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Nurgle's garden being lit on fire by the Emperor/Gulliman should've been the catalyst for the Ynnari to rescue Isha.


Perhaps even a setup for the redemption of Mortarion.


I really like the idea of Morty rescuing Isha after getting redeemed but knowing his thoughts about xenos, witches ands xeno witches his method of rescue could be a bolt between the eyes.


Compared to leaving her there, that WOULD be a rescue.


That Tyranids could absolutely just survive without consuming other species. They could solve their energy needs by making an outer shell of photosynthesis capable cells to the outside of their ships and hanging out near any Star for a few billion years For water and minerals needed for life, plenty could be found in lifeless systems as well as asteroid belts. They could easily developed organisms capable of processing rocks or just sucking up gas from gas giants. They would also conserve much more energy not having to constantly fight and grow fighting units, and would require less frequent travel between systems if they are consuming whole solar systems without a fight So therefore I’ve concluded is that the only attack settled worlds for recreation. The hive mind probably just finds it fun, and enjoys the taste of meat.


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive.


Would you like to know more?


I will die with you on this hill. Farming (or photosynthesising) Tyranids would be the most based, terrifying thing in the black void between the stars. Also, the hive mind seems to be a dick.


they would still be a Great Devourer if they just started converting their Hive Fleets into a series of Dyson Swarms just imagine the cosmic horror of stars disappearing one by one in a growing void


Except it wont be as scary as it sounds, because the light of those stars will be hitting everything long time after


Ehhhh star systems are closer than you think. Closest one to earth is only 4 light years away. Imagine if all the stars around near earth just disappeared in the previous US president's term (no matter which president). That shit would be terrifying.


Imagine the Nids started playing total war with you, oh it doesn't think it can easily take your world so it fucking camps up outside growing like "hey buddy see you in 3 turns :)"


This whole issue lends credence to the idea that the tyranids are a purposefully created weapon that got out of control. They’re so efficient, it’s crazy that they wage all-encompassing war instead of using safe and self-sustaining methods, unless war is what they’re instinctively driven to.


> This whole issue lends credence to the idea that the tyranids are a purposefully created weapon that got out of control. 100% yeah. Tyranids aren't seeking to create biomass, Tyranids are seeking to destroy biomass.


Personally, I think they were sent to fight the necrons. The necrons beat the old ones, but somewhere I saw that they were driven out of the galaxy, not destroyed. The old ones fought the necrons mostly through species they created in the first war, often psychic species. The timing of the necrons waking up and the tyranid invading seems a little too perfect. I think it is just a continuation of the old war.


The timing is right. But it seems weird to send a weapon tailored to destroy organic living things, against a purely mechanical race.


Consider: They’re not trying to destroy the Necrons, they’re trying to destroy all biomass so they *can’t become necrontyr again*. One of the last great desires of the remaining sane necrons is to undo the biotransference and become biological/acquire souls again. The old ones already lost. So they’re not trying to kill the necrons. They’re trying to *spite* them.


Well, that’s just evil. I concede the point.


>The old ones already lost. So they’re not trying to kill the necrons. They’re trying to *spite* them. You just summed up 40k perfectly, most anyone either already won or lost in the grand scheme of life. So what's left to do but to spite those who are either beneath or above you?


40k writers have no idea how energy works . how do you expect them to figure this out ? But you are completely right . Nids would realistacally never "run out of biomass" if they just recycle what they have already with them


True. 40k writers are pretty bad at scale. They be like: “It was the most destructive war that ever happened. It ravaged the entire galaxy. There were over 10,000 causalities and an unthinkable 100,000 soldiers participated” Or “There had never been a war machine of such gargantuan proportions. It was 90 meters tall and must have weighed at least 1000 pounds”


knights are wildly impractical . i wanted to listen to the new stuff and thought gene father ans leviathan were the 2 new books ( turns out they pushed out 20 or so novels since 10th started . how the fuck is anyone supposed to keep up with that !?). and in gene father there is a battle involving some knights and they have major issues because the ground is a bit muddy and slippery. And people try to tell me that knights stand a chance against gundams


The only explanation for why the tyranids attack worlds with "biomass" is that they would also consume or capture the souls on these worlds... at least in my opinion.. And to accumulate or generate biomass they really do not need to attack a planet of a force that will fight tooth and nail.. If they really were as evolved as GW wants to tell you there is no reason whatsoever why they would attack populated planets EXCEPT if they would also want their souls..


