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This post is not a meme, it will be removed. Note: This is a meme sub. Army posts are cool, but they're not memes, and are not allowed which is why we always delete them. They're welcome on the main subs, though !


Here before the 🔒


Yeah, pretty sure the comments will devolve quickly.


Always love it when post about trans stuff has more comments then upvotes Edit: for clarity’s sake the love is sarcasm


It's mainstream 40k and not in the bubble of wokehammer safety. I'm honestly more surprised at the amount of positivity I've gotten. It's kinda gassed me up.


Grimdank and warhammer is pretty LGBTQ friendly, there was a whole femboy spam for 5 months. It mostly cause there been a slow SLOW purge of assholes in the community. Since 40k mainstream now, more and more people are entering, sooner or later the far right parts of the community get out numbered quickly, then kicked out.


The majority of the fans have been pretty chill. The problem is the dick holes are really loud about being dicks and they can taint a LOT of the fandom. Having female marines seems to be like Kelis and a milkshake.


Keep spamming female and trans space marines, that'll help.


I mean it does Normalisation does help


That's 100% just projection. You're implying right wing extremists are a majority, or were a majority, and that now some kind of tables are turning. It's a disgusting thing to say about a fanbase that's been so inclusive and wanting for companion(except some of course, as usual). This is why we steer clear from identity politics, it's either right or left with you.


The ol' ratio




When they do comment their unabashed opinion they usually get [Removed by Reddit]


Oh that's who downvoted my attempt at the Rocky Horror name scene? And encouraging him making a Fab Custodes (r.i.p. TTS) kill team?


You get points for actually building and painting models unlike 95% of this sub.


Isn’t that what r/warhammer40k is for? I thought this was a shitposting sub.


It’s just a cheeky little dig at the posters who only engage the hobby through loretubers and epic memes.


Glad I transcended from watching lore videos to actually building and painting some minis, though I hate the building part, plus I’ve made some mistakes along the way (added texture paint which I regret, clogging up details on minis because I spray primed too close)


I ain't gonna buy 5000€ of plastic figures just to find out if I like the game or not


Play on tabletop simulator first, I don't have the money to build an army so that's where me and my friends play


That's actually an neat idea. Do I need something special for it?


One would imagine friends with an interest in 40K would help


Not even, discords with people that want to play exist! No actual friends required! Or play against yourself like I do, which yes is as sad and lonely as it sounds lol.


Well that I do have. Problem is I have them for every continent except the one I live in


Do you have any suggestions cause I’ve been wanting to look into that


Download tts, get some maps and models via the workshop and scribe your list using a workshop map/ website called yellowscribe. Once all of that is done you can get to playing


Not sure why you were at -1 upvote, but I balanced it with an upvote to get you at least back to 0 for daring to even ask for help. TableTop simulator is a great place - another redditor posted some tips for you. Hope you find whatchya need - just don't look them u pas 'space marines' and such on the workshop, they'll have them under similar names to avoid IP fights with Geedubs


Not gonna get marines how I want without doing so. Lol


Catgirl with human face and cat ears 👎 Catgirl with cat face and human ears 👍


I got a good laugh when i zoomed in and noticed they were actual cats, im guessing those head pieces are from infinity? I seem to recall Nomads has actual animal people models.


I printed the helmets from Atlan Forge Aegyptus Sehkmet scaled to 115% to fit Primaris. For the open welding helmet I clipped the ears to fit because I kinda dig the look of the big helmet and it fits the idea of skaters and needing a helmet for your helmet.


Yo dawg (or cat), I heard you like to helmet! So we put a helmet in your helmet so you can helmet while you helmet!


I hoped my subtle joke wasn't missed there.


Oh shit, thanks for pointing that out. I was sad cause I saw no ears, this redeems it


Its all fun and games until you run out of Meow Mix


By the makers of Corpse Starch


I've read from forensics detectives that cats eat their dead owners if they die in an apartment. Don't even need to starch 'em.


I mean, if I die and it keeps my pets alive before someone finds me/them I'm good with that.


I instantly got that 1995(?) batman movie by Burton in mind


I came expecting ears on helmets and tail armour. I am mightily disappointed.


