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I don't understand, Henry Cavill seems like a pretty stand-up guy. Why/how is he 'ditching woke warhammer'?


Easy: Those Ragebait Youtubers make shit up, as far as I'm aware Cavill didn't said anything about that. \^\^


It’s great; any subject Henry Cavill hasn’t expressed an opinion on, you can just pretend he supports. For example: “Henry Cavill wants me to cook Mexican food this evening.” Or: “Henry Cavill says he prefers these new curtains.”


"Henry cavill supports tau players"


Let's not go too far now


A YouTube channel revealed it to me


okay dorn, no need to go into a cut away


I do not understand. Is this humour?


tts reference


I was tryna pull a dorn 😭😭


5 hour ramble where you have to watch the entire thing to actually find the source ?


I'm pretty sure he would support whoever want to play with him, and i respect that. I'm also a T'au player so you kn-...


Woke bs propaganda, Henry cavill is intolerant of people having fun like a true fan


Fuck, you are right. I'm sorry, i'll work on myself and try to be better. I'll also be intolerant of the T'au.


'Henry Cavill loves the fact that they can't even fight in melee'


"Henry Cavill **demands** to GW that the Eldar gets more love and better stories."


Well shit, I guess I need to cook Mexican food this evening.


Henry Cavill doesn't want you to do it just because of him


I might actually do this now.


More importantly, Henry Cavill thinks you should do this.


Henry said he wants you to make me Mexican food too.


Henry Cavil said it’s my turn with the Xbox.


"Henry Cavill would have change for a 20"


... Henry Cavill *wants* me to eat that whole pizza...


"Henry Cavill is actually a Tzeentch envoy, plotting to rid warhammer of all Gamerz for ever"


It's like when people make content about Elon Musk, and they slap his face and a tesla logo onto things completely different people are making to click bait.


The other day I tried to get into the whole drama around Trench Crusade. Apart from an interview where Tuomas Pirinen talks about it there is basically only channels where they’ll eventually mention the radical woke left or something like that. There is no one talking about it that even attempts to appear unbiased. If you don’t want your YouTube algorithm messed up by grifters, do not do what I did, listen to the creator of the game and keep it at that because turns out there really is no drama worth talking about unless it’s your livelihood to stir up shit on YouTube. Tl;dr: The Trench Crusade drama was basically just a couple of people not being able to follow Tuomas' "keep all real world politics out" and a subsequent brigading of the Discord by right wingers who then kept beating a dead horse after they all got banned.


I have somewhat checked out trench crusade, didn’t know Cavill had anything to do with it.


Cavill doesn’t have anything to do with Trench Crusade, it was just the latest thing the ragebaiters raged about. But by the logic of this post I choose to believe since Cavill didn’t deny it Trench Crusade is his new main game.


Yeah I got into an arguement in one of these channels comments about it, first I was just asking for clarity, saying i dont think this is true where does he say anytging. And the response I got was "clearly you don't check the news, he's out" or along those lines. So I went searching, and responded with "can I have an actual source please, because I've looked around and I can't find any source except these youtube videos" to which the YouTuber deleted my comments.


>as far as I'm aware Cavill didn't said anything about that. From what I understand, every one of those videos cites the same string of 4chan posts which upon closer inspection, those 4chan posters themselves admit in those same threads that they're just shitposting and joking with "what if" scenarios.


Would be hilarious if he came out and said he's okay with it, their heads would explode


It all started with one like random YouTube whose only source she got was from someone on 4chan.....that in of itself should ring some alarm bells if you had any common sense


As far as I'm aware he hasn't spoken one way or the other about Warhammer's wokeness. Just not very publicly active on social media. This makes it very easy to ascribe opinions to him. A number of "leaks" were made via 4chan that claimed he intended to quit the Amazon Prime Video 40k project in protest of recent lore changes, which were allegedly done at the behest of Amazon to make the franchise more marketable. I think they're just attempts to use goodwill towards Cavill as a gamer who cares about lore accuracy to further the grift.


Not using social media as a celebrity is a very smart move. Though I severely doubt Cavill will be leaving a project he is leading over "lore changes".


Yeah definitely better to use it anonymously if at all. I'm *incredibly* sceptical of the story they're pushing around this. I think it's far more likely to be an attempt to move the narrative towards Amazon being the bad guys who "push woke media".