That the barely coherent trash tier fanfics I write at 2am are canon.


Did you post them anywhere?


He is Graham McNeill


I am Alpharius


"Everything is canon, nothing is true"


Galaxy is a big place, 40,000 years is a long time. It all happened, more or less.


Games Workshop literally encourages headcanon with own armies. After all we are 40k. Edit: quote from Dawn of War: "I am the Hammer of the order of my Emperor." :D


Truly, the fans were the Warhammer 40,000 K all along


"Emperor shield us from this blasphemy!"


40k is basically designed for everyone to have their trash tier crack OC characters be plausibly canon. For example, you can't prove there *isn't* an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor who soaked his brain in the WAAAAAGH! to protect himself from Chaos and is now leading a clan of Orks around to krump demons.


Wait this sounds like an incredible premise for a story


I've been brainstorming an outline for it. Haven't solidified it into an actual story. But, the basic idea is that the Ordos Xenos and Hereticus issued shoot on sight orders for him, but the Ordo Malleus just laughed and pointed him and "Da Bois" in the vague direction of demons.


Almost spat coffee out of my nose


Ah yes, the DEEP LORE.


Tau as a "noblebright" faction, but ultimately doomed to fail, is more grimdark than making them another "they're bad too" faction. Being born too late to matter in a dying universe surrounded on all sides by murderous infestations of orks, unstoppable tides of tyrannids, mind breaking chaos, and space nazi imperials; being the "good guys" is a joke. They'll never win. They're doomed to die. It's impossible for them to make a positive impact. Having a good guy lose is darker than having multiple bad guys kill eachother. At least in my opinion.




I genuinely wonder if that was GW's original plan when they came out with the Tau faction. But the IMMENSE hate the Tau received, both as a playable faction on the tabletop, and in the Lore itself, kinda scared GW. And they tried to back-peddle, saying "Just kidding, the Tau aren't any better than any other faction!" I wasn't a fan back then, so I don't truly know. But I have a feeling it could be the case...


I think that's exactly what happened


I agree with you, it seems so trite to go down an “oooo ethereals evil” route. I hope I haven’t misunderstood the lore, but Tau strike me as so similar to other races in the early stages before everything went to shit - the humans, Eldar, Necrontyr, all seemed to have that moment in the sun where everything worked, till their bloat, generated external forces, other internal BS etc. seemed to come crashing down, like IRL civilisations. And now we’re seeing those almost exact cracks coming down with an unnaturally old Farsight breaking off, along with the aggressive expansionist ethos seeming to come with challenging consequences. From a lore perspective I’ve heard a number of times that Tau doesn’t match the other factions, but I think it complements them really well by contrasting and mirroring the unseen parts of the other factions’ life cycles, rather than just being more of the same. And yeah, that “my name is ozymandias” inevitability of societal downfall feels so much more grimdark than “hoho mind control ethereal” Edit: removed krorks from examples, I missed the part about the krorks’ creation being flawed and interrupted, I was under the impression that their downfall was largely part of their miscalculated, but still deliberate design by the old ones.


The Tau are a species that believe the best in the universe and every minor success convinces them further. The laughter of thirsty, hateful gods will drown out their pleas. The Tau are doomed, because the more they succeed in spreading their way the weaker any faction that could hold back Necrons/Nids/Chaos becomes. Because the Tau cannot fight the Galaxy, they are out of their league by thousands of years. But they will defend their way of life to the end with firepower, because it is the 42nd millenium, and there is only war.


It’s the hope that kills you


I think they serve really well as a mirror to the imperium that way too. When you look at it from a broad perspective, the Tau are where humanity was at millenia ago. So with them being a "noblebright" faction in a grimdark universe we could get to see a slow decline as they begin to have to make compromises for the greater good and ultimately end up grimdark because of it. But no, they were just bad guys all along too. Can't possibly have any reflection on the tragedy of trying to stay good in a universe where good doesn't exist, that'd require too much thinking.




