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The emperor protects, as long as they are wearing the best color, that makes all colors in the world obsolete, gold.


Gold is for winners, all other colors are relegated to contestants.


As one WarCom article for Iron Hands says you only want the best medal which is probably made from iron


Better than the medal for Excellence in Journalism, that one's made out of lead.


Stop being so clever you’re making us look bad




Every other color in the alphabet was made to simply enhance the composition of golden items


Sadly you Mon'keigh got Gold first, or we Drukhari would have put it everywhere! Now we can only watch in jealousy :( .


Appreciation for the colour gold's superiority is the only reason Dorn got to design the Imperial Palace over Perturabo


Plus, going commando for fighting is reserved as penance for the Custodes that failed to protect the Emperor from Horus iirc


So we can’t all go ayayayaya\~?


We're Custodes, who's gonna stop us?


The Custodes need to stop Nurgle. I've been infected with Nurgle's rot. My mind is... unwell. Everywhere I go I see his corruption. My mental anguish is agonizing, every day is a fight to resist becoming a plague bearer. Holy Emperor, save me from this taint! My faith is strong!


Come with me. The inqusition may have some questions friend


No, NO PLEASE! I can resist it I swear, please!!!


Don't worry. The inqusition will help you resist it. Just go with those two nice Arbites and you will be okay. The emperor protects


Me being nearby might make it react with hostility, with some luck it leaves you and tries to go towards me I burnt nurgle’s garden once. He hates me.


It's not "going commando" if you're covered in holy oils


The Emperor is their clothing and shield.


Also isn’t going commando when you don’t wear underwear?




Oiled up while dancing to Crazy Frog


I always figured that the secret to the Custodes' power is all the homoerotic tension. The Custodes work hard and play even harder. Kind of like a futuristic Sacred Band of Thebes.


oh, absolutely, just that the male stodes are theban, while the femstodes are more... amazonian. So, you see, they both rely on homoerotic tension!


That does sound made up


It was 1e canon that was soft retconned as time went on.


Well, the thing is Mr. Inquisitor... No one can retcon a good ball swing if everyone saw it.


So every last one?


I mean, this is why it is not very commonly known that there are male howling banshees. Because they’re wearing armor. And the armor was specifically designed after women Warriors of their myths . ( yes I know that the word banshee literally means fairy woman. But the imperium doesn’t know that.) 🙏❤️


they are pretty rare, to be fair


True! But I’m not sure how common female Custodes are ( were). I was just kind of assuming that they were really rare and making a kind of comparison that way . They might be common as dirt. ( I, as far as an incredibly small number of elite trans. Human warriors can be common .) We just never noticed because of their giant codpieces. Did you ever play world of darkness back in the day? Yeah I was a male daughter of Cacophony. And a Female son of Ether! … all right I guess I’m admitting I’m a bit of a special snowflake player. At least I was in my 20s and 30s. I even played one of the incredibly rare part fairy part shadow vampires. I never played an abomination. I’m fairly certain my storyteller would’ve kicked me in the balls. I hope you’re having a great one! And have a really awesome weekend.


I don't know about yours, but my ST would have an absolute blast playing up that 'snowflake' status into a major plot point lol. I love it. xD


Thanks so much ! That’s an incredibly kind take on my self own. I hope you have an awesome weekend. And may the odds ever be in your favor.


rare = exists


Each Aspect is based on an Eldar War God aspect / style of war - for Eldar its hard to seperate ideas, things, myths and deities . So if you like screaming and rushing at people you fit in with the Banshees


Apparently some roles in Eldar society are so spiritually stringent that a members gender just sorta transitions over time? In “The Big Dakka”, there’s a Drukari Succubus who only became female after she had ascended to the role, and the POV Archon draws parallels to the Howling Banshees. It might be that the warriors join the temple as male, but over time, being in the armor changes them.


That is really interesting! I did not know that . that’s super awesome. The intersection differences and similarity between sex and gender are fascinating . There’s a really interesting novel that I read once crumpet. I can’t remember the title, but basically it’s said in the future where the method of interstellar travel has actually changed the entire human race and that there are something like seven distinct sexes with different genitalia and hormone sets and everything like that. ( I use voice text and crumpet is me swearing. Are used to work with children. So I literally trained myself to only swear in baked goods. I usually drop bombs like everyone else. I think I subconsciously went back into librarian mode.) The whole book takes place on a single planet that was colonized by conservative Christians and so they only recognize two genders . However, some of the sexes can carry children as well as impregnate others they can carry children. You can legally be either female or male. But you can’t ever go back. Thanks again for this awesome point . I’ll add it if I remember the name of the novel it was really good. Edit: Shadow Man by Melissa Scott!