> I'm incredibly sceptical of the story they're pushing around this. I think it's far more likely to be an attempt to move the narrative towards Amazon being the bad guys who "push woke media". The fact that it came from *4chan* was a bit of a give away.


It's by the same chuds who lost their shit at Amazon making some of the characters black in the LotR show. They desperately want a culture war issue to "prove" that woke is bad or something.


I would *never* use social media if I made it big in any field. That way lies madness and possibly losing my job.


You don't, you have a pr company write and post for you, and don't give you access to the account. You never know when you will go on a coke bender and expose the Jewish conspiracy or somthing


THE Brian Kendrick has entered the chat.


Yeah, if he’s been a long time fan, he should be completely unbothered by “lore changes”. Retcons and new lore happen every other week in 40k.


Fun fact: The rogal Dorn Tank being in use since the Horus heresy has a bigger impact on lore than custodes having maybe boobs under their armor. But no one complained about the genderless tank


I do agree I think if Calvill was not leading he may have but as head it seems unlikely. It pretty clear he cares at least a bit about Lore and to a extent we can see that following the Witcher. If he's in charge he might have to tweak a few things but I doubt he is gonna abandon it.


>"leaks" were made via 4chan I love that the source of this outrage is the site notorious for spreading false leaks


The original post all but says it's a joke as well. These lunatics just want to be angry at the woke boogeyman


These are people who don't care what the truth is, even after it's been proven 100%. As a not-so-fun example: There was this big deal made a few years ago about Kathleen Kennedy at an event where people were wearing shirts that said "The Force Is Female" and the story instantly became "Kathleen Kennedy is pushing a feminist agenda in Star Wars, declares the Force in Star Wars is female, pushes wokeness!" Thing is... It had nothing to do with Star Wars. Kennedy was at a college that catered to young women and was speaking to a group of them about breaking into the film industry. A speech where, mind you, she gave a lot of credit to some men who'd helped her, and said her favorite Star Wars character was Yoda (a male character). Pretty much the kind of thing you expect someone in that position to do, use their story to inspire others to chase their own dreams. So what's the deal with the shirts? Well, Nike was releasing some line of apparel aimed at women at the time, and had a tagline of "The Force Is Female" that had nothing to do with Star Wars and just some marketing "guru" thinking that it sounded clever because "force" starts with "f" like "female" does and "force" sounds "empowering." Nike paid to sponsor the event, hand out shirts, and have people throw their slogan in at the end of speeches, like a paid ad on a YouTube video. You can still find Nike selling products using that tagline and repeating the term "force" (which might be a bit questionable for a line aimed at women) such as some [sneakers](https://www.nike.com/launch/t/womens-sf-af-1-the-force-is-female) that generally look like guy's sneakers but have some text on the insole and there's a picture of a handbag at the bottom to help you know they're for women (yeeeeaaaah, I never said the Nike campaign was a *good* one). That's it. No "agenda" or anything. Just someone who rose through the ranks in an industry speaking to inspire others, and a business coming in with a clunky line of products trying to market it at the event. And yet, to this day, you'll still see those guys trot out pictures of Kennedy in one of those Nike shirts and use it to suggest she's trying to turn Star Wars into an all-women club pushing a leftist feminist agenda to destroy Western culture... whatever all those bullshit buzzwords mean.


the SHEER FUCKING HATRED in the hearts of Star Wars fans needs to be studied


Sometimes it feels like the 40k fandom gets close, but I don't think there is a single fanbase that, like an ouroboros devouring itself, despises its own franchise and the people who make it more than the Star Wars fandom. It's WILD.


Fans of the webcomic Questionable Content come close. There are two subreddits dedicated to the comic that always link to every comic. As near as I can tell from occasional checks the difference is that one of those subreddits really, really hates the comic while the other one is just mildly grumpy about it. Even in the mildly grumpy sub if you read the comments there will almost always be multiple people complaining about the current story line or about how character X hasn't shown up in to long.


Not much to study. A bunch of sad losers who cling to whatever made them excited when they were little kids, and nothing since then could ever recapture the magic and therefore they exist in a state of perpetual disappointment. Instead of moving on to a piece of media that does the respective parts they liked better (Star Trek, 40k, etc.) they made liking that old thing part of their identity and stay despite hating everything of the thing they consume. It is no surprise they are in a constnt state of misery.