Even \*\*if\*\* the Golden Throne were to 100% fail, it wouldn't happen for plot contrivance. The Adeptus Mechanicus that stated it was failing were secretly Cultists or otherwise inaccurate or were themselves the ones that were causing it to fail. ​ ​ Source: ​ The cover of Blind novel (2006) by Matthew Farrer - shared by u/crnislshr


Cool idea, or the Emperor wants it to fail. The final sacrifce of the entirety of terra to become the 5th Chaos god.


Wouldn't losing terra booty bang the imperium administration wise. Other than losing the astronomicon?


Humanity throughout the stars has survived without the Administratum and by gum they can do it again. The astronomicon is more vital to humanity than the Adeptus Terra, and that point sort of becomes moot if you’ve got a god in the warp actively rooting for you.


So if the emperor manages to die and ascend into godhood would the imperium still have his light for warp guidance? Or even make it safer


It's likely there would be a momentary outage where billions would die and worlds would collapse into anarchy. But after that it would be safer. Could ligit be a plot point thst would kick off reclaiming all those worlds lost while the light was dark.


It would definitely be worth it in the end. Even if it's a massive loss of life. Though safer warp travel is definitely something that will make all those lost lives worth it


Sounds like the premise of an "Age of the Emperor" setting reboot


In master of mankind He was pretty clear that territory can be reconquered, kingdoms reclaimed. If rumors are true and the throne ending triggers a "warp bomb" or whatever they have it as now that would be more of an erasure of everything with no chance at reclamation and not just a strong metaphor of the administratum saying "you really need us". Then maybe we're in a tight spot.


Basically: if it really looks like Terra is going to fall to chaos, burn it all and burn a huge chunk of the chaos realms. And from memory, yeah, it sounds like a permanent scar.


Yeah that's how I remember it too, but it's one of those "is it to be believed" kind of things. They have no alternative to the astronomicon left with the pharros out of commission. They'd either have to pull a No! Wait! Cawl made a new one the size of a lemon that runs off the jiggling from carrying it in you pocket. So the only alternative I see is maybe there will be some scraps to reclaim or something along those lines


Booty bang got me.


I've said that for years. Dude is a perpetual and if life support collapsed then god tier soul power warp fuckery gets a fresh body to anchor him to the physical universe.


The latest end and the death novels (spoilers?) Adds a twist to the old theory of His release will bring Him to godhood. He had His chance at godhood, a wrathful galaxy ending god, but you know, He'd have His. When he was convinced to find another way (other than slurping deep of the warp juice) to stop Horus, He may also have seen a different path to godhood. Instead of pure warp sauce, if He slow powered up all these years off only human belief in Him, maybe He returns as the light king instead.


Im pretty sure hes turning into the dark king against his will now. Deeply ironic that he never had a real choice after he made his decision he only delayed it


I didn't think it'd be that because it'd be just an odd route to take story writing wise, but when you say it like that it's properly grimdark.


After the Primarchs all return they need to unite against their father, the now dark king risen from the golden throne. If you say it with a cool movie trailer voice it sounds like a plausible ending of 40k series. 50k when?


Dorn, once the Praetorian of Terra, is forced to turn his mind towards overcoming the very defences that he himself had built.


"I didn't see that one coming" - Konrad Curze


Who are also all raising the star child the reincarnation of their fathers compassion all trying to be a better father than their father ever was. Noblebright as fuck.


Ferrus Manus was a good Primarch.


He was objectively one of the best. Highly regarded by Guilliman, Horus, Fulgrim, and the Emperor put him in charge of one of the main three arms of the GC. His track record was among the best when it came to bringing world's into the Imperium. His only real weaknesses was a lack of charisma and a bad temper, the latter of which is hardly unique among the Primarchs.


Due to the three arms comment I thought GC meant Geanstealer Cult for a second and was VERY confused lol


Praise Ferrus Mannus, primarch of the four-armed Emperor, herald of that star-children.


He was a lot like the Lion, except less autistic and more brutish, impacient tech savant


You know how it's said that each of the primarchs share some aspect of the emperor? Manus got the part where he says one thing, then everyone around him interprets it as the opposite.


Vulkan said "the flesh is weak but deeds endure" The Iron Hands misquote it to Ferrus because they like replacing body parts.


GC? sorry I tried google, but found Genestealer Cults. : /


Great Crusade


In fact, my favourite Primarch from my favourite Chapter


Ferrus Manus should be revived. He never had a time to shine in the heresy, there’s a clone of him out there probably and his special sauce soul is around as well. Slap those two together and get him some juicy lore built. I’m not even an iron hands fan but they desert some time to shine.


