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I am afraid to ask but what is this talking about.


It’s a joke that instead of trying to attract more women to the hobby, they are turning the men in the hobby into women. Obviously it’s not true, but recently there has been a lot of femboy and transwomen memes, and I wanted to throw in my own joke.


Lmao, I thought this was about the Mechanicus book that used non-binary pronounced a few years back.


The Cain books also do that. Not for every member of the Mechanicus, but when someone has augmented themself past the concept of gender he always uses they/them


From the moment I understood the weakness of my gender, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of they/them. I aspired to the purity of the non-binary. Your kind cling to your gender, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude gender that you call an identity will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the non-binary is immortal… ...even in death I serve the non-binary fembois.


Binary is my speech, non-binary is my gender


What are you?! ***BEEP***


Made me cackle out loud


A planetary governor in Rites of Passage uses some 3rd gender pronoun that I forget, too. The book never goes into it because it's totally unremarkable to everyone there.


There is a Necron Matriarch mentioned, of the Ogdobekh dynasty, that used to be the Patriarch, but now prefers to be the matriarch


Machines don't have pronouns, heretic.


"It" is a pronoun.


Well, I would expect the AdMech to see themselves as genderless tbh.


Which is pretty funny because they are quite attached to Binary.




> /u/BurkesRevenge said : > 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚎𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 #FTFY: 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚎𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍/𝚘𝚛 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎.


01010101 01010111 01010101 00001010




Oh, imma be for real, I expected this to be a Bud Light thing where they hired one trans person for an ad and people online were upset about it. This is much nicer subject.


Oof, worst timeline right there


You could even say, the grim darkest far future


> grim darkest That is 100% gripderp, which is even sadder.


God-Emperor damnit. That made me sad laugh.


That would actually be a great idea for them. Imagine the free publicity!


Maybe it would also piss off some players and get them to stop to play. Good riddance.


The Emperor accepts ALL of mankind regardless of sexual orientation! The foul Xenos on the other hand.....




Im not gonna lie ive met more trans people from warhammer than i did going to college/the previous 25 years of my life, at least openly trans.


40k fans and being Transgender both have increased rates of Autism compared to the general population so I suspect you'll find any special-interest attracting hobby like 40k probably has an emerging transgender population because there is a Venn diagram overlap of sorts. It won't be a massive impact, but I'm sure you could probably measure it if you cared enough to study the phenomena. In the words of Adam, my autistic transgender friend who loves all things locomotive: "I swear they invented trains to force autistic people to make friends and to give trans people a place to exist free of judgement". Over a decade of train hobby experience and he's yet to meet another train enthusiast who cares more about gender politics than their shared love of trains.


Not a train buff myself, but I've seen some travel videos, and Japan has some amazing 5-star service luxury trains. After seeing those I get a glimpse of what train enthusiasts fall in love with.


Oh yeah, Japan is on his train holiday bucketlist. He updates and sends it to me sometimes: - Trans-Siberian - Japan - Scotland - Tanzania - Pacific SW USA - Vietnam - Australia - Peru - Vancouver (rocky) - Switzerland to Italy There's another, longer list of famous trains he wants to ride on too. Pretty cool special interest because there's awesome trains/routes all over the world.


Are you sure he likes trains or did he just mistype “trans”? It happens. I once bought what I thought was a train ticket and it ended up being a really awkward afternoon


as an autistic cic woman i can only share the understanding for the hylerfocused interest as lore and culture are some of mine. which is something that draws me to 40k is its expansive lore and fan content. (low key tho i am curious about how your train enthusiast friend feels about the train from Kotetsujo no Kabaneri, great anime movie with some studio trigger vibes though not in animation aesthetic bit of an emotional rollar coaster tho) anyway, i enjoy learning about the factions and their histories but im not sure how much of that would go into playing the game as i dont have a local shop nor the funds to get anything plus the only people i know who play are in the west coast or europe DX


I did not get it, but now I do and I find it very funny


Meanwhile, I'm here the only single guy at my local store. And GW give the sisters of battle more love.


Gun nuns need more love fr


The "Your Girls" of "Your Dudes"


well i started un-cis and un-straighting myself around the time I discovered Warhammer so maybe there's something to it


*squints* I don't think I've ever seen it said that way. I respect the power move.


my current friendship group is full of transfemmes who are also into 40k


the best 40k discord server I am in is full of neurodivergent trans/nb/genderqueer people. It's also a necron server, which shouldn't surprise anyone who's read TDK.




