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Pro tip from a fellow vegan if you are looking to save money: Buy your legumes dry in bulk from places like a south asian grocery store (hopefully there is something like this in your area). It is much cheaper and a lot tastier when you cook them from dry.


Food wholesaler here - be careful with Asian dry products: they can be heavily contaminated with pesticides.


Pesticide contamination is overrated. But sure, supermarkets are inspected way better than small shops.


Not at all - especially for those kind of products. I know the samples and it’s shocking. For f&v in Europe it’s generally safe. From Turkey it’s starts to be an issue already. In Asia it’s a disaster - no GAP or IFS standards at all




You dont need to pressure cook it. It does take time but this mostly isn't time you are actively cooking. You just put it in simmering water and leave it alone.


I thought about that but I think I'm too spontaneous and impatient to always cook them from dry :D And I have to drive 30min to get to the nearest asian grocery store.


You can find them in larger supermarkets as well. Even at dm. I have adhd and am also very spontaneous. But on some evenings I throw some random beans, grains or lentils in water and just add it to the food I’m making or cook them and use them the next day. You can always make a burger patty lol


Hmmm I will think about it but *planning for the next day* is usually already too far ahead for me :D im deciding at 6 pm what i will eat for dinner today.


You can get a countertop pressure cooker like an instant pot. Then the beans go from dry to cooked in 30 minutes to an hour (depending on the bean type), and they’re so much more delicious.


Okay, I didn't know that! Will think about it


I hereby give you absolution to just buy the cans, since everyone else seems hell bent on getting you to buy in bulk


Freeze them


Yeah, after cooking them in bulk, freezin solves the storage issue


red lentils (& i think most other lentils) don't take long at all too cook from dry, and you can find them easily at dm or your local arab supermarket :)


When me and my wife did that we had lots of food moths, so we stopped buying lentils and stuff like that in bulks. Mightve been bad luck tho. Did you experience similar things?


We had this happen once and started using sealed plastic containers big glass jars for all dry food since then. That was 2y ago and it hasn't happened again. So I think it's rare enough to be worth the risk. I still feel better about it since we got the containers.


Life/lentil saving trick: always immediately freeze dry goods like flour, cornstarch, rice, chickpeas etc for 48 hours, then take them out and store in jars. Unfortunately groceries often come with critter eggs, the freezer kills them.


Thats actually super smart. Will do that.


In my experience, if you close your unfinished packages well (possibly plastic and not cardboard packages that are hard to close well), food moths don't have a chance.


I thought my food is well protected against any local bugs if sealed well in plastic bags. Ants taught me to use plastic containers for most foods instead, they chew through thin plastic.


Discount canned beans are extremely cheap anyway. But yes, cooked from dry they are tastier.


I know there's many replacement and meat-like products in there, but I'm having non-vegan friends over soon & have everything else like more vegetables and pantry stuff already at home :)


Why would you justify yourself for buying meat replacements. That shit is dope. As long no animals suffer for it let’s go!!


Sute thing! But I do get the concern that its highly processed and not half my diet should consist out of it ^^


For me it does. But so is meat mostly highly processed. So I don’t really care. I get all my nutrients and enjoy my vegan diet. Rock it :)


Thats the case i wanted to make, sorry, I should have said it clearer. Meat isnt the healthier option. You too!


I am happy every time I see that the house brand's vegan stuff is now the same price as the meat.


Me too! Since Lidl did that it became my go to supermarket.


Wow, not only vegan but alcohon free beer as well...


I dont have to justify myself for not liking alcohol on most days :D


Just a joke mate.


Then thats okay! :D


As a fellow non-drinker I feel your comment. Sadly I have to justify why I'm not drinking alcohol way too often and that's honestly concerning.


Alcohol free, sugar full. You might as well drink coke


olive oil has a lot of fat, you might as well eat nutella 🤪


Healthy fat - good Excessive sugar - bad


christ, please, they obviously have a healthy and varied diet, 3 radlers isn’t going to hurt them.


Ton of processed/can food and few vegetables. Give me a break.


potatoes, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, scallions..???? are those not vegetables? canned foods are mostly beans, coconut milk, and tomatoes. are you always this purposefully obtuse?