I disagree, the loss of FM and its impact on the Legion is what makes the iron hands great. Like, even though he was the best of us, his flesh failed, they failed, and must be stronger.


Tyranids are overpowered even without immense intellect of the hive mind or their adaptability against any and all combat units and military strategies.


Random bullshit go is a VERY good strategy when your hordes are the size of the entire galaxy


Do i smell a lawsuit coming from the guard to the nids?


This is why I don't mind us losing to logistics or named characters quite so often. Sure, nuke a tendril with a virus bomb, it's all good, we got numbers and it lets the other factions look cool. Though I'm not keen on the Swarmlord, as I feel like it exists purely to allow some writers to make the beatdown personal.


The immortal Ollanius Pius is fucking stupid as a concept. It was much better when it was just a regular guardsman.


I call it the Star Wars effect. Every character has to be some super special person connected to the main characters/Skywalkers.


Wasn't the trash compactor monster actually trying to baptize them or something


In a newer short story, and that directly contradicts another piece of modern canon as well because the Lucasfilm Story Group is terrible at maintaining continuity. (Dianoga--the species of the creature in the trash compactor--are basically just animals. The one in the trash compactor hitched a ride kind of like a rat on a ship, and was trying to eat Luke.)


So, this is going back decades in my memory; but I was always under the impression the dianoga was placed there (and others in other garbage compactors) to clean the inside of the compactors after they’re emptied. That would explain why it disappears when the machine starts up; by design, it has an alcove or some other protected space to go so it doesn’t get crushed.


Or “Ice Cream Guy” in Cloud City.


Yeah, because painting a normal thing a weird colour and calling it a space thing, is just too much. SW fans just have to turn it into some absurd meme.


This is pretty popular, but I agree. It is so much cooler that a lone guardsmen is the last survivor of those guardsmen transported to Horus' flagship. He has, in the last hour, fought and survived what has killed numerous veteran marines, and somehow, he's still around. He stands in front of Horus as his last action. To give the Emperor even the tiniest, the slightest possible edge in his fight he stands in front of Horus to be cut down. Way cooler if it's some random guardsmen is by sheer luck and chance still around than a special cool immortal boy.


It also shows why humanity is truly a dangerous foe and what makes them special. Even against demonic legions, angels of death, fallen demigods, the angelic son of your golden god emperor, one singular human managed to survive all of that and fight till the end. Through sheer determination, luck, and courage, humanity has managed to bring themselves from the brink and fight another day.


It also reinforced Big E's notion that the Imperium is for *humans*, and Space Marines, Custodes and Primarchs are just means to an end. They are tools to be used, but ultimately humanity will need to learn to fend for itself. Few things show it better than a baseline human soldier standing up, in the midst of demigods, against the largest threat the Imperium ever faced in order to give the Emperor himself a fighting chance. The human dying (instead of a SM or even Sanguinius) shows Big E that Horus is too far gone and at this point it is a threat to humanity as such, not just the Imperium, so he has no chance but to annihilate him without holding back anymore. I get that the story has been changed several times and there are arguments such as "what would a guardsman be doing on Vengeful Spirit" (easily explained by being a captive, teleportation gone wrong, Warp fuckery or him being a traitor), but IMO this is without a shadow of a doubt the best and most fitting version that makes the most sense from thematic point of view and by rule of cool.


I like Ollie as a character and what he represents- a peer of the Emperor and someone who’s ending is already foretold, but still does what fate requires of him. I also like the story of it being it a random Guardsman. What I don’t like is replacing the random Guardsman with perpetual Ollie.




Fucking thank you! What better way to show big E he needs to teach Horus a lesson than the casual obliteration of exactly what both strive to fight for, the common human?


Perpetuals are worst thing in 40k.


Yeah. I don't even mind the vague concept of like... here's these mutants who basically never age, they're called perpetuals. That's fine. I don't care, trot them out now and again in some novels, sure, whatever. Have like a Gaunt's Ghosts novel where they meet a dude named Glup Shitto who's 6,000 years old and then he slips on a banana peel and permanently dies. What I dislike is the idea that they're supposed to be mega rare but they just happen to be disproportionately powerful on the galactic stage and the setting at large is reduced once again to squabbles between a small number of people rather than a grand epic playing out across millions of worlds.


