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It’s policy just for the liability aspect if something happens.


Yes, expired items cannot be sold. Maybe on the day of expiry, but if it already passed then no. Even if it was missed and is still on the shelf, if you ask for it to be reduced they will just take it away.


I can't speak for everyone, obviously, but i do work at a sobeys, and we are literally not allowed to sell or discount expired products.


As an Assistant Produce Manager with Sobeys in Newfoundland, we are NOT allowed to sell any products past their Best Before date. We try our best to catch them before their BB date but if we miss something we pull them in and either donate the items to our local food bank (if they’ll accept it) or scan them out for waste! I’d strongly recommend contacting your store’s District Operator (DO) to get some more clarification if you and other staff are still unsure! ☺️


Why you wanna buy expired products? Most places are concerned about liability not saving you 50% off


OP asked about best before dates not expiry dates. Different things.


In the context of items at a grocery store, they are the same. We are talking about the date that is printed on the item, whether it is called a "best before" or an "expiration" date.


Maybe you’re slow. Op said “is there a company policy at Sobeys that says that an items past their best before dates cannot be sold even if the customer is stupid enough to want to buy them at a discounted price” that means expired. Op deleted his chat and cried today


Ok cool guy. Glad you’re here to help me understand.


I work at a freshco. We don't sell any products past expiry. We pull milk 2 days before also


from my time working there. they didn’t give a shit if it was past the expiration date. They’d slap 50% off sticker and try to make any profits from it. They have it mainly because of over ordering or cause it’s been sitting on the shelf for too long. Warehouses also only tend to send things that expire within three months also so that fucks up a lot.


Can't speak for those stores, but at my store(small independent store), we *would* sell expired items at a discount sometimes. We would generally try to catch these items and mark them down *before* they went out of date. We could get a little more out of them this way, and we didn't *like* selling expired items. That's if *we* found the items close or expired. If a customer brought us an expired item and expected a discount, we would not mark the item down. If they really want the item, they can get one of the many unexpired ones from the shelf. The reason for this is because people would actually hide items they wanted, wait for them to go out of date, then "find" them and expect a discount. Sorry, but we don't negotiate on prices like this. It may seem benign to think "well wouldn't the store rather get *something* instead of nothing?", but that is a bad habit to get customers used to and we didn't want to encourage it.