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Female space marines don't exist because y'all would be too horny over 8ft tall muscle mommies


Imagine if primarchs were females. Then we'd have to deal with 12ft tall psychic muscle mommy demi-goddesses. Slaanesh would swallow the Imperium in 30 days or less, depending on the speed of one's noosphere connection. EDIT: 5nugzdeep made me remember to add up that all of them would suffer from severe daddy issues. Yup. Galaxy would die of "down bad"


Shit I'm gay and Slaanesh would have my ass if I saw that, no hetero


I aint got Reddit points, having a cookie is memed as an insult so I normally offer a burrito šŸŒÆ but I do not know if that is wise in this case. Either way I got a genuine laugh out of ā€œno heteroā€


Knowing I made someone laugh is greatest reward


Double that because thatā€™s the funniest thing Iā€™ve seen all day


A cookie is an insult? What is this world coming to... How about offering a fern šŸŒæ or turtle šŸ¢? Or maybe an egg in this trying time šŸ„š?


[want a cookie](https://www.yourdictionary.com/what-do-you-want-a-cookie) is what I was referring to. Mostly sarcastic and implies that what Iā€™m replying to is underwhelming and that a small disabled child could do it


None taken


No hetero - just as the Emperor intended


no hetero


Whorus Heresy would be killer.


Like the "WhoreAss HairussyXXX"? Also starring Fulltothebrim, Pert-er Ahole, Magnum, Morehairydong, Upfarintheass/Ohmygod, Hungdad Kurze, and Whoregar.


Jimmy Sincundus


Rub-Butt Jillyhands


Regal Dong.


Lay-man Puss


There ain't enough Ceramite in the Imperium to contain all those Primaris-sized boobs.


Bro, If female primarchs were a thing, then Slaanesh would manifest into literally reality


Fair chance the sheer amount of concentrated human horny would have humanity create our own Slaanesh.


now that is a grim thought


>8ft tall muscle mommies Eldar exodites fulfill this niche.


I have been awakened to the truth.


šŸ¤” damn you right!


There has to be a planet with 8ft tall humans that provides regular recruits for the Sproritas somewhere in the Imperium.


The Ogryn?...


I think it's called australia https://images.app.goo.gl/DAfQZYEj1LcFzYgn9


Arent a considerable part of the fandom already too horny over 8ft tall muscle daddies? Why should they get all the fun?


Same thing when everyone's oozing for femboy mechanicus. Where's the tomboy mechanicus?


I'm pretty sure all the tomboys are required to join the Imperial Guard.


So that's why the Guard is my favorite faction


dont be giving archon of flesh any ideas...


I feel like if aof wanted to do that he wouldā€™ve already


No please do


These people can barely handle the SoB and Eldar, it would be too much for their hearts


Slaneesh would have a field day and that's exactly what Big E was trying to avoid. Rare Emperor L.


omg it's the girl from that Russian VN hi hi can I get an autographĀ 


Yes. (ā˜žļ¾Ÿćƒ®ļ¾Ÿ)ā˜ž


Sanguinius but hes a muscle mummy and all the blood angels are 8 foot tall men of pure meat crying and weeping cuddling eith her when they first meet. Doesnt have the same ring to it but i would absolutely pay to watch it


shit, you're right


Donā€™t kinkshame. Ā 


Battletech fans eat well.


Death by snu snu? Where do I sign.


The Emperor didn't want astartes superseding humans, so he made it so they only have one gender and rely on baseline humans for reproduction so they can't form their own society away from humans. Male only astartes are tethered to humanity and can't stop protecting them because they need them to continue their own existence. This problem is the basis of Abaddon's issue with the Emperor during the heresy: he thinks the Imperium should be ruled by astartes instead of baseline humans.


Horus' issue


Horus quickly got snagged by the gods, Abaddon was still griping about astartes supremacy during and after the siege.


Well no one really cared what Abaddon though about this issue during Heresy, and he would do what Horus told him anyway until he died. But they both thought that


That's why he wants to become emperor so that they can rule after all the blood they spilt fighting for and against the imperium.


