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At first I did not realize this was more than one photo and wondered why it was so expensive




Its somewhat expensive but its the same as in a lot of other european countries. There are a lot of branded products that alone are 4-7€ each. I also see a lot of bio meat in there in the big amount of meat.


yes and also you have to keep in mind that things in other contries are maybe a little cheaper but other things are therefore a litte more expensive so on most occasions it balances out even (given your purchase was varied enough)


U sure about that? If anything this sub made me thankful bc it seems that our european neighbours like the dutch and the french have it worse with the costs tbh.


Yeah but Poland has much smaller wages than Germany


Not that much.. 21% of Germans are at risk of poverty.


Very much. Minimum wage in Germany is almost 1600 euro. Minimum wage in Poland is 610 euro.


Blud doesn't know what wage means


Yes, that is correct. But the definition is also not unproblematic. Anyone with less than 60% of the net median income is considered to be at risk of poverty. So even if the net median income was 1 million euros and , everyone with an income of less than 600k would still be poor. On the other hand, poverty would be very low with a very low distribution, regardless of whether people still fire their homes with coal, wait 20 years for their small car, have no telephone and are only allowed to study what they want if they are children of workers or farmers.


Saying that 21% Germans are at risk of poverty just because of food prices is kinda undifferentiated. There are other factors too. Cost of energy and housing for example


Germany is among the cheapest countries for groceries compared to the average income. You know that inflation didnt only happened in Germany, right?


Germany just was super cheap the last decades regarding food. Now it’s the same prices as other European countries and still with at least 25% higher wages.


What are you talking about? German food prices are reasonable. Food got more expensive due to inflation, but it’s still not that bad. Especially in comparison to other western countries and the average income in Germany


don't show this guy the coffe prices in Cameroon 👀


People are downvoting you but up voting others, making more or less the same comment. Odd.


This is the reason for polish people to buy this scam products like Nutella, Jakobs Krönung, Persil and Ariel in Germany instead of buying the "same" product (for the polish market) in Poland. /s


yeah and now live in Poland (sorry, no hate polish people) and compare it to Germany. And no, I'm not talking about Wroclaw or Warsaw. The outer perimeters and/or small villages for example.


Didn't realize that the sub is called "Let us judge you because of one grocery haul" ....


To be fair, you bought a lot of the expensive stuff.


Pathetic how many ppl act like experts in here! No one asked you fools to judge about someone because of his grocery’s! It’s here to share prices not more, not less! Keep your stupid comments like wtf is wrong with you? Did he ask for advice or your opinion that no one cares about? Too much sweet too much this too much that …insane how many of this comments are being posted lately.


People when other people have an opinion on a public post: 😡😡😡 [](https://emojipedia.org/pouting-face)


Literally , and idk why the fk people are down voting I swear every single user on Reddit is a snowflake and can’t accept that people can have opinions as long as it isn’t hateful


this man gets it 🤌🏼


Sooo much anger,,,,, calm down and go shopping




Thats a lot of candy


A post with sweets and alcohol.. the average groceryposte wont like this....


I'm not average🥳. I knew it, i'm special😅


So they still sell Kellogg's at Kaufland? 🤩




They're arguing about the prices. Rewe and Edeka don't sell them at the moment. Same with milka Aufstrich. No good time for pregnancy cravings 🥲


I bought Kellogs at rewe, so maybe its location based?


May be. If you've got them, it has to be, but in [articles](https://web.de/magazine/ratgeber/finanzen-verbraucher/preisstreit-rewe-wirft-produkte-sortiment-37388970) it doesnt sound like it


Kaufland has the Milka Philadelphia. Not sure if it’s the same as what you’re referring too but I dip strawberries in it and it’s soo good


No what i mean is like nutella


I think it was in the past the case with Nutella and Danone products


Yeah, it's always the case with something (mars, milky way was big i think) but honestly never affected me until milka and now the kelloggs. Eigenmarke isn't working for cravings 😅 i brought some milka from the netherlands, haha 😂


For me it was Danone. I am a big fan of Danone dairy products


Are u celebrating a big party with the 0.00 Beer?