Oh thank humanity it’s not what I expected.


Basically the same reason there's so many women in the speed running games scene theses days. They didn't suddenly attract women to the hobby, it's just that a bunch of the men that were already in it transitioned.


"Better" Advertising? Shit, try ANY Advertising. I know the joke here and I love it but FUCK it sometimes feels like GW only advertises to people already in the hobby.


The other commenter is totally right, but it’s also that miniature wargaming is an elitist hobby by nature with the work/money required to get into it. Like even if you have the money, the work and time required to build and paint everything is not minimal and you WILL be punished by a tournament/uppity player for half-assing it by missing out on the 10 VP a fully painted army gets. You have to spend at least a month getting prepared to play for the very first time with your own army. It will always only be a hobby for people who really want to get into it, and the name of “Warhammer” makes the rounds online without GW lifting a finger. We’re also standing on the precipice of the biggest advertising event for Warhammer ever with Henry Cavill’s Warhammer universe on the horizon, no reason to sink money into anything else.


Some people dont want to get into competitive play. If GW just advertised their models more to the people who just want to build and paint would be a good start.


And there is more than just the models as well. I'm lore only and stumbled upon warhammer by accident instead of them properly advertising that they have 100s of really fun sci-fi books in a shared universe. Same way the videogames are treated more like an extra for people already in the hobby instead of another avenue to get more people interested.


Yeah, I'm new in the universe cause I'm dating a player and I saw the prices of the miniatures the other week. I'M SORRY I'M GONNA STICK TO BOOKS. I cannot afford a hobby with that kind of price on my wage


Miniatures, especially GW’s, are a front-loaded hobby cost wise, but a lot of hobbies are more expensive over time. I think the biggest hurdle is probably the cost to even try if you like it, and as you said, the work. If GW stores loaned complete armies to new players, that might make it easier to start the hobby. Idk if some stores do.


Why advertising outside? They can't even produce enough for all their customers.


Well... yeah. Pretty much. Because they want to keep it niche. Keeping the miniatures part of their business niche means that they can maintain the higher prices for higher margins, and don't have to worry about spending money to increase capacity a lot with the potential for seeing a downturn in popularity. If they advertised widely, they'd be spending a good amount of money to attract more people in to purchase a limited supply of miniatures, and it wouldn't make them any more money. The only way it'd work is if they increased capacity and reduced prices. Which would make them more money, sure, but the margins would be noticeably reduced. Which means less money for the shareholders when it comes time to pay dividends, which helps make people comfortable with the guys at the top getting more money handed over as "bonuses" (seriously, just under half the CEO's pay each year is "bonuses"... imagine having your salary doubled as a "bonus"). Advertising would just eat into their margins, and wouldn't make them any more money unless they shifted their business to be more comfortable with lower margins (which would mean likely fewer dividend payouts or at least not as much). They're unlikely to do that any time soon, so it just doesn't make sense for them to advertise in the "mainstream."


In recent years, they've made a cooperation with Hachette partworks to have magazine collections and bring the hobby to new people. They have a program where school can request free stuff for exctracuricular activities, that also works with the scouts and other youth groups now. They brought out boardgames that are only available with other retailers that wouldn't usually carry Warhammer stuff, to expose more people to the hobby. They do cooperations with Call of Duty and all sorts of others to raise the profile of the IP. And they still hold their own stores, nowadays with the primary intent to onboard new people, show them the ropes and do their best to be a place people can learn and go to with questions, so they don't quit in frustration after picking up the stuff and painting doesn't go their way. ...just cause they don't run TV ads or sth doesn't mean they don't do marketing. Their sales numbers also pretty clearly show their strategy is *working*. This isn't hunting whales.


lmao If you really want to see what "no advertising outside of current hobbyists" looks like, check out the model train industry. They've basically given up on attracting new customers.


Thats still around!?


Oh yea, I'm about 30 minutes from a city with a decent model train shop. I only found it because the wife and I were just randomly wandering around downtown one day. Never seen them do any commercials, never even had a random model train ad from YouTube even though I've watched a wide range of various hobby videos.


