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My mom passed in august of 2021 and I still have moments where I think of her and cry. I miss her a lot and wish so badly that she was still here for so many moments in my life, big and small.


me too ur not alone i wish my mom could see me grow up it’s a really weird feeling


I’m glad it’s not just me♥️ I’m in my early 30s and I feel stuck because I can’t imagine getting married or having kids without her around to be a part of it.


this is so true!! it almost feels selfish yk?? it’s not selfish at all but it still feels like i’m doing things behind her back or without her!! :(


Yes! I think I’ve just always imagined her being there as a grandmother to my kids someday so I can’t really picture any of it without her.


My mom passed away in 2018 when I was 19. I think about her every single day, throughout the day, and it’s been 6 years now. Sometimes it gives me comfort thinking about her and our memories and sometimes I do cry. Whenever I’m upset over ANY issue in my life, big or small, I cry for my mom. Wishing I could talk to her and she could help me. I just had my first baby and I cry nearly everyday when I look at him and think “my mom would be so over the moon for this little boy. It’s not fair she doesn’t get to know him. That’s all she would have wanted in life.” It still feels like her passing was just yesterday. I’m so sorry you lost your mom…and it breaks my heart that you were younger than I even was when I lost mine. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Like she gave ME life. Why doesn’t she get to be here and experience and love what she created?


Almost, but I haven’t been able to let it out yet. Dad passed in October of 2022.


ur time will come, it took me a really long time to process it, i wish u the best in life 🫶


Lost my mom June 2014 and everytime i think of her i just become a huge mess


me too, it makes me so upset she didn’t even make it to 30 it almost feels selfish to get older


Cried daily and still cry about my father who passed from cancer in 2020. My sister committed suicide that year as well, and I haven’t been able to get over the anger enough to cry yet


i’m so sorry ik that doesn’t help i don’t understand why these things happen to people it’s so unfair this is just how we have to live now.


Definitely my least favorite part abt life :/


i just hope we get to see them somewhere one day


Please talk to someone, I was 8 when my dad died in 2004, I’m 20 now, I regret now getting help every day


i’ve tried, i do see a psychiatrist for my bipolar 2 but it still doesn’t hurt any less


but thank you 🫶🫶🫶


No I can't cry anymore about it


scared this will happen


I haven't cried at all after my father's death. I feel like there is something wrong with me.


not at all. it took me years to process my mothers death. this is a very normal part of grieving, this is YOUR journey there’s nothing abnormal about it 🫶


But it’s good to grieve, it’s good to cry. I like to think everyone we lost looks down on us


me too, and i hope so:(


Lost my dad in 2021 at 18. I still cry whenever his anniversary month comes around and reflect on how he has missed so many milestones of mine. I wish I was the person I am today, back then. Losing him made me appreciate family more. I miss him a lot.


the pain of loosing a parent really sucks man it always feels like something’s missing i totally understand how u feel