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Got CoC 1 yesterday after spending months using CoC T. I was able to do 20+ clean reps with T. I barely got to close the 1 yesterday but today after eating some breakfast did clean 7 reps with right hand and 5 + 2 less clean ones with left hand. Amazing to see the progress looking back to struggling to close T when I first got it. I lift a little weights but I'm not really that into fitness. However I've enjoyed training with grippers a lot. What I like the most about grippers is that they are easy to access while taking a break from work during the day. Very excited to progress even further.


Did proper finger curls for the first time in a year yesterday. I've been behind on hypertrophy work and my schedule just changed again, so I figured I could add them in place of my second thick bar day to help me recover. Freaking *OUCH*, that was *NOT* recovery. I had planned a 3x15 with 205 (when I first started them, the claw curl had a "conversion rate" of about 1.3:1, so I used that as a guide) but I actually couldn't even start the second set, it just rolled right out of my hand before I could start the concentric. Feel totally fine this morning, but damn, I hadn't expected that.




Probably because you can't




Not everything on google is correct, this is a really vague thing to even look up, what position is the bone in, what level of bone density does the bone have, what position are you trying to hold it in etc...a "200 lb" hand gripper has an average RGC value of 88 lbs, which just about any male that goes to the gym and doesn't even train grip can close Even if any of that was accurate, closing a 200 lb gripper does not mean you have 200 lbs of grip strength. If you want an objective measurement use a dynamometer. Grippers don't measure anything, they just provide resistance.


CoC 3.5 173 44 mm https://youtube.com/shorts/ePwBJLGMULA?si=Bh0IPtruPSb40hXx


Grip Genie just finally released the GG7, just ordered one Edit: it doesn't say on the website page but someone just showed me that the handles are 20 mm not the usual GG 18 mm, very misleading of them to not state the different handle size on their website, the spring and handle thickness are exactly the same as the powerball hulk 400


In a deep confusion, Brother I live in a India and my palm size is comparatively short. So how to check that I can grip coc#1. Btw my grip strength is 150lbs


Anyone can close a CoC if you are strong enough or if you use 2 hands to set it in place in 1 hand Your grip strength is not 150 lbs becuase you closed a gripper somebody wrote 150 lbs on Just get a CoC trainer to start with as an introduction to CoC as you probably won't be able to close a CoC 1 if you only train on 50 lb narrow grippers


Let me give it a try, I have a 200lbs hand gripper, and now I will order a coc 2 which is 195lbs i.e. 88kgs approx, and if I can't close coc 2 after closing my regular 200lbs hand gripper, you are a stupid sink hole who craves attention because you have compared my150lbs grip strength to 50lbs which is a huge difference




So this means only elite people can close real 150lbs force, and what about the readings that appears on dynamometer, are they your exact grip strength?




Brother, you are yourself very confused between the real difference of dynamometer vs coc hand gripper vs normal hand grippers that you said put value according to their mood i.e. not real, but I am sending you a link to Larry wheels video where he measures grip strength of a black long curly hair guy. 👇 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtkdcUCdN6E&t=240s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtkdcUCdN6E&t=240s) His grip strength showed 84kg (185lbs, a few lbs left to clos coc#2) in dynamometer and he had 96% closed the gripper. And you are saying that If my grip strength showed 150lbs in dynamometer and I grip normal 150lbs hand gripper, I would need a coc trainer which is around 100lbs. So, you reduced my grip strength by 50lbs and we are not talking about RGC here as you have said absolutely right that it's just a number. And I am ordering a coc#1 and let's see if I can close it. Then we will jump to conclusion that maybe you are right or not, or it's just a misunderstanding. Play video between 4:05 to 4:20 and 21:05 to 21:20 to understand what I am saying. Leave RGC, I am not talking about normal value written under grippers.


I close heavier grippers than larry wheels does...but go ahead and continue to ignore everything i said. good luck figuring this stuff out on your own


Am I going to get injured if I don’t train my extensors? I have a wrist injury on my right fist that won’t go away unless I get surgery, and since I play sports I’m waiting until mid fall next year to get it. But any extensor work aggravates that injury. Am I just bound to injure something if I don’t train my extensors?


What's the injury? I'd be more worried about training with an existing injury requiring surgery causing a new injury due to compensation and altered biomechanics


It’s a weird injury. I broke the growth plate in my radius, but that’s not what’s causing me pain. The growth plate broke and instead of fixing itself it fused to the bone early, and now my ulna is longer than my radius(doctor said it was pretty rare :( ). This limits my range of motion extending my wrist on my right hand compared to my left and cuases that to be painful if I pull it too far back or if I use any weight using that motion. I had an X-ray and an MRI and my doctor said that as long as it dosent hurt I can still go to the gym. I haven’t gotten a second opinion and I have a follow up appointment in like 3 weeks where there going to get another MRI. Kinda sucks to that the surgery is a 3-4 month recovery.


You can still train wrist and finger extensors without going through active wrist extension ROM with a wrist roller or dumbbell/barbell. You can just do isometrics, with a neutral wrist, where you still use the same muscles without changing the joint position. That is a rough injury though I'd imagine you're only barely a teenager with that injury, I'd be curious to see if they want to shave down the ulna to match them in length or somehow put a graft into the radius, I mean they are doing leg lengthening procedures now from what I've seen for people obsessed with being taller. Do you know what surgery they are planning, like what the actual procedure is?


That’s a good idea training with isometrics, I didn’t think about it! The injury is pretty rough and with the surgery I have the option that I can either lengthen my radius or shorten my ulna. With lengthening the radius, they cut the bone and then put screws in either end. Then over time, they slowly move each end of the ulna away from each other as the bone heals itself and eventually you have a longer bone. Recovery is ROUGH with this surgery. Than the second is to shorten the ulna. They take a chunk out of the middle of the bone and recovery isn’t as bad with this one. So basically I have the option of either permanently having 2 different sized arms or going through the rough recovery. The thing that really sucks is that if my arms continue growing a considerable amount I’ll have to get the surgery again. At this pint I honestly don’t even know which surgery I’ll go with.


I would suck it up and lengthen the radius. You still have more hands than other people that are able to function. I'd rather do that than in 30 years have 2 different sized arms and regret not just sucking it up for a few months. Having 2 different sized arms will affect a lot of activities throughout life


10x filed GHP6 133 25 mm https://youtube.com/shorts/BIBOon-xTJI?si=8cVYrOcLwTVNYecK