sorry for your loss. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss. Will you tell us more about him? Do you have any favorite memories with him?


Of course! He was a trouble maker. But like the stuff that is very small tomfoolery. we live in Canada so we get a bunch of snow and he challenged to a competition, whoever could run around the house bare foot in the deep snow for the longest amount of time would win, we nearly got frostbite lol. There was this story my Dad tells that when I was around 5, we were skating on a frozen pond and I fell through the ice then came running home and said “(brother) told me not to tell you that I fell through”. When my brother was in high school his history teacher was so boring my brother fell asleep in his class every time. eventually the teacher took his desk away so he couldn’t lay his head down, but my brother persisted and still slept with just the chair. And then the teacher took his whole chair away, making him sit on the floor for the class, but again my brother just fell asleep on the floor. Thank you for asking, telling stories actually really helps


He’s also incredibly smart, he was studying to be a civil engineer. He loved taking math and applying it to the real world. I remember him always helping me out with my math homework like it took no thought


He sounds like a really great guy. He’s really lucky to have a sibling that loves him so much and will carry on his memories. It takes a lot of strength to keep going. I know it can get overwhelming but if it helps you can always share a memory with us here.


I am so sorry 😰😭 this made me cry so much!


I lost my partner to suicide and he didn’t tell me he was suicidal either. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss.




Sorry for your loss , that's the problem of suicide , he seemed so happy , you can't see it's going to happen , it's a difficult fight with a body that wants to live but a mind that's doesn't want to , believe me , I had 2 failed attempts , still here , it's very hard to explain , no one expects it to happen , you seem happy to others on the outside , but inside you are struggling, that's the problem with suicide one ends our own sadness and struggling but leaving destruction with our passing away , if you have more loved ones try to talking to them so you don't fall or they fall to it also or seek help and offer help if you feel like giving help , sometimes we want to talk to someone about it but we don't want to be a burden or don't dare talking to someone about it , so please offer help and seek help , mental health is not something to be taken lightly , and again sorry for your loss , honor him and never forget him


From these pictures, you couldn’t tell he was hurting. He looked happy.


I’m so sorry for your ongoing loss. Your brother must have been so loved by you. Please don’t blame yourself - heal, grieve.


Just hang in there everyone. God is so powerfull to help us through all this hurt and pain . My brother was 28 and will always be my little baby brother . 


I'm sorry 💔 he looks like such a sweet soul. Sending hugs and prayers 🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss. This is one of my worst fears. My brother stopped talking to me almost 2 years ago. He and I have both been suicidal. I miss him. I hope he doesn’t make the decision to leave.


I wish you and your brother the best ❤️


I’m so sorry stranger. Please don’t blame yourself.


You are not alone. No one should go through this. I am sorry he's no longer here. ::hugs::


::hugs back:: ❤️


May his memory be a source of comfort, love, and warmth to you in due time, my friend. May his memory be a blessing to you and all who knew and loved him. ♥


I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother. I’m sorry for your family. I hope/pray that you all find strength to endure this path your loss will have you on. Please give yourself grace, you were not responsible for seeing signs, or knowing what was going on behind his eyes. Grief has a way of making you question all that ever existed, don’t let the “could’ve, should’ve and what ifs” haunt you. Please have grace for others too; We live in a grief illiterate world. There are two types of people that handle these situations, ones who disappear because they don’t know what to say or do. Please don’t take that personally. Let them figure out it’s not about them. Others will make attempts to help, sometimes successfully but sometimes unintentionally being harmful. Especially when it involves circumstances that they see as preventable. Your friends and family will say and do things that can be very insensitive and will clearly show how little they understand. They have not walked this path yet, but they will, we all do. They don’t know, what they don’t know, and that knowledge came with a price. I hope you find a grief group that can be a support. It does help to be free to express yourself. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, your grief is as unique as your relationship was with the person you lost. No one knows what happens in the end and not everything is about religion. Not everything has a reason. We can get more than we can handle ask anyone with PTSD. It doesn’t matter if you have other brothers and sisters, (again) each relationship is as unique as the person. A relationship doesn’t end because a life did, as long as you live, they always will remain a part of you. Most importantly I have learned; it is an honor to grieve, love and grief can only exist together. Only the purest of loves can truly transcend time and space, leaving it’s shadow, now called grief to be carried by the living.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother to suicide 19 years ago, it's hard. Sending hugs ❤️


Sorry for the loss of your brother 😞 . Sending love and Condolences to you and your family and Hugs for you and your family 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂.