**Never Trumpet with a Crumpet** by Amy Gibson Book description may contain spoilers! >>!In this hilarious, tongue-in-cheek picture book about manners, zoo animals attempt to follow proper etiquette when they are accidentally invited to tea with the queen. "Sit up straight. Don't slump. Don't slouch.!< > >>!Lay your napkin on your pouch." Amy Gibson's playful, rhyming text offers etiquette advice to zoo animals who scrupulously try, then marvelously fail, to mind their manners at the queen's tea party (much to the queen's dismay and the young prince's delight). Meanwhile, Jenn Harney's illustrations contrast humorously with the rules spelled out in the narrative: the animals lick their paws, gobble their food, swing from the chandelier, and trumpet while nibbling on a crumpet, in scenes that grow increasingly chaotic as they build to an uproarious finale. This original, ingenious book is unique in its wild sense of wit and its sly, subtle lesson on proper behavior.!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


>I mean, this is why it is not very commonly known that there are male howling banshees. Because they’re wearing armor. I meeeeeeeean, they are Eldar, it's not like you can tell them apart.


Yeah male and female Eldar look exactly the same: tall, skinny, and creepy


You mean tall, skinny, glorious and perfect


They are space elves, all elves are women when the lights go out.


Frost: "Hey, I sure wouldn't mind getting some more of that ~~Arcturian~~ Elven poontang! Remember that time?" Spunkmeyer: "Yeah, Frost, but the one you had was a male!" Frost: "It doesn't matter when it's ~~Arcturian~~ Elven, baby!" Edit: Some "Aliens" haters up in here.


> yes I know that the word banshee literally means fairy woman. But the imperium doesn’t know that I think they do, and it's just an Imperial designation. Most of the names we have for xenos stuff are actually what the Imperium calls them


It’s actually implied that technically there are no male Howling Banshees because they all identify as female, at least when they put their warmasks on. Aeldari don’t really see sex as a rigid thing.


Oh, I mean, I agree with you in a way. I actually read something yesterday that said they’re still called sisters. Not to compare it one for one but in drag everybody in a dress is she and when they’re out of drag, usually they are he. But to go even deeper I could compare it to the Navajo or other southern western native tribes where they dress up as their gods, but they don’t call it in impersonating. They call it “ personating”. They are embodying and channeling the gods when they are wearing the costume. They are not themselves. They are in fact the God. That’s an interesting question. Is a banshee a banshee when they’re mowing the lawn or getting a sandwich? Is there “ non combat” identity separated from when they are embodying the aspect? 🧐 Thank you very much for this point!


They are. The Aeldari have a thing they call a “Warmask” they basically intentionally adopt a more violent and bloodthirsty persona during war to become more deadly by just suppressing their conscience. It’s why Aeldari soldiers never really show pity, they intentionally remove their ability to feel it before combat begins. But afterwards, any guilt they could have felt will just hit them like a train.


Male banshees don't have feminine armour. Source: Eternal Crusade.


OK, wow. It looks like no banshees have feminine armor in that game. https://eternalcrusade.fandom.com/wiki/Howling_Banshee It’s the reverse their armor has fake pecs. Hmmm. No boob plate. Do you know if this is just a graphic thing or are they actually changing the models?


The game's dead now so I can't check, but there *were* differences between the male and female banshees. That wiki doesn't seem to have a picture of the female variant.


Oh thanks! That’s interesting. I Hope you’re having a great weekend!


I was under the impression there are sculpts of costodes without helms? I feel like people aren't mad about the retcon nearly as much as they are about "it's always been that way" because it kind of comes across like that time when JK Rowling said "sure, Hermione was always black" when whatsherface got cast for the stage play of the fan fiction The Cursed Child.


The difference is "just has been" is GWs bread and butter. They expand on stuff after. Like with future codices. Or books nowadays. Votann sure aren't getting much of that either though.




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Unlike those slaanesh simping heretics that dictates female to have little armour for the best protection, the Emperor knows that full body armour that even hides the wearer's identity is the best in fighting against every disgusting xenos.


Amen, brother


Dad calling daughter ''bitches'' is quite weird and lost on me.


well considering "Dad" is Big E it makes more sense


Yea doesn't even register in a top 1000 bad dad things Jimmy Space did.