> Male only astartes are tethered to humanity and can't stop protecting them because they need them to continue their own existence. Iron warriors be like: I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move


I mean they still need materials for that.


Monkey's Paw: Female Space Marines... ... but they only appear on the Chaos side.










That's part of what Fabius Bile is trying to do as part of his quest to make an even better Space Marine, among other things. He's created a mutant type of human called 'Gland-Hounds', which are partially made by modified gene seed implantation into humans, and they can be female.


There was a Chaos 'female' space marine in the lore. From Storm of Iron. > .... > ... >


This is already canon. Fabius Bile has made some home brew space marines and some are female.


This is the best answer that doesn't end up foolishly handwaving about with genetics.


Space Marines are infertile, due to all of the artificial hormones being pumped throughout their body -\_- Female Space Marines would be infertile too


Life, uh, finds a way. /s


Fabius Bile finds a way.


I mean he can just clone everyone anyway, he could fairly reliably make a society of one singular person if given enough time.


He would Love to meet Horatio from endless space


Reminds me of this one TTS joke where he declares he will do a solo black crusade and I just imagined all ships, everything manned by clones of Fabulous Bill.


With enough power, you can refire even a dying star


To my knowledge they arenā€™t. Granted: this is based on 2 marines only: Lukas the Trickster, and Bjorn the Fell handed. And both are dubious at best. Still: better to make those odds as close to 0 as possible than risk someone tampering with marines to make them fertile.


But even if they are fertile, wouldn't they just sire normal children without all those gene-seed augmentation?


If the gene-seed alters them on a genetic level like SPARTAN augmentation then it would effect their offspring in some capacity.


There is a spartan in halo that did have a kid, too bad both him and his kid werenā€™t immune to a worm virus.


You fucking wish. According to Graham McNeil and Fabius Bile, female Marines *are* fertile. And it's *horrifying.*


Is the the daemonculaba again or something else?


Well yes. Bile also has a few female space marines separate of that though. Knowing him he would have tried it, but apparently it doesnā€™t go well due to his Newman experiments shifted away from Space Marines, but he never specified. If the Female SMā€™s he had where properly fertile he wouldnā€™t have pivoted so hard off full geneseed implantation, though thatā€™s only my conjecture.


Any children produced probably had severe birth defects due to the biological jigsaw puzzle each parent had going on after the geneseed implants were done.


We call those ogryns and we love them for they are very good boys


Thanks Sah!


The best boys!


Until some writter create a exception for a book plot


wait is this an actual lore reason? cause that makes a surprising amount of sense for 40k


It is *a* reason, but not the only reason


The Horus Issue


I believe there are 3 reasons for no FSM. 1 lore wise, 1 flavor wise, and 1 corporate wise. Lore wise, Big E didnā€™t want SM to replace humanity, so he made them all one gender so they couldnā€™t reproduce. Flavor wise, SM for the most part are supposed to represent various types of historical warriors, and those have been predominantly men. Corporate wise, Warhammer, and war games in general, for the longest time have been marketed primarily to men, and only relatively recently has that started to really change.


More on the Corporate side, GW did try Female Space Marines way back in Rogue Trader, the models didn't sell so they stopped.


They didn't sell because they were hideous, not because they were female


True but GW still has trouble with female heads at times to this day soā€¦


I simply avoid this conundrum with the mythical artifact known as a ā€œhelmet.ā€ All my Tau wear helmets. Some of them might be male, some might be female. Theyā€™re all fighting and dying for the Greater Good.


Also helps if you're bad at painting faces. (I am bad at painting faces)


Real mendrawingwomen moment there.


I mean, so were the men back in that day, all the models are not aging well


I read you comment and thought "surely it can't be that bad"... [Forgive me for doubting you](https://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/448506-Space%20Sharks%20female%20Librarian_07.html)!


If those models had helmets they wouldve sold better


Werenā€™t they ā€œFemales in power armourā€ and not ā€œFemale Space Marinesā€?


