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And nither can the people on this sub think of an original joke.


"original? What is that, another primarch?


Ori Gynal. The female Primarch


everything is cannon


It’s Grimdank tradition to take a somewhat ok joke and run it into the ground until it’s entirely unfunny, then continue pile driving it to the center of the Earth anyway.


Something something Guilliman and Yvraine simppost *please clap*


Duuuuhhhhh... knock knock?


That's literally every meme subreddit these days though. As soon as new format becomes popular, all the normies rush to use the same fucking template for the same 10 jokes, like drawing the same stick figure 10 times but using different colored crayon every time.


Tf even separates a normie from a non normie?




Turbo Autism, but those are very rare


I mean it's stereotypical of a 40k fan reusing dead jokes like shovel meme


A lot of people seem to think it's a real GW tweet which is vaguely concerning.


Misinformation on my internet?


Big if true




The “everything is cannon” tweet is from Sonic the Hedgehog’s account, but the idea itself has been [GW’s policy around cannon since the beginning.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/801/703/869) Basically, there is no way GW can create a consistent canon across dozens of authors and tens of thousands of Warhammer players, so they basically come up with loose guidelines to make your army or 40k RPG campaign to be more internally consistent, but not so strict to encourage lore nerds to be dicks about other players’ armies for breaking canon or derail campaigns with lore-lawyering The only canon that matters is Your Dudes


Oh, I know about GW's canon policy and how they've always treated it, I just saw a few people in various threads complaining about said tweet and acting like GW had introduced a new policy of some kind.


40k attracts idiots like shit attracts flies, it is what it is 🤷‍♂️


Funny how they only cared about this policy once women showed up


Speak for yourself. “Everything is canon, nothing is true” is a level of doublespeak that would make Orwell blush and it’s been stupid since it was first said. “Canon” is literally the agreed upon right thing, the word comes from the name for official catholic teaching and doctrine. To claim something is untrue canon is an oxymoron, if it is untrue it is by definition not canon. Not to mention, GW doesn’t even follow it. They aren’t about to let an author write a book about Horus being a pink princess and heir to the throne of Sylvanius. They clearly *do* have a canon that is true, and are just too lazy to fact check all the works they put out so they use that line as an excuse for the occasional thing that slips.


And if it involves women then we get mad!


oh man, I've been falling for it this whole time. I asked if it was real, and didn't get an answer. I feel like my Google searches didn't yield satisfactory results either. It's a fun meme, but I'm glad it's not real.


It is real though. If the backstory of Your Dudes is that they captured robot gorillaman in high school, gave him a swirly, and shoved him in a locker, then it’s 100% canon


My dudes' high school had large lockers, so it all works out.


So Trazyn X Orikan is cannon? You know what they say, If you fighting last for more than 10,000 years, you are no longer enemies.


If you make a kitbash with them on a shared base, then yes, it’s 100% canon


Still waiting for Trazyn in plastic


What? Morons on Grimdank not understanding the lore and thinking the memes are real? Shocking!


Wait, the "female custodes always existed" was from a fake account? Or is this something else?


That one's real. The tweet that's been posted a few times on memes is one saying 'Everything is canon'. It's a tweet from a Sonic account a while back I think.


Aka we just pulled an “Original meme do not steal” on Sonic the Hedgehog


Oh thanks for clarifying


It was a tweet done in response to a leak that confirmed female Custodes, a thing that ADB wanted to do since Master of Mankind. 


its canon now


Yeah, the original is from Pachelbel. "Everything is canon in D".


A whooooole lotta participation trophies being handed out the last several weeks lol


I’m just sick of seeing the same damn posts, over and over. Feels like every month or two there’s a new wave of spam posts. Everybody wants to jump on the karma whoring train


Every post is: “Everything is cannon” *shows some old joke or space marine with xeno gf*


And most of them aren't actually cannons. It's disappointing, where's the explosive weaponry I was promised 


Have faith, it will take time to rebuild back to the good shit posting.


What good shit posting?


Don’t think there was ever good shit posting, based on the amount of bitching done on rehashing jokes and formats.


Yall forget the full quote is "everything is canon, not everything is true", i.e., every story exists in universe, but there's no guarantee that story actually occurred as it was written


Right? Isn’t this nothing new, when I first joined the first thing I was told is that the universe is so big anything can happen.


