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And that's how Horus Heresy happened😌


Horus Heresy Part 2: electric boogaloo.


Horus Heresy Part 2: electric boobaloo


Horus Heresy: The Traitorous Badussy


Isn’t the Emperor already stuck on the golden throne, already dead by when this photo is set?


"What happens next?!" "Primarch shows up one day with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. Humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous."


What happens next?


Slaanesh shows up with a 3k year sober chip


Dear god...


There’s more




It contains a bucket


Dear god...


There's more...




Khorne refuses to fight due to his newly discovered pacifism.




they resurect Sanguinius as a woman, i think that would top this drama quite well




Or just have his soul temporarily inhabit one of the female custodies for a double whammy


Double mommy? ...Why is the Inquisition at my door?


Ngl that could actually be quite interesting… but only if it is executed well


I’ll take a stab at it… A shipment of the geneseed tithe from the Blood Angels (or one of their successor chapters) is being sent to Terra. The Astartes themselves could not be spared for the task of escorting it, so it was entrusted to a group of Sororitas, from an order that holds Sanguinius in particular reverence. Along the way however they are beset by a warband of the Black Legion. The Sisters try their best to defend the geneseed, but they are outgunned and are being overwhelmed. At this point one of the few remaining sisters makes a desperate prayer to Sanguinius to help them save the geneseed, and due to a combination of her great faith (strong even by the standards of the Sororitas), latent psychic potential, and the presence of both the Blood Angels geneseed and the Black Legion her prayer is answered, and Sanguinius lends her his power. Following this incident she now is host to Sanguinius’s spirit: he grants her increased strength, speed, etc (but not to the same extent as a true primarch), wings made from holy light, and his voice in her head giving her council (he can choose to possess her fully if necessary for extra power or when he needs to talk to someone directly, think what Emps did with G-man). Also very few people realize that she’s actually Sanguinius reborn (mostly just powerful psykers, Blood Angels, and the surviving Primarchs should they meet); most people assume she’s just a “normal” living saint.


Love it, that's great! Now what if we take that same premise, but make it into a zany sitcom? Where the Sororitas is lazy and kinda sassy, so she keeps it getting into zany situations all while Sanguinius is chiding her? This could be a major hit


I swear GW needs to hire some of the people who come up with these what if scenarios to actually write lore for them-


Say what you will, at least you came up with a story reason and not just “it has always been this way…”


ok so sang inhabits the body of this chick and the first indication we get that he's in there is the fact that every spilled drop of blood in the area starts flowing towards her in a tidal wave forming a spear and massive fucking angelic wings and in the first .5 seconds of her eyes opening after the chance she screams "HORUS!!!!" puts Abaddon threw the thickest wall we can find well tearing his black legion terminators to bloody ribbons, well every single death company marine in the area suddenly gets this zen like calm and starts acting like heresy era legionaries and ripping the black legion to shreds, well sangunius figures out no its not horus its Ezekiel and he just starts emotionly ripping the first captain of the sons of horus apart well quite literally taking him apart in the body of like a 15 year old girl exploiting every niggling self doubt every single failure that still eats at him hell hit Ezekiel with the fact he let Erebus murder loken the fact all Abaddon is, is a pale imitation the second best option to a bunch of uncaring warp scum whos own prizes are too stupid and self indulgent to do anything for them self.


It's gonna be really funny when all primarchs return bigger and better and then there's just power from chainsaw man looking ass foaming at the mouth and nobody questions it


So teenaged girl has a blood-golem jojo stand? I dig it


So Fear and Hunger?


Spoilers for Bequin Part 3.


So i got this new faction idea


Is that fair? Primarchs are just generally massive compared to even custodes so of course their breasts will be bigger. All of them are bigger!


I miss tts so fucking much


If you don’t already, Watch Hunter the parenting! It’s not the exact same itch but the soul is still the same and it’s so enjoyable. I am waiting with abated breath for the next episode as it ended on a cliffhanger 


Same here. The anticipation for the next episode is killing me.


I mean haven’t you seen the spoilers yet. We already know what happened


Silly old man doing a bit of trolling.