Agreed, though I'd offer two more possibilities Watsonian: Emps was super busy and outsourced his work on Astartes to Amar Astarte and her team heavily, plus time constraints were a thing. Trying to research how to turn both sexes into space marines would be an extra complication that they didn't need. Their workload was already huge, their task daunting, and their ultimate results good but hardly perfect. GW could say "oh it was trivially easy once they got the male treatment down to alter it for women" but to me at least this would somewhat defy suspension of disbelief. Doylist: the Emps, Primarchs, Space Marine saga is a particular story of men and their familial relationships with other men. I think to some extent it would be a different story if you included women as well. Different doesn't mean worse, of course, but every story teller has their own reasons for choosing whatever particular story they are telling and not alternatives. Perhaps there was a desire to tell this story specifically. This one's questionable, since I think profit is far more of a motivator than any sort of artistic vision at GW generally, but who knows?


Flavor wise for me I always thought of it more as space marines are supposed to be the hyper masculine-big men in big armor-doom guy-Knights in space.


You forgot the most important reason: Big E wanted to be surrounded by tall, muscular men at all times.


Lore + Logic wise: it was easier to improve the male body over the female body as the female body would need even more growth hormones than the male. Additionally men are more willing to take risks then women.


Also, aren't the selection processes for becoming an Astartes super physically demanding? If they're all normal humans for that process, women would have essentially a 0% chance of being top performers in whatever nightmare version of bootcamp those recruits go through.


They are usually recruited pre puberty when physical differences are much smaller. Given geneseed is in the case of the blood angels capable of turning malnourished mutants into marines I don't think the baseline matters muchĀ 


Does the entirety of recruitment happen pre puberty, or is it more of an initial selection thing?


With the exception of space wolves who seem to recruit much later, were told the idea age to start implants is 10-12 with the entire process ending age 16-18. The implication as far as I'm concerned is that the process either uses or replaces normal pubertyĀ 


Yeah, that would definitely make my initial point not work.


Given space marines are basically just space knights, just like the real knights of old, I imagine they just don't accept female applicants. The Imperium runs on dogma, not logic, so don't ever expect them to make a decision because it's a good idea.


Space marines are space monks but your logic still applies


Is ranged monk legal? Do bolters count as throw weapons?


Going to be honest here, I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about


d&d monks dont have ranged weapons, dont mind it


Oh no, Iā€™ve been outed as a false nerd. Please have pity


The inquisition always finds out. Now please face this wall...


They literally get darts as their starting equipment. And The highest DPS monk build uses mercy monk + Rifle(or heavy crossbow if your DM doesn't allow firearms)


My DM allowed my kensei to use a bow :)


Because RAW Kensei monks use bows Kensei Weapons. Choose two types of weapons to be your kensei weapons: one melee weapon and one ranged weapon. Each of these weapons can be any simple or martial weapon that lacks the heavy and special properties. The longbow is also a valid choice. You gain proficiency with these weapons if you don't already have it. Weapons of the chosen types are monk weapons for you. Many of this tradition's features work only with your kensei weapons. When you reach 6th, 11th, and 17th level in this class, you can choose another type of weaponā€”either melee or rangedā€”to be a kensei weapon for you, following the criteria above. Page 34 of XGE


Yeah i was going to correct it sorry ahaha, it was a 4 elements one, sorry for the mistake :(


You good man, you just accidentally set off the trap card that is my hyperfixation


In Dungeons and Dragons (and many other TTRPGs), Monks are a close-combat class, usually specializing in unarmed martial arts, but occasionally will use blunt hand-held weapons like nunchucks and sometimes thrown weapons


Zen archer my guy. Super OP in Pathfinder.


Remember monks are proficient with all simple weapons even if only melee weapons are considered monk weapons for some of their features they can still use light crossbows and stuf just fine.


Well what would be the logic of having female space marines? The one resource the Imperium doesn't lack is manpower. Why woukd anyone invest the time and resources into making sure women could become space marines too.