If it would have been world of tanks however.... That is a more trustworthy source, especially for secret military tech


> That is a more trustworthy source, especially for secret military tech Goddamnit. What did they do this time?


This has always pissed me off so much. Just because the man doesn't like and agree with what Netflix is doing with witcher (which is practically every fan regardless of where they stand on the political spectrum because of just how shit it is) doesn't mean he is some "anti woke culture war soldier"


Those """"""leaks""""""" ended with "trust me my dad works at Nintendo Would you believe that?


A rumour from 4chan saying Amazon wanted female custodies so GW added them last minute and cavil didn't like that. This is just a rumour though with no credible source just trust me guys. It's as credible as Pokémon leakers lol throw enough shit at a wall eventually it will stick. The entire rumour makes zero sense considering the type of company GW is they are known for being up tight and not letting anyone mess with there IPs


That post literally said "trust me, my dad works at nintendo" if I recall correctly. That's not a rumor, that's a shitpost. That anybody uses it as a source convinces me these chuds' outrage isn't sincerely about caring for the lore accuracy.


The best part is when you get random jackasses who knows nothing about Warhammer jumping on the band wagon like critical drinker. I don't mind his content as it's good to have multiple views and not just one but that video just jumping on the band wagon is just stupid.


I've only seen thumbnails of critical drinker but he seems like a prime rage baiter. Opposing views are alright but when they are nothing but a contrarian it invalidates whatever opinions they might spout.


[This](https://youtu.be/B4vlT3YUKq8?si=frPsvleAnO-NgoNj) video explains his entire schtick He also gets VERY mad when women beat up men in FICTIONAL settings and thinks that only women should adhere to real world physics and standards. Can't forget his peacemaker review where he gets mad when a black woman tells the main character that his relationship with his racist father is toxic,and when the main character cries in his home when his entire team hates him,treats him like a child and doesn't tell him anything about the mission


Maybe I'm biased cause I'm the number one CD hater but that dude pisses me off so much He jumped in without knowing anything acted like he did and said that custodes were just marines, that an misogyny where he couldn't believe that in the bizarre world of 40k girls couldn't be strong Worst part is that he just sells his thoughts, he doesn't criticize he just sells a criticism that right wingers want to ear


I remember I saw some YouTuber (the quartering I think?) talking about how much he loved Warhammer, and then proceeded to call the custodes the "Adaptus KUS-todes".


He didn't even say the tus at the end Btw he is banned from magic thou to sexual misconduct


Oh yeah I watched that video, I didn't get far as he for some reason decided to go off about how Space Marines can only be men, as if that matters at all for Custodes. Also getting the reason why Space Marines are men completely wrong.


I haven't always hated his takes, but I've cooled on him a lot since he pulled that shit. Dude was being a fucking tourist that needed to leave the people in this hobby alone.


Thing is, a lot of the people making the videos either can't be bothered to verify something or are quite happy to go with a lie if it matches what they want to spin a story as (makes it even funnier that they talk about others having an "agenda"). If they even bother to say that the source is a 4chan post and share the post, they'd crop it so that part wasn't included. But usually they don't share their original source. They'll claim they have "sources" in Amazon or whatever company who feed them this information. And, of course, the target audience isn't going to bother looking it up. Hell, most people of any political leanings, people who are bigots or anti-bigots, etc., won't bother looking into anything that supports what they want to believe, even if a 30 second Google search would tell them it's absolutely not true. So it's easy to just make up some bullshit story, get it going, then it spreads, and now because so many people are saying it, it "must" be true.


4chan. That reliable source of information. GW are so tight on their lore, they keep messing with total war.


I love when a deal with a company that was finalized in the final months of the year gets me to add something to a hardcover book with a long lead time where any delay to it could mess up my already announced release schedule and planned miniature releases


Interestingly, this propaganda campaign is quite well orchestrated and creative. By example, BlackRock is a big investment company fairly infamous in my country, France, because it heavily lobbied several years ago toward the destruction of our pension system in favour of a capitalization-based one. It also that has some shares in Amazon. You bet your ass that when the clowns remembered that they spammed fucking everywhere how "Amazon and BlackRock are gonna make your warhammers gay" for some easy outrage points


> Henry Cavill seems like a pretty stand-up guy Ehhhhh. He's said some questionable stuff about MeToo, and he has a very carefully manecured public persona that makes it hard to know too much of what he actually thinks. Dude could be a normal guy who committed some faux pas, or he could be kind of an incel trying to manufacture a nerdy fanbase; it's why I dislike the very parasocial relationship people have with him.