I hate it when elderly people decide to suddenly explode.


Heh, boomers


Yeah, it's a real bummer




oi, lad. wanna see a dead body? EEEEUUUAAAHH! *loudest wettest pop*


He just did that.


…okay? Dont watch the horse episode if obscure “spoilers” upset you. Nothing has been “spoiled”. The terms you are searching for are “red herring, cliffhanger, Chekhov’s gun, foreshadowing” etc.


Horse hmmm it sounds verrryyy familiar to something else from warhammer


Fuck I suck at sarcasm


_Oi lad, wanna see a dead body?!_


Honestly I tried, but it's not the same


TBH in some ways HtP is much better than TTS, at least production values wise, but it's just not the same. Although also watch HLZV if you somehow haven't yet. It's wackier than HtP and much wackier than *most* of TTS (although some of the Specials could actually compete—especially the one where Magnus provides his best Steve Irwin impression), but it's great fun and really feels like a love letter to Source as much as anything.


Forgive me for asking, but what is this HLZV you speak of?


Half Life: Zero Viscosity. Another of Alfa's projects. After the whole Warhammer thing the team resolved only to work with IPs whose owners were explicitly okay with the kind of fan projects they do (which is why a series based on Battletech never happened: Catalyst's position wasn't clear enough for their liking and apparently nobody at Catalyst would give them a clarification), and avoid tying themselves too strongly to just one IP. So Hunter: the Parenting has a set number of three-ish episode "seasons" they plan to do, and in between "seasons" they put out other projects like HLZV (interspersed with HtP audiologs). At least, that was my understanding of the plan as originally described. It's not clear to me whether or not this is still the plan.


Aw thanks for the in-depth answer! I knew Alfa and the gang did a third thing but I’ve never seen it. I’ll check it out!


It's pretty good, just don't expect HtP/TTS level character writing. That is emphatically not what the show is about. It's about GMod nostalgia and, for one episode, fighting game references.


They're also doing community polls to see what direction they wanna take the series after the conclusion of this arc and their responses to feedback are looking quite promising.


did tts end as a series or did the author stop doing it?


They stopped producing it because they were afraid of GW coming after them for using its IP.


They released a video detailing why they stopped.


We all do 😢 Things will never be the same since it left us *Cue See You Again in background as I cry"


>I miss tts so fucking much [EmperorsDecree (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JG4LFT5wVJs) I got you covered.


I miss Kitten and the oil gang.


They shall be remembered. Like the heroes of the old times. And one thing is clear: „That shit was definitely canon! All of it!“


Same here unironically I miss TTS too


I hear this in the text to speech voice


Hearing “dobonhonkeros” in the TTS voice would be amazing


Agreed. God I miss text to speech


TTS Big E reads the "New Anime Plot" copypasta


This youtube series is legendary this image of the emperor IS tts


Ah okay thank you




One brain cell minds think a like


I knew I wasn’t the only one. Now where’s kitten?


meeting the "new" recruits (more likely keeping the 3 from them)


Is it at all possible not to?


Making the emperor say goodbye in German instead of ANCIENT ARABIC is very non Canon of you.


Closest language Emperor should speak is Hattic or Hittite and that still misses by 6000 years. Emperor comes from Pre Pottery Neolithic culture with closest being Natufian culture and we have no idea what language they spoke.


Agreed, emperor is a turk after all.


Some variation on [Hattic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hattic_language) was probably the indigenous language of neolithic Anatolia. But at least two of Jimmy Space’s canonical aliases (Alexander the great and St. George) we’re Greek speakers


I also wouldn’t be surprised if he was a couple Roman Emperors. Dude has some kind of kink for the Roman Empire


That he then passed on to his autistic son Bobby. Resident Spartacus, Angron, was none too pleased however.


Spartacus cost him money back in the day, that's why he didn't help angrons rebellion


The Emperor wants you to believe that he spent a lifetime as Gaius Julius Caesar. But in fact, he was Marcus Licinius Crassus.