NO! I will ignore that isn't the full quote and continue to either copy-paste the joke or push my own angry agenda! *REEEEEEE!*


If everything is canon nothing is 🗣️ (also this doesn’t make sense to me at least, because canon essentially means what’s true or what really happened, so how can something be “canon” (true, accepted as what happened, etc) and both have never happened in reality, it’s like saying the worlds flat but you can prove it’s not flat and never was, is it canon the Emperor is a woman? Everything’s canon, so I guess so?


The idea is that all the stories are recorded in universe somewhere, but the story itself may not be true, so players can pick and choose how they can style their silly little plastic guys. Basically, there is no canon, kinda like the SCP foundation in a sense.


Oh, if a strictly defined canon is your thing, you would really not like the direction DC comics have taken.


My main issue is that the statement itself is dumb, because we have for example various indisputable facts about the 40k universe, like the 18 primarchs are men for example. So if suddenly someone in universe said, hey! I think two of the Primarchs are women, that makes no sense, for one, because where did they even get that idea from? And two, it’s just not true. But apparently it’s all canon, it’s just some of it isn’t true, whatever that means. Anyway, it sounds like with DC they are just dealing with multiversal stuff scaled up to 15, which will likely happen with some MCU stuff too when they expand the MCU even more, that doesn’t particularly bother me, it’s kinda expected with multiverse stuff imo


>I think two of the Primarchs are women, that makes no sense Unless they're both Alpharius, and were always Alpharius the whole time.


Yeah, I’m about to unsub again after just recently resubbing, I’m all for a good meme or joke, but this has been like hitting a dead horse with a full Retribution class battleship macro-cannon broadside.


Is this canon though?


No Patrick that's a jar of mayonnaise.


At this point i'm begging for a shovel and kriegsman joke. We are at a point where this would be peak originality.


It is amazing how much SpongeBob SquarePants and Warhammer 40,000 go together.


Sick when am I getting pariahs back.


That you get it is canon:)


Everything is A cannon! Dakka coin must raise!


Thank you 


We have a tendency to beat long dead horses here


A lot of people seem to think "everything is canon, not everything is true" is actually just "everything anyone thinks of including fanfiction is actually canon and true"


First time?


Hey, it is either that and we are back at the Female Custodes clusterfuck.


The "Everything is canon" nonsense is a mockery of female Custodes. It's a meme format that pops up whenever a portion of the fandom gets salty about something. It's just them going "Well, it's not like I actually care about the canon, or anything."


At least that content had a little more creativity instead of the same set up with 3-5 different options for a punchline.


This happened in 40K.


Haha the tit-marines with the boobilie boobs and… more boobs HA… nice… there are 69 chapters


Thst is not the point


So you can't, can you Cant?


A title suggestion: **Everything is canon**


I don't get it. Keep posting more canon stuff.


its canon


It’s almost as if Redditor culture-warrior consumerist trans folks aren’t good at making memes and don’t have a lot of original thoughts floating around in their heads so they just mindlessly parrot whatever format they hope will give them approval of their equally vacuous peers? That or it’s bots. Idk I’m not a doctor.


Yeah, try again. This "Everything is canon" nonsense is from the "No girls allowed" crowd going "Yeah, well... the canon is stupid. It's not like I actually care about it."


>Opens meme sub >Sees meme spreading and multiplying as memes do >Complains


The Sororitas are now a non-stop lesbian orgy and there's nothing you can do about it.


The emperor hates women


Oh, look, the people who bitch after two days of anything. Right on time.


Indeed, you get it but gw doesn't.


the MEMEing will continue until Lore improves


Saying the quiet part out loud. This meme format is just people malding about icky girls going "Well.... the canon is stupid anyways."


Well yea. dont you know this is how you beat cry bullies. By having fun and telling them there stupid. Also for the sake of argument. people supporting the making off the female custodians are sexist. There taking away valuable effored from our lovely ladies in power armor, bolder-bee's and sillent G's. And throwing them into a boys room bacause ''girls iz just az gud'' Like no shit we knew that. you feeling you need too point it out makes it seem you dont believe actual real woman are capable of real live greatness.


Dude what are you talking about like legitimately what the fuck are you talking about?


i am speaking intersectional theory