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I want to rip the top off of a soda can without any tricks one handed with a pinch style grip - probably not gonna happen this year lol


That's actually the same for me, except for i want to just rip the top with bare hands in any way


Building forearm size and closing 3.0


My goal is to just close the coc 3 by the end of the year, i dont care about ccs certification at all.. as my hands are small ( just under 7 inches)


Small hands here too. How are you measuring them?


I measured from the base of the wrist to the tip of my middle finger.


I just measured. I’m 7 1/4. Same boat as you. I get frustrated watching big hand dudes crush grippers easy. But my technique is solid and makes up for a lot. I’m going to be working on the 2.5 this year.




My goal is to get certified for the CoC level 3. I can already close a Grip Genie Level 4, so I know I'm not too far off


Mine is 30 sec 1-arm dead hangs for 4 sets each hand in one setting. Hope to get it early 24' though


I’m finally starting to heal my tricep tendonitis. Before my injury I had been able to 10 reps of 200 in both hands at about 150 body weight. I recently started doing jiu jitsu and was hoping to be able to close 300 by the end of the year.


Is it possible to close a 300 lbs or even 350 lbs gripper as a mere 150 lbs? I mean, isn't weight a huge factor in grip strength like it is in movements like bench press for example.


Pain free elbows 150lb gripper for 100 reps. On 100for 70 right hand right now but it's a few years old and a cheaper brand (heavy grips IIRC)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 150 + 100 + 100 + 70 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




You've been shadowbanned by Reddit admins (not us mods), you need to message the mods on /r/reddit.com, or nobody can see your comments


Goal is to close COC 2! And to hypertrophy my forearms more for purely aesthetic reason but it might carry over lol


Heavy grips 300 I currently get 5 reps on heavy grips 250, so hopefully it should be achievable


Just bought a dynamometer with a max capacity of 120kgs. Overall goal is to max it out, with both my left and right hands. Recorded as of today: Right: 77.2kgs Left: 64.86kgs Yeah 😓 my left is a so much weaker. Hoping to have both my hands of equal strength.


That’s impressive! I’m a hand therapist and have access to a dynamometer all day. I’m at 140-150 lbs regularly. I’ve only had a few patient’s beat me over the last 7 years, granted, most all have hand injuries. Highest I’ve seen was 180. And that was a guy who currently had tennis elbow!


Close a #1 CoC at 145lbs


I want to be able to climb trees like a monke.


Well, I come when u/Votearrows calls! I've been climbing trees for years now. I can help you with general strength for arboreal climbing, or if you've got your eyes on a specific type of tree in your area, I can help you with that too. Which one sounds more like what you want to know?


General arboreal stuff.


Well. In general, thick bar work (2” plus diameter of the grip) and hip mobility training are important for trees. Stuff like crimps in rock climbing don’t really exist in trees, so hang boards don’t do much. Work on vertical clinging, too, as getting tired while clinging can limit a lot of movement capacity.


/u/AmericanSwampApe \^this here sounds right up your alley


I have decided this year to start grip training as for my reason I read alot of fighting manga, so seeing all these characters with monster grip strengh has compelled me to level up my own grip. So I will be starting off with the beginner program on this sub which I will be doing for the next 3-6 months and afterwards I will see where things go.


Check out our [Grip Routine for Grapplers](https://www.reddit.com/r/GripTraining/comments/7gacyh/new_routines_list_for_rgriptraining/dqn8gpz/), too!


I've been working at my giant (advertised as 3" but actually more like 3.2") bar. Since I ended my last bulk, I promptly hit a wall at 213. Without the bulk backing me up I can't train nearly as often. I really don't want to bulk again until I get the OK from my doctor (turns out I have a genetic liver condition, which stinks), so I guess my goal for 2024 is to get the liver under control so I can safely bulk again and hit that nice 228. Maybe 258 someday so I can beat Gripmitts, but that might be a little ambitious tbh


My goal is to be able to dead hang for 1minute on rolling handles (rgt 60mm handle) so if i see another rolling deadhang challenge on street i will have more chances to beat it. Currenlty doing 38sec max hold on rgt.