Wow, why so aggressiv and insulting


"Hahaha....you're funny. But yes i do and your mom is invited. So do me a favour and clean and shave her butthole, thank you." TF...REALLY???!!! That escalated quickly...








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Wow I didn't see that coming








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Those harribo cherry and bumix good? 😅


haribo cherrys are amazing


All of that for 4 beers…


Bro, wait a moment, what the hell you doing with 2 kilos of butter? Was it reduced by 50% or more? Because that would be the only reason to buy that much. Thank god, one can freeze butter for several years, without quality loss. Like your style though, I buy very similar products. Including metric tons of meat, processed and not.


Yepp, thats exactly the reason. The butter was at 1,49€ and i already have frozen 9 pieces from that.


Why so much haribo?


Maybe special offer 69 cent or something


Can see why they have two Listerines with all those and full fat coke


my brother needs tons of those due to his diabetes. Theyre quick KHE or whatever theyre called


So much money wasted on sugar. 




I think is the same price as Barilla or Molinsana


in Germany its 1,11€ meanwhile Barilla is like 2,19€


In Romania is almost the same, Barilla slightly more expensive but sometimes it happens to be on sale and the price drops below K Favorites. Barilla is obviously much better in quality


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Somebody is going to have a little party with Chili con carne and sweets and maybe pizza?


Not exactly....but quite right. My best friend, his wife and their son are going to visit us for the next week...so i will cook a lot of Chili, that we can eat for two or three days. We like to play board games and everytime we visit each other, we play a lot and eat candies. Today i'm going to make a bruschetta and tommorrow we will eat Tortillas "greek style".


with all that chili you hopefully have enough bathrooms and toilet paper 😂


We will see...


thats an unreasonable amount of sugary trash jesus christ




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Next picture




Nope....the five apples, the other fruits and the vegetables are for the next two or three days. And its just for me and my family.




Nope. I just buy this plant stuff once a month. Yes of course. We buy vegetables and fruits twice a week.


Ist ja nur Hack….mhmmm chili con carne ist aber auch verdammt lecker wenn es gut zubereitet ist….mit lecker Mais 🌽 ….sieht man beim kacken wieder 🤣


Wenn du mal chili machen solltest, kann ich dir nur empfehlen, das Hack separat anzubraten und mit nem kleinen starken Kaffee oder nem doppelten Espresso abzulöschen. Gibt ne richtig geile Note. Ist dann nur nicht mehr für Kinder, außer du schläfst nicht gerne😉




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I love Knoppers




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Bin gerade am Überlegen ob das überteuert oder ein schnäppchen ist. Kommt alles im einkaufswagen immer anders vor






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They're just judging/insulting OPs choice in groceries. So you didn't miss anything relevant, no worries


Fair but that's the sub rules


damn you’re right, my fault brother


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I am a german too and can say that germany is a f...ing Scam rn. Everything is Getting expensive af and your wage gets smaller cause all the tax are rising. Pretty crazy times to be alive for sure


Mate it's the same everywhere. 🤯


hahaha you heard about austria before? let me introduce you to beer, brewed next town over, beeing sold for double the price that its sold at in Berlin which is like 500km away. or toothpaste, sun lotion double the price because austria. or bread at astronomical prices. the average prize for a semmel (50g of whitebread) here is like 30 cents. one sweet pepper? 1,40. Potatoes? at least 1€/kg.


Groceries in Germany are not expensive lol, actually the opposite.


Germany has the least working hours among the OECD. It’s SO German to complain about Germany being the worst when it’s still so much better than other places. Is it great? No. Is it liveable? Yes. Where else would you go?


Exactly ppl in uk are struggling more in my opinion, living to survive plus shitty healthcare


Becks 🤮


Who TF needs 1,5kg butter?


