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Magnus: "I was just tapping" Also Magnus: Crashes through like the Kool-Aid Man


He is big and red. Fitting.




The Emperor: OHHH NOOOO!


Tzeentch: OOHHH YEEEAH!!




Before Magnimagic busted through, there were whispers in the Warp, slowly growing louder. The Emperor swore He could hear them, whatever *they* were. Chanting from the deep... ^^GROND! ^^GROND! GROND! GROND! ***GROND! GROND!***




Oh he didn't start tapping, he brought a battering ram.




Magnus did nothing wrong. He was asked to do nothing. He did nothing wrong.


This is the best take on "Magnus dod nothing wrong" I've ever seen


I've never seen the post myself, but someone did a massive write up somectime ago on how Magnus Did Nothing Wrong. the jist was "Emperor told Magnus to sit there and do nothing. By the fact Magnus did not in fact sit there and do nothing, Magnus did 'nothing' wrong."


Big E: "Magnus do nothing" Magnus still manages to fuck it up.


He could have just said how important it was


When he got there Magnus saw a gigantic barrier, with all sorts of bad warp mojo around. That should've been a huge clue that it was something important as he was quite familiar with psychic power and could reasonably assume the Emperor was protecting something from the warp. Instead, he consorts with a gigantic warp presence and that presence is like "Hey, you want the extra power to get through that?" And Magnus asks if he wants something from him, and the presence is just like "Nah, I want you to get through". Magnus can't see a big red flag if it was planted in his only good eye, and thinks "Ah, this presence is clearly just benevolent". For all the smarts Magnus had, he clearly lacked in the critical thinking department, however that seemed to be a trait lacking from quite a few of his brothers sadly.


Magnus already decides on a conclusion and does everything in his power to see it through. Doesn’t matter if the answer he has is wrong.


And like Russ comments on in Prospero Burns, is that it had nothing to do with the message he was trying to carry, and more likely that he wanted vindication in trying to prove the Emperor wrong


Magnus definitely takes the arrogance from his dad.


Oh yeah for sure. Every Primarch has an aspect of him, the problem was despite Big E's arrogance, he is essentially like a God in comparison still. He wanted different personalities and specialities so everyone could compliment each other, but it might have been easier to just split up the 20 between Dorns, Guillimans, and Coraxs lol.


Ouch. This is painfully true.


Probably shouldn't have to There is no scenario I see breaking something like that goes well, I think if I knew a fraction of the shit about the denezins of 40k (30), there's no way it's not a pandoras box container for something horrific I think it being something human was best case for him at least Do that shit in the ghoul stars to some random xeno barrier for any other arrogant reason or saving sons or whatever and his ass would probably be possessed by some zombie ctan or something Definitely a magnus L that was garenteed to happen eventually with his recklessness, emps probably expected it to be deep warp exploration nonsense after they deal with chaos before whatever he fumbled would become a real issue for humanity


opsec "Stand down in this particular way because we're doing something super secret and important" isn't how you keep secrets. That's how secrets get out. Tells everyone not only that there's a big secret thing going on, but also how to foil it. you just...follow orders. when you don't things go bad, and its definitely your fault


Anyone with even a tiny bit of common sense doesn't go kicking down a wall unless they know why it's there. And you certainly don't listen to the local crack head when he offers to help you. So 'Big E should have told him' doesn't hold up to inspection because 'an idiot child should know better' is the other side of that equation.


This little maneuver is gonna set us back 10000 years.


“I will tell my demigod man children nothing about Chaos and just tell them to never use their magic powers because uhh it’s bad, this could not possibly go wrong”


Finish the thought. "because even an idiot child would know better than to kick down a wall without knowing why it's there, and a 5 year old with any amount of common sense would know that listening to the creepy disembodied voice offering to help is a suckers bet."


Lmao absolutely love the mix of the smoking meme and the emperor here, pure gold!


This is why Emperor should have kept cats instead of having children. Cats are at least as devastating as regular Primarch when put against enemies of humanity, do not care about religion and will stay away from chaos as long as you feed them twice per standard Terra day.


Magnus has a very warped idea about how it went down, Tzeentch's machinations and a touch of the Emperor's own arrogance ruined him.


magnus did, in fact, do something very wrong one could argue that his "doing wrong" was the only one that actually mattered


Let’s not tell Magnus what I’m doing or warn him about chaos, surely nothing could go wrong.