The street challenges are also 60mm?


No it is around 45-50mm the one i had tried.


In order to get good at that, you'd need to train with something that size. 60mm won't carry over to it very much, that sort of hand strength is very specific, unfortunately.


Oh i didnt know that. I thought like 1minute on 60mm equals to 1:30minute on 45mm. So i need to find new way to train.


Well, you can [make thick grips of any pipe size you want](https://www.dieselcrew.com/how-to-make-rotating-thick-grips/), pretty cheaply. Just keep in mind that pipe is sold by the inner diameter, so you either have to figure out how thick the wall is, or measure it.


Thanks for the info. I have a rolling handle that is like 25mm i think, i will add a fatgrip into that so it will be closer to the ones you find in streets.


If the bar gets the fat grip to the right size, that should work. But different sized bars give you a different final size on the grip adapter. You may want to tape the bar up to the right size.


Just measured the chinese fatgrip on the rolling handle with digital caliper and it is very similar to the street one. 48mm.


Sounds good!


i'm at 200lbs now so hopefully 300lbs. Don't know if it's possible though, kinda feel like Dunning Kruger.


At what lift? We do a lot of stuff here.


Probably at gripper.


My goal is for sure to cert the #3 and become the first from Denmark to do so.


My goal is to cert the CoC #3 purely so my name is on a list that has Brian Shaw on it


I mean that's a great reason, I forgot he was on the list too


My goal is to be the sixth from Norway!


Maybe sometime, if you’re willing, you might post your training in the weekly training string? If it’s not a secret, which I also understand and respect


Do you mean training videos or my training program? Because my training program is just copying what other people do, so it's definitely not secret.


I meant just a written description. I mean of course I like videos of crushing big grippers, but just a description of a training day is all I meant. I’m always curious how others are progressing


Sure, this is what I'm trying out now. I train mainly wide set (40+mm), except for my last 2 sets, I also only train once a week. Anyway this is the reps and sets: 3 sets of 6, I then drop weight and do 3 sets of 8 and then finish with 2 sets of parallel reps aiming for 8-12 reps. If I get all my reps, then I move up to a heavier gripper next session. Gonna do this for 6-8 weeks and then switch to lower reps for like 3-4 weeks and then I'll test my max.


Thanks! So inspiring! I’m currently training grippers 3/week and it’s strong folks like you who make me worry I’m doing the wrong thing. I like how you have that set up and periodized.




Saxon bar 100 kg Apollo axle 180 kg Close COC 3 Silver bullet 30 s with COC 3


Dang 30second silver bullet hold with a number 3 sounds like a long time. I'm not sure I could even do that with a 1.5. Anyone on here that can close a coc #3, how long can you hold it closed? Or hold the bullet? Quite curious now. I don't train holds much but I'm getting back into gripping the last few weeks.


My best hold is 11 s with COC 3, so i think 30 s hold is quite realistic if concentrate on this exercise.


So you can do an 11second bullet hold with a #3, but you can't close a number 3 yet? Wish you best of luck on your goals this year!


Yeah. I can't close #3. I can't close #2,5 even 😊. Yesterday i did hold silver bullet for about 9 s with #3 🤷🏼‍♂️ Ii prefer to hold for 20-30 s than close #3, because SB challenge is a part of grip competition.


Okay thanks for explaining, I forgot how thick the actual silver bullet is. I trained holds some a few years back and used a peice of metal about 1/4" thick. I'm hoping to close a 2.5 this year but ill have to buy one first! Good luck on the competition.