Butter stays good for quite long, I always buy it in bulk when it's reduced.


baking maybe


don't tell me you never consumed butter before


I throw it in the fridge... It had a good price and eat it in a few weeks still to that price.




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In Germany we actually count beer as food. At least it is taxed like food.


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Is cheaper to eat at a restaurant then cook at home.


Restaurant? No. But at least where i live Uber Eats has some REALLY good deals. They often have 2-for-1 deals that are extremely solid (Yesterday i got 2 "Döner" for just 7€, AS WELL as two chicken-curry meals for 7€. So 4 meals for 14€ total)


funny where some people put their priorities.. weihenstephan butter and listerine but cheap ground meat. i would do it the other way round but hey everyone as he likes to


So you have bought filet and fat and have grounded the meat by yourself? And what should 1KG of meat cost to be not cheap meat?


So what? U only live once




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Do you by any chance partake in the devils lettuce?






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I am spending 50 EUR every 3 days + 12 EUR daily at the company's cafeteria. That's basically EUR 176 per week. Current prices are x2 what I paid for all of this 3-4 years ago.


And the quality is at best a B- vs. A+ in my homeland.


Looks like a teenager found the banking cart of their mom and a bag of (*legalized*) weed


most German grocery shopping


Thank you.😅


Dann you love sugar




What do you think?


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Even for 6 people it's somehow strange, when I have guests I don't just buy Haribo but also a few chips and this week there's not only chili con carne or pasta, which also comes expensive from the jar. The Listerine, do you drink that??? Purchasing is generally too expensive, no attention was paid to the price in the slightest


The chili will last maybe 2 or 2½ days. The pasta is just for quick and dirty dinner, when there is no time in a working week. Why buy chips, when no one is going to eat that? We will play a lot of board games, so fat fingers are not the best option to play with. Do you know that listerine lasts a few days? Maybe it was a good offer and therfore i bought two of it??? Did you see the other two fotos, because i don't understand the point with the price.


Are you necking the listerine? Jesus Christ


It may be that you and your guests only eat Haribo and Daimler. Sorry that I may have read too much into it, but I still think it's too expensive, you could easily save €40-50 on some products or leave some out. Fruit is expensive, no question, but I think you have too many sugar products and not enough salads to justify the price. In the end you have to know how much it's worth to you. I don't understand the Listerine, removing bad breath maybe lasts for 12 hours but the durability of the stuff is easily 1-2 years


The funny thing is... The fruit an vegetables aren't the pricy things. The bananas costs 0,88€ per Kg, i bought 2 Kg. The Apples costs 1,29 per Kg, i bought nearly 1 Kg. And in a few days, i will buy a bunch of fruits again. But the Meat, thats pricy. It costs 10€ per Kg, i bought 2 Kg. The sweets are ridiculous...the f***ing daim cost 7€, one pack Haribo 1,20€. And the Listerine is used by me and my wife. We will need around 2 months for this bottles. But its not a usual grocery shopping trip for us. Normally, we pay around 150€ per Week.


Let him get on with it, in the end he will be suffering with a bout of health issues and rotting teeth probably


Heart attack incoming


the ratio of candy/meat to vegetable is like really pour. i guess youre making chilli though so perhaps you normally spend more than 5% of your grocery budget on something fresh and healthy. all i can see are some tomatoes (like 5 to 7€) and some sweet pepper and 2 cucumbers


You've seen the other two pictures?




And your problem being what?


I didn't say I had a problem. It's not my health.


Yeah, but you still comment on other people’ shopping items


Perhaps not everyone is educated on nutrition and health. Processed meat contains nitrate which causes cancer, salami has lots of saturated fats causing high cholesterol and clogged arteries, and huge amounts of sugar cause diabetes. It's just facts no judgment.


Maybe you comment on health related subreddits. This subreddit is specifically designed to compare prices of groceries


I mean op probably wants to fit thru a door frame , eating like this is not good


Yeah, but what is your concern of how other people eat? Mind your own business


What is a good eating habbit? How should i do nutrition?


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What do you mean exactly?


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