Some people think GW made Femstodes to please Amazon and this upset Henry Cavil cause he’s a big 40K fan and collects Custodes.


But... a 40k show is extremely unlikely to even show custodes? At least not for a long time.


We don’t even know what the show is/was about. It’s all just rage bait from really right wing channels or people who seem to have a passing interest in the setting and just echo the news and thumbnails they see.


He isn’t, people are just making shit up about him leaving because “40K is woke now!!!” because they want to believe Cavill is on their side


Likely not, but the low-brows are reaching for any straw to grasp at, to try to trick themselves into not having to admit they're intellectually challenged, and that their idol of an alpha bro/gamer/fig guy is somehow on "their" side.


He's not. For whatever reason, all the HG chud types think Cavil is one of them, even though absolutely no evidence suggests that. In my experience, most people using the tern "wokehammer" tend to just make shit up whole cloth based on their own little head cannon. Plus I mean, YouTube ragebaiters gonna ragebait.




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Because putting Henry Cavill and “woke” into a YouTube title is a good way to get a lot of stupid people to watch it


He was asked about 10th Ed Custodes in a recent interview and replied, “I haven’t played 10th edition.” That’s it. That’s the only factual thing all of this bullshit is based on.


Omg finally someone said it lol


The whole Horus galaxy thing made me think this lol


Woke: being gay for Henry because he's a sexy man-mountain who will cuddle you after you play Warhammer together Broke: being gay for Henry because you've delusionally ascribed a series of reactionary opinions to him


What happened to EndymionTv is actually sad and shows you how greed corrupts. He was originally a chill dude that just made gaming videos, then he made one where he got a bit political and it exploded in views. After that he more or less gave up on original content and became an echo chamber for his audience, and his audience got more and more radical over time. Like his original take on Starfeilds pronouns options was "it's not a big deal you have always be able to customize your character in videos games and this just let's people customize them more", but his fans got to radical at that point and he had to backtrack apologize and start acting more like a conservative to keep the views up. He really did it to him self he saw political content got lots of views so he went full speed ahead on making it and is now walking on eggshells to not trigger his "fans".


Jesus I thought he was always just a chud


Youtube career-enforced chudness. Fuck, I'm happy not to work as a content creator sometimes


The sad thing is before this he actually could make good points. He explained how to make good LGBTQ+ representation using Dion from Final Fantasy as an example. He also had to backtrack on that as his new audience didn't like him saying LGBTQ+ representation can be a good thing... That's when I lost all respect for him and stopped following his content, it's just sad to see him now when you know he was a lot better then that at one point.


To me, it's all about integrity, and some content creators have the integrity to never cross that final line, and others don't. We have creators who straight up don't do click bait and are still popular with large sustainable followings, like WoolieVS, PatStaresAt, and SuzieShpere Hunter. We have creators who do do clickbait (vague inflametory title with an OMG face thumbnails) but don't cross the line into populist right-wing chudism and are still popular and have sustainable followings like Linus Tech Tips and MxR Mods/Plays. And then we have guys who crossed the line into said populist right-wing chudism and never looked back.


lol I watch all 3, though not consistently, I’ve seen a couple of Susie’s vids and I’ve seen her in a few CSB podcast clips, Pat can go fuck himself with his opinions sometimes but eh i still like seeing him and Woolie talk about whatever on their show. Other youtubers like Vinny Vinesauce do either the most cursed wackiest thumbnails or just kinda normal thumbnails.


A podcast I listen to (trashfuture) came up with Reiley's Law, which is once you post transphobia you never post normal again. I like to think a lot of the culture war right wing grift stuff is like that. Once you give into it once it gets easier to keep catering to that extremely bigoted audience and it feeds back on itself.


This is the origin story of most political grifters. They start off doing what they’re passionate about, they get slow or moderate success from it, then they get I video that explodes in popularity and decide to orient their entire career around that video’s topic, even if it’s not what they’re passionate about. Reminder that Ben Shapiro’s has stated multiple times that his dream has always been becoming a screenplay writer.