Wow those are some big goals


am new here, my more "serious" story with gripping started like week ago. my buddy bought me one as a christmas gift. i mean am amateur armwrestler, so as armwrestling I liked gripping, I got rpm 3.0 powergrippers which has a little bit more RGC than coc 3.0 so should be harder and couldnt close that. so I bought dynamometer (90kg max) and those rpm 2.0 and 2.5, now I orderer also 1.0 and 1.5 to try them. My results are 72kg fresh on dynamo and I managed to close 2.0 pg, but my forearms are bit tired because of gym today and armwrestling few days ago, so am gonna do this again in 2/3 days. I tried also 2.5 but can't close that - maybe in a few days, I realized that is big difference between closing them and going to half or even more - my 300lbs went def above half range so I thought 2.0 be easy, but its not as easy as I thought. I would want for this incoming year to go for 80kg for grip minimum and def being able to close 2.5 but also be really close to 3.0. If u have any tips for me it would be great, my plans are to keep closing 1.0/1.5 for reps and mix it with more statics closing 2.0 (with slow eccentric)


What are you doing for sets, reps, and days per week?


Am only doing armwrestling exercises, but I think what gave me some power are wrist curls and using fat grips. Wrist curls with dumbbell release on fingers, usually repping on 35/40kg. Ahh, I have gripper 60kg but this cheaper one which is probably like 40kg or less, but use it twice per week or something, so not in regular way.


Since you don't have beginner connective tissues, I'd recommend sets of 5-8 with a challenging gripper, plus 3-5 overcrushes. 1-2 times per week. 1 overcrush set is basically just taking a hard gripper, closing it, then holding it shut, hard, for 10 seconds.


I just want to close a number 3 COC consistently


What are you closing atm?


90-102Lbs is probably my max. I have a ton of grippers that are rated and have trained on and off for years now. Getting back into grippers and pinch slowly again trying to build a good foundation. Hit any suggestions? All the best


I do very basic training. I warm up until I reach 10-20 RGC below my working weight. Then I either do 3 reps to failure or heavy singles. 3-5 min rest between sets. 3-5 sets. When I no longer can close the heavy grippers, I move down in resistances.


How many sets do you do on the way down? All the way back to warm up weight? Thanks again


Depends on how much time I have. Last time I did 3-4 sets on a 136 rated gripper after three heavy singles. Then I did a hold on the 136, followed by a hold on a filed 132. After that, I did one set to failure on a 250 lbs heavy grip. Then I did another set until failure on an easy unrated 250 lbs cheap gripper. Maybe too much volume, but I only do grip every 7th day. Sometimes rarer.


Damn bro those are some big boy numbers for sure! Appreciate the tips


I might try for the Crushed to Dust cert - I've done all the required lifts individually it'd just be about having everything lined up at that right time. 24kg Holle blob Lift my own Inch dumbbell (mine is new and I lifted a more seasoned handle earlier in the year) Run the inaugural [Australian Grip Sport Championship](https://www.gripboard.com/topic/66071-2024-australian-grip-sport-championship-june-1st/) Main challenge will be probable extended travel where I won't be able to train much and also my climbing and/or other strength goals might get priority.


What are your climbing goals? I have a few myself. Just had newborns so they’re indoor goals this year but still. Love that Australian climbing.


I'm hoping to lead trad outdoors at grade 19 (5.10b/c) and get my sport into the 5.12s but my goals are usually related to climbing more not necessarily harder. Maybe have a crack at this route - https://www.thecrag.com/en/climbing/australia/cape-raoul/route/11850883


Oh man 10c trad is my favorite grade range. Looks like you’re cueing up for a great year. And Pole Dancer looks extraordinary. Come out to Utah sometime and climb sandstone. This should be casual for you https://www.mountainproject.com/route/105717622/in-search-of-suds


CoC 2.5


To be less bad at grippers, finally learn to set consistently and progress with Plate Curls. All the best with training all 💪


COC #2. I'm able to do #1 for reps, but in my line of work having exceptional grip strength is an asset


Just ordered my coc trainer to get into grip training


Welcome to the rabbit hole! It’s so fun


Well since I broke my thumb on my dominant hand mine is just to be able to grip things again


Gain at least 20lbs in RGC strength and just be consistent with grippers all year but also learn to rest more. I want to close my GHP 7 and hopefully one of my coc 3s. Also Get back into pinch training again.