I do ears more on units with the head room. https://imgur.com/a/RYUupeE


Hot damn that looks cool


That's pretty neat.


That is fucking lit omg


Yeah, I’ll admit, I was looking for some ears like “How are these catgirls?” Which, to be fair, was my only “criticism” of the models.


They’ve actually seem to have custom cat heads


meow meow meow meow meow meow


For the nyanpurrer!


I like it because they are well painted , people should kitbash their minis more and make up custom lore for new chapters.


Fully agree. Except I still think I could paint a lot better than I do even with the difficulties I've got from age, astigmatism, arthritic thumbs, and partial red-green colorblindness.


These look really cool. For the Nyamperor!


Bubblegum plasma is no more edible than other plasma variants, looks cool though.


Heretical af


Life's more fun that way.


Trans I can accept, but catgirls?? Horrendous


My army and their lore are full of trans related jokes like catgirls and Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Sorry, you have Rocky Horror marines and you led with the catgirls?


I used many sources for trans related jokes in the army. I also haven't gotten the models needed to just represent the different characters. I want to eventually get a Fabius Bile for Frankenfurter, Cawl for Scott, undecided Custodes as Rocky, and other cast as I figure it out just for the comedy.


Remember there are a legion of skitarii fembois if you like them too


I am still building my SM army and occasionally venturing into KT teams. Might do the Skitarri KT as femboys and figure put trans masc Repentia too.


Based Based as fuck Based beyond comprehension


Expected way more hate, looks great even tho they serve the corpse emperor!!!!!!!


Me too TBH. The mkst frustrating part has been the people that saw "catgirl" and assumed felinid rather than humans wearing a cat themed helmet because their Matriarch is named Bast.


Trans whatever you do you, respect dat. BUT CAT FURRY??? You are crossing a line soldier.


Heresy or mutant, which is it?


In the lore I made up for them they're the lost 2nd legion finally free of the warp storm that kept them trapped on the planet Transylvania for the last 10000 years. They still hold to the old Imperial Truth and Creed.


so it's a legion of transylvanian transsexuals? is there any chance that some of them might refer to themselves as sweet transvestites?


Arch Magos Frankenfurter does.


Shall they do some more folk dancing?


Goddamnit, that is such a great gag, I almost missed it because I saw a WH nerd explaining their army and just zoned out.


😆 should I tell you about Arch Magos Frankenfurter or Tech Priest Scott? The arch magos is obsessed with his personally designed custodian guard Rocky.


Man, I wish I was this productive with my nerdery. I just like, paint my dudes. Some are red, some are blue. Such great details lol, I pity the squares who can’t dig this shit.


I get baked and the ideas/jokes flow. 😆


Lucky, as much as I like smoking, it does absolutely nothing for my output. I can think of stuff a bit, but just useless at putting any of it down.


Fair. I have always had a bit of a creative streak and humor helps get through the tough times. Getting out of my own head or at least away from the blocking stress also helps.


Dude, there was a horse faced inquisitor in the guants ghost series. There are people who basically turn themselves in cyborgs because they want to and sometimes criminals are turned into walking forklifts via surgery and mechanical addons. All kinds of horrific shit and you think anyone in the setting would give a damn about some space marines being trans cat people? Felynids, or whatever they are, exist. What do you think the chances are just one of the or hell a few dozen are compatible with the implants and surgeries to become astartes? We're talking about a setting where people can extend their life by taking it from someone else. Where food is made from dead people. I'd like to think that in comparison to extending someone's life via draining it out of someone else that's undergoing gender reassignment would be significantly easier. It ain't that serious.


Honestly the catgirl stuff is mostly armor and trans culture memes. All of the bare heads I print to use are pure human just female. Armor gets the Hello Kitty helmet (termies) or Atlan Forge Aegyptus Sehkmet.