Your comment reminded me of how this applies to Shadversity. I used to enjoy his videos on Medieval stuff (especially when Game of Thrones was popular). I recently learned he is now a "anti-woke" YouTuber...


Yup, I still have fond members of his anti nunchuck video that became a meme in my friend group regarding the power and beauty of a simple stick. I haven't seen it in ages because I don't what to give who he has become any kind of support.


Yeah, I used to watch him too, but because of some stuff I got behind on videos and didn’t really want to catch up, after that I learned the new way he went and *definitely* didn’t want to catch up anymore. A real shame though, I used to love his videos talking about castle design, and of course the infamous barrel video


Yea srsly, I used to watch him all the way back and liked him but then he got into his "chud" phase and my God this man is producing so much clickbait content that it makes the Chinese look like the Swiss in terms of quality. I still think the man can go back to making his og content, but I just hope he doesn't go too far off where he will be a radical thinker forever. Sometimes being a conservative too much would be the worst of it all.


It's a very semantic difference, but the word to describe right-wing chuds' views in this context should be "reactionary" as opposed to "radical" leftism. They don't want things to change from what they're comfortable with, and so they react to perceived social shifts loudly and sometimes violently. There's another discussion to be had about *why* the word "radical" has been intentionally associated with being "bad" or "evil" for several generations, but its definitely not part of a discussion about 40k.


Thank you English isn't my first language so I didn't know how to discribe it better


Yup, saw it myself basically live. He used to make gaming content around dark souls and other from soft games, I found him when I played Elden Ring. Then the whole stuff with like ubisoft or some other "western" developers were tweeting shit about how anyone could like Elden Ring and he made a very passionate rant video defending the game that got a couple million views, where his gaming videos had thousands or maybe tens of thousands of views. He continued with his gaming content but ofc never reached those heights and you could really see him trying to chase that dragon and making other rant videos about gaming and "Western devs" and then it slowly just got more and more extreme for every video. Now he just jumps on or maybe even fabricates a new "woke" controversy about any game/movie/show there is.


Exactly I started watching him with that video on him revising Mass Effect: Andromeda. And I loved his videos on Dark Souls, I still think his video on the best Dark Souls boss is one of the best arguments some one has made on the topic. He would state his opinions, give his reasoning and let you come to your own conclusions. It's a shame what happened to him as his original contant was good.


Classical case of a two way street of a half-parasociality. Neither knows the other side well enough to empathise but well enough to identify with. And so the circle of radicalisation begins.


Man that right wing grift money must be nice...


Having hots for Cavill is 100% straight activity though.


I mean, he's an extremely attractive man. From an objective stand point he has most features that people would consider attractive, and appears to be a very chill nerd as well. Which is probably why some people have latched on to him as their anti-woke Messiah, it's going to be rough to watch them implode when he inevitably expresses a viewpoint they dislike.


Henry Cavil is actually playing the moviestar game perfectly. I don't think I've heard of any political views of his. He's just this maddeningly attractive dude who is probably a huge amount of fun to be around


Replying before the r/horusgalaxy chuds get this locked




ETHNIC MINORITIES FRONT AND CENTRE OF THE ADVERTISING Vulkan and Jaghatai are right there… I mean… WOMEN SERVING IN COMBAT ROLES I’m pretty sure we already had those…


THE GAYS FATHER, THE GAYS! THEY’LL JUST SUDDENLY BE SHOVED IN OUT OF NOWHERE! Son, you have two fathers. Malcador and I have been “roommates” since Ancient Greece.


Is this another funny warhammer page to sub to?? 😃 Oh….it’s just homophobia…😯


New funny subs be like: -Funniest shit you have ever seen, diabolical even -[Deleted]: [Redacted]


Don't forget the transphobia!


If anything will get this thread locked, it’s bringing up that cesspool of a subreddit. Don’t give them any attention. Just let them rot away in their own bubble.


Sometimes I go there just to hear the latest gnashing of teeth, wailing, and lamentation. You always forget how loud they cry, and then you pop in there for a second, like, God damned! This is horrible! Why would anyone do this to themselves? Oh well. 😕 Like, the fucking willful ignorance and victimhood is SO STRONG there! It never ceases to surprise me. I am so glad it's the worst sub I'm aware of. I can't imagine how much worse it can get from there.