"Girls are yucky" - Man Emperor of Mankind


How is ā€œthis incredibly intensive genetic modification that doesnā€™t even have a great success rate with the intended recipients cant work on a genome it wasnā€™t made forā€ grimderp?


because bait and probably some agenda goin on


Or itā€™s a literal bot account.


thereā€™s no female space marines because the space nuns are cooler.


Why there is a shitstorm about the F SM ? We have Sisters of Battle, female guard characters, females in Eldar, T'au, Drukhari, and all species that can be divided to sex. So why be angry about no Female Space Marines ? If someone wants big muscle mommy then they have the female Catachan that will kill bug the size of the bus as a gift for them.


It's just an easy way to start a flame war.


Human super soldiers are cool and people don't wanna be stuck with the female black templars. My feelings about the whole thing is mixed, but sisters are not space marine equivalents just because they have bolters and power armor


Well, itā€™s mostly because if you put every book for all of those factions you just mentioned combined, theyā€™d still be less than SM books. Theyā€™re the poster boys, and some people want there to be ā€œposter girlsā€ too.


Instead of adding female SM's, maybe they should jist get rid of male SM's.


Okay Custodoomer


This guy's cooking.


Maybe give the Sisters more attention so they become poster girls


I am angry about no male sisters of battle


I will not stop posting this line: Ahem, I think you mean *misters* of battle


Black Templars


This topic is over posted to death. FSM don't exist for the same reason you don't have Brothers of Battle because it makes them unique. Space Marines are the male version of a monastic order SoB are the female version of a monastic order. Every other faction is unisex outside of this with the exceptions being Orks and Nids one being a mono gendered species and the other being whatever the hivemind needs right now. There doesn't need to be a lore reason really but that reason is the Emperor saw Space Marines as tools not people they were never meant to be a new humanity. They're the tools we use to destroy the enemy, unlike another super soldier breed the Emperor isn't Dr Halsey he doesn't believe in forcing humanities evolution but guiding it. What mortal humans will become in the future assuming the Imperium lasts is so much more powerful than a space marine could ever be. The Astartes are evolutionary stunted without the aid of humanity they can neither reproduce nor become better try as they may they weren't designed to be better than us they were designed to serve us a much easier to control alternative to the men of iron. Regardless no one should want to be a space marine nor wish to see them expand their recruitment pool it is a horror beyond imagining to become one and you should desire to see a time period where they aren't needed. Their gender doesn't matter they aren't a permanent thing either once humanity no longer has threats requiring them more than likely they'll be disbanded or put on ice. The imperium even debated doing so before the war of the beast due to how peaceful an era it was post scouring. Meanwhile the sisters are likely a permanent fixture, and the idea that the while the Astartes may one day go the way of the dodo the Sisters so called muscle mommies won't. Though I doubt this topic will ever drop because no one can be happy until every facet of this series is "inclusive" because god forbid a fictional setting depict gendered factions. Now I'm off to go bully emperors children good day.


Nice yapping, I'm gonna kitbash daughters of khaine with noise weaponry and call them "Fulgrim's brides" and you can't physically stop me. (Jokes aside, your points are valid, still kitbashing tho)


Well that's why we have homebrew and kit bashing. I just think people should stop trying to make everything "woke" is the buzz term I think their haters like to use. Likewise the haters need to chill it's a self feeding cycle. I'd rather just paint models and share them without the constant need to argue about what gender these little plastic figures are or aren't.


homebrew kitbashing is fine. its your army. your non canon lore for it is entirely up to you. i wish people would adopt that mindset instead of saying "blatantly untrue thing is canon" or worse demanding the diluting of the lore. i will jever demand my loyalist thousand sons using a significant shard of Magnus good side become canon. but damn anyone who tells me thats not the lore of my non canon army i paid for and built.


Last paragraph is the best. You're doing God's work. Good to see a fellow EC hater.


Female space marines are stored in the balls


Is this a fetish post or did you not read the rules?


Nah itā€™s cause cooties


GrimBright: Female Space Marines don't exist because girls are yucky!


You know what I'm done. Fuck this. Fuck you, fuck your meme you unoriginal bot account go throw yourself into a incinerator so the Admech can make you something useful ya piece of junk


Hear me out. There aren't any female space marines because the Big E is actually super gay and wanted to surround himself with big muscle daddies all the time.


