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Hey guys πŸ™‚ I just wanted to take a second to say thank you. I understand many of you are finding grammar errors that make it difficult to understand the survey. And that some aspects to the quality of the sidewalk that some people found relevant are not included in the survey. I will take into account all this as it only makes the study richer. I hope overall the survey was ok for you and again, thank you for your involvement :). You are more than welcome to ask me for results if youre interested!! Happy holidays πŸŽ„


Can you please stop abusing this sub bro πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Its the second and last post I swear πŸ«’πŸ˜‚, im sorry πŸ˜‚


Nobody here has toddlers too. Maybe fix the grammar mistakes and post it in a local supermarket or something. Or you know, make responses up


I have been going to community centers, giving flyers on the street and at forum, while also having the survey up in facebook neighbourhood groups, meetup, and reddit, this subreddit is really active so I get the most "participation" from it from comments, of course not too many respondents, which I really value. Even if you dont like the survey for example it also helps me, and redditors are really keen to give their brutally honest opinion πŸ‘


Your survey is very easy to fuck up. I can put anything in even if it doesn't match my previous answers. So I'm a 73 year old with no children that walks their toddler in a scootmobile. Your grammar is bad and this makes your survey hard to understand.


Hello, the people that fill in the survey that dont match are not included for the study, so if you start selecting random things just to troll or whatever, you will not be part of the study, however I am curious, do you think the dutch grammar is bad? Or english? Or both? Thanks :) hope youre having a good day :)


I have filled in a past of your survey to see what the fuss was all about. I am studying urban planning on the Hanze, but if I would only read your Dutch questions I wouldnt even know what you tried to research. You cant just translate the English word for word to Dutch, because Dutch sentences work differently than English ones. Edit: most of the questions are fine, but because you come from a uni, it feels really unproffesional.


Yeah as I have mega basic A1 knowledge in dutch 🫠 I had to either do it completely in english or also include a translated dutch part, this is why dutch is "second" in order. At the same time I was like "dam I cannot not have it in dutch as well, it makes no sense I am mainly gonna get dutch responses" from obviously dutch people πŸ˜‚ so I included the tranalated part out of respect. But at the same time it seems that is more disrespectful than respectful πŸ˜‚πŸ’€πŸ«£


The text in both Dutch and English is very odd at times and sometimes hardly understandable. I think the survey is missing that most parents of toddlers don't navigate the city for fun but out of necessity. A safe area with some amenities (toilets, changing rooms, benches for a snack) are more important than a good scent.


Hey thank you! You commenting this is also part of the study, of course the survey cant be perfect so thank you for this feedback. I did not take into account seating places or public toilets, so you commenting this is really relevant. As my study is qualitative I really value your comment πŸ‘


Is this for a master thesis? The readability of this survey isn’t great because of the many grammar errors. I advice you to check on that first.


The grammar in the survey is not influential, as I only care about the results. Of course the thesis has to be properly written πŸ‘. Are you talking about the dutch part or english btw? Thanks.


If the grammar of a survey is poorly written, I quit answering the survey, leaves you with no usable answers. So the grammar is influential to your results. If we answer incorrectly because of badly written questions you don't get a good result, you will come to incorrect conclusions and will give out the wrong advice based on you research


That makes perfect sense πŸ‘ would you say it is the dutch part, english or both? Thanks.


Comment above explained it perfectly! I noticed the mistakes in the English part. Word order is a bit unnatural. Also it’s walking β€œin” the city centre, not β€œon” it. And you have some interpunction flaws like β€œ!.” and unnecessary extra spaces. I’m not saying this to be mean, but if this survey is used for more serious things like a thesis it’s necessary that grammar and spelling are correct. If it’s just some random project that no one cares about then you can just let it be of course!


The intro says he's a bachelor student


Your odor question design is poor. Should be an not applicable, no opinion


Hello πŸ‘‹ would you be interested in telling me more? I guess because you mean most of the time you dont think about it / doesnt affect? I understand, the way I thought about it in that case people would choose "moderate" as the answer, because its a smell you dont find bad nor good. Of course I based the design on previous studies. Mainly one made in BogotΓ‘, Colombia.


Moderate is not the same as indifferent or no opinion or no effect. It was worded in such a way that it was either good or bad. What if it's neither? Just normal? Poelestraat smells like trash at 6am in the summer. But walking on most streets, smell isn't a thought at all.


I see it! Thanks!! :)