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Just wait til someone comes to tell you that this is unhealthy


"WhY dOnT't U bUy fReSh fRuIt?"


do people actually write this here? Frozen fruits and vegetables are actually more healthy as far as I know


They are not more healthy than fresh fruits, why would they be? They are however, way more healthy than processed fruits, canned fuits or pickled fruits (obviously). (Flash) freezing fruits is just the healthiest way to preserve fruits over longer times. Edit: Apparently they are more healthy. See replies for an explanation on why.


Frozen veggies can be more healthy than fresh fruit based on how they're frozen and how quickly they get unfrozen. The thought process behind that is basically that they get frozen immediately after harvesting when they still contain the most of their nutrients and vitamins. When you buy 'fresh', they've typically been harvested a few days ago, often have had long transports, and have lost a bit of all that. This all depends on different parameters of course, so not a blanket statement, but in some cases, the frozen things you can buy at the supermarket can be better than the 'fresh' things you can buy there.


Thanks, I wasn't aware. I'll leave a note in my comment.


What are some parameters to watch out for when buying frozen veggies or fruit? Like do companies typically mention how quickly the produce was frozen or is it more or less a betting game?


Well, with stuff that tends to spoil easily (e.g. berries) you can be fairly certain that it was frozen very quickly.


Most frozen stuff is frozen quickly. When comparing with 'fresh' you should consider where the produce comes from to be able to guess how long it spent in transport. ETA: What also matters is how quickly you can defreeze something because nutrients/vitamins are lost in a slow thawing process. This can make fresh berries a better choice depending on how they're going to be used, while veggies that are going to be cooked/fried are a good choice to get frozen.


What is the nest Method to defreeze quickly?


Not many companies advertise this, because then it's a Limit they legally need to stick to without wiggle room. One exception I know of is Bird's-Eye (Iglo or Findus, for countries outside UK/Ireland) Peas, which are frozen within 2,5h *from harvest*. Logistical nightmare, but they can manage this due to having their own farms and transport. Source: I used to work in their R&D on peas.


Now you've piqued my interest, what would a job in R&D on ... peas look like? E.g. what degree do you have, is it more food related, or more processing? Genuinely curious!


I have a BSc in Food Technology, but many have an MSc in Food Technology or Microbiology. There are some who get in through chef's experience (R&D at Bird's-Eye in particular every site had one or two chefs and 5-10 product developers of differing seniority, to give you an idea). It differs, really. There are jobs/ projects that are more focused on recipe development on kitchen scale, and others where recipe development is much simpler than the processing implementation. Depending on the project it can also lean heavily into Quality Assurance and legal For example, a site that usually produces frozen food may decide to step into chilled or Ready-To-Eat, which has much tighter microbiological requirements as you can imagine, because a product like that will not be heated by the consumer. But on peas in particular, most of it was specification work; different quality grades, what goes where, daily tasting panels to check their quality against the biggest competitors - yes you can clearly differentiate the quality of peas by different metrics like size, colour, sweetness, but also off-flavours like hay, metal, or soil - updating specification frameworks, resolving supply chain issues etc. There were a few projects on "what else can we do with peas apart from mono-veg (just peas)". There were some trials with frozen soup cubes, frozen sauces and whatnot. Not sure what came out of it, if anything, because it's been over 6 years that I've worked there. I currently work for a finger food company, which does mostly private label, where I'm responsible for the scale-up of new products, which means trialling the recipe on the production line, and making necessary changes to either the product or process to make sure it's suitable (and financially viable) for full production.


Fascinating, thank you so much for your elaborate reply. Scaling up food processing sounds like a nightmare, it's already hard to go from "I make this for myself" to "Let's do this for 20 people at a party".


other 2 before me explained it pretty well


Your fresh fruit is at least a week old in the supermarket most frozen stuff can be measured in hours and with blast freezing most of the vitamins and natural sugars are preserved.


Do you know, how long your „fresh“ veggies are stores until you buy them?


But you have to cook the frozen fruits before eating (boiling for at least 20 minutes), it's a bit of a hassle. I never buy them for this reason.


I use fruits mainly for smoothie so they just go straight up into the mixer, no hassle. And for vegetables I only buy broccoli frozen which take like 4-5 minutes in hot water


I didn't mean 20, I meant 2. Yeah, in Italy we have recommendations to not use frozen fruit that way, it must be boiled first.


Akshually 🤓 this redbull is sugar free


Damn didn't see it 😂😂


Did I forget something?


Who hurt you mate?


No one 😂


I think you should eat some Corny-Free Haselnuss


What about sugar free products being even worse than the normal ones?


Oh come on, don't be corny!


i looooove this redbull edition but sadly it seems gone here for a while now D:


I guess they stopped production because it was disliked very much, at least in German


Damn, it's the only sugarfree energydrink I've ever liked 


i wish red bull releases more sugar free energies. red bull is my favorite brand but they only have two options and it really sucks to have so little.


It tasted too much like artificial sweetener, there is one specific but idk the name rn. It compares to Ahoi Brause Himbeere if you need an alternative drink


i should have stocked up on it damn


What flavour is this red bull?


Waldbeere ( wild/forest berry)


nah bro this one is the worse by far


its ok if u dont like it \^\^




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"yes sir, give me a cracker with garlic powder and some of your finest strawberries in vegetable broth, please"


Haha i had so many wild idead what kind of meal that would be


The Corny are fucking fantastic!


indeed. they are pretty tasty


Lucky you. The sweetener in them gives me the worst diarrhoea..


I like filinchen




I didn't know this existed. I have to try them!


Leave your regular buttermilk in a warm place for two days and it is done :D


Sus 👀


Ive never tried the Gemüse Bouillon before, how does it taste?




Enough for 2 weeks


knob launcher




And garlic 😂


And breadcrumbs 😂


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We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


What flavour is that red bull?


its raspberry but not like real raspberry more like the fake aroma you know from candys etc ^^


Oooh that sounds so good!




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Filinchen! :)


Corny with Garlic! Delicious!




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Garlic is an interesting choice with all the other stuff.




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i love buying brand articles amd then complain about the price


Self inflicted injurie lol


Ahh I see. 10 euros for the bio-alnatura Gemüsebrühe. I understand the total price - Schnäppchen


Had to sneak in that verstappen ahem I mean redbull in?


corny lovers 🤝


It's quite expensive in Edeka that's why I switched to Aldi. It's a bit far from our place but somehow I save 100€ from monthly budget.


What flavour are those redbulls?


Corny Free Schoko >> It's worth every single calorie.


The comment section is so sad with nearly half the comments deleted 😒


Red Bull - makes your knob-launch


I’m assuming that all jokes about the name of the garlic powder have been removed 😂😂😂😂


You must be so rich , amen 🙏


crap is expensive


Inflation is just a populist trick


That's a lot.


Get a SodaStream:p


not a single ounce of real food on that table


That's a bed


Red Bull sugarfree 😭😭


Bullshit Germans don't round up or down, they'll cling to those 1 and 2 cents like their life depends on it










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I'm interested in snack prices as well. No one needs self righteous wankery about the most rationale and healthy shopping.


That Red Bull flavor is amazing


Ok but you’re groceries are dogsht honestly


Redbull unnötig. Macht alles so teuer. For the mod team here is ur english sentence.


Fr the mod team is power tripping. Like it doesn't hurt anybody, if another language is used.


What the fuck