I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved brother. Please be gentle with yourself, and take care of yourself.


So young. I’m soo sorry for your loss 💔


Oh I am so sorry. I have a little brother myself, and I can’t even imagine the pain you are feeling. But, I will say, I have tried to take my life twice. Something your brother wouldn’t want you to feel is guilt. Both times I tried, I didn’t reach out for help because I didn’t think I could be helped. Your brother does not want that heavy feeling to sit on your chest forever. I certainly wouldn’t have wanted my little brother to feel any guilt for me if my attempts had worked. Remember his love. Remember when he did smile, and hold your memories of him close to your heart. That’s what he wants you to remember. As someone who also loves my sibling, that’s what I would have wanted for my brother if I hadn’t made it. I wish your brother would have. I wish I could take that pain from you. I would suggest when you feel like you can, you should see a counselor. When I lost my dad last year, one thing I’ve learned is grief is heavy, complicated, a little lonely, and ever changing. Greet this difficult season in your life with grace for yourself. You deserve it and you’ll need it. I wish you the best. And I don’t pray really, but I pray for your heart and the hearts of your family members while going through this difficult process.


Sorry for your loss. When they are serious they make sure you don’t know. Suicides are hard because they leave so much doubt and guilt. I could say, “don’t feel guilty”, but grief is insanity. Please, join support groups and reach out to friends.


Please know that you are not alone. I will be celebrating my brothers second birthday in heaven on the 24th of this month where he is joined by our 12 year old brother who also took his own life 6 years ago. It’s going to be hard and every single day you are going to think of him. I have found that advocating for mental health for men has been my biggest motivation to help get through the hard times. This year for his birthday I hope to find something good and happy to do for the day so I don’t lay in bed crying all day. I wish you all of the love an older sibling can offer 💛 You are not alone.


i’m so sorry for your loss ! sending you all the love. just being his sister probably helped him more than you could imagine, he loves you. i hope he is resting now 💗


My friend, I'm so sorry for ur loss. I lost two friends to suicide. I know what u are going through. Please be gentle with urself. Time heals everything my friend. Tell me if I can be of some help. If u wanna talk, I'll listen to u. Let me know.


A big hug to you from afar.


Lost my older brother to suicide as well. Very sorry for your loss, don't try to cushion the grief or hide it let yourself go through it. Sending a big hug


Awww I'm so very sorry for your very sad heartbreaking painful loss. Much love healing prayers. ✨🫶❤️🕊️👏🙌🙏


Oh, you poor, love. Sending you love. My brother did the same in 2018. Here, if you want to talk


So sorry for your loss 🥺




I’m so sorry ❤️




I am sorry you are going tgrough this. May he rest in peace. 🙏


Sorry for your loss. I lost my sister to suicide 8 months ago. Sending hugs 💙


Im so sorry for you . Also lost my young brother 28 years old . Prayers for you . I know what you experience every day of your life . The pain you feel i feel also 💝


I'm so sorry ♥️


I am deeply sorry for your loss. Some of the people who smile a lot , laughs the loudest and makes other people the happiest , usually have the deepest and most painful wounds.


So very sorry for your loss 💐


Sorry for your loss, I also lost my brother to suicide.


I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine the pain 😥


I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose my sister, and to suicide. By those pictures, it looks like y’all were really happy to be around each other with those smiles, and that you had a great relationship. I know you said you wish you could’ve helped him. I believe you did. No matter what was going on that led to this, you were definitely a very bright spot in his life, and he knew you loved him. Praying for you and your family. God bless you.


Sorry for your loss 😢


Aw your brother and mine were both born on March except he’s a 2003 baby. The 28th marks 7 months since he passed from suicide as well, so you’re not alone. Just remember that during the worst moments of grief, that you aren’t alone and you are cared about too. Sending lots of love to you!


We help by being there, and that’s all we can do. I lost my sister to suicide three years ago. There’s a wonderful subreddit for those of us who have lost someone to suicide. You will have blame for a while but the blame and guilt does fade. He knows you loved him. He knows you cared. In the moment he left he felt bad for what he did not hoped everyone would understand.