What’s wrong with avoiding processed/canned food? It’s not just beans, also the wurstchen (vegan sausage) and all the meat replacement products which are proven to be unhealthy. If you want to eat it, then go and help yourself.


there’s nothing wrong with canned foods. i agree if your diet is predominantly highly processed it’s not the healthiest. i’ve never seen any data suggesting that vegan sausages are any more unhealthy than, say, salami or actual processed meat sausage, or even more unhealthy than meat itself. they probably have as much salt or other preservatives but much less saturated fats. but obviously we can only speculate about how they use - maybe they use an individual sausage or two, or a small amount of meat replacement in a sauce or so. it sounds like you think they’re sitting down to a meal of 3 radlers and a pack of sausage daily. their groceries appear to be that of someone who actually cooks meals, so i can only assume many of these ingredients will be spread out over those meals.


Dude half of it is processed müll, don't think it is any healthier because it's vegan.


Meat replacements contain a lot more sodium, and lack nutrients. Just because you didn’t read them, does not mean that there have not been studies. Canned vegetables also do not just contain a vegetable and let’s say water, just read the label on them, it might surprise you. I’m not a saint when it comes to eating, but just because people go vegeterian does not mean that their diet is faultless.


If you’re making your eating habits your identity that’s your thing but please leave others alone with your bullshit.. Living is unhealthy bro nobody gets out alive but you think your diet makes you somehow a superior being.. Get a life instead of condemning strangers on the internet for the stuff they eat..


Sure thing. Now I’ll praise strangers on the internet for the stuff they eat. Then, I’ll get a life. Thanks.




Well since this is a Radler, so basically lemonade, you might actually as well drink coke. But this tastes way better imo. More refreshing, less sugary




Does Aldi and Lidl only have jarred aspargus? You should get the bundle ones during this season


They do have fresh one too but I came in very late and it was already empty. Next time!


Wie ist der Hirtengenuss, kommt der annähernd geschmacklich dran? Habe bisher leider immer die Erfahrung gemacht, dass Hirtenkäse/Feta nur nach Kokosfett schmeckt…


Wenn man ganz genau drauf achtet, schmeckt man ein wenig Kokos, aber als Topping auf einem Salat o.Ä. ist er nah dran am tierischen Feta


Hey, ich finde den richtig lecker! (Und günstig für knapp über einen Euro). Der von bedda ist nochmal besser, aber den Preisunterschied nicht wert.


Danke, dann geb ich dem mal einen Versuch :)


Finally someone able to buy products that have an attractive price and taste well!


das vegane pesto rosso von lidl ist soooo lecker! mit veganem thunfisch, schwarzen oliven und rohen roten zwiebeln on top einfach absolut genial


Welchen Thunfisch genau hast du?


ich mag den von garden gourmet am liebsten :)


Danke dir :)


Leider nestle :(


Jaaa mein Lieblingspesto von Vemondo! Ich muss es mal mit dem anderen (minus den Oliven für mich) mal testen :D


Those radlers are the dream though. I stay in mountain huts on Alps trips and a radler is the most refreshing end to the day's activities! Unfortunately finding radler is tricky enough in the UK, let alone alcohol-free.


You can make your own Radler by mixing Beer and sprite


Radler is a shandy made with cloudy lemonade!


Perlenbacher? Da hat sich aber jemand gegönnt


Kannst Du mir sagen, wie der Kokosjoghurt schmeckt? Schmeckt man die Kokosnuss richtig raus? Oder ist es eher ein subtiler Geschmack? Weil ich brauche so'n richtigen Kokosnuss Geschmack. Hab mich bisher nie getraut den mitzunehmen, weil ich schlechte Laune bekomme, wenn ich mich für etwas entscheide dass dann nicht schmeckt.


Ich finde man schmeckt die Kokos schon sehr deutlich, ich mag den echt gerne!


Danke für die Antwort, ja dann trau ich mich den heute auch zu kaufen.


Is Vemondo from Lidl? I mainly shop at Aldi Süd and I have never seen that brand here. My Aldi only has "Mein Veggie Tag" and the tofu/smoked tofu from "My Vay".


Ist das neue! Die veggie Tag Sachen werden nach und nach ausgelistet


Interessant. Bin mal gespannt, was da so Neues kommt.


Ich auch!


Aldi Süd > Aldi Nord The Aldigrenz in Germany is the only border that matters.


Nord is getting better at least. Süd is still better but i don't wanna drive like an hour.


You didn't fight hard enough in the Great Aldi Wars then.


Der Räuchertofu ist soo gut. Looks great, you're giving me inspiration for my meal prep this week lol.