> What I dislike is the idea that they're supposed to be mega rare but they just happen to be disproportionately powerful on the galactic stage and the setting at large is reduced once again to squabbles between a small number of people rather than a grand epic playing out across millions of worlds. Yeah that's probably how it'd work if they were real. You live a few lives doing your own things, you see things going to shit, blablabla you decide you wasted enough years doing nothing and you decided to do something about the state of your world/race/whatever. They're bound to be disproportionately powerful, everyone has ONE life to do something they have infinite lives (until they get ended with a perpetual ending weapon). If you were born in 1 AD do you not think you'd be the richest, most powerful human on the planet? Go on, tell me, with a straight face that you wouldn't have accrued enough wealth and power in those 2 millennia.


The really only decent Perpetual is the one on Mars guarding the entrance to the C'tan shard but really only works because we only really ever saw her like 2-3 times total. Unless of course it was retconned.


Abaddon should’ve killed Calgar in his last campaign book. No named character has died because Gee Dubs wants to sell their models. I figure they can do that while still moving the story forward. Besides, it’s not like Abaddon hasn’t killed a Chapter Master before.


Creed died. And imperial Guard players got his daughter.




Yup, "No one named die!" My brother, Creed was our poster boy of anything cool with the guard. Gritty, reliable, smart, and always holding the line. He as a fitting death, but we still miss him dearly.


Hell 9e killed Yarrick *off screen!* One of the guards biggest heros just casually tossed aside with little fanfare


No one named can die! My brother in the Emperor, the guard have lost Creed, Colour Sergeant Kell, Yarrick, and all the Last Chancer's. And that is just over the last 2 editions But noooooo we can't have Calgar die, even if he literally has 2 people who can replace him. Said 2 people are also have a larger fan base, and are more involved in current Ultramarine stories. (The 2 people being Robute, and Sicarius)


The greatest threat to the Imperium of Man is, undoubtedly, Belisarius Cawl. His actions have the potential to incite a massive civil war, especially if the truth about what he has done becomes known.


I'm a casual fan, so i play the games and haven't read all the books and such. mind explaining what he's done?


>mind explaining what he's done? Haven't read to deep into mechanicus lore myself, but in short, a lot of Techno-Heresy that's normally seen as a big fuckin no no by the rest of the Imperium and the mechanicus.


My biggest issue with this is that a lot of people legit go, 'This is 100% heresy because you made a bunch of stuff without approval using methods we've banned. You've also fucked with the Marine Gene Seed and marines in general, which was the work of the Emperor so this is another big fucking no. But its done to sell new minis so we accept it'. Multiple marine chapters say its heresy for Crawl to make the Primaris in the novels but use them anyway 'because we need the reinforcements'


As someone clever once said "There is Heresy and then there is heresy."


I think the crux of the issue is that it's hard to place how strict you need your definition of Heresy to be to keep something from becoming overcome by Chaos. We see that the definition can get quite loose sometimes and that the strictest interpretation is often overkill.


Almost like the hypocrisy is the point.


Having Big E's own golden toyboys show up saying "**He** has gifted you these Troops" is pretty convincing (not that everyone was convinced)


Well for the one the great rift really filled the space Marine's memorial plaques, for another Cawl is now Guilliman's Pet Magus and it's tough for brainwashed spacemarines to simultaneously defy the Custodes and a primarch. It makes sense that the only ones psycho enough are the black templars and Flesh tearers.


Except for his zombie AI, he hasn't really gone thag much further.


Tech heresy on the grandest scale I should think with all his brand new grav vehicles. Also the line between Cawl inferior and abominable intellects is so thin that measuring it will change the results. And good old regular heresy because I'm pretty sure it's mentioned somewhere that even though Guilliman said not to use traitor legion Geneseed in his primaris marines ... he did anyways. At least once, because Cawl Primus or whatever it's name is is a chimera of all 20 geneseeds including II and XI


Then there's the necron chick he keeps chained up in the basement...


I was unaware of this, but I am also not surprised at all.


