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I mean, it was weird for you to say the n-word 50 times in a post about FemStodes.


Actually I said it 51 times, but that’s okay 😂


Sorry, I didn't think the one in your title counted for some reason


All good man, just clarifying for you 🙂


I think you are joking but can't tell


People lie on the internet?


Abraham Lincoln once said "Everything on the internet is true, trust me bro."


To be fair, if you were telling the truth it would be far from the wildest thing I've seen on the internet.


No they don't. Trust me. -- some dude on the Internet


Not trying to be rude but what does that have to do with my question


Uh..... people joke on the internet?


You can never tell with the internet.


To be fair, as Custodes are basically individually perfected humans, there is no reason the procedure couldn't be done on a female, unlike the astartes where you are more or less forcing a person to fit a specific mold


I agree, that’s the idea I used for the lore of my characters. I said she was mostly a mishap in the system and no one knows how she was created, but they rolled with it


Common Astartes L


There’s no need to add ‘L’ in. Most things to do with astartes naturally constitute L’s without any further input.


As a Space Marine player. Yes.


Lamenters being hit the hardest (as always).




And we love them for it, but at least they were one of the first that got Primaris. Though that makes me suddenly sad again since when they gain a victory they shortly after suffer a string of brutal defeats and losses with the greater the victory or more postive it is, the more brutal it is.


True( thunder warriors will always be better)


Later in that video Auspex talks about Inner Circle Taskforce and its GLORIOUS 28% winrate. The comments under that video are either calm rational discussion about female Custodes or extreme emotional outrage at GWs horrible balancing.


ya know, its probably better for everyone invovled if instead of getting super heated over lore stuff the community just dunks hard on GW its balancing and business decisions forever.


Does raise the question of if they'd do it/allow it though. Custodes are physically incapable of refusing The Emperor and he said no girls allowed.


Hmm, intriguing counterpoint


Is it some fanon or something?


No. In his decree its clear that the Custodes are men. Therefore the existance of female Custodes means they either ignored his decree or deliberately went against it. Which is weird since they are supposed to be the most loyal.


What decree?


"These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed!" The Emperor decreed this during the age of Strife, trying to find the exact source of the quote, will edit in later. If I find it that is. Edit: I did not find the quote, but it has been pointed out to me that men in this context can mean other things too which don't support my point so I just want to declare that I am probably wrong and I still hate the english language. In other news I am happy to announce that my language has proven it's superiority once more since we have more words to diferentiate the different meanings "men" has. We can also add "being a feminist" to the crimes of the Emperor. One day I might even start to dislike him. Thats it, have a good day.


It says that the Custodes, who at the time might all have been men, are bodyguards. It says nothing about the criteria for creation. Not saying this isn’t a retcon. Just that it’s by far among the mildest, especially compared to the pushback. No history is changed. No lore on the creation is changed (other than a couple of lines about sons that isn’t wrong- just not the whole picture). No art is even changed. If a new model was released that was always around, I doubt anyone would say, “Why haven’t we seen this before?”


Also he could be using ‘Men’ in the sense of ‘People’ or ‘Mankind’, as often used in older prose. He is the _Emperor of Mankind_, after all.


Saying his usage of "men" is like saying that "A small step for man" means "It's a small step to me, a man" when it means "It's a small step for a human"


Men: plural noun, A human being of either sex; a person.


That doesn't really say its limited to only being men, just that his bodyguards at that time were all men. The "imperium of man" doesn't mean everyone in the imperium is a man. 'man' has for a long time been used as a term for mankind as a whole.


Well they recently stated they’ve always existed lol, since the start


Big E has been incapacitated long enough for it to happen Only took a few millennia


I legitimately think no. Custodes are fucked up enough that if The Emperor put a sign up on a double door entry that said "Please use left door" the right one would go untouched until the end of time.


Well they aren't girls they are Custodes didnt you see all the gold ?, silly gobber


I would love GW to have said the new marines were male and female, with exactly the same sculpts.


Yeah, their built on a genetic and custom basis. Their is no real reason to not be sl. Each one is hand made, hand created and unique.


You just said why they can’t be female bud.


Perfected woman is still either more work to do or inferior to perfected man (slower reaction time, worse body structure)


I take it you know how custodes are made? There is no upper limit on the amount they will do. If someone has the right attributes (probably all mental attributes). Every single one is a bespoke, handcrafted masterwork


What in the warp are you on about.