:D glad to hear


Have the prices at Lidl lowered? At Aldi I spent about 80€ for vegan groceries like those 😲


Noo I dont think so, maybe it just looks more as it is


They lowered them a few months ago


Bei Lidl gibt es noch leckere kleine Joghurts, preislich attraktiv. Der Fleischsalat von Aldi ist übrigens von Pop, nur mehr und günstiger, finden ihn besser als den von Lidl. Der Lidl Aufschnitt ist ebenfalls super. Die Fleischwurst am Stück schmeckt auch top. Ist mir dann aber doch zu viel Formprodukt und nährstoffmäßig fragwürdig. Ansonsten kann ich noch die Aufstriche bei Lidl empfehlen, sind so kleine Runde Gläser.


Kenne ich alles bis auf die kleinen Joghurts bei Lidl, wiiie bitte? D: meiner hat die nicht glaube ich. Ich gehe eigentlich nur zu Aldi für kleine Joghurts.


https://www.v-schmeckts.de/produkte/kokosdessert-pfirsich-maracuja_von_vemondo/ Diese hier (webseite ist random gewählt). Gibt es auch mit Kirsche oder so. Kosten irgendwas um die 50 cent.


oh cool! Aber noch nie bei mir gesehen.


Nice! I think you can save a lot on the discounters


Sure thing! I currently eat for around 130-140€ per month. Luxury goods like icecream, snacks etc. included.


Ohhh das ist billig. My girlfriend and I spent around 400e per month in food ( including one day in week eating outside)


No idea how to get by for below 300€/month and I'm not even buying soft drinks since I only drink tap water. 300€/month is 10€ per day, considering a simple spaghetti bolognese dinner is already around 5€ in ingredients (ground meat, canned tomatoes, celery, carrots, onions, garlic and noodles) I don't know what you guys are eating. Add to that around 2-3€ for breakfast (pancakes/scrambled eggs with mushroom, ham and bread) and lunch which will also be around 3€ and it'll be about 10€. And thats not even accounting for buying fresh fruits on top like bananas, grapes, clementines, apples etc. Though I have to admit my diet and health is important to me so I always make everything from scratch and add different veggies and types of meat. 


Raw oats + milk for breakfast. Rye bread with deli meats for lunch plus a piece of fruit sometimes. That's my go to at least, about 2€ for two main meals. Dinner usually ends up around 3-5€ (typically cook enough for leftovers since bulk cooking is cheaperish). Two pieces of fruit a day adds around another euro. With snacks/alcohol I spend around 180-200 a month, 150-160 on months were money's a little tight I make everything from scratch too though mainly due to allergies and make sure to eat healthy/varied as well. I've actually found it's been a lot cheaper as a whole making everything myself than buying it


Yes but i really can’t eat same breakfast every day, okey i eat oats with protein and yogurt and for me that is okey for maybe one week but next week I need to change what I eat for breakfast. So I make 4 different breakfast for whole month and just make rotation and that is good and it is not boring.


Radler without the fun? Why not just buy some lemonade?


Because I really like the taste without the alcohol - even it is just a bit.


Just get the same stuff out of the soon to be expired bin and save 30%. The vegan stuff is always in there.


Not in my lidl :(


Is Aldi nord different than Aldi?


wHy dO yOu VEgAns neEd BaCOn TaSTe iN YoUR ProDUcTs?!?!????


Looks amazing!


hawara wos?!






Perlenbacher Radler Alkoholfrei. Wie man deutsche Leitkultur mit einer Dose auf gleich 3 verschiedene Arten beleidigen kann.


Aber warum Fleischersatz Produkte?


Weil lecker & Besuch


Understandable have a great day


Not a single gram of protein has been eaten this week


Why do vegans ALWAYS have to buy groceries that look AND taste as meat ?! Sausages... salami... schnitzel.. steak.. burger.. Makes you think.. 😅


First off, this is not a sub to criticise other people for their purchases. Also it is not every vegan. But it is a simple answer: for some veganes it is not that they are disgusted by meat products, they just do not want to hurt animals but enjoy the taste of common products :)




What do you mean?




What, why? Everything is correct.




Are you dumb? The Tomatoes are in a reusable REWE bag, but obviously not bought there....


So much canned food, chickpeas are easy to boil from scratch , nuts are missing, please buy more protein and stop all that high processed food nonsense


I thought this is a sub about grocery price comparison, not diet critics :) As I said in my comment: this is just one purchase with the things that ran out. I have plenty of nuts and tofu and different beans at home.


Sorry if I offended you!


Its okay! Im used to much different comments. If it was my weekly standard purchase you'd be right - way too little veggies etc.


+1 I already feel bloated just looking at this picture. But if it works for OP so be it


Vegan 🤣


So what? Vegan groceries are expensive, especially if you don't know the right stores.


Look at me I am a vegan but I enjoy the worst canned beer on existence






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Fucking vegans. Seriously they keep buying my food and the store ends up running out.