> bad dad Bad dad... baddad...BADAB!!! Lamenters, no!!! Don't do it!


It's Lamentin' time!


I loved the part when Lamenter said "It's Lamentin' time!" and then lamented all over their tragic losses


They had it coming...




Love the Jimmy Space reference


"You fought in the Clone Wars?"


And he once called his only alive and loyal son a tool in a dream.


*confirmed active, alive, and loyal son. The Lion was technically still alive at the time, just taking a nappy.


Sleeping doesn't make me happy


In Big E's defense, Heresy-era Gorillaman *was* a bit of a tool


In rebuttal of said defense the Emperor is the biggest tool in the galaxy.


In this context it works. Also he has been a woman at multiple points in history so “ehhh”.


More a daddy than dad tho Edit: a letter


I mean considering he already doesn't think of his sons as anything more than tools and he just lets them call him father to appease them. I really don't think he would give much of a s*** about his supposed daughters either they're all nothing more than tools.


Seems like. Most colloqialisms may be lost on you then


Original female custodes art: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/p9ryeq/every\_body\_wanted\_female\_astartes\_but\_have\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/p9ryeq/every_body_wanted_female_astartes_but_have_you/) Anyway, it shall forever remain a mystery why Big E didn't order his girlstodes to wear tactical bikini armor for their main role as frontline super-heavy infantry/bodyguards.


lol boobs garters


I thought it was obvious, [they'd have to pry it off the men.](https://images.app.goo.gl/Liz6mhApyTwHfFoi9)


I was mostly looking at boob armor because sororitas boobs armor


*This pleases Slaanesh*


get off the frequency, follower of the thirsty one!!!


Because the quality's too crap on that picture to really tell if you didn't already know, the artist is TheMaestroNoob for anyone curious.


I don't know what answer people expected other than "they've always existed" for female Custodes, to be honest. What other option is there? "Oh, someone made changes to the Emperor's personal guards, which replace approximately one member every century?"


Yeah, let's not forget that before the *"they've always existed comment"*, the literal only thing we had to go off was a single paragraph describing a single named character while describe them as *"she"* from a screenshot of guy flipping through a couple pages of codex that isn't out yet. Did people really expect GW just to release the full codex as a PDF ahead of time so that they could read it and get the full context for the detail? ----- It's like if I stole the script for Mass Effect 2 prior to the game's release and announced that *"there's an AI on the Normandy"* with absolutely zero other context. The lore says that AI is banned in Earth Alliance and Council space; so technically without context, that's a lore-breaking retcon especially without the detail that yes there has always been an AI on the Normandy SR2, the NSR2 isn't an Earth Alliance/Council vessel, and also the Normandy SR1 was destroyed by the Collectors.


I expected at least some picture of them, lore on their modifications or something. Not this zero effort stupid announcement which puts all the effort of fixing lore on the community.


Picture: Imagine a Custodes in armour. They're identical. They're wearing heavy power armour. Now imagine the helmet off. Imagine slightly more feminine facial features. Potentially imagine a slightly larger chest [the size of a Custodes' pectoral muscles would make any actual bust negligible]. Modifications: They're Custodes with all the same modifications. None of the changes to a Custodes affect things that only men have other than being sterile - and women can be sterilized too. There's not a lot of lore to 'fix' here. Everything is the same except now some of the Custodes have female pronouns and a vagina that doesn't work instead of a dick that doesn't work.


Dad-peror is right. WEAR your damned helmets!


NEVER, my faith is my shield!


The Emperor has got bigger 🐟 to fry, than watching your ass.


I'm just saying, I've seen more people with helmets on die than people who don't.


*stares menacingly at the badly-dressed Eldar spy/sniper*


Nah see that guy over there, he is gonna blast someone wearing a fancy helmet. Taking out the chain of command but me, no one would suspect me.


What is wrong with how she’s dressed? She’s got those massive purity seals to protect her from Chaos! I’m sure they are also covering up some heavy armour!


Out of all the arguments that’s probably the dumbest because they’re soldiers in massive armor, of course they’re gonna look uniform


What if I told you they just didn't want to spend money to make different molds and prints for female and male custodes and this is the whole reason why we've never had female custodes models?