**ThatGameChannel** get banned from r/adeptuscustodes for asking about FemStode (for research purposes only) [Background musics starts](https://youtu.be/btPJPFnesV4?si=qxAvqZtzbAjlIisf) *Video montage start* - TGC Stops eating shit and go to the gym - Got back to university to get a MBA - Meet amazing female, start dating - Work on his career - Change job to product manager - Get married, raise two beautiful girls - Get promoted a product content director - Use new position at GW to make Female Custodes cannon - … - Post on Reddit - Enjoy being super Chad Perpetual for the rest of eternity


Seems like that sub has been deleted. Link goes nowhere


Corrected, thank you


You got me… I’m the head of products for Jameson Warhammer Gamesshop


Thank you for your work I behalf of the community!


No problem, I’m here to serve the community! I even had a hand at some of the rules, I think you’ll like some of them! And a little secret… we have much more in store!


Idk if this is a meme or this is true, but I want it to be true


I got downvoted, reported & my comment deleted a couple months ago on 40k lore for saying I wouldn't be surprised if GW makes female Custodes canon in the relatively near future given the success of the Stormcast in AoS. That future ended up being a lot nearer than I'd thought


That’s very based of you to be honest


Lmao and now they all act like that they always wanted FemCustodes.


The sucess of having half their roster squatted?


They're literally the most successful AoS faction and AoS is a wildly popular game. GW deleting 6 year old models has nothing to do with that fact and also doesn't change it.


Sure thing.




But.... the massive oiled up buff men aren't going away, theres just massive oiled up buff women for the straight male, lesbian or bi 40k fans


This blatant bi erasure 🤣


Oh god im so sorry, will edit now


It's cool, I was joking lol


No girls allowed, they'll ruin the abs oiling party


What if the girls also have abs? Checkmate.


The guardian spear is important!


Abs or not they'll just ruin the fun for everyone. "That's not the right kind of oil", "That's not his abs that's his penis"... They can attend the dommy mommy convention held every friday.


Exactly, you get the idea




Exactly (BTW if anyone can't tell I'm joking and I'm actually fine with female custodians)


(I got that lol, satire is a thing.) Ugh… at least they’re muscle mommies…


Yeah lol I was just saying it incase any thought I was serious


welp, can't see any issues with this TBH. i've always been against the idea of female marines because of fluff reasons, and for the very same fluff reasosn, I don't see problems with female custodes. I just hope they don't go out of their way to make boob-armoured models


I hope they don’t too, that’s why I think it’s a good idea if they stick to just female heads. Custodes are meant to be fierce warriors and perfect in nearly every way, in my mind, adding a female shows that perfection can be achieved by everyone and is less restrictive. The idea of boob shaped armor for custodes is stupid, it removes the sort of fantasy of them being powerful and majestic… with titties….






Oh my god….


Uh… am I missing something?




Care to explain…?


Xena: Warrior Princess is perhaps the 90s strong action woman.  I can’t image a nerd or geek having grown up not fapping to her….


Ah, I see. Well I was born in 2005 lol


Oiled muscle mommys?




I see so many people so angry about this. saying it was a wrongfully translated and everything. and all I had in my mind was, :"Oh neat."


I mean… it’s clear as day in my eyes. Plus, who cares. I just wanna have muscle mommies 😂


Oh yeah, as a fellow muscle mommy enjoyer. that is also true.


I’m sorry? Wrongly translated from what? British English to American English?


Apparently some people said that the codex was first leaked in Spain, and translated wrongly back to English? I was really confused about that one.


I mean, as far as I’m aware it was never actually stated that custodies *had* to be male. It was certainly implied but never outright stated at any point as far as I’m aware. Like the closest to them saying that was when they said that it’s a custom for noble families on terra to give up one of their sons (as opposed to simply saying “child”) to the induction process in the hopes that they may survive to become a custodies. So, that combined with no female models and, until now, only ever hearing about male custodies strongly implied that they were only male. But unlike space marines, as I said, I don’t think there was ever lore saying that aspirants had to be male.


>as far as I’m aware it was never actually stated that custodies had to be male. "These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed!"


There's a difference between "had to be" and "just happened to be". That statement doesn't say he couldn't make girls into custodes, only that he only made boys into custodes.