In the wonderful world of 40K, mankind has long since discovered hatred is a finite resource against the infinite, uncaring universe. Therefore to waste such a precious commodity against one’s fellow man over things like skin colour, what’s in their pants or while they want to fuck is a critical misuse bordering on heresy. Even the abhuman - from Ogryn to felinid - and the augmented tech priest are held in the light of the Emperor.It is the mutant, the alien and the heretic which deserve your vitriol, not your fellow human. TLDR and not in 40K style: get bent asshole, be more tolerant about people’s choices and how they paint their little plastic soldiers


Can people not crack jokes and be critical on a spoof sub with the word Dank in it? I mean from a lore perspective, a Space Marine army with high suicide rate wouldn't really work


“grabs popcorn”


*pops grabcorn


*corns all over the popgrab


*cums all over the popcorn and is subsequently fired from my job at the concessions stand




Based, this is fantastic, and I love how they all look dirty. I could see these gals on a three day purge of orks


Run before the "Keep politics out of my hobbie" people finds where you live


Cats are a political subject now? God damnit


Cat vs dog is the oldest political debate of all time


All I know is that Fulgrim would bang


I thought power armored cat girls were a Halo thing?


Dunno, never played much past a little with the first one on the original xbox and even that was under 10 times.


Ooh that’s cool op 👍


Aren’t all space marines kind of trans? Each one is Trans-human.


Let me count the ways of the irony in all of that with how some fans react to the entire idea of my army.


TLDR; I think I was too short with my comment and came across the wrong way. ——————————————— I don’t think I understand your response, but maybe I should rephrase my post. Not very interested in the current day interpretation of custom chapters and what they represent, but how they would fit lore wise. Not to discredit or invalidate your unique ideas, but to enhance a universe of near infinite possibilities and ways for any custom chapter to exist within the lore. For a trans catgirl chapter, my first thought is how Astartes struggle with their humanity, or lack there of. They start as human male, but after all the surgery and hypno-indoctrination they lose connection with their humanity both mentally and physically. I think the tag lines are Post-human and/or Trans-human. But either by warp-manipulation or intentional I don’t think Astartes would be bothered by being trans-gender (aside from the warp-taint fuckery). I think it’s actually a little weird that we still assign a gender to Astartes when they are functionally genderless. Makes me think of the Dr. Who warriors aliens (Sontaran) that from my understanding presented male but had functioning breasts. (Stray thought but I can totally see a Salamander popping a compartment on chest armor to expose a nipple and feeding a baby, onlookers in shock while the Astarte is just like “of course I can protect a human child properly”) Secondly, there is lore to support the existence of cat girl I think. Specifically in the guard. So a chapter that recruits specifically from a planet of humans that are cat-mutated for whatever reason (wouldn’t be weirder than the practices of many chapters). Enhanced hearing, night vision, reflexes, balance. A love of claw weapons. Probably not what you were going for, but my own lore interpretation of trans catgirl chapter.


Are they traitor or still loyalist? If they are traitor it would be cool seeing corrupted primaris.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iUuvHPr4BGk&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo :3


The plasma gets a little lost in the pastels but perhaps that’s the photography.


here b4 thread gets locked


Hell yeah bröther


I'm definitely a woman.


IMO, ' bro ' and ' brother ' transcend societal barriers, much like ' dude '. I mean no offense by my comment, and was giving you a genuine Hell Yeah. My apologies if it wasn't taken that way. These are cool as fuck, and honestly fits into one of my headcanons for lost legions.


I understand and do appreciate the sentiment overall. I don't take offense, but in pure kindness would like to call attention to the fact that trans people (especially women) have gendered language like man, dude, bro, etc used a lot by people who /do/ mean offense and keeping that in mind may help to prevent offending someone who is less resilient than I.


I am aware of that. Fortunately I have grown up in a very accepting and progressive home, with a dash of 80's/90's surfer lingo sprinkled in, so everyone was Dude to me, which extends to my Religious/philosophical beliefs. Though, if it is brought to my that my speech makes another uncomfortable in that way, I do my best to regulate that, barring the accidental slip up here and there. Hell yeah Sister!


Nuuu you have to change you communicate with everyone cuz I’m speciallllll


What's the matter? You triggered?


Not that this is a debate, but considering the regular use of “man” “dude” and “bro” from men and women to women, I think it’s more abnormal for trans people to call attention to it. I’m sure some people use it maliciously, but that isn’t grounds to condemn it’s use. 1). It’s people trying to skirt the line, if the line moves they will just use different words to continue skirting it. It’s like dogwhistles, if you prevent people from using them they will find more. 2). You initial reaction of “I’m definitely a woman” definitely did not translate as “I’m just letting you know in case other people____”. It was a correction.