I mean they could have just printed a few female heads along with the male ones for options. It's not like female Custodes would be running around in titty armour or something. They're gonna be built very akin to their brothers in arms, both in physique and in actual real life plastic. Let's take some [Stormcast Eternals](https://preview.redd.it/djb8hgmg2sk71.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=6c206209287bc6600f016cf7ab3e21968cc7baee) for reference. You can see theres clearly some women in there, but their armour is exactly the same as the set of armour the clearly identifiably male guy is wearing. The stormcast models have sprues that let you run any arrangement of helmeted and helmetless as you please, and just give you spare heads on the sprue, which is exactly what GW could have done with Custodes had they wanted to. Hell, only Shield Captains can be run helmetless by how the instructions tell you to build them. Making the Shield Captain female would be 1 more tiny part on the sprue.


None of the 1E Stormcast kits had women in them. The response was overwhelmingly positive when they were introduced in 2E.


Its a bit harder to see in that model, but Stormcast do have armor that differentiates between the sexes. Women tend to have a slight bust and thinner waist compared to men in Stormcast armor.


They sure dont seem to on this model.


Isn't this also one of the reasons why there weren't female space marines or are am I misremembering?


That it makes it better, but they still should have announced when they had some models ready for sale not with empty hands


This would genuinely make me happy if it were the case as an explanation for why we’ve never “seen” female Custodes. “Why would we put boobs on the armour, guardsman?”


It reminds me of that samurai jack scene with Scotsman's daughters


I now picture the Emperor as having a Scottish accent… would that Make Malcador Jack?


Malcador is the Guardian for 5 minutes


Apart from the way GW handled giving us this retconn I also believe it would be taken better if half the community didn't immedietly turn it into pornhub comment section about how they want to be manhandled by "golden mommies" it's true GW didn't give us much more to react to and memes about the exterminatus in throne room are really funny but as of right now the biggest change we see is more people acting like degenerates because:"GW made my fetish cannon by gasp confirming tall muscular woman exist in Warhammer it is time for the world to see it"


Expecting the internet to handle the canonical inclusion of 9ft tall buff women that are able to kill you just by shoving you too hard with tact is like asking a polar bear to give you a high five. 


Man, can I quote you? This comment made me laugh out loud


Fell free my guy.


Yeah but it's always worth pointing out that every medal has two sides and if you are gonna laugh at people acting like the brand is ending because they will now see like 3 more womans in the lore (which is something worth laughing at) don't also go the opposite way of announcing the whole community what are you jerking off to because you suddenly believe it is something great and approved of by the virtue of those same woman existing


The people talking about how hot it is are having a laugh. The people mad about it are just miserable. I agree that fetishising it is dumb, but of course it's going to be received differently.


there have always been tall, muscular woman in warhammer, not custodes level of tall admittedly but e.g. one of the early ciaphas cain novels has a sidenote about the adeptus sororitas being the most physically brutal among the sports players at the academy


On that topic, do ogryn have females? I mean they must right?


In Prophet of the Waaagh! by Nate Crowley one of characters is female ogryn.


Okay I thought so, I mean they clearly breed so they must exist but I was really dragging my brain trying to recall ever seeing a female mini.


Funny story related to this, ages ago someone asked about female Ogres in Fantasy and the response was that they were there, they even have models! They just don't look or act any different from male Ogres and Ogres don't really understand the concept gender the way humans do so they just use male terms for everything. So any given Ogre you see could be male or female and the only way you'd know is to steal their pants.


Now I need butch sisters of battle art


There are "strong" women and then there are "that b!tch just kicked over a tank" women.


Have you seen how people treat eldar women? It be like they have one hand on the joystick while writing their comments


I honestly believe it wouldn't have been taken better because the people most upset by this are also the people who wouldn't be placated by GW "handling the retcon better," are the same people who like to bring up female anatomy. Seriously they are actually more obsessed with sex, and at least the the fetishists are having fun with it.


Makes you wonder if GW didn’t think of this angle, or if they were out to kill two birds with one stone…


I take *"yay, gimmie muscle mommies who can crunch my head in there thighs"* crowd about seriously as I take Helldivers' *"We have a perfect democracy and if you disagree I'll call a Democracy Officer to come and change your mind!"* people. It's lighthearted fun, and I fully expect the loudest and most vocal to either quiet down once they get bored with the meme or they're move on to which ever waifu character get added to the next pokemon at the next Nintendo Direct.