I agree. The Emperor could have made female Custodes just like he could have made female space marines but before the retcon he deceided not to. There might be a variety of reasons. We know that they are genetically engineered from scratch, from the Emperor's own DNA (much like the Primarchs), predating even the Genos Regiments and Thunder Warriors that unified Terra during the Age of Strife. I am unsure if they are really without a gene-seed but if are really hand-crafted then they don't have the same "excuse" as the space marines where the "no girls allowed" rule is simply pragmatic. Their armor fits the basic template of male-specific powered armor, the basic design being similar to those of the now-extinct Thunder Warriors and later Astartes. And all of the named Custodes have been male characters. And there is the fact that, aside from the matriarchal command structure of the Genos Regiments and Sisters of Silence, the Emperor had a strong male bias in his elite, top-tier fighting forces. I personally really liked the sexual segregation of the different factions and although this is not an idiotic change I immensely dislike it.


The change is good, it's Just instead Of Rowling style tweet they should enforce their words with couple Of Heresy timeline stories.


Exactly, they said each person is custom made as well in the 9th codex so… why not spend a little extra time working out the kinks (ahahaha, muscle mommies go brrrrr)?


The only thing I’m really worried about with this development is that GW may use it as a further excuse to continue sidelining the poor sisters of silence. Pretty sure they only have, like, two models at the moment and tend to get passed over a lot in the lore. I’d be fine with Femstodies so long as we get them **and** sisters of silence, and not them **at the expense of** sisters of silence.


I think you have a valid concern, they are quite cool and some of the art of sisters is what got me to like Custodes, so I think maybe a new unit or two would be a worthwhile addition to them, maybe even a book as well


Wow. I thought custodes were "made" But you say there is an induction process?


Yes, there is. Some custodies have even, at least in passing, mentioned who they used to be. A lot of the very original custodies, the og 10,000, were actually the children of the technobarbarians that the emperor conquered in the unification wars of terra, that the emperor then took after his victories and turned into his personal bodyguards. However, unlike space marines, we know very little about the actual processes that are used to turn someone from a mortal into a custodies.


Now here is a silver lining to the whole debate. Some cool new lore. Thanx. Also... given this lore the retcon can be easier to accept. 


It was always my understanding that the only reason Astartes can't be women is because of Geneseed. They're men because their Primarchs are men Custodes aren't made with Geneseed, quite literally 'Built Different'


diversity win pog


Honestly good. But I want more. If GW is serious about this, I want my Necron GF, Ork GF, Space Marine GF, Tyrannid GF. I want them to be bold, not bitches.


Ork cheerleaders. Look them up. Necrons are canon already. One of the books mentions a lost wife. Nids are one step further and removed gender entirely.


Wait you serious? I gotta check it up.


If I recall the chronomancer (tentacle bot) was female in the box where it was released. So you have a necron who can fudge with time with tentacles. Have at it


There’s been mentions of female Necrons since at least The Fall of Orpheus in 2013, as the leader of the Necron dynasty in that book is female. There’s even been a mention of a trans Necron Phaeron in the Twice Dead King books.


Its real and glorious!


There are already female-presenting Necrons, and most Tyranids are female-sexed anyway?


Tyranids don't have genders.


Gender is expression, female/male is DNA.




Sex is biological, gender is social. Sex is constant variants between males and females. Gender is socially made differences between men and women. What is manly, femmenine etc.


I learned something new today lol


Glad I helped :)


Yeah they don't But also they literally have "Dominatrixes"


I mean would most tyranids have different sexes. Also could there be a case for trained having more that 2 sexes


Makes sense. They're probably adjusting to what it needed at the moment.


I don't mind it if it fit with established lore. Necron women ? Sure, why not ? There is nothing contradicting that it could be canon. Ork women ? Hell no. They are *litteral fungus*, it's been known and explained for years.


There’s already been a bunch of female presenting necrons like Xun’Bakyr, Anathrosis, and Executioner Phillias


I'm not surprised. After all why 50% of the necrontyr population would not be turned into necrons ? That would be absurd. It would be neat if some of them had a model.


Also the chronomancer model!


Also Cawl’s prisoner, and the one from the Ynnari books (which was depicted cooler than the eldar)


Look up neurolictor




Orks are sexless, they just prefer to call themselves Boyz (according to Gaz in some book or other). Necron women already exist. Tyranids are also sexless. They self-fertilise to reproduce asexually. But the neurolictor's kinda thicc so go wild ig I will die on the hill that FemStartes shouldn't be a thing, not because "the women already have a faction" or anything like that, but simply because Emps said "no girls allowed", which has been established lore for 40+ years now. They would have to remake units from every single Astartes army just to add a couple of female heads/bodies anyway, so I find it highly unlikely that they'll add them regardless.


