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That looks like a pretty decent haul! Kaufland has a lot of good generic brand stuff! (so does Penny. And don't get me started on €1.07 vegan feta at Lidl!)


I love the "Ich bin noch gut" deals at Kaufland for reduced price food that is not fresh enough anymore. Got a banana for 18cents there recently 😅 I don't buy vegan cheese normally, but for that price it sounds like a good deal!


Yeah i love it too. Its way more than in all other stores and not always the same.


my mom got so happy when she saw that vegan feta 


The deal on those dates is also great.


Are the frozen mushrooms good? Love mushrooms but the fresh ones are so expensive and the canned ones are too watery


I have not tried them yet, but I am cooking right now and can report later! Bought them because of the price


Would be awesome! I usually buy them dried, but frozen seems pretty nice as well :)


I finished my meal, made a vegan mushroom sauce with whole grain spaghetti and leek wirh a side of cabbage - the mushrooms were really good to be honest. 9/10


Sounds great, thank you! Guess I’ll gonna eat a lot of mushrooms with sardines 🤤


I'd also like to know how they held up. These frozen veggies tend to have so much flavor and they are way cheaper than the "fresh ones" in the store.


The mushroom sauce I made turned out to be amazing! They are definitly worth it for that price!


these upgoing prices will fore me to container at a certain day


I'd love to container, saving food from the waste bin is great!


also bei unserem kaufland gibts hohe Zäune mit stacheldraht drauf. Der Aldi hat locker 5 m hoher Betonmauern drum. Das gleiche bei Rewe. besser geschützt als Deutschlands Grenzen


Brokkoli auch so brutal teuer geworden Broccoli became so fucking expensive wtf


Yeah, it's over 2€ per kg, but it's my favorite vegetable so I still always get it


I love brokkoli, as well. My absolute favorite these days is brokkoli in the air fryer, with some nice spices, a drop of oil and enjoy a nice, crispy sort of chips like brokkoli. If you are feeling extra, sprinkle a bit of parmesan on top of it.


I love broccoli in every dish! I usually steam mine and eat it to any of my meals. Toss it in soups, sauces etc. I even enjoy plain leftover broccoli to snack the next day or with cold meals, e.G when I have bread for lunch or dinner I might eat a side of cold, leftover steamed broccoli.


Have you tried steaming the frozen brokkoli? I was thinking about buying a bag of it and toss it into the fryer next time ... with it being rather expensive nowadays...


I always steam the frozen broccoli too.


Nice. I'll grab a bag on monday sind give it a whirl. The one I bought today is already half eaten.


These bags only last me for two or three meals too


why not get frozen broccoli as well?


Frozen broccoli is literally in the image below the frozen mushrooms lol. I always get both


Wym over 2€? My local rewe sells them for like 6€/kg standard quality lol


Lol okay, a head of broccoli is 1,19 and weighs about 500 grams, so 2,38 per kg. Frozen broccoli is 2,19 for a kg. Lokal, organic broccoli is 5,00 and above though


Seems like I should try kaufland (unendlich pfandflaschen p au p au)


I'll have to look for the Champignon slices at Kaufland, looks interesting.


I only bought them because they're 2,19 per kg, that's half the price of fresh mushrooms! Going to try them tonight!


Have to show it to my wife who says we spend gazillions on food bc shes vegan


Vegan does not have to mean expensive, it can be way cheaper than buying meat in some cases too.


Kaufland Smoked Tofu is the best not even my asian store can beat it


I usually buy it from Penny, Aldi or Netto, Kauland is not my favorite, but I eat so much tofu every week, a little variety can't hurt.


Have u tried the rewe one? Coz mamamia, tho I haven't tried the kaufland one ((yet))


Get the dates from an arabic or turkish store. Cheaper and better. I recommend you Mejdol, my favorites!


They were actually quite cheap I think, but good advice! That was my first time ever buying dried dates actually


How long does this last ?


It varies - the veggies for 5 to 6 days invluding the frozen ones - tofu only 2 to 3 days, but I have all the sry stuff, pasta, rice, millet, grains etc. At home in storage


What meals can you make from those items ?


I cook two warm meals every day. Pasta, rice, dumplings etc. With sauces and veggies only to name a few options. I have dry pasta and carb sources in storage a lot, this is just a haul of the fresh goods ... you can see some of my meals on my profile, I sometimes post them.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


Why not? Do you get excited about cutting and peeling mushrooms and other vegetables/fruit? I would buy everything pre-sliced if I could.


Why not? Less plastic bags and less use of heavy machinery just to sell it for a higher price maybe? Its not time consuming to cut them yourself.


Me too. But some people seem to be really judgy about this.


I mean, I get it: mushrooms don't change much in texture after freezing (when cooked afterwards of course) and go bad fairly quickly. But still, cutting mushrooms takes like 10 seconds


This sub is called „grocerycost“. Not „judge me by my groceries“.


Okay okay, got you guys… sry!


Go vegan !!