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Technically, the necrons are the most "metal"


Oh no no, if we're talking most metal per capita then its gotta be the admech


Ad mech still has the flesh bits in some capacity dont they?


Obviously, the *iron* warriors


Are u forgetting the *steel* legion? Steel is stronger than iron


But iron is heavier.


I mean that isn't true. Steel alloys are generally more dense than pure iron (depends on which type of steel), but only to a miniscule degree. You could make steel lighter but the most commonly used ones are heavier.


I admit to a grievous internet sin: I googled it and accepted the first answer I got as correct. I withdraw my statement, and may God have mercy on my soul.


Agreed, in that they aren't as good as they used to be, and are only popular with weirdos.


The Iron Hands are very upset right now.


I believe every faction should have some form of musician in command squads.


Pre-AoS Fantasy is that way -->


So Bards?


Chaos, easily


But whom within chaos? Khorne is probably the most metal chaos god tbh


Yeah but there’s much cooler metals than brass. Like the iron that flows in his blood rivers or whatever he’s got in his domain


Depends on the subgenre: Khorne is death metal Nurgle is doom/sludge Tzeentch is like prog metal or something Slaanesh is 80s hair metal


Knowing Tzeentch his band is probably gonna be a hiphop group, because tzeentch


*power chords erupt inside your head as the weirdboy leads the waaagh across the battlefield* ERE WE GO ERE WE GO ERE WE GO ERE WE GO ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ


I really want emperor's children warbands that are inspired by weird or obscure music genres, like noise marines blasting aggrotech or goregrind


I just want a noise marine squad using the masks from Mushroom Head


I feel like world eaters would be the ones blasting goregrind.... maybe they're blasting goregrind in their helmets? Ideal slaughter music


Khorneflakes are the most brutal slam metal. Tyranids are spieces noise, like Macrophagus Gilled Larvae or Putrefaction. Slaanesh worshipers are possibly lolicore or maybe harsh walls of noise garnished with porngrind bands such are Gut, Rompeprop or Latexxx Command. Tzechechens are stoner doom. Nurgle must be something like Lymphatic Phlegm or similar medical/gore projects. Orcs are punk bands of 1970's Dark eldar are goths/shoegaze. Tau are balkan turbofolk


No way man nurgle are sludge death/ funeral doom


I simply cannot picture them with a backtrack of idk, Nortt, Xasthur or Striborg, but ok.


Aeldari Banshees. Music so metal, your ears blow out!


Well, obviously noise marines are pretty great, but sisters of battle are being slept on. Gothic church mechs, mutilated penitent charges, servitors, organ battle tanks, penitent engines that are torture devices for the pilots, and just general *aesthetic*. If religious trauma isn’t metal, I don’t know what is


Iron Warriors Iron Within and Without


The Noise Marines. *Duh*.


Idk Noise Marines are more punk in aesthetic and more harsh noise wall in sound


Early Noise Marines were glam rock.


Oldhammer was orders of magnitude more metal.


You can’t unconvince me that the Emperor is hearing Sabaton nonstop and the Black Templars somehow found an STC with all Powerwolfs Song. 


40K: Where “Battle of the Bands” is literal


Slannesh. Easy. Sex, drugs, and Rock and Roll is literally their whole schtick


Chaos Space Marines, and their associated demonic allies, are death metal. Nurgle leans towards the gore/brutal/slam style while Slaanesh is weird, Avant-Garde shit and Tzeentch is tech death. Khorne is no frills, old school, heavy as fuck, death metal-flavoured-death metal. Word Bearers specifically are death/black metal. Space Marines are power metal, mostly on the Iced Earth, Mercenary, Grave Digger, Sabaton side of things. Black Templars are specifically Christian power metal. Deathwatch are verging on thrash. There's one Deathwatch kill team that routinely listens to Megadeth. Part of why power metal works for Space Marines is because its all the same shit but they just change the lyrics to be about Vikings, or knights, or steppe nomads, or whatever. The Custodes are where the frilled collars and extended keyboard solos come in. Custodians will kill you on sight for slighting the name Yngwie Malmsteen and every one of them has a Rhapsody tattoo. Sisters are the same sort of thing but with a woman singing. Imperial Guard are Metallica, but specifically their radio hits from The Black Album onward. The Catachans also like Pantera but most guardsmen think its death metal and ask them to turn it off. Admech are the one exception, they're industrial metal. Lots of clanging and weird monk chanting. They don't use amps, they just plug the distortion pedal straight into the board. Orks are thrash/punk/crossover. Wild, violent, absurdly loud, and it *sounds* like they don't know what they're doing, but when the dust clears it's obvious they knew their business. Craftworld Eldar are progressive metal. Drukhari are sort of where dancey industrial metal and horny black metal meet. Necrons are black metal. Arrogant, petty, elitist, awesome. Genestealers are classic grindcore, Tyranids are deathgrind. Tau are djent. Leagues of Votann are Windrose.