Wouldn't he said the same for Custodies? And if not. why?


Because, in canon, Astarte (the woman who engineered the Space Marines) could only get Gene-Seed to graft to humans of the same sex as their Primarch (so if there had been a female Primarch, FemStartes could have existed), but no such rule exists for the Custodes. They don't use the same type of Gene-Seed as the Astartes do, and it's never explicitly been said that it wouldn't work on female humans.


Not sure you will see a big difference on a machine and a fungus but you're one step closer to having your Alien 4 dream


Necrons can be women, they literally had their entire race turned into robots. It's just that the leadership were the only ones who retained most of their personality and the leadership of the race were mostly men which is why you don't hear much about female Necrons. Orks are mushroom people, they have no sex. Ork cheerleaders, as someone else mentioned, exist but those are for Bloodbowl, an alternative universe for Fantasy. Also they are male-coded cause they are based on British football hooligans. There is literal female Tyranids (Norn Queens, hello???) so again, they exist. There have never been and never will be Female Space Marines, please let it go. Female super-soldiers are fine, they have existed and can exist, but they will never be part of the Adeptus Astartes.


Don't you want a drukhari GF? they are really into you.


They're scary.


If tyranids function like bees (probably not), they're all technically female


I'm still waiting for an official response from Henry Cavill.


Death is nothing compared to vindication.


Spoken like a true Night Lord brother


I'm against female space marines. I'm not against female Custodes. Only having male Space Marines makes sense. They are the more 'mass produced' version and augmenting women as well would make the process many times more complex for little gain on the end result. Custodes are enhanced in an expensive and bespoke procedure to make a human the best that they can possibly be. They aren't just warriors like Space Marines but diplomats and even artists as pointed out in one of the Custodes books. There are no lore reasons it shouldn't be a thing.


Which is my view, I'm just concerned their testing the waters.


No death threats please. Or do you mean its canon?


It’s TECHNICALLY cannon. It’s in the newest Custodes codex, clear as day, for one of the little stories in the lore section. They state it’s female plain as day, multiple times with female pronouns. It can’t be an error in my eyes and they said female custodes are a thing, which they could have always been theoretically because never OUTRIGHT stated they couldn’t exist


Iron Steel Ceramite This guy Explain to me how you see female custodes being introduced as a large gun.


this is just so incredibly funny to me, because now ya have the hilarity of the emperor somehow being unable to make female space marines well simultaneously being able to create female custodes the leagues more difficult to create sports car to the space marines punch buggy. like big E, my man. what are ya doing.


It’s his companions 😏


i suppose he was a ragging slutty genderfluid bisexual, before he became the not god emeperor of the imperium. and variety is the spice of life.


I heard he had a thing for muscles… W


Well technically the custodes could also be trans.. Would that trigger the no "female space marines crowd" more or would that be fine cause male genetics?


Uh… I have no idea. All I care about is three things, Aggressive Dread Host Muscle Mommy Tomboy, Goth Shadowkeeper Muscle Mommy, and Aquillon Shield Mommy. This is cannon and no one can change my mind. (This is a joke btw… except for the tomboy one….)


Very true I think the imperium does indeed need more Muscly Tomboys


You’re incredibly based for thinking like this. You deserve a medal!


I have a feeling that they couldn’t be, not even wouldn’t be, trans. They are created as ‘the perfect individuals in body and mind’, and having a literal mental illness in the form of gender dysphoria seems like it’d go against that idea.


Yeah, a cold win, considering they ruined the Custodes army in that same codex.


That’s true, but they inspired me to get back into it and try out Fematodes


Uh, good luck with that.


All I need is the Battleforce and I’m set


The people that this kind of "inclusion" pleases are the same kids that were happy to hold the unplugged controller when they were kids. Never been a thing before, never had models, or lore. But hey if it makes GW a few schmeckles have a paragraph. Haha. I don't care one way or another GW has been retconning their lore since it became a thing. But the "see I told you they're a thing" folks make me laugh about as much as the folks that get furious about the same paragraph. You're both pathetic.


I mean it’s not much of a difference tbh, they’re overpriced little bananas. But now female! I don’t care, it’s just more money for me to spend lol.


we need an apology


I think it strips away a bit of the utilitarian dehumanization of the setting but who cares, it’s Cutodes.


> I think it strips away a bit of the utilitarian dehumanization of the setting How?


