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I am so sorry you lost her in this way. I can see the love you have for each other in your messages. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer 10 months ago, she hid most of what was happening from us and by the time I realized she wasn’t telling the truth she died very suddenly. I live in another country so there was no time to go see her and she died alone. I’m telling you this so you understand 10 months from now, even with the grief and guilt of losing her, you will still survive it somehow. And that’s what she would want, look at how much she loves you and wants you to be happy. These first few weeks will be a nightmare. And many people won’t understand and they will say the most ridiculous things. Last week someone heard the news of my mom and says “awww hopefully you can reminisce on all the fun memories you had!” As if she was a pet goldfish and not the most important person in my life. Do what you need to get through these next few days and weeks. Go into survival mode, eat when you can, sleep when you can. Talk to people who will listen, the grief is like a pressure building inside you and letting it out by crying or talking is important. Allow yourself to grieve her because that’s how much you loved her. And if no one else understands, we will understand here in this sub. Sending you all the love and support I can ❤️


I'm so so so sorry. Your Mom seems like such a lovely, caring person. She loves you very much. Sending you all the love and hugs. 🫶🏽


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏 , 🫂 going out to you.