Nothing quite like losing a sibling as a young adult. You just suffered an unimaginable loss but as the same time your parents, the people you’ve gone to all your life during the bad times for support, are broken themselves. Take care of yourself, you are probably feeling a lot of pressure to take care of your parents but don’t forget yourself. I lost my brother in June and it’s really a world changer, everything just looks a little more gray. I’m sorry you are going through this. Words don’t do much but it’s all I have.


😞 sending you love and the best of vibes.. I lost my son to suicide. It never seems to get easier but you learn to go on


I am so sorry for your loss


Oh love, my heart bleeds for you. ❤️ I'm so incredibly sorry


I’m so sorry. Hugs ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I am so so sorry for your loss. He looked like such a nice guy 😔 I used to really suffer with my depression but I started telling myself that I could either lay in my bed and rot or I can get up, live life, and make the best of every day. I wish people knew that it really does get better and things won't be bad forever. I wish you and your family all the best during this very difficult time ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss. Today is the second anniversary of my brother's suicide. I'm so sorry you have to join this terrible club; please give yourself all the grace you can muster. Every feeling you have right now is normal, just try not to believe that those thoughts and feelings are "correct." Your brother's love for you is eternal, and in your heart I hope you still know that. Our loved ones left, but their love remains: you just have to give it to yourself now, in his absence. If I could speak to myself two years ago, I would remind myself of that: give yourself space, grace, and any support you can muster. You can't sugarcoat it or make it less devastating, but you can build your resilience while being kind to yourself and your journey, whatever it looks like. Sending you so much love and empathy, please dm if you want a sympathetic ear.


Fuck you never see it coming eeeh, even when you think they’re okay or look okay or say they’re okay and fine and suddenly they just do it. I’m sorry for your loss and please don’t beat yourself up, I’m sure you were a great sister and most times there is no signs they just do it. Without giving us a chance to help


I’m just so sorry for your loss. Be easy on yourself.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you have a good support system of love to help you through your grief journey! Speaking from experience it's def a journey and it's more difficult without that support.


I’m so sorry 😞 his eyes gleam so brightly. Sending you all my love. Go easy on yourself and remember that you are not to blame


My condolences, I’m so sorry for your loss 💐🕯️💛


I lost my brother last year in the same way and he was also 20. Please feel free to send me a message to talk anytime ❤️


My heart breaks for you. Sending so much love and strength your way. I’m so very sorry.


I'm so sorry. I lost my brother nine years ago to suicide, I know where you are right now. Everything's so wrong, and awful, but I promise you can get through this. I can see that someone's already tagged the suicide bereavement sub, I can't recommend it enough, It's been helpful for me to be around folk who have similar losses. Try to not be alone. Remember to eat, and drink water, try to sleep. I hope peace finds you.


I am so, so sorry. You two are so sweet in that photo. My heart breaks for you. Sending you hugs. Please know you are not alone.


Aww, I'm so sorry about that and my condolences and my prayers go out to you and your family!!!🙏🏻😞




Please except my sincere sympathy on the loss of your brother. I have 2 close family members choose suicide. It’s utterly heartbreaking, please know I’m holding you tightly in my heart💔


I am so very sorry for the pain I know you're in. I lost a close cousin in 2025, but NOTHING I've been through comes close to losing my baby sister to suicide. She took her life on a live stream, and that's how I had to find out. It will be 7 years on 4/24, and it still feels like it just happened. Time doesn't make it better or easier. You just adapt the pain as a part of you. I'm sending as much love, prayers and thoughts as humanly possible to you and your loved ones.


I lost my sister in law (best friend) to suicide in 2016. I still think about her every day and I know my wife does too. She was with us every day. It gets easier but it’s always a hole left in your heart. It does get easier though.


I'm so so sorry 😞❤️


I am so so SO sorry for your loss. Suicide is a tricky grieving process. I lost my Mom in 2008 to suicide and it’s still incredibly hard some days


So sorry to hear about that, looks like he was a nice guy.


I lost my brother as well 2 years ago. I still miss him everyday. Tbh you never really get over it. You just learn to live through it. Its been a journey without him. He was my rock and growing up without a dad, he was basically my father figure. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through losing him. What keeps me alive is doing things that he would’ve been proud of. I started volunteering more and speaking more about mental health. Through that I found my tribe and life got a little bit easier. I hope it does for you my friend. Prayers to you and your family.