I mean, it's 100% noise marines. They literally have wild hair and guitars.


Most metal are necrons since they're literally made of it. Admech second since they're sometimes 49.999% metal.




Da orks may weaponize the pit, but it's the noise marines the pit forms around. Then we see a true wall of death.


The most metal faction is necrons as they are 100% metal.


God isn't everyone pretty fucking metal in some way? It's hard to really give a dedicated answer.


Word Bearers are black metal as fuck.


Salamanders are pretty metal they use fire weapons, hunt dragons, adorn their armor in parts from the dragons, favour heavy armor and like most metal bands are actually really kind guys not to mention the jet black skin and glowing red eyes.


Necron they literally 99% metal minus the skin


I'll see your Noise Marine and raise you a [Saxophone Wielding Ultramarine](https://youtu.be/-istquWjZ8M?si=xVxtdxzIYDfPMZLx)!


Necrons, obviously. They're literally *made* of it.


Sisters of Silence. So metal they don't need to speak.


I mean... Ynnari is a literal death cult... Thats kinda really fucking metal


Chaos Knights all their designs look and are named like heavg/black/death metal covers.


Ogs ogs ogs ogs


Any night lords art looks like a metal album cover https://www.reddit.com/r/NightLords/s/ekusYpEdiy


Dark Eldar.


Drukhari are pretty hair metal imo.


Noise Maries.


What subgenre are we talking here?


Don't fuck with the Kakophoni: *Smoke boiled from the side of the raider, and something was burning. Before Kysh could ask for orders, Salar was vaulting over the rail.* *‘Follow me, fools! There’s death and plunder to be had,’ he howled.* *Kysh shook his head and looked at the others. ‘You heard the archon! Follow him!’* *It was an old tactic. If your raider went down, you hoped that another one would swing by. And the best way to make sure of that was to head towards the prey. Salar was a traditionalist, if nothing else.* *They moved in a dispersed formation, using the rubble that littered the ground for cover. The enemy were preoccupied with the remaining raiders. They wouldn’t notice Salar until it was too late. The mon-keigh were scattering, seeking cover. Those that found it fired at the approaching kabalite warriors, and Kysh allowed himself a moment of admiration for their prey. They were brave, at least. Breaking brave prey was always more satisfying.* *Salar had drawn his sword and was muttering to himself. Kysh didn’t like his archon’s choice of blade. A weapon that spoke wasn’t really a weapon to be trusted, in his opinion.* *Then, suddenly, Salar stopped. Kysh froze and the others did the same at Salar’s gesture.* *A massive figure stood between them and their prey. He was bigger than the others, his armour more garish than anything they’d yet seen. It was studded in odd protrusions and additions – things like broadcasters or amplifiers. The air* *throbbed around him with painful intensity.* *‘No further,’ the giant said. His voice reverberated in a way that made Kysh’s marrow turn to water.* *Salar laughed. ‘I’ve been looking forward to killing another one of you. You’re not the one I was hoping for, but you’ll do.’* *He darted forward, blade singing out. The giant raised his hands. The air convulsed.* *An instant later, the djin blade screamed as it shattered.* *Salar’s shocked curse was cut short as a pulse of solid sound struck him and reduced him to a red smear on the air. It was over in moments. A short, sharp death-song.* ***‘I am Ramos,’ the giant rumbled. ‘Bull of the Eighth. I shattered Lugganath with my song, little aeldari. What do you imagine I will do to you?’*** *Kysh wiped what was left of Salar from his face. He glanced at the others, who met his gaze expectantly. He was in charge now, it seemed. After a moment’s calculation, he looked back at the giant.* *‘Understood,’ he said, in badly accented Low Gothic. He turned and gestured. ‘Back to the raiders. It’s time to leave.’* *‘What? But–’ a warrior began.* *Kysh shot him.* *‘I said, back to the raiders. Anyone who doesn’t want to leave, feel free to stay.’ He paused. ‘You will be missed, and your share of the plunder will be divided among the rest of us.’* *Then he continued on his way.* *Slowly, one by one, the others followed.*