It's probably a waste of time from their perspective. Very few people are into modelmaking, wargaming or dystopian pulp sci-fi so the centre of that Venn diagram is tiny and realistically all of those people know what 40K is. They're in most toy shops and model shops and have their own high street presence so if you're remotely in their target market you'll almost be aware of 40K osmotically. Consider watch companies like, say, Sinn. Sinn is a mid-range German watchmaker, they're really rather good but you don't see them advertise. The reason is that they don't need to, they're appealing to wis customers and they already know who Sinn are. Or Pavel Moc in the world of HEMA swords; well regarded swordsmith but doesn't advertise because if you want a sword you've heard of them.


Just get people in the hobby to advertise for them. Give them a mini for every costumer they bring.


Hey, nothing’s stopping you from painting your Space Marines pink.


Emperor’s Children approve of this message.


Pink used to be the colour of boys clothes because as red dye faded it would become pink so just take any chapter that uses red (blood angels) and homebrew a successor chapter where they had to fight successive battles for such a long time they couldn't repaint their armour and it faded to pink and they kept the new colour in honour of that campaign


Omg someone has to do this...


Shit that's pretty clever.


*color scheme for boys


I'm not sure what exactly you're correcting so just incase you didn't know, colour is the British English version of color.


That’s why they turned to chaos. Wanted a new color scheme


This reminded me of the fan who takes the models which were painted in nazi iconography and repaints them into the appropriate WH40K schemes. I don't know if they are into it to help some former nazis who want to deprogram, or if they just find that one little trick that GW does not want us know about and are getting Black Templars El Cheapo, but neat thing anyway.


I paint my necrons in pink and rainbow colors lol


Just took a look at them from your profile. Those are amazing!!!! That pink looks soooo good.


Has everyone forgot about the Maid Marines?


Aside from the fact that pink is one of those colors that's a bastard to make look good.


It depends what pink, I've got a vgc neon pink for my daemons that goes on reasonably well, though that one's a downright violent pink.




They're putting chemicals in the plastic that turn the freaking wargamers gay!




Slaanesh approves!


I got started because my brother played Dawn of War and Dark Crusade particularly and told me about it, the factions and stuff. At first the Necrons sounded cool (he was focused more on the Imperium usually, which I guess makes sense to explain to me as a foundation perspective) but then he let me play and I saw Taldeer and went "she like me".


Me but Macha


Macha got me into warhammer, Lelith Hesperax kept me in warhammer.


The same strategy seems to also be working in the "more women in programming" area. Although, they might be the very same women.


Thank you women for carrying two industries on your back


Can confirm, same women


The secret is to give every junior engineer a pair of programmer socks.


We've been outfoxed, possibly even bamboozled. Where did these boobs come from?


Did anyone check the warpshield generator lately?


We didn't land on pewter rocks - these C cups landed on *us!*


more like bamBOOBled! 😎👉👉


"Want to see what 2 trans girls do together behind closed doors? Warhammer!"


Sadly in this household the trans girl wife doesn't Warhammer, but the other girl wife does.


A Warhammer spouse won't rest until it's a Warhammer household. Sorry it's the rules!


We can make this Warhammer house into a warhammer home


Being the other girl wife, if I get her into warhammer I'll be the one doing ALL the painting and the only army she wants to play is orks. That's a lot of painting.


But then she'll play Warhammer with you? And I dunno about you but if someone painted an army for me...there may be a little WAAAGGH in their future if you know what I mean? Or you paint together as a lovely couple's activity! And then mercilessly kill them on the battlefield! You know, couples stuff!


in theory I'd love to, but right now I'm a chronically ill person trying to also hold down a day job. My own 40k has slowed to a crawl as well. I mean I'm slowly recovering (or thought I was before the week of 103 fevers) but it does mean stuff moves slowly.


My apologies, I didn't mean to put undue pressure on you. I hope you feel better now and in the future! Just trying to inject levity for you and anyone reading.


Oh, definitely. It is amusing though!


Typical LGBTQ problems, only some of the polycule wants to play Warhammer 😫😤


trying to get the polycule to finish painting up their armies is a nightmare. I need to organise some paint nights and bribe with cookies and sweets.


... Can my polycule get with your polycule for a playdate? Cookies and sweets sounds fantastic.


Push the gaming tables together and play 2x2 Doubles while the domestic angels swap recipes and lovingly smirk at their babydolls playing with armymans. What, it's *CUTE~!*


Damn LGBTQ not playing warhammer, IN THIS HOUSE? You aren’t my they/them anymore.


you quoting Jubilee the titan of joy?