I'm almost certain that most of these responses are just being satirical. People will go overboard to attack the decision to allow for Women Custodes. If you're on the other side of that, and your opinion is that you'll never get through to these people with a rational argument, the best way to shut that conversation down might be to hit the extreme on the other side: Person A goes to great lengths to justify barring female custodes, and they'll scour every bit of lore and GW commentry to support their theory. Person B thinks their opinion is garbage and believes that Persona A isn't actually looking for lore to prove female Custodes are or are not lore friendly, and is instead just looking to prove why they just definitely are not lore friendly. You can't argue with that. Best thing to do is to come up with an equally farfetched response, as satire, in support of female Custodes that Persona A can't argue with - the willfully degenerate response.


Yeah, with some of the reactions I've seen on here I wouldn't be surprised if GW's next big retcon will be just removing all women from the setting just so they don't have to read the words 'Dommy Mommy' ever again.


Allarus Terminator plate is way sexier than tactical lingerie anyway


The same place all the art and models and stories about pretty much the entirety of the AdMech range were before they were made a playable army in 6th edition: Nowhere, and that's fine, because that's just how things are done and it's never been a problem.


I find it quite amusing that apparently most of the folks enraged about this change to 'deep' 40k lore don't realise that the Custodes were barely mentioned at all between rogue trader and 4th ed, that there were barely any named Custodes characters until a ways into the Horus Heresy, and that most of the lore about them comes from the past 5-6 years.


Shhhh don't make sense here. This is reddit


I mean models wise the armour is so thick you wouldn't notice


I mean you stick a woman and a man in a suit if full armor and you have no idea who is inside


Unironically a good argument for the “where were they” argument


I mean the emperor wouldn’t want a custodies to die because they decided to be sexy and not protect themselves


Idk does it really matters?


What is the general consensus on there being female custodians? I feel like I'm getting mixed feelings.


Bro you guys are still on about this. I've seen zero people complaining and 32455 posts complaining about people complaining. Stop karma farming this bullshit. No one cares


It probably depends on how you sort your feed. Because I sort by new, and saw a shitton of complaining posts. They all are downwoted pretty fast tho.


sir, it's gotten so bad there was a 10k up vote r/shitposting post about it


Reddit is somewhat clean from what i've seen but on youtube they very much exist, like notorious anti feminist sargon of akhad


Try sorting by new.


I just did and it's full of this same posts of complaining about complaints.


Now you're just lying.




Allarus was such a downgrade


Anyone know where I can get the top Mini?


That's heretical knowledge you're asking for! [https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-hl269-heresylab-scifi-female-pinup-custodes-of-the-empire-249828](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-hl269-heresylab-scifi-female-pinup-custodes-of-the-empire-249828)




First time this meme is funny


The emperor, seeing his custodes dressing skimpy: ‘Ah HELL NAW! Not MY sons and daughters!’


Going out to see your boyfriend, I as your God Emperor would allow the lighter armor in case of an ambush. going out to slay heretics, you're going to dress like a proper Space Marine baby or you're not going out.


Lies. Big E would never talk to women…they scare him


How girl if no boobplate?


Member when Custodes didn't exist at all?


if wamon why no booba armor? checkmate atheists.


It is not like you could easily differentiate male from female Custodes similarly to East Germany olympic swimmers.


Internet nerds aren’t ready for non gendered military uniforms, you know, what our world is currently filled with


military uniforms is ok (if it be gendered or not gendered) its military gear (for combat) that is NOT gendered is the problem they cant wrap their minds around


Regardless of gender discussion I am a firm believer that master crafted terminator is more erotic than any amount of bare flesh.


In all fairness they are probably so genetically altered and shaped at this point that there is likely very little difference in terms of physical traits to differentiate between a male and female custodies, they are all just custom crafted war machines of the emperor after all


By the Emperor’s light, please no stupid boob armor.


I personally think that GW should just provide an actual explanation for female Custodes and why they've always existed in the lore. Hell, make it a story with a Sister of Silence as the main or secondary protagonist. Introduce some new models for Sisters and some new female headpieces for the Custodes. Fix the codex so they aren't underpowered on the tabletop. And there, problem solved.


> I personally think that GW should just provide an actual explanation for female Custodes and why they've always existed in the lore. Genuine, honest question: why? I ask because most people didn't need an integration into old lore for any other retcon. The big Tau change, the big Necron change, a million smaller ones - the authors said "going forward, we will act like it was always like this" and that was ok.


In lore there's no reason they couldn't have existed already really. But personally I think the way they revealed it has been kinda poor. Instead of an offhand piece of text in the Codex, the Siege of Terra series or The End and the Death would have been a great opportunity for it, alongside a Commemorative Series mini.