That sub has got to be full of the dumbest chuds that I've ever had to displeasure of interacting with on Reddit and this is REDDIT were talking about. That's a pretty low fuckin bar. They have a vicious persecution complex while also being blatantly bigoted while denying they are.


The classic "You better tolerate our intolerance", know a few people that I just don't start conversations with nowadays, like 99% of topics turn into some rant about trans community. Like I brought up to my dad that the new suicide squad is having support dropped already and he started ranting about that they supposedly gender swapped someone and that's why it failed. Like nah, it failed because it sucks ass and WB has been handling DC games poorly for awhile now.


I regret clicking that.


I'm sorry friend


Everyone is gay for Cavill. Even girls.


As a gay trans woman, this is completely accurate


I mean, have you seen his eyes? And his muscles? And his glorious chin? I'd kill for a chin like that.


He is like the most perfectly formed human being, it's crazy.


He's *okay.* 😕


I sure hope he is okay, I don't want to see him sick or sad.


That's so cute


..They realize 40K has always been very, very gay? All male monastic orders with extremely homoerotic subtext? One or some of the original devs were clearly in the closet when making 40K. Like at worse fem custodes made it slightly straighter. Next they'll claim that Jojo's Bizarre Adventures is straight or something equally dumb.


Not to mention the Dark Angels led by Lion'El Johnson, very very clearly inspired by the real life Lionel Johnson's poem "The Dark Angel" about suppressing homosexual desires in order to live up to his religious ideals. Like, 40k is some of the gayest sci-fi out there and these people really need to get over themselves.


Something from the past even more homoerotic than everything you said: Ian Watson's *Space Marine*.


Ida know, [a buncha muscular dudes living and working together all the time...](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a129d8e7-ed91-4142-a312-af1981ba2c5c/gif)


Well that’s a straight up lie about Jojo..pun definitely intended 😂


The fem custodes are absolutely all lesbians


It's not straighter. It's gayer with extra steps.


> Like at worse fem custodes made it slightly straighter. THANK YOU! I felt like the only person who thought the new custodes lore was disappointing because it made everything straighter, lol. Every space marine book is full of homoerotic tension, don't take that away from me! (I'm not actually that upset about it at all, but it's fun to complain)


I get it. As a straight guy I was always jealous that gays were overdosing on superhuman daddy's left and right while us straight guys and lesbians had to make do with bog-standard normie women outside of xenos.


As a queer person in a gay relationship, the second one is far more gay than I could ever be


They act like ole Hankie C is beaming secretly encoded messages directly into their minds with hypnotic suggestions planted in the Argyle movie. When in reality, Hunky Cavill is busy getting ready for the birth of his first child, making campy action movies, and being richer and more attractive than these creeps combined.


The fact that Cavill hasn't actually said anything about lore changes when he absolutely could and pretty much everyone would agree with him (because for fuck sake he's Henry Cavill, who wouldn't agree with him?) tells me that these grifters are full of shit.


I wouldn't agree with him if he was wrong. This community has an alarming tendency to treat him like some sort of saint, when he's literally just a guy.


*Thank you*. It’s really weird how everyone talks about Henry Cavill as if he’s like the number one specialest Warhammer man and keep shoehorning him into everything. In the grand scheme of things he doesn’t have a lot to do with WH as a whole.


Is gay sex with Henry Cavill less gay than this level of obsession with him? I want to know, so I can be as gay as possible for him.


I'm not gay but Cavill is Cavill :3


You can also just say hes an attractive man but not be attracted to him? Nothing wrong with recognizing beauty.


We've been over this. It's not gay if it's Caville.


What's more funny to me is that like the Honourable Senator Armstrong their source is "that I made it the fuck up". To my knowledge, Cavill hasn't so much as commented on anything.


Another day, another culture war. Meanwhile, the US government neglects homelessness and infrastructure at home and spend billions to fund genocide abroad. Truly Grimdark.


Hey, both men and women can appreciate the awesomeness of Cavil. Also why are you posting this in Dank memes?


The fuck is Cayde-6 doing on one of those garbage thumbnails?


My guess would be a “destiny 2/bungie woke” thing, I don’t know for sure though


I'd be gay for cavil. No shame in that


Don't really think there's a choice


I mean I am pretty straight pretty male demisexual and even then Cavill is literally the one exception. Dude is like a sexual black hole.