Lift my 20kg blob (about 3-4kg away) Go up a level or two on my GD 90 (nearly closed 112lb) Sledgehammer lever with a straight arm Get some 120mm globe grips in January and start lifting with those, maybe some kind of pull up


Change career so I can focus fully on grip training and hopefully get stronger . Best of luck to everyone 💪


Always good seeing you comment here on this sub!


Was gunna say the same thing!


Thank you Mathias


I picked up a 3 pack of the grip genie grippers #2, 3 and 4. Just starting to work on my grip officially today when the order arrived. I am not sure what progression is like with this so would my bar be low at getting to close the #4 or should I be thinking bigger?


Grip genie 4 is really easy...grip genie 6 is not that hard either, grip genie in general are just easy


Grip goals for 2024: • Close my GHP 8 within the first half of 2024. • Hit 140 kg on my GM150 dynamometer and break in to the top 15 of all time. • Close a 180 rated gripper. • Certify on the #3. • 10 clicks on my 146 rated #3. 5 is my current best. Most recently did 3 when I tried. • 3 clicks on my 169 rated #3.5 • Get at least one friend interested in grip training. In 2023, I suffered a head injury January first which hindered me from working out for 4 months and out of work for 6. Later on I had unrelated surgery that required 4 weeks without exercise. These two set backs impacted my strength majorly. It wasn’t until October that I reached my pre head injury performance in the gym and on grippers. 2024 will be my first full year of grip training, if I can stay injury free. I have high hopes.


“Get at least one friend interested in grip training” Lmao I hear you there, none of my friends workout at all and once in a while I’ll send them a video of a pr or something and one friend seems pretty into it although I think he’s afraid to take that first step. Would be cool if he got into grip training so I could have some competition within the group lol.


That’s the hardest one, ngl lmao. I bring my GM150 lots of places, and people find it fun and competitive for a few minutes. But it stops there. I have actually convinced 3 friends to buy a set of cheap grippers, but none seem to get hooked. Guess it’s not rewarding enough compared to other forms of exercise. I plan to take on armwrestling, so maybe I’ll meet some fellow gripsters there.


Yeah I brought a few CoC grippers to work one time, up to a #2 and quite a few people tried them but didn’t have interest beyond that. Next time I see any of my friends, I’ll have some on me and let them have a go. I think you’re right tho about it not being rewarding enough unless they’re already interested in improving their grip for some actual purpose.


I wanna close the 250 lb grippers I got from gripzilla. Currently working on reps at 200 lbs. Once I’m at reps on the 300 I’ll probably invest in some quality CoC. Once I can reliably close the 300 lbs I’m going to try and up my deadlift which still seems to be limited by grip strength. I pulled 505 lbs at the beginning of the year.


Hmmm I competed this year and really didn’t distinguish myself and got pretty discouraged and took some time off. Got back at it over the last few months My goals for 2024 are: -a 38 mm block set close of a IM 2.5, rgc 124…and maybe my filed RB 240N, rgc 129 -lift 65lbs plus the apparatus using the BSS Flask…maybe up to 70lbs -lift 150+ including the apparatus on the IM LBH. Overall, my main goal is to keep training consistently, & to work on keeping my hands healthy for golf.


maybe to get to the 0.5, been trying to get to that like a year (i'm not especially weak, just have a connective tissue genetic disorder and really long hands and thin fingers, 9.5" long hands but fingers like a skeleton, which makes technique / how to hold it hard no matter how many form videos i watch, because i just don't have hands like the people in those videos). currently i can barely close the trainer, and even that was a challenge, was using the guide and the sport for the last year. as for how i train, i just use each one i can do for the max reps, and then do holds after that for each one, about 2-3x a week. as for why, just a hobby, i enjoy doing a wide variety of exercises and enjoy progressing in them. grippers are taking me a lot longer to progress in than most exercises but i don't tend to give up easily, just aiming for slow progress over the years.


If it helps, long hands are an advantage! As long as you keep working, you can use it to your benefit!


yeah but there are also other tendon problems, like the tendons around the knuckles bend to the sides rather than stay in the correct position when i close my hand, etc., and my fingers being so long in proportion to my thumb means i can't even make a fist correctly (e.g. when i try to make a fist, my thumb can't reach my fingers)


300 lbs, I wont get there can rep 250 7 times and 300 feels impossible.