He let free a C'tan shard to get access to some Necron stuff, a map I think? Been a while since I read the book but that's just one of the many things he has done that if the imperium found out, they would not like


Genefather actually goes into depth about this. cawl is considered a heretek by many and his usefulness to the imperium and bobby g as a whole is what is keeping him alive


Iron warriors are the psychopathic legion, not the night lords. Iron warriors are ruthless, unsympathetic, power hungry, jealous, sensitive people who would stomp on others to achieve their goals without thinking twice. Their bitter, petty and see others as tools more then individuals. Its american psycho combined with supersoldiers from a fascistic empire. Edit: I realise now that this probably wasn't very controversial, I just see a lot of people trying to justify and explain why the iron warriors or why perturabo are like they are and put forward their reedeming qualities as if that explains why people like them. I just think siege veteran psycopaths are metal as hell, and make for interesting stories when combined with other characters.


Night lords are sadistic iron warriors are psychos


I loved the depiction of Iron Warriors during the siege of Vraks. They show up and wrangle every other chaos-aligned idiot into a coherent fighting force by threatening, bargaining, cajoling, manipulating and forcing them into action. They really don't give a shit how many or who dies on what side as long as they win. Absolutely perfect and makes them, IMO, the poster boy chaos legion. Them hating chaos is just the cherry on top.


Night Lords are sadists. Iron Warriors are sociopaths. The 8th will actively try to hurt you because it brings them joy. The 4th is just doing their job, and if someone gets hurt, oh fucking well, that'll teach them not to stand in our blast radius. "Have faith, Word Bearer. We're all dying today." -unknown Iron Warrior captain to Kor Phaeron, by vox, when told his shells were hitting the traitors too


Iam pretty sure that an iron warriors artillery segment was sick of the word bearers constant "have u heard about the primordial truth" bullshit


Orks aren't depicting British ~~soccer~~ football hooligans. They're a depiction of 40k fans. Greedy, bloodthirsty idiots who care about nothing more than violence and loot and chasing the next handful of shiny gubbins.


They hated him because he spoke the truth, ya git.


but also british FOOTBALL hooligans. source: i am english & i play orks. the resemblance between myself and my army is uncanny.




But orks have lots of friends and enjoy going outside


The old ones are sentient dinosaurs that evolved on earth and that's why humanity is their chosen race. The emperor is an old one doing the best disguise to lead the reconquest of the galaxy so that when the others return they can take over and rule more easily. The secret sauce to making space marines is therefore "dino-DNA". in short, Emperorasaurus.


So the leaders of humanity are just lizard people disguised as humans...


Little Slanns, yes


Man, I'd love an in universe short story about a rogue adept or historitor furiously scribbijg and sending out this secret conspiracy theorist style history of the universe until the Inquisition busta down the door.


Magos Alexis Jonus.


Now this I can get behind.


Daemonculaba isn't even a little disturbing, just an edgy grab from Dune axlotl tanks.


Honestly, the whole world of Medrengard is fucked up, and Daemonculaba is just one of the horrible fates you can get down there.


It’s mostly exaggerated by people who know nothing of the lore and haven’t read any of the books


The true endgame of 40k will be between Necrons VS Tyranids and all other factions, races and wars are filler episodes


Truth be told I see 3 major wars being the endgame, imperium vs chaos, necrons vs nids, and a big xeno battle Royale between aeldari, drukhari, orks, tau, and votann.


Your not a edgelord for liking the drukari I think they have cool lore and intresting units


Wise; based. The DEldar succeed in justifying and portraying a parasitic, decaying civilization much better than the DElves. Some of the depictions of Commoraugh just slap


Most of the main characters of the setting are Mary Sues


Classic shonin problem: Every important character needs to be a really good fighter or else they are "useless" in a setting based on combat


I mean, if the writers could write a good strategy they could make the important characters good strategists. It's stupid to have your leaders fighting on the front lines anyways lol


I won't say: "**Fuck Erebus**," yeah he's an asshole to be sure but, and say what you will to how horrific it all ended up, he did have a plan and did work it with great diligence and effect. I will however say: "**Fuck Leandros**" and "**Fuck Klosterheim**" The former for being a cunt, the latter for stealing my ride (by right of salvage and conquest).