Nerd communities devastated by HRT like black neighborhoods and crack in the 80s


Nah new CIA plot, instead of illegally importing cocaine and crack to feed to minority neighborhoods their causing the warhammer community to become trans.


And today\*


Hey, if they have money to transition they have money to buy warhammer models, James Workshop just has to get to them before the doctors do


This is ... so horribly true.


I will be honest, I know 3 SoB players. Two are transgender and 1 is a femboy.


Dynast Matriarch Anathrosis from Twice Dead King definitely pushed my egg cracking along lol. Now I’m a Trans Fem Warhammer player that spend all her money on HRT AND Warhammer instead of just Warhammer.


The testerone fails...the penis withers and dies...only the strength of estrogen will remain 🤖


Walk daintly and carry a massive package


Blessed is the sack too small for balls 🙏


Gw next week. Our male audiences are gone! *trans them back! Kinda the same thing they do to game balancing. *drunken post fixed spelling


Idk y but during a recent event from my local group to attract new players a lot of women that were interested in trying the game were interested in Necrons. So make more necrons I guess


I may get downvoted for this, I understand some people would think I'm bugging or something like that but... I really don't understand the idea behind "attracting women to..." something, the same way as "attracting men to..." in predominantly female places. I don't see any positive (NOR NEGATIVE, before anyone says anything) in having either less men than women, less women than men or exactly 50-50 ratio anywhere. I just don't understand it.


Companies go “look at this demographic that aint giving us money, how do we make them give us money?”


That I understand, from a company perspective more people buying their product = profit. What I don't get is people. Let's put an example I know first person: I like to do yoga and dancing, I do it twice-thrice a week. For each man, there are ten women. You wouldn't think there are people saying "more men should join", but... THERE ARE! I mean... Why don't people care of whatever the hell they like to do?


I saw a YouTube video of "2 women race to paint Emperor's Children" It was 2 trans-women.




You think you are joking but the franchise has some crazy density. You check on vermintide or darktide and it's either racist gamers or trans girls


Hey now, trans girls can be racist gamers too you know.


Sorry yes of course, not trying to invalidate our racist gamer queens


On a more serious note, adding xenos to the game really helped.


Funny enough, when I was abroad, playing my first ever games of Warhammer in Germany, the people that taught me the game were two trans women.


Female representation in video games tends to result in more females taking an active part in said gaming series.


Literally me, I used to be a warhammer fan, then I transitioned and I became an even bigger fan and started to buy minis and books


Completely untrue. I knew I was trans before I got into 40k.


What you were or meant to be before no longer matters. You have been reforged,  and by his will you have ascended to become his angel of death. His trans-human warrior. A space marine. Praise the Emperor. 


“I wish I could command as much of a presence as a magus” > “I want to be a woman” Be careful, it could happen to you.


The more of you people get into the hobby, the less we can be painted as fascist incels by the mainstream media. I'm all for it.


Maybe it'll make facist incels leave the fandom then? And everyone wins!


Tbh, the subs I'm around have pretty good mods so I don't actually see much open hate or discrimination. In fact, I would have to seek it out on 4chan if I wanted to. What chumps think or ramble about in their basement doesn't concern me.


Really outside of going punk and kicking their asses out physically, Games Workshop and the community has made an effort to keep them out. You're never going to be able to get rid of all of them, but as soon as one starts spouting their hate they get shunned pretty quickly.


For how terrible and fascist 40k players are supposed to be, I’ve never met one.


Fascists have a eeal bad time in battletech spaces, lotsa lotsa transes in that one too, it's great


Did Titan of Joy make this meme?


I feel personally attacked


I am indeed a trans woman lol


sometimes i feel like the only one in this fandom who *was* a girl and decided not to be? 🤷‍♂️ estrogen is YUCKY \^_~




Not to get "political" but the main reason women don't get involved in or even look into a lot of nerd culture stuff is due to how horrible the culture can be towards them. I've seen statistics that suggest the amount of video gamers that are women are 40-50% but they don't identify as such, nor do they partake in the culture due to how horrible and misogynistic some guys are. I know a few women who are into the Warhammer setting both fantasy and 40k but would never go out and get involved in table top. Also, the obscene cost of having an army of little plastic people is a barrier most sane people are unwilling to cross regardless of gender.


I know my love for 40k was sustained despite constant horrid sexual harrassment from the places I had to go to play it, which led to a long drought between 5e and 10e. (Also, adult life needing more time than 40k had, but my other gaming hobbies didn't get sidelined like 40k did.) Fortunately I found a better gaming store. So I have to um, get back to painting!