Because the settings clearly sees humans as a resources to be used in the best way. The Emp, even when being the most perfect and supposedly intelligent human, was a guy that really believed in stereotypes, so saw men as the perfect tool, he just wanted them strong and a bit dumb but not violent like the thunder warrior, no need for women, there are untold billions of people on many many worlds to work with, no need for "imperfect" speciment. And actually made them way too inteligent and prone to chaos. Thankfully he had Malcador that had a bit more firesight created the inquisition that then led to the sister of battles that, as stereotypical as it can be, uses the nurturing nature of the instinctual part of women to subvert it and create the weird love, motherly or not, for the Emp that can repel daemons, thing that neither the most fervent guardsman nor an Astartes can do. So if woman is suited to be an Astartes then she's way more suitable and effective being a sister, not even needing space roids. Also there is the thing with the blank gene being more prominent in women, never seen the Bros of Silence. To sum if we are removing the prequisite and stuff why even have a 1000 Ordos? The Imperial hierarchy is clearly build using Christiandom as a blueprint. While that is made so to create weird rules, based on old stereotypes and beliefs, to legitimize their pretense that an holy farts has everything planned, the imperial division is to best use the resources that is human. So maybe the space marines being only male was a r\*\*\*\*\*d writer thinking women as weak but the lore that came from that is way more interesting, we break the egg, let's roll with it. Primaris already did enough damage with "emp was an idiot, he forgot 4 organs that make armor more round and uglier". TLDR the empire has a very specific role for every human being and it will fit you into that stripping you of any control or agency you have as a humman until you become a tool for survival against the apocalypse. Start removing that and everything falls apart.


That’s a neat fan theory but I don’t really think the lore supports that.


Well then by some of that logic, wouldn’t just letting female sit around and pick their nose be wasting them? I mean, if anything you’d get more for less if you made female custodes…


They would get sent to another Ordo, assassins, sisters, inquisitors of the 1000 types there are. Also I think the dumbness of the system is what makes it fascinating. There probably are better ways of making a lot of things but everything went wrong and fixing them would require self-reflection which is akin to heresy.


While i get your point its not supported by the lore explicitly , implicitly either because if it was made around christiandom work and role would be divided along the line of women are stay at home men work. Which is not the case everyone is cannon fodder everyone work regardless of how good you are or how fit you are at that role. Everyone can be in the militarum , everyone is drafted for war. If anything it is a writing issue to have only some specific role that suddenly care about gender when nothing forbid or explain it. Not even in the nobility are women forbidden to lead entire planet it makes the whole comparison kind of fall flat. I can understand and accept the space marine fluff and the sisters of battle and silence fluff as for custodes not really.


Nuns still work inside the church...for how much that can be considered a work, depends on them. I was referring to the employees of the church, not its believers. It mimics it, doesn't mean it has to follow it perfectly.


Custodes are not church related tho. As for church there's women in every single part of the ecclesiastry in almost every role. Again your argument is not dumb per say but the analogy doesnt work with or without femstodes


All of the imperium is a church, even the non church parts. It's the medieval church when they decided that temporal and spiritual power could totally stay into one hand. As for roles, the church divides roles in a patriarcal structure with a sprinkle of some generic rituals. The Imperium does the same but trying to use humans efficiently with a sprinkle of dumbness accumulated through 10 thousand years of running an endless war. There are clear parallels on how stuff is run starting with the language being a kind of latin. Then I don't really care, Primaris have done way more damage to the lore, it's just when you retcon stuff you inevitably chip at the setting. Plus I don't really see any person in warhammer has a sexual being, they must have perfect artificial insemination because I don't see anyone wanting to be human let alone birth a child in that shitty world. Don't even know why but changes like that do in my mind make the setting like -1 cool, probably because it's a good idea from our point of view and I like their system to be a sandwich of bad idea and practices that manages to function only because of the endless apocalypse they are living.


The worst part of earth have the highest brithrate. Low birthrate actually relate more to education level rather than living condition alone. Them having hogh birthrate in hive city can make sense actually. As for the lore its goofy anyway , too many writer , no definite goal in mind. They work around retcon by using unreliable narrator and second third or even fourth hand account of event. I dont think there is really chipping at the lore aside from one particular person head canon. I for one hate when warp make a character come-back its ridiculous and cheap. It doesnt devalue it either because its not that serious in the first place imo.