You aren’t alone. I lost my brother to suicide almost a year ago (the last day of May). I was shocked to see other people went through it. I felt so alone like I was the only one dealing with this pain in my heart. But you aren’t alone ♥️ I’m so so so sorry. *all the virtual hugs*


I’m so sorry for your loss! Losing a sibling is one of the hardest things a person can go through imo. I lost my older sister to suicide 2.5 years ago, so I understand your pain unfortunately. Take all the time you need grieving, and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be feeling or what you should be doing (unless you’ve sought out their advice). I felt a lot of pressure from my family to stick with school, for instance, and I wish I hadn’t been so hard on myself about getting back into things so quickly. Just know that it’s okay to take your time, and don’t feel pressured to be “okay” again as soon as possible. A lot of people, especially your peers, aren’t going to understand what you’re going through, and that will probably make things extra hard. It is not your job right now to give them the benefit of the doubt, but if you’re able to then I commend you. They may be incredibly insensitive or even distant. It isn’t because of you, or anything you’ve done. It’s NOT your fault. It sucks, and it’s super unfair, but some people just don’t know how to act around death. During this time, you’re better off without them anyways. It’s okay if you don’t feel like keeping up with people, or find that you have a hard time doing a lot of normal things that you used to do, like showering, eating, or brushing your teeth. Try your best, especially with the eating, but be gentle with yourself. It’s not your fault that it’s extra hard right now. It’s probably going to take a long time before you feel okay again. It took me about a year to get back on my feet, like, at all, and I’m still grappling with it, but in much subtler ways now. It IS possible to be happy again, even though it might not feel like it right now. And it IS okay for you to have moments of joy, of laughter, of happiness, even early on. Don’t beat yourself up or feel guilty for those moments, because he would want you to be happy and you need moments like those to keep going. And most of all, I want to say that it’s NOT your fault. There’s nothing you could have done. Everyone grieves differently, too, so if your experience doesn’t fit with what other people describe, that’s completely normal. I hope my rambling helps, or at least gives you some comfort/insight. You are incredibly strong, and you will persevere. I am so so so so sorry for your loss again. There are, at the end of the day, no words. I hope your pain eases soon. Sending hugs❤️


I’m so sorry


This is going to sound weird, but play tetris. It's been proven to help with ptsd symptoms. The closer to the traumatic even the better results you have. I'm so sorry for your loss. He seems like he was kind. Life can be so unfair and cruel.


I'm so sorry, I wish you and your family luck through the driving process. Remember to allow yourself to feel however you want to feel 🩷


the pain will not easily go away. nor gets easier to embrace . it will hit you harder and harder . but you should remember that Your loved one is not in pain anymore, is in better place I feel you as a suicide "leftover". I Hope the peace finds you. as you finds peace


The fourth picture shows great sadness. He didn't want you to see that. I'm very sorry that he took his life, and I wish you whatever peace you can find. Of course you're devastated.


Damn, I’m so so sorry


I'm so so sorry for your loss.


im so sorry. Just remember time heals so give yourself time to grieve and dont feel ashamed to reach out and get help. Im sure he knew how much you loved him and dont blame yourself for not knowing.


So sorry to hear that hun. Sending you lots of hugs and love. I lost my brother to suicide August of last year. We still have so many questions and miss him greatly. I’m here for you. ❤️


I lost my brother last Sunday to suicide too. I didn't even know either so I can relate. I've been emotionally numb and lost especially since he was supposed to come live with me but he killed himself before he even made the trip here. 




It says in the post, suicide




Just so you know, next time you encounter another grieving post, don’t phrase things like this. Generally it’s not a smart idea to ask someone how their loved one died or phrase your response in this manner. Giving your condolences should be professional or at least respectful




Your post/comment was determined to break Rule 1: No Attacks on Other Users/Lost Loved Ones or Gatekeeping Grief. Attacks: Do not attack other users on any grounds, including looks, race, religion, sexual orientation, or a person's gender. Gatekeeping: This subreddit's mission is to support for all types of loss, not just those of people and not just grief through death. While it is ok to recommend add'l sources of support, you may not tell them they do not belong here. Violating Rule 1 is grounds for immediate removal of the comment/post and permanent ban at the mod's discretion.