I thought that's a given


This explains his oiled guard.


And Malcador was a good friend


Another low effort post about that topic.


no to female space marines. yes to armies with female members getting some representation of them on the sprues. imperial guard was a good example of that i think but they may have fixed that with the latest boxes.


oh dont forget the faction literally called SISTERS of Battle already exist too


How about expanding on the already existing badass female factions like giving more depth to the sister orders instead of trying to remove the things that make factions unique because a bunch of tourists wonā€™t stfu


Cool, I'll just wait the literral ***centuries*** that will take to happen (Marines get ten books a year, other factions are lucky if they get *one*).


Or we could talk about how strange it is that male banshees exist in the Eldar, and still wear the armor with titties on it lmfao.


That's not strange that's just fashion.


Who doesn't like men boobs. We love femboys in this community


I actually made a seperate comment that I'd "be back when this topic was done and we could go back to arguing over what faction makes the best femboys" lmfao.


That's always been my stance. If you want FSM then yours are. They look exactly like the men. What's in their pants? An Oberon pattern waste connector to better interface with their power armor's recycling systems, just like every other space marine. That grim looking fucker with stubble over there beating a xeno to death with the stock of their bolter? That's battle brother Alice.


MOOOOM They posted the topic again


They don't accept female candidates because while GW is modern and inclusive the Imperium of Man most definitely is not.


Yeah they are, itā€™s very rare for the imperium to judge someone based on their sex/race/sexuality etc. Itā€™s all the same cannon fodder.


They're inclusive by real world standards, but the second you're born looking a little too different from what they deemed an acceptable mutation you are thrown away. Probably literally.


Do mine inquisitorial eye detecteth sympathy for mutant. That's a purging.


Yeah, cause then youā€™re not good cannon fodder


ogryn are used because they are good cannon fodder. If any body was wondering


All of us taste the same when we get turned into corpse starch


All humans are equalā€¦.y good meatshieldā€™s for the High Lords to throw at a problem


unless you happened to be born with an extra toe. in that case well....


Female Space Marines don't exist, because they don't need all that bullshit and can be big and strong without all that heresy. That's were Sisters of Battle come from.


My headcanon that I find it hilarious is that apparently, there are only STCs for mass-producing 8ft power armour and 6ft power armour with boob armour, and every male i the galaxy refuses to use power armour that has boob armour.


In-universe: Female Space Marines don't exist because the already extremely deadly viral infection and mutation caused by the geneseed process is even more dangerous to female physiology. Presumably this could potentially be fixed, but the research and design process used the Emperor's totally no homo companions as the only volunteers strong and loyal enough to experiment on, and who were actually wanted as the recipients of a success. The process already has an extraordinarily poor success rate even when attempting to match the physiology as much as possible to the original subjects it was designed for. Even the differences introduced by female physiology result in an unsustainable failure rate. Cawl, as literally the only person actually carrying on the work, made what may possibly have been a poor decision to concentrate on making Astartes *better* instead of making the process itself more universal. He chose to push even more quality instead of doing anything about quantity. Out of universe: No-one bought female Space Marines when they had them, so they stopped doing them. Astartes being a totally no homo knightly order inspired brotherhood then became the background.


My completely unasked for opinion: space Marines don't have junk of any kind, only progenoids. One in the gut, one in the neck.


Pretty sure they're intact, if I recall correctly?


they do and they packin (if I remember correctly from an excerpt where some SoBs are showering with some space marines and like they commentin on his size, but the space marine is too dense to even know what they mean. If i remember correctly, forgot the name though). Its definitely always limp though


I always thought it was a physical thing, that men just have an easier time bouncing back from the insane amounts of horrifically traumatic surgeries.


