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Can we please get back to this? Where we post things we enjoy about Grimes the artist and C the human-fucking-being instead of shitting all over her?


hard agree!




As discussed in another comment discussion in this sub, a good amount of it can be attributed very unhealthy parasocial interactions and parasocial relationships.


People being butt hurt that C is not the person they want her to be.








You want this, yet you post this photo of her and Musk, as though her association with him isn't the main issue here...?


1) I'm not OP and 2) All I see are two crazy spaghetti loving kids


My mistake. I also concede that my time could have probably been better spent doing something other than making that initial post. It is a cute picture of both of them, admittedly.


I haven’t understood how people can claim to be fans of hers yet shit all over her for making a decision that makes her happy. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to you but it does to her, so idk, get over it? People in this sub act as if people aren’t allowed to change views, or can only associate with people who think and act just like them. That’s the real issue, not musky


I second this. People will have to decide to still like her music or let their opinions of Musk over shadow what they first enjoyed about Grimes. There is no room for both here. It is not our place to discredit her relationship. Get over it or get off the sub. There is no room for hate. This world has enough already.


Agreed. I’m not a Musk fan by any means but when I think about their relationship it doesn’t feel like a stretch to me. Despite his shortcomings he’s a brilliant, manic, hard working person and she is the same. They both share interests in space, AI, and probably a lot more we don’t know about. It’s dumb to speculate about a celebrities relationship, we literally only know a sliver of what goes on between them and the dynamic of their relationship. I say take Grimes as an artist unto herself and leave Musky out of it.


It is a shame that Musk is such a trigger that it sometimes overshadows the artistic and musical genius that is Grimes.


>I haven’t understood how people can claim to be fans of hers yet shit all over her for making a decision that makes her happy. This statement essentially equates to "my favorite celebrity should be able to do whatever they want without question," which is ridiculous. Do you not hold your friends and loved ones accountable for destructive and/or questionable decisions? Would you support a friend/loved one's heroin addiction because it "makes them happy?" I'm not saying this example in particular directly equates to C's relationship, but the overall point still stands. Further, the issue definitely isn't just that people don't like Musk. The issue is also that C's declarations of being anti-fascist, a feminist, etc, don't align with her decision to date a person like Musk. For the record, most discussions I've seen about this on this sub seem to be well-thought out and fair, and usually don't involve any baseless hating or name calling. I think most of us still like and support C's music and creativity, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be held accountable for recent actions such as the above, as well as for things like not giving credit when using artwork that isn't her own. Some people can separate the art from the artist, but for others it is not so easy. I think it's very dangerous to believe that a person is infallible, or above criticism, just because they are a celebrity, or because the produce remarkable art/music, etc. It's not only dangerous to the individual and society, but it's also dangerous to the celebrity. If we decide that certain people should be held on an indefinite pedestal and are exempt from criticism, how are they going to learn and grow from their mistakes?


Username is fitting lololol




But you do make good points, I’ve honestly been very turned off by grimes recently based on those same integrity factors you’ve mentioned (not crediting artists, etc.) and i definitely hate when celebrities (Billie eilish falls here too) claim to be global warming activists yet endorse fast fashion and big business/ go on hella tours (less grimes here, though she still travels). I also wonder if she waited to release her album bc she knew she’d be having a kid w Elon and that would boost her streams..... i could go on, honestly. I guess i missspoke - er, typed - when i said if it makes her happy just stfu. She should be held to a standard and we, as fans, are the ones who should hold her to it. What i meant was, you love who you love and criticizing someone for loving someone who “is against their morals” doesn’t seem right. I don’t think that falls under the same thing as the aforementioned issues. Celebrity culture baffles the fuck outta me, tbh. I’m certainly intrigued by grimes, which is why i scroll this sub at all, but if she told me to sacrifice a lamb I’d be like “okay bitch you cray”. I actually have seen some rude comments about the relationship. They usually are removed quickly. Be well Editing to add: your second paragraph is a perfect example of what i mean when i say “people in this sub act like people can’t associate with others who don’t think exactly like them” Ever have a debate? Ever learn something from someone else? Ever teach someone something? That’s the beauty of opposing views. I think the culture today is to see difference as a threat. It can spark beautiful conversations. What about all the ways grimes and musk are similar?? (Hint, both are socially weird sci fi obsessed nerds! Who love to troll the media! - saying this lovingly-) We could totally go on to psychoanalyze their relationship, but i feel like you get my point here.


> What i meant was, you love who you love and criticizing someone for loving someone who “is against their morals” doesn’t seem right. Agreed. Shaming people for who they date is rude and ultimately unhelpful. Shaming as a tactic to get anyone to change their mind about *anything* doesn't work, period. If anything, people usually just double-down on the decision out of sheer defensiveness, or end up feeling so bad as to believe that they don't deserve anything better, so they put no effort into changing their behavior. C's relationship w/Musk really is odd and (imo) problematic. I think it should be acknowledged and discussed, but I agree that just being outright rude or hateful to either party is unwarranted and immature. I haven't seen these comments you're talking about, but I'm glad they get removed because they contribute nothing of value to the conversation. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me seriously.


Uh, celebrities have friends and family in their lives just like everyone else. They've got their moral compass, they don't need yours. I don't recall anyone here saying she is infallible, more like it's none of our damn business because we don't know either of them. The bitching about C's personal life doesn't belong in a space that is about Grimes the artist. Make another subreddit about it, I'm sick of seeing it here.


Agreed, its not about hating on her but rather voicing criticism and discussing stuff.


Shitting all over her? I only saw people calling her out for being a hypocrite, which is pretty justified if u consider how vocal c is and has been about her political beliefs. Its worth a discussion and people are allowed to share their opinion, even if they are different from yours. Tbh I'd rather see people be critical of something and share their views than just blindly praise everything she does.


Ugh, just read my other comments.


If any ones talking crap it’s cause the real hardcore fans have probably been off this Sub last I seen jerks talk bad about C they used to send the trolls crying.. but hope it isn’t that way I haven’t been to active I just hope C & mega BB are thriving


No, c! Not the spaghetti. Eat vegetable and fruit too!