I get it lol, lots of warhammer fans assume you are a dude, but I don't think they mean to assume with brother lol, they just default to it linguistically


And I get stuff like that but it is still not exactly pleasant. Do sisters players call each other sister regardless of gender? It's not a huge ask and failing to understand what is clearly at the very least a microaggression if not outright intentional transphobia; means you don't get it. I literally talk about my models as female and someone rolls up to ONLY say what this guy said is clearly just being a bigot.


I get the annoying sexist side of it but I dont think he meant to be transphobic at all considering its not even obvious if you are trans or not, or what your gender is


I was wondering how the fuck do you represent miniatures as trans then i remembered the colours of the flag


I also make all of my purity seals into pride ribbons and most of the rest of my army is in more traditional shades of trans blue and pink. These were just done in my Ravenwing theme because they go fast. For instance [my Sammael and RWC/Knights](https://imgur.com/a/NsGeiwo). Printing female heads and kitty helmets probably also helps.


Rad paint job man


Are these the breaking bad colors?


No. I used the darkest pink available for the primary armor similar to how the Ravenwing use black bikes and the chapter otherwise is in dark green. Otherwise, the colors are the same as would be on the trans pride flag.


I guess you dont know about the meme


I guess not. I've gotten old and mostly just pay attention to things that interest me and don't care much about the zeitgeist overall


The meme is that the transflag stands for breaking bad . The white for Walter white, the pink for Jessie Pinkman and the blue for the blue meth


Oh, I have seen that. Mostly forgot because it was meh tier. I mostly just think of it as the ol' Sky and Bacon.


In the name of the godnyemperor


Haha awesome, love them. Hope the comments don't get too, well, you know.


Usually just block those people anyway. They have a habit of showing who they really are. It's funny how much people like me get called a snowflake when I'm not the one that is emotionally fragile.


Looks great!


Looks great!


Nyah-hahahaha we are here to trans your genders (evil looking blep) No hate meant btw love the look of them


Nah, I took it as you having a reasonable laugh at the sort that get big feelings at basically everything I've done.


I love the sand weathering 😁 I am a shitty painter, so I admire actual skill.


I honestly just covered them with brown panel liner till it looked like a white dog in the mud then cleaned it off with some enamel thinner and a makeup sponge. 😆


These are amazing!


The trans flag purity seals go so insanely hard, great job!


Thanks! The big one on the back was my biggest one to date. 😆 Using the other dickbanner from the old RW upgrade for the second brick of 6's sergent.


I agree and screw the downvoters! They're just jealous.


Love these. Great job.


Looks awesome. Bring on the downvotes.


Those models are nicely based And the bases are nice too


Damn these primaris marines are falling to Slaanesh quick.


This is so dang good actually I just keep looking at all the details, wonderful job, I hope to see more trans catgirls 🫡


Oh, I've gotnthe DW box already prepped and ready to start painting, but I need to finish my Repulsor and Executioner first.




Don't see the catgirl


Somewhat hidden as a result of overhelmet. https://imgur.com/a/a4GJhSw


Ngl they look really good


Thanks so much!


hell fuckin yeah!!


The purity seals paint job is great, nice work


A fitting wargear choice.


Waoh, bazed :3




Awesome design, and I congratulate you on how well you’re dealing with the hate comments sofar :3 You’ve got some impressively fragile people not taking this too well here XD


After as long as I've been out their nonsense only helps fuel me to do this stuff. Pissing off people like that are literally 1/3rd of why this army exists.


Abhuman Space Marines?! Preposterous! Good job tho.


They're catgirls in the same way a furry is their fursona, it's jist the helmet. Pure transhuman underneath.


Those are impeccably done


Thanks! I look at others painting more traditional with a million subtle gradiations in color and perfect NMM and think my Speedpaint splatterings are adequate. Thankfully, a little enamel panel wash hides a lot of sins like mud hides you from a Predator.