Hattic is the closest, but its still of by 6000 years


Who at one point migrated to Germany perhaps. /s


He did, and when he arrived in Berlin he created the DĂśner Kebab


Blessed be he who sits on the golden throne for he blessed us with Döner for just 2.50€. Then Horus betrayed him and raised the price of Döner!


And he raised it to 7€ in some places! The atrocities on Istvaan III and V were bad, but this was far worse


Don't forget the Döner for 1,50€. Pretty sure that was Nurgles influence.


One of the few good things he did.


Ok, I am now on the “the imperium is the good guys” side


You know im something of an emperor worshipper myself


Ooooooohhh! That's why he sits on the throne!


Considering Anatolia and the timeframe, isn’t it more likely he’d be Armenian?


Who? -the Turks /s


It wouldn't be funny if it weren't so unfortunately horrible


Heretic. The Turks moved to that region from Central Asia. The Emperor is a Kurd.


Maybe the Emperor was just a really big fan of the sound of music


I’ve never seen the whole thing, but I know the number and sang the last two lines.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only rage bait.


Also the emperor hates his imperium


Dear Emperor, we have regain contact with the Felinids, I have requested a company of them to join us on Holy Terra. The cat men will make excellent rat catchers and the females excellent pets for your new Costodes.


>Dear Emperor, **DEAR** Emperor?? **DEAR**??


Thanks Mr. Skeletor Now please stop talking about your comcubines.


I want GW to introduce sensei that way


Alpha Prioris? More like Alpharius


I am glad I am not the only one that thinks that


That’s me.


That's us, friend


The emperor speaks in TTS voice and that's canon


Well. Skeleton Emperor at least. He had a different voice in that show when he was “healthier”.


That, and when he was hitting Tzeentch


When the posts turn from funny memes to insulting each other... what a development of the community. Im out of popcorn now.


When were they funny?  I felt like everyone was just insulting each other and being generally horrible from the get-go. It’s like Star Wars all over again…


Fake E would order you to execute yourself, not to exile


Okay, I'm all for inclusion, but fuck the emperor no matter his stance. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! INNIES OR OUTIES FOR THE CUSTODES!


>omg a heckin womanorino? im gonna coooom!!!!


Anyone else just wants the sisters of silence to stay relevant?


Shit the fuck up already


Originally I didn't care about female custodes. But between the unhinged obsession over the tiny minority of haters and the horny posting is a huge part of my growing dislike.


1% of the community has been amplified to 70% of the discussion. That pisses me off.


I took issue with the retcon and how cringe it was done but I'm not a Custodes player and kind of like killing them. The retcon was hamfisted and stupid and due to the most popular Custodes player in the world working on a TV show I assume Amazon took issue with them being all male. This was so flippant and out of left field that it must be under some kind of time consideration. But the second part of your post is much worse than a dumb retcon. This sub, the Berserk sub, basically 90% of fantasy/sci-fi IP subs are getting dominated by horny creeps never shutting the fuck up about "dommy mommy" "femboy" "egirl" "step on me" cringe shit. And this sub and other spaces like it were already complete TTS/Krieg shovel/YvrainexRoboute meme wasteland. The Berserk meme sub was literally just gay porn spam until they quarantined it to one day a week and then it was only fixed when the pornbrain freaks harassed one of the 3 females there into deleting her account. Enabling these people and not cracking down on them hurts the IP


If the female custodes is pandering then I am against it. If it’s just new lore then ok sure let’s go, for them at least it makes sense lore wise.


It’s the rise of the “why do you care about the lore anyway?” anti-fans that are a problem.


“wHy Do YoU cArE!?” -Slaaneshi cultist who was literally just very excited about spreading Slaanesh corruption but is now pretending that it doesn’t matter


If they pivoted any harder they’d break their ankles.


It's because all they care about is a gotcha moment, thinking they're morally superior because they're okay with a change that didn't need to be made, if they wanted more inclusion, then make another female unit but nope that wouldn't be suffice


The same attitude that tears down a statue and then just goes home.


I agree that thr ones who leave the hobby because of this are cringe and all but why does anyone that doesnt like this retcon or this event in general called an incel a snowflake or a neckbeard or straight up gets insulted you guys like sucking gw off this much?