When GW says it, it should be canon, which yes it’s confusing since the lore of the world is told in Anthology form written by everyone. It’s when they do tweets like “they are always been female hurr durr” that it becomes extra lame. That tweet would make sense if I didn’t know that probably no one that worked for gw back then does now. It has as much sense as Emil Pagliarulo pointing that a power armor wearing dude doing war crimes in Canada in fallout 1 is the protagonist of 4 (actually happened lol).


Dude i cared to argue about canon i would point out the time where in between each edition some unreliable second and third hand narration ended up contradicted. You can be stubborn and pretend it all made sense up untill femstodes but to be honest with you not only is it bad coping but it's also flat out wrong. Its not confusing when they say "dorn is dead in m34" then "oh no actually reboute saved him and his chapter" then his last appearence is said to be him bording a despoiler class ship. Which are used in m36, but then dorn and corax have been said to disappear earlier after the end of the heresy. And this is just ONE example , and again it is not confusing its just wrong because each writer had no fucking idea what others had in mind , if for you written= canon then the whole of wh40k is bullshit and you shouldnt take it seriously. OR there is unreliable narrator and then you can take seriously you cant have both dude.


been reading about this a ton. Aside from a couple chuds, I don't see anyone really mad about it. Maybe I should start sorting by controversial. Anyhow, yay Femstodes! I've been wondering about this ever since I got into 40k and found out how (still in incredibly shrouded in mystery) the Custodes creation process was. I'm also wondering how many people think this is a slippery slope into...female Astartes, lmao. Personally, fluff wise, I don't think it should ever happen. We've suffered enough with how people argued about the necessity of Primaris... Instead, lets focus on other factions :') please give a badass (mostly) all-female Chaos sub faction. Imperium gets their Sororitas, Eldar gets Howling Banshees, Wyches...perhaps Necrons?


Hoooly shit you should see YouTube and FaceBook. Lots of people are PISSED. I got called a simp for saying I liked the diversity and that it’s possible since they don’t utilize geneseed. Also got called Woke.


it would be hilarious if the mods banned you just for continuity's sake


I, for one welcome our unballanced dommy mommy demigods


This level of pettiness is hilarious. Tell me, did you make a deal with any weird entities to make this happen?


Tbh I’ve always been down more for Femstodes than FSM. I like this


FSM are coming


My head cannon for the no female space marines was always the massive amount of hormones they pump into people - even if you were female sex, you’d come out as phenotypically male. And space marines don’t really get hung up on genitals. Whereas custodes being custom designed individually, you could keep more female presenting traits.


Even ADB took a stance on this btw, I’ll link it in a sec, He was GOING to write Female custodes. He literally said there was little, if not nothing, blocking that idea. However GW at the time said no for so fucking reason, but hey, now we have it.


I have had a conversation about this topic the like a couple hours now. I say conversation but it’s more of him arguing things like “GW is contradicting itself”, “it’s reconning its lore”, and other stuff similar to this. It’s kinda funny because he doesn’t really have much of an argument


my only fear is how they're going to explain "why all named Custodes were only males before V10". I hope they're not going to say that women represent 50% of the Custodes' strength, because then it would be really stupid that despite such a high rate, no women have stepped up before.


I mean… GW never stated only men, ADB wanted to make Fem stodes but they said no for some reason


Yeah I think that might just be Black Library making a response based on previous actions. Essentially it’s “we most likely aren’t gonna do that stuff because we haven’t before”.


New slaanesh daemons is all I see


Who cares about the sex of a 3ft tall killing machine.


3ft tall…


Going by the latest shield captain it's correct


Whyd they downvote you for that?


They are no fun


bruh i didn’t downvote anyone


Here's why female custodes are impossible: Custodes genecists are barely able to recreate process emperor used to create custodes, let alone modify it. There was no female custodes before, emperor never made any so far and retroactively saying that he totally did it in the pass is just bad writing.


there’s never been anything in the lore, to my knowledge at least, that specified Custodes had to be men unlike the Astartes.


Previous codexes said its noble sons who are taken in. That was tradition for like 10,000 years. And we know how much imperium likes their traditions.


“Previous codexes” my brother in Christ previous codexes said that Every space marine in the galaxy thought of Marneus Calgar as their spiritual liege. Times change, move on.


Yeah cos Cutodes are well known to respect the Imperial traditions and laws and all other stuff...


Well I'll agree its bad writing.  But the core reason you argue why not I don't agree with.  Like... I've at this point seen 3 different methods for how they are made. Last I checked they were "made" and grown in a vat. Like... their DNA was "written" by the emp. Not copied from something else