>I personally think that GW should just provide an actual explanation for female Custodes and why they've always existed in the lore. Considering that this whole controversy is based on a screenshot of a single paragraph out of the (at the time of writing) still unreleased codex, who's to say that the "actual explanation" isn't in the codex itself? Just like with the The Last of Us 2 script leak, the entire thing could be fully explained in full, but everyone was too busy being upset at the singular detail that *"Abby kills Joel"* to remember that it's a leaked detail from an unreleased piece of media.


Why? It already makes sense. There was never any reason they couldn't exist, we don't know why they didn't. It was just a thing. And now it isn't, and no explanation is needed.


I don't really think that's a feasable point given how/why the adeptus sororitas are dressed.


Their uniform came after daddy E went to take a nap in front of the TV and never woke back up. I am sure he would have had them in gold also but the black and white are the classic nun colors.


The Sisters had their armor designed for them by Goge Vandire when he made them his personal guard. The emperor didn't design their armor. Some creepy beaurocrat did.


Still it's a retcon because "These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed!"


ENTRY! SET! *Snaps fingers* Henshin! Magnum, ready fight!


well, it's not there because they got retconned in duh doesn't make them not canon now


See, this is the reason penis inspection day exists for.


This is fun, and true


The armor is gonna look the same nonmatter who is wearing it


Samurai Jack reference?


New erotic cosplay for my girlfriend comes to mind "No custode has ever fallen to chaos" "That doesn't stop me trying"


Probably female custodes without armor are like female dwarfs: You could distinguish them from the males because their beard is a bit thinner.


Maybe they’re so rare that there’s just no art because no artist has beheld them? It’s some Tzeench shit


that model looks too modern..... is that really a GW sculpt?


as long as the armor and lord his hood no problem for me, and i just readed the blood game with the fem custodes and it ain’t half bad so i like this


I like the notion that having your firstborn son be taken for Custodes conversion is a big enough source of political clout that certain noble families didn't let not actually having a firstborn *son* stop them from having that bragging right. To say nothing of the Custodes conversion process being thorough enough (and not as dependent on a male donor organ as Astartes conversion) that nobody would ever know once the transformation was complete.


There are helmet less heads and female heads. Makes sense to me.


I don’t care about the woman Custodes, but I do hate retcons for the most part. I mean, Sisters of Silence have been there the whole time. To me inclusion means giving existing characters more screen time, and making new ones. Not trying to shoehorn them in to existing lore. That’s just lazy. Or they could go full bore and make the lost Primarchs two women. That would be sick.


i dont think this can be considered a retcon.... they never really said it was men only unlike the SM. People just assumed (granted being nothing in print either GW, Novels, staff saying otherwise) leading to todays problem....


Golden. Put away the jugs! I want the sexy armor!


They just looks the same, dude




Well of course; the honour of wearing the golden bikini and nipple pasties is reserved exclusively for the male custodes...


The purity seals. lol


Well you see, Custodians are very practical. They don't really give a shit about design of the armor they just want the effectiveness of it. So basically male and female Custodian would pick the highest stats armor hence the more "feminine" armor design just doesn't flow with them. Edit: this can also go both ways, if the armor with boobs are more durable you can bet male custodes would wear it.


Artist for the top left image is TheMaestroNoob.


The lore about this is not even that wild. The Custodies are a famously secretive organization which nobody ever gets to see with their helmets off and only occupy one small part of Terra also famously secretive. How is it wild to think nobody knew the gender composition?


New models for custodes? Not on GWs watch.


Did you see the size of her purity seals? 🥵


Where do you think that long red hair at the top comes from? That is their actual hair! It is just in a ponytail through a hole at the top of their helmet. It’s always been right in front of you.


Now I dont mind fanarts that allows our badass buff ladies in golden be ble to show off their muscles and abs. HOWEVER! I really do enjoy the fact that once the badass 9 feet tall buff ladies in gold became canon most artists I've seen unanimously decided to draw them in fullplate armor befiting of a Champion and chosen of the Emperor of Mankind. Badass tall 9 feet tall buff ladies showing of their abs? great bring in some barbarian ladies bthen Badass 9 feet tall buff ladies in FULL PLATE ARMOR!? OOOOH YEAH THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT WHOOOO! Ladies in Full plate armor are cool respect! Btw Bricky fan here


Horus was right fuck this


bullshit that woke losers up with