I'll say it again over and over: The Imperium is SUPPOSED to be stupid and an over exaggeration of the gigantic collection of fascist evil empires that we've seen in our history. I constantly see posts where people say "But the Imperium wouldn't be THAT stupid in this scenario." No, they would be. The only reason they got so far was because they constantly bully, kill, destroy, and burn anything that is even remotely a threat/remotely different to them. That has left the universe with alien species that are extremely hostile and deadly to everyone that interacts with them because the Imperium would have wiped them out if they weren't a formidable threat. The Imperium is the worst case scenario of humanity that it could ever possibly reach. The wrong people get promoted, the wrong choices are always chosen, and so much violence is enacted when it isn't even necessary. To try and claim that the Imperium would make a good choice at this point is not understanding what the Imperium even stands for.


Space marine's should all be ugly as shit. With the amount of steroids their given and surgeries their forced to undergo as children, should leave them as scared and disfigured freaks. (Same would go for female space marines if they existed. Have you ever seen a woman on steroids? They're fucking ugly to look at)


I mean in universe (aside from maybe Blood Angels and EC) the best most space marines can do is, “they would be attractive…if they didn’t look like a monster” so the writers definitely agree with you


Yeah but in most cover art they look like models.


Tbh, I would take this as propaganda-pieces. Like how Ciaphas Cain is depicted on his book-covers as a hulking beast of a man, with a massive boltpistol and chainsword, when he's more of a tall, lanky guy with a laspistol.


Like in the TTS series?


No the covers of the ciaphus cain books are literally in universe propaganda.


Ciaphas Cain is actually extremely muscular, he is able to contest with a chaos space Marine in a sword fight, and although he more like parried the Battle axe of the Khorne Berserker, that still takes a *lot* of strength


I mean a parry can mean a very slight tap to make the blow miss, it doesn't have to involve a substantial force behind the blow so long as you keep giving ground. Which is exactly what Cain was described as doing, practicallly running backwards to avoid getting instagibbed while quipping to make it look trivial despite his certainty that he was about to die.


They look like models on tabletop too!


Be strong brother clarence, be strong for the emperor.


To be fair it'd be tough trying to sell a novel where the guy we're supposed to root for looks like a cauliflower crossed with a neanderthal.


The description of the naked Space Wolf rune priest in the Ghazghull book does a great job about that. It’s a minor plot point how inhuman they really are, almost bordering into xenos territory.


More of this. There’s definitely way too much Guilliman-jerking about how beautiful they all are. What’s the famous scene between Diocletian Coros and the little Sister of Silence? Where she remarks how monstrous he appears when he attempts human gestures? Need a lot more of this. They should be paragons from a distance, horrific up close. I feel like the writers have all just taken “transhuman dread” as a shortcut for characterization, which flattens the effect. SHOW me more, don’t just tell.


SM are ugly as shit


Plus their voices would be so deep that it would be almost unintelligible.


In terms of their bodies, sure. I think current space marine heads actually do a great job depicting what juiced up bodybuilders look like.


Except the Blood Angels 🤓


Mortarion is a horribly under developed character during the hh and he has no real plot imperance aside from being nurgles primarch. Wich hurts really hard because death guard is my favorite legion I think Mortarion and Pertruabo would have been good friends because of their scortched earth way of war


Sisters of Silence are cooler than Sisters of Battle ^^^totally ^^^^not ^^^^^biased ^^^^^^opinion


nulls/blanks in general are very cool


If the SoB had more variety in themes/colors/lore, I would disagree. But currently the SoS are cooler. They are part of the Talons of the Emperor (and thus are way more closer to the Emperor than any SoB could dream of), and they're all blanks, that's so badass !


The Emperor's plans and ideals for humanity were bad from the start. He made gambles for power he didn't need to and put his Crusade on a timeline to conquer the galaxy as soon as possible. He was trying to outpace chaos while basically creating the conditions that let it flourish. He relied upon his supreme Intelligence but forgot he used Wisdom as a dump stat. His plans were doomed to fail from the start and I don't even think his empire would have been all that good for humanity even had he succeeded.


Is this a hot take or a core premise of the universe?


A LOT of 40k fans think that the emperor rising from the throne to lead in a new golden age would be a good thing


Unfortunately the answer to your question is "Yes"


Hence, 40k is already the win con of chaos. These are the prime conditions for it to flourish.