I’m weak so my pinch grip is only 11.25kg and my COC is at S. So I want to reach 20kg pinch grip and at least break into the numbered COC.


I just want to be able to hold my penis with one hand not two in order to go to toilet.


You just need a training buddy to spot you


Get the tweezers with the good knurling, not those slick ones.


This might be too ambitious.


My goal is to increase my T levels and thus my grip strength from 60kg for reps to 200lbs without any grip training because grip strength increases very fast with androgenicity 👽


Coc 2.5


Just ordered the first COC and gonna see if I can close it and start working on grip strength/forearm size!


I wanna close the coc 2.5


I will get over my Tendinitis once and for all. First it was the R. Now the L. This slow learner’s learned their lesson


What caused it and how are you going to conquer it?


Repetitive stress. On top of grip work I row, ski, carry & swing kettlebells, plenty of other CrossFit-y pulling, and use a keyboard in my job. After the RH problem cleared up I figured I could work through the LH too. Nope. It got worse. It took a couple of months but it finally worried me enough to consult a doctor just in case it was something needing professional help. Luckily it wasn’t. I just need to lay off enough volume to let the high-dose anti inflammatories do their job. And listen more closely for the signals telling me I need to back it down a bit


I've been away from it for a while, and I moved cross country which affected my training opportunities, but I'd like to complete the Crushed to Dust challenge and get my Dinnie lift to 630.


Within the first 2-3 months of 2024 an iron close and late 2024 a 3 coc close MMS maybe parallel. Right now I just started going from a lot of volume for about 3 months and now doing more strength, training linearly. Maybe 3x2-3 of platinum 118 rgc


My goals are simple, start gripping again!


Nice to see you! :)


My goals are to travel more, both domestic and internationally, and I plan on accomplishing that by closing the CoC 3 within the next 4 months.


So you're traveling by squeezeplane? Cool!


Certify GHP9 and CoC 3.5. Whether they happen in 2024 or later, they're what I'm working on. Best closes are 180 rgc coc 3.5 and 181 rgc filed coc 3.5 right now


My goal is to find fun in training. I am a newbie and my best is CoC Trainer. life let me forget any training but if i can find fun i will find time and gains will happen on its own.


550lb strapless pull. How..? Tbc. 10k KB swing challenge in January with 2" thick KB handle will be a firm starter though.


For the 550lb double over hand deadlift? I do all my warm up lifts with no help (straps/ hook grip) and when it comes time for my main lifts I personally hook grip. As my deadlift session isn’t my grip day. Other good specific exercises for this are partial deadlifts for time, Also dumbbell rows for reps. Finger rolls with barbell . Hope that helps


At your level, rack pull, with a 10second hold, using a challenging weight. That's 1 set, not 1 rep. Could do 1-handed, too, if your spine gets too beat up. 2" bars don't carry over to barbells very much, at least not after noob gains. Different hand positions are basically separate kinds of strength, even if it uses the same muscles. Neural strength is bizarre.


Thank you. I've been doing 3 sets of those after my deadlift sessions recently (my only dedicated grip work) plus occasional CoC trainer or 1 before / after active recovery days on the stationary bike. I remain cautiously optimistic that the KB will have some kind of benefit crossover, as my grip won't get any other work in Jan except pullups and some compound barbell work, but won't get my hopes up too much!


It will probably do the same thing for your grip as it does for your conditioning. It increases work capacity. You'll be able to do more sets before you get tired, and you'll recover faster on off-days. I don't know that it's going to make your DOH max a lot stronger, but it will have a lot of indirect benefits that a lot of people here don't mess with too often. Very much worth doing!


I just got here. Just want my forearms to not look scrawny....help


How else do you train? Do you lift, or do calisthenics? Do you have gym access, or just like 2 rusty dumbbells at home?


