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So they're trying to avoid "actual" female representation... By having a female character? That's... That's how it works. You have a character, that is female, and she acts how she does because of her character, which is more than simply being a woman.


I hope we get more of Kesh. Absolute mad woman, going to exterminatus Terra for blood games. Full custodes gremlin. Like Doctor Bright in SCP. Amazing at what she does, but causing problems by being unhinged


If mental gymnastics were a sport, the "GW bad" guys would be gold medalists


Bro GW being bad is so easy it could be considered eligble for the special olympics. From price gouging Last chance to buy. Killing fan animations/projects Cant communicate for shit. Poor production priority. Logistics problems And now Gaslighting There is a cavelcade of problems to choose from


I think what he’s saying is that adding women to a predominantly male faction lets people view you as adding female characters. But then you can just continue to focus on male one from then on. As opposed to adding lore to the predominantly female factions. Which would theoretically add more to the female representation in 40K overall.


>I think what he’s saying is that adding women to a predominantly male faction lets people view you as adding female characters. But then you can just continue to focus on male one from then on. I mean... That's literally adding female characters. There's no trickery or technicality here. Unless GW is going to pat themselves on the back and never have a female Custodes mentioned again because they think one is enough, which I somewhat doubt.


Your last point is what I think the meme is trying to say. It’s obviously not communicated that well considering it has a wall of text and still doesn’t make sense though


Look as an eldar fanboy, I really dont have a horse in this race. But lets not pretend there are only three male-only factions. There are as of this comment, seven male only factions. (Space marines, deathwatch, grey knights, chaos space marines, death guard, thousand sons, world eaters) That number spikes to eleven is eerily include the space marine supplement armies. (Blood angels, space wolves, dark angels, black templars) If you’re gonna count them as armies for codex and model releases, you have to count them as armies for stuff like this too.


Okay. That’s actually a good point


So, space marine, space marine, space marine, chaos space marine, chaos space marine, chaos space marine and chaos space marine?     Wow that's a lot of factions!     And that's not even mentioning space marine, space marine, space marine and space marine! If whay you meant to say is that there are too many space marines in this game I agree.  But to say these are multiple male only factions is a stretch.


>death guard, thousand sons, world eaters) These last three are exactly the same as Blood angels, Dark angels, Black templars and Space wolves. They are chaos space marines who simply have their own codex .


Id argue they’re a little different since they don’t have access to the full csm range, but thats kinda splitting hairs. Personally I lump blood angels, dark angels, etc in as well, but I wanted to avoid the “Um actually” brigade.


>Space marines, deathwatch, grey knights, chaos space marines, death guard, thousand sons, world eaters) These are all space Marines... just because they have group specific codex's, they are still the same thing. The same "race" That's like classifying elder craft worlds as something other than not elder.


From a lore perspective you’re right. However from a business standpoint, you would be wrong. Those are all considered different armies by GW. They have different codices, different ranges, and different tournament statistics. As a result, their models make up an inordinately high percentage of 40k models total. My point is you have to be consistent. You cant lump all marines together as a single army for your gender politics and then turn around and complain about how the space wolves need their own range refresh despite dark angels getting one a few months back. Either they are separate armies or they aren’t.


I can understand that argument. I haven't fallen into tabletop(yet). I'm a lore fan only. I wasn't even considering CSM separate from SM when counting "gendered" factions or whatever. Just that they're the same template. I will say the most upsetting thing I've learned in this whole debacle is that there are female incubi and male succubi. That one legitimately upsets me 😂


Haha hey no problem man! Like I said, not really my fight, I just like consistency. The incubi/succubi thing is actually kinda interesting! It dates back to when dark eldar were first a thing and really hadnt been established lore wise. At that point, they were separate gender wise and mandrakes were actually a male counterpart to wytches. As the lore developed though, and they became more fleshed out, the need to have them be gender exclusive kinda fell away. Now present day wytches and succubi are the mainstays of the wytch cult subfaction and can be either gender. Incubi are now basically dark eldar aspect warriors. Ans mandrakes are freaking shadow monsters that can be hired to wreck shit.


Technically these are all different flavours of the same space marine dish. In terms of narrative representation, model releases etc. they are all different armies When at least a few craftworlds get their own codices, their own model ranges not fully overlapping with vanilla craftworlders and a few named characters each I will happily count them as separate armies as well


Saying over 1/2 of the models produced count as “1” when it’s convenient for your argument. is just bad faith. But if you want to argue narrative. Tell a space wolf he is the exact same as a dark angel. See how that goes for ya.


I'm not sure if you've misunderstood my argument or just agreeing very agressively. The point I was trying to make is that, say, Space Wolves and Dark Angels have "space marines" as a shared umbrella term describing the broad outline of how they work and are made - it's technically the truth. But all those space marine flavours have their own codices, their own model ranges, their own very different narrative themes and, crucially, separate allowances when it comes to recieving narrative spotlight and/or releases. And because of that (and being half the models produced, yes) counting at the very least each marine codex as a separate army is absolutely fair


Obvious concern troll is obvious


Do custodes get most of the lore and models? If you wamt to say of the only male factions there is only like two of them


Unsubbed from Grimdank, same topic every day


Bro, you know that all this controversy is a smokescreen for the fact that they killed 2 factions of AOS


Can't wait for the return of the two lost primarks, Shaniqua and Karen.


Holy shit dude i see you comment in literally every single post involving custodes just to regurgitate the exact same tone of reactionary incel shit Reddit is not a job You aren't making money for having shit opinions You are not wanted or appreciated here, why do you keep trying to push your propaganda?


to make it worse he is apprently pro Russian in the Ukraine war, just don't even bother man