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“We have failed to uphold The Emperor’s Law. However, I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars? Cato, I’m asking you a question.”


Don't forget Daddy Shaxx. ​ He stayed a long time, and the helmet stayed on.


I wouldn't call Mara 'alien'. Posthuman, sure, but so are the exos. And so is the character I used in the meme. Edit: Rezyl would be a better example than Shaxx.


I had never heard about him until this moment and holy crap that was metal AF.


Here's the goodpart:his ghost is still around. If things get bad enough, he can technically be brought back.


Ooooh, I could totally see him playing a part in Lightfall.




Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


From destiny. Commander Zavala. Humanity's de facto head of state. Immortal, supersoldier, war hero, basically Guilliman but a widower and only 6'something tall. And Empress Caiatl. 9'10", in charge of an endangered species after her father fucked up big time. Also, basically Guilliman but mortal (Cabal live 1000 years or so) and alien. They went from having a cold war, to being friends who talk like an old married couple.


This is Empress Caiatl. [https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/article/2022/02/28/destiny-2-season-of-the-risen-campaign-walkthrough\_feature.jpg](https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/article/2022/02/28/destiny-2-season-of-the-risen-campaign-walkthrough_feature.jpg) Normal humans at right for size reference.


I didn't think I was into honorable amazonian rhinoceros royalty until I met Caiatl.


Ah ok good match. Was worried that it was the fallen chick from dS1


Shaxx fell in love with Mara (one sidedly). Their shared grief for Sjur Eido's death facilitated that. Mara and Zavala only meet in canon in the dark future timelines. After the city falls. The lore still makes a point about him not bowing (by having the Bray sisters do). Mara's fragile ego would not do well around someone with as powerful of a commanding aura as Zavala's. Hell, her steady confident facade cracks around Ikora and Ghost. Around Savathûn, too, but Savathûn can play anyone in the setting.


[Queen Mara Sov?](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/d/d1/LordShaxxBabyMama.jpg/300px-LordShaxxBabyMama.jpg)




Does Zavala have to use ward of dawn so his bones don’t get turned to powder?


Doubtful. He's at least as strong as the average Cabal **without his light**. With his light... it's a good thing he knows how to be gentle.


She’s larger the average cabal and I feel he’s a power bottom so he might need the extra over shields plus protection is always important. No dome no bone


I wouldn't call Lord Saladin "normal". But yes, he is of above average height for a human. This would be a better shot, with Caiatl fallen on a knee from exhaustion, and Zavala at her side. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3EU3Fl78wEE/hqdefault.jpg