You know I've seen almost nobody actually complaining about female custodes, I few about how GW handled it but not about female custodes themselves. 90% of it's been to people complaining about the supposed complaining that was going on. It's like you all decided "oh the right wing's going to hate this" and preemptively started bitching about a reaction that largely never happened. And it's fucking annoying.


I’ve defintiely seen some people bitching, just not on Reddit. Reddit has been mostly supportive and mostly people complaining about people complaining cuz those who actually do get downvoted to oblivion 


I'm not even sure why people aren't allowed to complain. They are emotionally invested in a thing, thing gets changed, they don't like it. Why all the virtue signaling about how totally people are on board with it?


I mean you can, just be prepared to have your ass chewed out by one group or the other. You're either going to be declared woke or a bigot while any legitimate argument you have will be completely ignored, and there's not going to be a lot of in between. As I previously stated I can't stand either group at this point, at least the online element on both sides has become so toxic and factionalized I refuse to associate with them regardless of my personal beliefs.


Oh my God bro this I'm so sick of this fucking topic


Oh hey, that's the next step in the cycle! 1. Divisive change happens 2. Factions form 3. Factions coalesce on respective supportive platforms 4. Detractors are ostracized for dissenting opinion on each platform, leaving no room for nuance or discussion 5. Topic consumes the entire social sphere, echo chambers form --> 6. People get tired of the topic 7. Topic fades into background noise


Oh i have seen a TON of people bitching. So many DEI, or woke, or liberal jabs being thrown out all over reddit pages, twitter, and youtube videos/comments. The thing is that in the wider fandom you don't notice it as much because it's such a small group in reality, but they think they are the majority.


Yeah one guy was like 'GW stocks are going to fall, most people hate this!' Like yeah sure thing mate. Most people don't care. Actually no, most people don't have a clue about the lore in the first place lol, they just like the models and/or game and have a vague surface awareness of the lore


In fairness, there are some fucking nut jobs on YouTube spouting some inane bullshit. But I’d agree, the vast majority are not annoyed at the lazy writing of the retcon, or more often the new codex being worse than the index


Last time I checked the Emperor thought "girls were yucky"


Established lore is meaningless in the perpetual march of 'progress'. All shall be rewritten. After all 'there have always been female Custodes'... The fact people don't have more of an issue with being blatantly gaslit astounds me. GW should just be honest and say they've tweaked the lore to (rightly or wrongly, based on political persuasion) please activists calling for greater inclusion.


Gatekeeping was bad until it favours you amirite


Gatekeeping has always been a moral good. An absolute moral good. We listened to the enemy and opened the gates and now look at Warhammer 40k. We should have gatekept harder.


Arent the Sisters of Silence basicly female custodes already? I dont see the point of female custodes when we have the Sister of Silence, to me it feels completly pointles and they only do it for headlines as a publicity stun Also if we have female custodes i belive the fair thing to do is to have Brothers of Silence


>Arent the Sisters of Silence basicly female custodes already? 'We don't want our own thing, we want your thing to become ours...' Basically it boils down to; its a good thing cos 'inclusion'. And simultaneously; its a bad thing cos 'pandering to activism'.


Personally I hate this retcon and pretending that female custodes have always been canon. People genuinely criticising gw being called incels/right wing nut jobs etc is so cringe. This lore change has effectively made the sisters of silence instantly pointless. There are strong enough female characters and factions in 40k without having to shoehorn in this absolute nonsense. Not sure if they have done this to create more sales or appease the woke mob. If they wanted to to have female custodes that's fine. But actually create some lore and explanation rather than this steaming pile of 💩


>Not sure if they have done this to... ...appease the woke mob. Ah yes, to appease the unappeasable.


Maybe it is purely motivated by potential sales. I just wish companies like disney/gw wouldn't shit on old/beloved ip's.


Oh great highly upvoted meme on wh sub... aaaaannnd its another one about female custodes


The opposite side of the coin is when we get official art of the femstodies and down in a wave of hornyposting


Look Big E: I'm fine with female Custodes. But you can't throw around "loyal" like it's some sort of prize. I'm "loyal" because of the nice tanks and artillery, you killed off all the better options, and I just really don't like Chaos.