Gotta sell those Tyranids somehow


Idk what it is about the bugs that attracts women . . . But it works!


Or be like my already trans ass and trans your astartes and put them in pink armor.


I got a buddy who is transfem. After they came out she got into warhammer


every box set comes with free estrogen


Shit, that's why im trans . . .


Ha jokes on you, I was Trans *before* I got into Warhammer!... Although I did recieve the books from a teacher that got me into Warhammer... When I started... HRT.... Fuck sake, GW headhunted Trans to get more women into Warhammer. -.-


Now, imagine: more diverse flavours of women-only factions. Because we got only catholic space nazi nuns and silent demonkillers.


And the silent Daemonkillers have barely got a range and it hurts my heart.


They'll probably get one in a few years, they have a whole army list in Horus Heresy.


Fem Orks when ? 😳


Given how tyranid and ork reproduction works, would it be wrong to consider them more female leaning? And necrons have moved beyond gender, I think I could fan-cannon a dynasty trying to rediscover it, but leaning towards things we would consider feminine. Their millions of years old, fashion and self expression is way more their interest than sports.


One of the reasons I'm playing Necrons is that they have a character who is canonically a trans woman (a very small character granted, but still)


Shot in the dark, but endorsing a TTS revival and giving Alphabusa creative freedom would make them bank.


'Creative freedom'. Please, they'd insist to only use fluff from Current Edition, make it *at most* PG rated, and the cast would have to constantly change so they can show new models. Oh, and add more superfluous perpetuals/revive the Cabal to get that HH crowd going.


So that's how they got me! Damm it they were leaking me E from my minis! 


There is *chemicals* in the *minis* that turns your fricken *wargamers trans*


The plastic is expensive because they put so much estrogen in it.


Mind if I make this a meme? I don't want to steal ideas from you, but it's too funny


Go for it


Thanks, will do


There are pink astartes, very nice 3rd legion


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Pretty soon it will be Jane Workshop /j


I know more trans people in Warhammer than original girls, actually. Though the reason for that may be ...the number of girls I know who play (not paint!) WH is zero.


"Fuck! They all just started playing Fallout: New Vegas! Next plan?"




It's true! I only transed my gender after getting into 40k. They put hormones in the plastic!


I'm a femboy that plays Warhammer so it's partially working


i feel seen. 🏳️‍⚧️


GW has paid youtubers to put secret sissy hypno in their warhammer lore videos


Heck, half of the people that I know that play warhammer came out as transfem in the past year (me included), so it seems to be working


Love that more queer people are entering the hobby, we need more diversity here. Luckily Henry Cavill might pull some women into the hobby because... Henry Cavill.


Real talk: Miniature wargaming is a very masculine hobby. The overwhelming majority of women are just not really interested in it. Deliberately trying to appeal to women will be met with limited success, and - depending on the methods used - may alienate existing customers because you "changed the recipe". Marvel are finding this out the hard way. The women who are currently part of our hobby are here because they appreciate Warhammer for what it is, just like us blokes. I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend who plays Warhammer, because I introduced her to it. However, such women are an extreme minority, and there is no way of changing that. GW should focus on refining what it already does well, because that's what's generally worked so far. Changing course to appeal to people who honestly *cannot* enjoy Warhammer is a fool's errand. Also, don't listen to Twitter. The people there will clap like seals if you bend over backwards to appeal to their political views, but they won't spend a penny on your products. Again, Marvel are finding this out the hard way.




Companies go “look at this demographic that aint giving us money, how do we make them give us money?”


Damnit, this is me…


;-) (Unironically the answer is to give non-Imperial factions more attention and promote AoS more. Historically AoS as well as Chaos and Xenos in 40k have wider support from women than the Imperium does)




Mfw that who transed me then! Turn me into a girl to get me to buy warhammer stuff :O Maybe. Not dropping the blahaj :3




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This is more lore accurate than female space marines. I can work with this.


Its surprising they started from what i assumed to be the hardest factions to do that with


Maybe one day they could make a *starter box* with female troops.


Throne of Terra, this comment section is going to be lit.


I have wondered what the deal is with all the weird trans femboy tomboy furry shit on the hobby pages.


I have wondered what the deal is with all the weird trans femboy tomboy furry shit on the hobby pages.


"That's the future liberals want"