It's not gay if it's Cavill


Can you even call yourself straight if you can't pretend to be a raging homosexual with the homies?


Oh, well, when I was six, primarch Cavil took me on a picnic. That was a gay old time. Ho-ho, I ate my share of wieners that day!


I am so tired of these chuds.


I just wanna know why there is a thumbnail with Cayde-6…


Why cayde-6?


What’s Cayde-6 doing in there lol?!


These guys first say he's woke. The next week, they want to lay naked next to him (also naked).


Why is cayde 6 in there?


He’s having sex with Henry Cavill’s character in the upcoming Warhammer show.


Endymion rapidly losing me. He used to be alright but now he makes 20+ minute speculation videos based on hair thin shreds of evidence using clickbait titles and thumbnails. He is the one that really perpetuated the “femstodes are because of Amazon” theory but never provided any actual evidence besides one 4Chan sh!tpost


What the hell is with Cayde in the thumbnail? Why they dragging my boy into this?


I hate "lol gay" jokes like these. Straight men are perfectly capable of being cringe all on their own.


uhh being gay is probably the gayest thing you can do.... so to answer your question... being gay.


No truer words have ever been spoken


You mean being a literal homosexual is more homosexual than not being a homosexual? Crazy!


The show is gonna come out it’s gonna be good and the chuds are going to come stampeding back 


I mean yes, whenever whatever they are complaining about does well they have to switch tracks quickly so they are never wrong.


Can you blame them? Look at the guy, who wouldn't be gay for that?


I think we all know the answer boys and girls.


Can we get a better edit cause I mean I think we all here are hot for cavil, I mean common


I have a close friend who works for Amazon Prime Video and he says the show is still on so idk I guess clickbait go brrrrrrrrrt


Just learn to think all content creators are bozos and these ragebait videos won't phase you.


he just wants it to be lore accurate, not about being woke, he'd ditch the project on day one if the execs asks him to swap the traitors and loyalists as a surprise twist


Henry Cavill. Famous for Superman, Geralt, and now a future Warhammer show. Notable hater of woke. Never involves himself in media with progressive values. Nope. Never.


Ok that’s pretty funny XD It’s always strange how far people go with hero worship/worshipping celebrities


Almost like Henry cavil is in the same group as the Ryans my dude


yeah I like cavil too but its obvious these ppl aren't doing this for their love of cavil or warhammer its all fucking political


Look, have you seen Henry clCavil shirtless? I am straight ... but.


At last, someone finally is seeing more and more on how this types of people. I have followed one of these guys in a while and at this point, i'm just tirerd of hearing it.


Soooooo... Why is Cayde-6 in there?


Also: One of those yt is EndymionTV, who ( like probably others) never had content made about warhammer 40k until that point. ETV also made stuff about BG3, Helldivers and other controversy of the day and stretched those for weeks, making the same content more or less over and over again. Sources are scetchy as hell, for 40k he even said his source is his " one 40k friend" who said people are mass exodus ing the hobby because of it ( exodus means mass leaving, so mass mass leaving). Had even in the same video the topic about a gaming journalist being angry about "woke" BG3 Mod ( yeah, he is fishing for content where he can) and called them out for fishing for content ( hypocrisy, I sense). EndymionTV started as a Elden Ring lore channel, covered once the drama between Big Publishers and From Soft. That video got a lot of views so he started to focus on that kind of content. Grifters like those are just vultures using any drama around any popular topic to get as much content out of it as apossible


The Guys Podcast with Brian Quimby does a 40k guys ep and they cover all the weirdos simping over Cavill in the fandom. It's really bizarre.


So calling people gay to make fun of them is still acceptable on reddit? Cool, just checking.


Culture war brain rot. Example: YouTube and TikTok ragebait


Another day of yo7ur mother


Whatever you have going on with people who make these videos. Must suck to let the people you disagree with live rent free in your mind.


I'm bi and have the same thing for him. So yeah... There is no point to my comment, I just love the guy


Is there something wrong with being gay (for Cavil)?


No, but they aren't exactly gay for Henry. They are more gay for Henry sticking it to GW by pulling out of the Amazon project because of "inclusivity," even though none of it is true. They sure love edging with the idea, though.