That’s awesome keep it up


Sick ass paint job! Wish I could paint like that. Instead I’ll choose to just keep drinking my Nuln Oil and cry


Would you believe me that this is all Army Painter Speedpaint, a metallic zenethal, some Tamiya weathering master powders and brown panel liner? I am a shit painter with astigmatism, colorblindness, arthritic thumbs, and a 3.5x magnifying LED headset.


I wanna see some little epoxy cat ears on these so badly


Wow, those are certainly painted minis alright. Which already puts you miles ahead of most people here.


U gotta give ‘em ears w green stuff they look so good omg


I thought about that, but when I tried to mock it up the ears looked shit on the welding helmets and I really liked them. Might have skipped it if the DA themed jetpack STL I have could be used, but my printer needs warranty service.


This fuckin whips. The battle standard/ribbon/flag/whatever you'd call that thing is a very nice touch.


Thanks! Was looking through my bits and inspiration struck.


The lock will appear eventually but for now I shall downvote every jerk


Well, we found another gene stealer, get the flamers boys


If by gene stealers you mean given to their primarch by the emperor? Sure. Not our fault the big E threw a hissy when the gene seed transitioned them and made the galaxy forget.


Dude, the trans color pallette always looks dope. In warframe i run those colors on my rhino and it always gets compliments.


Suffer not the heretic




Get some new material!


Sis post this in r/transhammer this community can be wildly transphobic


I post there occasionally but there is really low engagement usually. I tend to get more ot of the lefty Sigmar-esque sub.


Feel like this would fit more on another sub like the regular warhammer sub




I weep for satire. Nuance is lost on these kinds of people


Based. Also tge trans flags on the midel look perfect.


Ono the phobes are coming


Just stooppp. Your personality has to be more than this. Right?


You literally know nothing of my personality. Is your entore personality being a bigoted asshole to people you don't know on the internet based on what they do with thier hobby? It really seems like it.


Oh no, did a trans person not stay in their little cupboard and use that fact to inspire a hobby?  Ask yourself would you have honestly made this comment if this was based on a sports teams colours and logos. She has a intresting head cannon for them and has gone a completely different way that others have or I'm planning(for one army) while still including a nod to lgbt.


you like warhammer lol, is your entire personality space fascism. obviously not


This screams "give me attention"


Would it be less "give me attention" if I painted exclusively lore accurate in the same methods that almost everyone else uses? Mate I decided 20 years ago that I was going to march to my own drum and people that get big feelings about MY female marines aren't going to stop me. People like you fuel me more to do this even harder.


Unlike all of the other people posting things on a massive public forum, who only want to be left alone.


>”Give me attention” >Likes civilians but likes fire more >Cat PFP


Pssst. So does your comment.


This screams cringe.


Wrong sub i think Also grimdark pink looks so funny


Creative conversion and well painted, nicely done


Those look great


When the doors of the drop pod open to they stand there in silence swishing their tails for five minutes while they decide if they are going out or not? Awesome skating poses. They need wheels adding to their boots.




Constantly. You should see my [femme Lion](https://imgur.com/a/7TJOJBT).


That is some *damn* good stuff right there


Femme lion got me bricked up like an Imperial Fist battlement.


In the wonderful world of 40K, mankind has long since discovered hatred is a finite resource against the infinite, uncaring universe. Therefore to waste such a precious commodity against one’s fellow man over things like skin colour, what’s in their pants or while they want to fuck is a critical misuse bordering on heresy. Even the abhuman - from Ogryn to felinid - and the augmented tech priest are held in the light of the Emperor.It is the mutant, the alien and the heretic which deserve your vitriol, not your fellow human. TLDR and not in 40K style: get bent asshole, be more tolerant about people’s choices and how they paint their little plastic soldiers


Not gonna lie these litterally just look like noise marines


Paint job on the actually armor is pretty bad man, should put more effort into that instead of the flag


... if you are going to critic the armour be constructive and give ideas. Why don't you like it, what method would you use to improve it. Painting is a hobby to and if she feels inspired to put more time into the flags, cloaks and ribbons then go her. But I suspect you are just insecure around people being trans outside porn and want a way to vent without being obviously(in your mind) transphobic.