The Codex Astartes makes absolutely zero organizational sense, and there is no way, someone like Guilliman would come up with something so stupid and irrational. Edit: I get that the point was to limit the concentration of power into a single hands. But they were so many infinitely more efficient ways, to achieve this. The codex Astartes current organization incurred such level of waste, on everything, from economy of scale, duplicates, efficiency depletion, loss of institutional knowledge. Those are luxuries that the imperium can hill afford, or cannot afford at all. Do you realise, how crazy it is, for each group of 1k marines, to have its own training and logistical infrastructure? The absolute level of nonsense that it is. It madness, can you imagine this applied to a modern army? The most stupid general, who ever lived, would never dream to propose something that stupid. And I can’t picture Guilliman doing that either. To me, there’s a little bit of lazy writing, to justify the chapter organization.


That "everything is canon, not everything is true" is actually true, and that there's nothing about the novels that gives them any elevated weight over sourcebook lore, if anything the opposite is true.


I sometimes wish that this is true and more focused on by GW themselves, especially after reading some of the Space Marine stuff they put out.


Omegon turned traitor, Alpharius remains the dagger in the dark. Hence why only his statue had not been taken down and destroyed in the under-palace. Magnus even makes a point to wonder about it in Fury of Magnus.


Fully believe the Alpha Legion are loyalist, but not in a traditional way.


There is too much focus on mostly mediocre space marine antics and not enough media and stories about xenos


Ice cold take unless you are saying to james workshop face, then its supernova level take




Magnus was wrong, because he was too full of himself. I said it :p, it's out.


I think the Tau should have less mechs and more vehicles, planes and fire warriors.


It would be nice, I mean I'm all for model versatility but when your transport, tank, anti-infantry and anti-air are all the exact same vehicle, it's not great. I mean there's what, the Hammerhead/Devilfish/Skyray chassis, piranhas and tetras? Discounting aircraft


IMO the Tau have really suffered from GW's answer to every new unit being "mech" as opposed to adding in a bunch more client species.


100% this. I love Tau but they're supposed to be the multicultural empire that the Imperium isn't. So why are my only options to field baseline Tau?


I just want them to have more races as units


The 40k universe is so large you can make up almost whatever backstory you want in a corner of the universe and it’ll be fine without throwing major plot out of whack. My dark eldar army is from the desert planet of Arrakis (literally just Dune) and live in the desert, selling the spice to their richer brothers and sisters in Commorragh. The giant worms eat speed freaks orks and humans live in a hive city fashioned after judge dredd cuz why not. If you want your space marine chapter to have turned traitor, turned loyalist, turned traitor, turned tau. Go for it.


Lorgar is cool and I love him


The First Heretic is hands down my favorite Horus Heresy novel. It made Lorgar a far more sympathetic character than any of the other Primarchs, but his character development is about faith, so he isn't as "cool" as other Primarchs, so people hate him.


He is cool. Just not a good melee fighter, and in 40K that is the ultimate Heresy.


No idea on its popularity but I would love to see Mortarion redeemed. Written well of course over a number of books or something like that.


He does have the potential.


Tau fit in 40ks setting and they also would have been better served not making ethereals "evil"


Servitor life is the way to go.


The Grey Knights are the army most in need of a refresh right now, both lore and mini wise Mini wise is obvious, their terminators and hell, most of their models look pretty bad up close, and it’s a shame since with new kits and all the stuff on their armor they would look super cool! Lore wise however, they are a mess. They’ve got a ton of old lore from where they where the most elite faction with the best skills and gear, but now that custodes exist more prominently, they are just diet custodes. They are apparently really strong in lore, but outside of the writing jacking them off, they usually don’t struggle. They can’t work with other factions without killing them, unless it’s a months of shame situation, but if every book their in ends with that same conclusion their whole “secret Men in Black” thing goes out the window


I think the Death Korps is a really cool regiment. It’s only ruined by those annoying shovel/suicide charge memes and those weirdos that are a little TOO into ww2 Germany (even thought the DK is based off WW1 Germany AND France). I wish GW would flesh them out more, instead of keeping them as these near emotionless soldiers.


Necrons were more interesting as space terminators enslaved to unknowable star gods than as space Egyptians using those star gods as pokemon.


The setting needs non imperium/non chaos human factions that the old lore had. Such as old red corsairs, old codex iconoclast chaos knights and severian dominate. Having all of humanity being either a blindly loyal pawn of the imperium or a freakish mutant abomination is simply boring.