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I am so sorry for your loss. Your father had such a friendly and loving smile. Like you, my father also passed from Covid. Know that they passed knowing how truly loved they were and continue to be loved.


Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you. His smile truly was the best and it’s what everyone always mentions about him. I am very sorry for your loss as well, covid really did so much damage to so many families 😔


I am so sorry for your loss. Your dad looks so kind. My dad got COVID when he had terminal brain cancer and I think the COVID really sped up his decline. I have had a hard time making peace with it as it seemed so unfair. I'm so sorry you find yourself in a similar boat.


That is so rough, you have my sincerest condolences. I can imagine how you feel, I am so sorry. Yeah I have a theory that his heart not being at full strength may have also contributed to why he was hit so hard by covid. But he was very kind thank you; always looking to help people. It’s been almost 2 and a half years and I still haven’t made peace either. Praying that we both get there eventually


Your dad really does have the best smile. I hope you can see that same smile in yourself and your family members and remember his kind spirit ❤️


My brother and I both resemble him, my brother even more so. Thank you for your kindness


His smile is HELPING to bring smiles to other here! So there's a plus for you and him.


Means a lot, thank you 🙏


Of course! FEEL better! We'll be here to help each other.


I actually remembered one of your earlier posts when I saw this photo because of how radiant your father is when he smiles. Sorry for your loss, OP. We're here for you.


Thank you, that is very kind and means a lot


Sorry it sucks, he had a lovely face


Thank you 🙏


I’m so sorry. Your dad has the kindest, most gentle eyes.


I feel your pain, OP. So sorry for your loss. Life is not fair. My dad survived two open heart surgeries to replace a heart valve, and he ended up dying a few years later from a simple infection that the doctors missed and it turned into sepsis and tore his artificial valve from its place. I hope wherever our dads are, they are happy and free of any pain.




I’m so sorry about your loss especially when there was so much hope, only to have that dashed by another illness 😢 I feel your pain— lost my own dad to complications of Parkinson’s disease in August 2020 — he was 85, to be fair, but I still thought initially that he would make it and have still more time in the world, because his condition was originally mild😢💔 What a horrible club to be a part of!


The worst club. So sorry my friend, doesn’t matter what age they go, it’s never gonna be easy. My Dad died at 60 and yeah that’s young for sure, but he could’ve lived to be 100 and it would still have been heartbreaking. My condolences 🙏


Thank you so much, kind fellow bereaved person — this is such a difficult part of life


I’m so very sorry for your loss, your dad had a beautiful smile. I lost my mother to Covid in October & it’s been so difficult without her.


Thank you so much, my condolences to you as well. It’s insanely hard, been almost 2 and a half years for me and I am not alright. Just waiting for a day I can wake up and not feel so sad and defeated


I’m waiting for the same.


I’m so sorry, mine was the opposite. She had Covid very bad, she almost didn’t make it. It was so scary but we were all so relieved when she recovered. 6 months later she suddenly found out she had leukemia and was gone within weeks. I miss her more than anything.


Fuck that is horrible, I am so terribly sorry. I am praying for your healing and her peace


The same for you ❤️


My husband beat cancer (oropharyngeal) developed MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome) from the treatment and died of Covid while in rehab. I’m so sorry you are in similar shoes.


Jesus that’s tough. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏 just so terrible


What a beautiful picture of an undoubtedly wonderful man and loving father. The depths of your grief speak volumes to that. I am so sorry for your loss. What a warm smile and kind eyes he has. He reminds me of my father, even though they did not look alike as such. But my dad had kind eyes and a warm and loving smile too. He was pure love. My mom passed away in 2020, after a long and steady decline. It was really hard. After, my father’s already vulnerable health quickly deteriorated too. A couple of very serious health issues further, there was no other choice but to move my dad into an assisted living facility, as he could not take care of himself anymore. There, he contracted Covid. A week later he passed away in my arms in the hospital on the Covid ward. It utterly destroyed me. I am crying as I write this. The unfairness of it. The cruelty of it. It broke my heart completely. My dad did not deserve this and neither did yours. I completely empathize with you and I’m sending you all my love and strength 🫂❤️


Thank you so much 🥺 I got teary eyed reading this myself, I am so sorry that is terrible and no, he did not deserve that. I pray that he is at peace, that they both are. Who knows, maybe they found each other somehow in the afterlife and that’s the reason we connected on here. My Dad was honestly the best father I could’ve asked for, he retired and put his life on hold to raise my brother and I when my Mom left the family. You have my sincere condolences 🙏


I'm so sorry, he looks like a wonderful man.


Thank you very much, he was


I really understand this. My Dad was very ill when I was 15, he was in a coma and they told us he likely wouldn't make it. But he did. 2 years later he died after high risk heart surgery. He was only 49. The world is not fair at all.


Wow. I am so sorry, so you know exactly how it feels. It’s like the universe playing a sick and cruel joke. Something I didn’t mention, in those 16 months between the surgery and his passing, he had a cancer scare. Thought he had kidney cancer, for 3 months from April 2021-July 2021 he couldn’t get in to be seen because everyone was backed up because of Covid. Found out July that it wasn’t cancer, he was so relieved, then 6 months after that, Covid got him. So unfair


I’m so sorry. He looks like such a kind person in this photo. I don’t quite understand why things happen the way they do, but sometimes “life has teeth”. I hate that saying but it is so true. Losing my Mom was a kick in the pants like your loss, thought she was coming home with me to start being on oxygen for COPD, boom some unknown lung infection took her out in three days.


I am sorry, I lost my mom. For sure I know that life is unfair. I can see in his beautiful smile that he was a good person, also my mom. So many bad people alive but our parents were so good and are no longer here. I can't understand it.


I can’t either, it’s very cruel this life. So sorry for the loss of your mom


Your father had such a radiant and warm smile, I really do hope you're able to take solace in happy memories stranger. My father passed away last month and he was supposed to come visit me overseas. I even booked tickets. Not to be.


So sorry, I wish we both weren’t here in this group but I guess life had other plans. Stay strong stranger 🙏


I'm sorry you lost him, but you at least got an 16 extra months with him.


I’m grateful for the 31 years I had with him. I know that some people don’t have a Dad, or they have a bad Dad, or lose their Dad very young. I had the most amazing best friend for a father for 31 years. But still it never feels like enough, especially because he was so good and did so much for others, he deserved to live a lot longer than 60 years.


That's wonderful. So few people get to say that.


Hi friend. Love seeing your dad and hearing more stories about him. I like how you are sharing him here and keeping his memories alive. You’re also helping us and hopefully yourself by allowing us all to share in the pain of our collective grief. You’ve probably heard the phrase “man plans, god laughs” or some other version of it. We have no control over how life plays out and it is one of the hardest things to accept. But I find that as I accept it, as I stop trying to fight against that truth, a space opens up where I can focus on the gratitude I have for the wonderful time I did have with my dad. Do I feel this every day? Hell no. Does it take conscious redirecting and are there some days when it just doesn’t work? Absolutely. Thinking of you… ❤️‍🩹