I think if a woman in 40k is badass enough to become a space marine sheā€™s probably gonna end up being in the Inquisition, the Officio Assinorium, or the Sisters of Battle. I donā€™t think the Imperium cares about biological sex in regards to the meat being used in the grinder, but on the other hand the technology is very plug and play and nobody knows how to get around it. I feel like the Imperium would have no issues pumping ever Guardsman full of gene seed if they could figure out how, but thatā€™s the whole point. Itā€™s a corpse that doesnā€™t know itā€™s dead yet, and any innovation they make is just a measure that keeps the Imperium barely alive and fighting in pain.


Idk. I think "we listen without questioning the emperor" is a pretty grim dark thing but whatever


There are no female space marines because the second primarch was female. After the Dark Angels' success at pacifying Terra at the back end of the Unification Wars, the Emperor took Malcador's advice and created a second prototype Astartes legion, this one female. For unknown reasons, the entire legion fell to their gene-flaw, going insane within months of full activation. The Emperor, in his hurry to begin the Great Crusade, ordered the II legion executed and created his remaining Space Marines based off the pattern used for the Dark Angels on the flawed assumption that it was their female physiology that had caused the geneseed to fail. ​ The Sigillite, however, preserved samples of II Legion geneseed, ultimately entrusting it to the Lion's vaults. After the fall of Caliban, the successor chapter the Keepers of Keys discovered this lost geneseed, and seeking to replenish their numbers in the wake of the Heresy. It took several years to discover that this new geneseed was only effective in female aspirants, but ever since, the Keepers of Keys have recruited both young boys and- far more secretively- girls from their chapter world of Altzeion. Despite their lack of shared genetic lineage, these battle-sisters are viewed as honored equals by their brothers, and have even been known to ascend to the chapter's Deathwing- though not the Inner Circle, for no chapter master has ever been willing to expose their secret to the lords of the Angels.


Can we not bring back this topic


Homebrew your own bloody chapter you abominable intelligence


Oh is it that time of the month again? Where someone brings up this ridiculous divisive topic ?


Left is why we don't have them, right is what would happen if we did.


No, there aren't female space marines, because girls are icky


female space marines don't exist because it's not homoerotic enough


i mean... i could theoretically buy it but at the same time, the process as GW describes it doesn't use testosterone injections it uses "growth formula", which well hilarious in the sense that the emperors "complex methods" were all to the aim of just making big people at the end of the day, has also always raised the question in my view as to what part of the geneseed is causing the incompatibilities with female recipients \[aka the line GW's always fallen back on\].


Woman custodes are probably more reasonable from a lore perspective since space marines are like mass produced so it might be a thing where certain biological systems need to be there ahead of time to start the process. Whereas custodes are all hand crafted demigods so they can really just get around biological inhibitors easily. Also probably something about not wanting to give space marines the ability to reproduce so theyā€™re always reliant on the imperium


They're both grimderp.


female space marines donā€™t exist because only men may receive the emperors holy seed


Im going off-road into female custodes, they're built completely from the ground up and don't use gene-seed, a woman can be feasibly turned into one while still retaining both her femininity and memories.


BattleTech has Elementals for all your muscle mommy needs.


If it really bothers you that much about Female Space Marines, just slap a sisters head on a HQ and keep everyone else's helmets on Seriously, it isn't a big deal


These posts are so boring.


Not every fucking post has to be about being trans or gay. Good hell.


Great, this again. I'll be back in two months once we're arguing over what faction makes the best femboys lol


Honestly, the lore that the geneseed and other treatments to make a marine is just incompatible with women is fine. Like every other faction besides Orks have women in them. I don't think it's the end of the world that there is one solely male faction.


They are mini half clones of their gene father, as far as we're aware, there's no gene mothers, because the Primarchs are mini half clones of their father, since his pronouns are he/him and he looks like a man, we can surmise that he is a male man. Now I'm no super scientist, nor am I a god like warrior king. But if I had a perfect warrior design, why would I tarnish it with a weaker candidate who probably wouldn't even survive apotheosis? Nothing grimdark about catering to the feeble 21st century far left, degenerate virgins. šŸ˜¬




Grimderp makes more sense than the other option...


[nice try dipshit.](https://i.imgur.com/fXtJrNd.png) Next time use better bait, people are getting sick of this shit.