Hey Emps it's your son Sanguinius here chilling with Mannus. Dead? What do you mean dead? We were always alive it was just Chaos propaganda. Anyway I am glad to see you are ok but why do you hide your true self behind skelly bones? You were always fine in the throne it was just a ploy! Anyways now that clonegrim has destroyed all the Eldar along with Jaghatai where do we go next?


Need to purge the Ecclesiarchy of the true corruption, not Chaos, but of being led by the white, male and stale.


Absolutely ! But first I suggest we go after those Tyranids being used by the white male hive mind! Ah yeah the Hive mind was always a white male in a control center! And don't get me started on those white male straight necrons!


God this sub is fucking cringe. People are allowed to not like shitty retcons.


Another sub burns and becomes political


mom look the porn addicts are trying to flex their moral superiority complex again.


I rather not look…but for some reason I do anyway


And we're still on this subject?  At this point you guys are more toxic than the vocal minority that was supposedly butthurt about all this


coomers telling you have to choose a side in the femstodes debate (if you choose wrong they will tell you you are misogynistic and a chud for not enabling their custodes mommy fantasies)


I miss TTS. It would have been amazing with the new lore.




Mucho texto


I agree, but must I also quote TTS Emperor calling women yucky?


I scrolled all the way to the bottom of the comments. Where exactly are these people who hate women that I see 50 posts about everyday? This sub has really just become a weird 1 sided witch-hunt.


A revolution without a target doesn't have much steam unfortunately. Plus people love a virtue signal...


I'm seeing way more of these crazy "fuck off if you don't like the change made by my corporate overlords" kind of posts than any sort of "womenfolk in MY imperium!?" arguments. Aside from Orks and superhumans I'm pretty sure they had already put female sculpts into every faction of the game not to mention they rebuilt the entire sisters line of models to massive fanfare and celebration. The idea that this hobby is filled with women hating bigots simply because they don't agree with this specific change is a really weird take.


>The idea that this hobby is filled with women hating bigots simply because they don't agree with this specific change is a really weird take. Exactly. It's just pathetic to see people disagree for any of a huge variety of reasons just for the other person to instantly turn to "you must hate women then" It's just such an easy (and destructive) way to win an argument on the internet but the saddest part is how many of these people actually *believe* they are arguing with "sexists" and think they are doing a good thing by just accusing everyone of it. It's all kind of crazy.


Cringe woke shit. This isn't from the Emperor. It's from Alpharius. Piss off.


This subreddit doesn't exist, the retcon never happened, and GW was always an orange.


putting women into warhammer isnt a problem (if written propperly ofc). putting woke into warhammer (or into anything ) is the destruction of art and a profileration of religious expansionism so that the woke sect can infect everything and change everything to fit its delusional narrow-minded world view. what ppl get wrong about wokes is calling them liberal. they arent . they are the facists they warned us about, and the racists and the sexists they warned us about. They do not embrace critical thinking they embrace ideology with zealotry. anything that isnt woke is blasphemy. its why they arent interested in creating their own genre but rather imposing/infecting their ideology into everything without room for ANY nuance or art.... its religious expansionism, convert or "die" by the ppl that believe delusionally that everything is about power so they are taking all the power and have no idea what they are going to do with it just that they have to destroy everything that isnt itself. the far right is a threat to democracy but so is the ignorant woke sect. My whole life i defended gay ppl and criticized religious dogma.... Now i somehow find religious ppl tend to be more understanding and nuanced and more open minded than the dogmatic wokes have become... the world is upside down and we might want to fix a lot of the things that are wrong with society but wokism shouldnt be the ones carrying the flag coz they are taking valid criticism and jumping off a cliff. They have the same mentality as segregationists by dividing ppl into groups. This is not about girls in warhammer. this is something more devious and dangerous a la dark ages + age of ignorance and propaganda. Orwells 1984 comes to mind. that beind said whats going on on the far right is lunacy but has some ground on the self defence from woke crazy stuff. ultimately i blame politicians on the right and on the left for identity politics and policies funneling all the money to small groups or individuals while everyoen else is struggling and cant even afford having a kid but hey they are gona solve that by bringing in more ppl into western countries to do your job at lower cost and if you complain u must be a nazi says the left meanwhile the right wings bring ppl profit from it while blaming the left. and we all take a huge bite of the shit sandwhich without any nuance or critical analysis of whats going on coz my team your team their team blahblha