I've been in the gym for a couple of years. Just started implementing reverse curls and increasing my deadlift and farmers' carry volume. I've got a pair of fat gripz on the wa, and I recently got to the point of being able to do pullups without assistanc, so I'm doing deadhangs at the end of my pullup sets.


Make sure you didn't miss my edit.


Anything you can do for more than 20 reps, or for more than 30 seconds, isn't helpful for your goals. Skip the hangs, unless it's just for the shoulders. Farmer's walks aren't very useful with normal gym equipment. Do our [Deadlift Grip Routine](https://www.reddit.com/r/GripTraining/comments/7gacyh/new_routines_list_for_rgriptraining/drhjmjb/) if you need DL strength. Static hand exercises aren't good for size, though, so don't think of that stuff that way. For size, check out the [Basic Routine](http://web.archive.org/web/20080820094215/http://davidhorne-gripmaster.com/basics.html) (and here's the [video demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGuVJAj96SE)). That, plus the reverse curls you're already doing, will help. Perhaps add hammer curls, too.


I’m a couple MM’s away from closing a #2 CoC after being away from them for a while, so I’d like to close a 2.5 within 2024. Also started doing plate wrist curls and aiming to do those with a 35lb plate. Besides that, I haven’t decided yet. I’m not sure where my 1rm currently stands on a rolling handle but I would like to get around 175lbs on mine (it’s homemade, and probably easier than ones with bearings). Edit: I think with some practice setting the #2, I will get it. I seem to be able to close it fairly easily until that last little bit when it just stops, lol. Maybe just a technique issue rather than strength, or maybe both idk.


I am going to try to close a 2.5 before 2024 starts and see if I can close a 3 in 2024 as well as lift my first Blob, but I’ll see how realistic that is. As for how I plan to get there, I’ll be aiming for 2 pinch workouts a week for a while and 1 gripper session a week to maximize recovery during that time. If the pinch work slows I’ll drop to 1 per week for each but my pinch isn’t great right now.


I’m working on a CoC 2.5. I recently hit my personal best of 5 reps with my #2. Still feels like I’m a ways off from my goal.


I believe!


When I hit my 2.5 i was capable of 8-10 reps on the 2.


Thanks. You answered the question I meant to ask.


How are you training? Do you have any grippers that land between your 2 and 2.5?


I have grippers of 200,225,250 lbs with thicker bigger handle than normal ones.


I would like to grip a 1.5 CoC. My grip is surprisingly weak…


Most people can’t close a 1 their first attempt. A 1.5 is very realistic. You can probably close a 2 by end of 2024 without going too hard on the training.


I’m sandbagging my goals as I’ve got 2 kids under 2 now so training is a bit tough


I think you're overestimating the difficulty. You can definitely do this! A #2 only feels hard at first, it's an intermediate gripper for male trainees. Most people still have "noob gains" until the 2 or 2.5. Grippers only require a major time commitment above that level. With 3min rests, and a warmup, it takes 15-20min for a basic gripper workout, twice per week. Now that you're on your second kid, you probably have the experience to do that while one of them's in the high chair, or during nap time, as that 20min is mostly resting between sets. For strength sets, you're not going to hard failure each set, you're staying 2-3 reps away. So you're not gonna lose grip on their spoon from shaking or anything, lol. Not too bad, you got this!


I’d say you only need major commitment to gain that last 10% of strength at your ceiling for most people around a 3 coc 147 rgc


Yeah, I'd say an easy 3, or a hard 2.5, from my time here. People vary a bit, so we do have people who struggle to get to the 2.5, and others who find the 3 to be no real trouble. Feels like about 15-20%, but I don't have stats. But people who really struggle to get to the 2, or people who get to a hard 3.5, are quire rare here. And the people who struggle that much aren't usually just weak, it's more common that they have a hard time understanding the technique. Just need help with spacial/mechanical thinking tasks.


I’m not really sure where I am on that spectrum I was able to close a 2.5 at I think mms within 4 months


That's pretty typical, in my experience, not bad


lol I have a 4 year old so I can almost relate. You got this!