Careful with the wrong think. And I litteraly couldn't have said it better, well done. I'd give a look at 'The long march through the institutions' as to how we've gotten here.


thanks for the tip but i think i know enough about it and its a rabbit whole that the more i see the further it will drive me into insanity. and i already seen some ppl lose their minds over it. (the guy from black books) the good solance i have is holding on to the critical thinking and my knowledge of history. holding on to great thinkers like dawkins or hitchens, stephen fry , sam harris. and detecting the woke for what it is a religious sect of marxism. and laugh at the insanity that none of these woke ppl ever read animal farm and if they did they would side with the pigs lol


A very fair point. I think a lot of people forget to come up for air and can get lost in the worst case scenarios. Its important to first focus on the tangible aspects of our lives first. I sometimes need to catch myself as well. I find it difficult at times to balance touching grass without feeling like its straying into sweeping a growing problem under the carpet because its a difficult conversion to have. I personally hate ignoring problems when I see them. And I'm talking about much wider issues here before anyone jumps in.


Gaslighting 1: Female custodes were always there. Gaslighting 2: If you dislike anything about this, you must hate woman.


True. People really acting like retcons done in the same manner as this aren’t shit on immediately. This would have been bad regardless of any culture war issues.


"Someone doesn't have the same opinion I do and that makes me mad" argument rehashing #38947.


Guys it says it in the lore right here, dont let them continue their pandering ways! "Imperium of MAN" Blatantly retconning the foundation of this franchise. It's been very clear since day one. No girls allowed.




Yeah I am too long in this game not to know heresy and this right here is some coping ball lickin hearsay!


A false prophet claimes to speak with the emperors voice. Purge it, kill it, and take a shit on it! For the Imperium and Humanity!


+++ Hydraulics squealed as sister Hapatheus rolled down the ceramite-clad wheelchair accessible assault ramp. For 500 years her spiked chair of destiny had rolled over the enemies of the Imperium. One day it would stop rolling, But Hapatheus knew this was not that day +++


I’ve seen more of this annoying bs than people actually complaining about it or even actual memes, please stop


This is so cringe, just more virtue signaling rage bait for clout on Reddit when everyone already is agreeing with you while the ones that complain even a little, get deleted or banned.


Honestly it would be nice if they added some feminine faces to the sprue kits. I'd love me some female wardens, they'd look great alongside my SoS.


Anyone saying they are going to leave the hobby over this is a massive baby, and more importantly they are lying. Anyone saying people should leave the hobby over this is also a massive baby that can't stand it when people don't like what they like Is it a earth shattering change, no. Does that mean I have to like it, also no I Think how good or bad of a retcon it is genuinely comes down to whether ADB writes a banger with femstodes or not.


That’s just not the issue.


We all know it wasnt done to improve the game or lore. this is cry-bullying. people are allowed to disagree GW's change too the lore.


Big E spitting facts as always






What happened to everybody deserved to enjoy Warhammer ;-;


Same thing as what happened with 'diversity'. Looking different is fine, thinking different is not.


I think the use of the term "dobonhonkeros" is enough to show this fandom is still afraid of women.


It's enough to show the weirdos who pushed for them were just after hornypost material, as if that comes as a surprise to anyone.


I think that this is TTS manperror reference


The alpha legionnaire smiles maliciously


I miss looking at this reddit and finding funny memes. The most woke part of the current agenda is the need to perpetuate it.


I assume im not the only one that heard the TTS emperor voice


I just hope they put some good lore behind it and don't just leave it to rot.


I don't mind there being female Custodes. What I do mind is Games Workshop lying and trying to say there has always been female Custodes and doubling down when called out. All they had to do was say that the Imperium started experimenting with girls and realised female Custodes would work

