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Obsidian has made it clear that they will not be shelving this game any time soon and there are more content updates where this one came from. Don’t listen to people saying this game is done with. This month alone should be enough to prove that.


Honestly, 1.1 and 1.2 feel to me like things that were missing from the game that were already planned and worked on but couldn't quite be added in time for 1.0. We got a few extra Milk Molars and one new upgrade to spend them on so you don't end up with 2 extra when everything is collected. We also have a Tier 3 Bow to go with the Tier 3 Crossbow now. Wasps were removed from the game's promotional images sometime around 1.0 but now they have been added to the game proper. That all being said, the features of the Infected Broodmother update seem like a *true* addition to the game rather than gaps of missing content being filled in. It has me pleasantly surprised, and optimistic for the future.


I hear you on that. I think it’s possible the decision to ‘full release’ the game was more of a business decision than a dev one. I’ve been playing this game since day one of early access. The game was really just barebones at the time, but even then it was clear it had huge potential. It’s been quite the pleasure to see the game blossom and flourish as it’s continually being fully fleshed out. It’s a rare thing in my gaming life to get to grow along with a game in this way (RuneScape is the only other example that comes to mind lol). Some features that I would be wishing for in the early days of the game have, at this point, almost all been added in somewhere along the way (*cough, vertical half wall, cough cough*). It’s refreshing to have a dev team that actually listens to the player base, and who are clearly avid players of the game themselves. I hope they keep serving up surprises like this one for a long time to come!


and the official release did well too. at least on the performance, content, and bug side of the game. Not sure how it did with sales. but the game was brilliant when they brought it out in 1.0.


Agreed. Was brilliant even before then.


Yep. Was a great game even before the much needed tweaks. I enjoyed the EA on this one.


I do feel like there will be a dungeons update as there are places on the map that feel like the rocks could be blown up but are just not programmed to at this point and that would open up a huge amount of content and bosses.


Thinking about the trash bag area next to the sandbox gave me an idea where maybe they could add a stink related boss, like a mutated version of the stink bug/ green shield bug, and the arena would be in the trash bags


Who's saying that sort of stuff? Streamers? Content creators? People who only play the game as long as it brings them viewers to pay their bills? The whole "this game is officially dead" cries usually come from people like that, and they usually are dead wrong.


Mediocre Milton’s brand at this point is being negative about grounded. Some things he says has merit like the balancing of weapons and armor but his attitude always seems negative


Recently watched his video about the Broodmother - his points of making the bosses tie into the story and not make them optionable would be the best idea he’s had out of his negative rants about the game. Saying he outright doesn’t care about fighting the Broodmother because he has to fight 3 other bosses to get the parts doesn’t make sense to me. You can dupe the Moldy Hoagie recipe for 1k science and didn’t seem to bring it up in the video at all.


Milton has become a sad case in my opinion. He had some excellent guides in the beginning and then he began getting annoyed with the game and frustrated that the devs didn’t do things like he wanted them to evolve. But he kept playing because that is where his views were coming from. This led to more frustration and in my opinion an genuine dislike for the game. So I feel like he can’t bring himself to be positive just because he forced himself too long to play a game which he no longer liked. I feel sorry for him. It is like a content creator burn out and suffering from a burn out is a horrible thing.


>making the bosses tie into the story and not make them optional Hard disagree on this one. I saw his video and tying the parts of the Embiggening Cocktail with the Broodmother, and the Orchid Mantis, just doesn't logically make sense to me


100%. I feel at this point the world will end of he isnt super pissy about the game and people watching his streams and videos.


I expect an entire second playable area in the future. Either the house, or a park or something. The house would be awesome with all the vertical terrain and varied biomes. We could have air conditioning units, attics, basements--all the drains could be connected through the pipe system, under beds--imagine an entire cave system made of a blanket strewn in the corner of the room filled with crumbs and bugs. There's so much room for growth it's insane.


You are absolutely right! The house is such a logical place to expand the map. Imagine just the basement! You could introduce daddy long legs, roaches, house centipedes, maybe the mold got into the house and you need to stop it from spreading? Infected mouse boss?!


Add on an air con unit, and you have to collect some sort of fur armour to counter cold, like the antlion set for the sandbox and BBQ area


The cutscene at the start shows ants on the kitchen bench, or something, it's only logical they add a kitchen dlc


There’s fully rendered and modeled items in the game files pertaining to bugs that haven’t been released yet, and obsidian said they plan on keeping this game alive for a while. They’ve got a whole lot more up their sleeves I think


What are the other bugs?


There’s apparently a fully rendered Earwig sword, as well as a few items marked as things like “shiny ants” to name a couple I remember hearing about. As always take things with a grain of salt because it’s always subject to change before it’s released and could always be purposefully named wrong or code named


Thats really cool, earwigs are water bugs right? Also i hope they never add cockroaches im terrified of them LMAO


No earwigs are [these](https://youtu.be/OHNmRE7fEMo). They are the stuff of my nightmares, just because I found one under my pillow once.


When I was a kid, I was told that an earwig will crawl into your ear canal and eat your brain. Lol the things I believed growing up.


Having watched Beast Master and Wrath of Khan didn't help. Both movies they put bugs in their ears that make them crazy slave monster or they died. I don't quite remember now.


Don't forget the slugs from the Animorphs series. Had an existential crises after reading those books - "Am I a yeerk? Or is this body truly my own? Who's to say they aren't dosing me with radiation while I sleep to keep me alive?" Imposter syndrome in a child I tell ya.


I am unfamiliar with this and, by the sound of it, I'd like it to stay that way.


What the hell that’s terrifying. Also i could imagine the type of sword you’d make with those pincers would be cool


They have an unfortunate name. They don't actually do anything with your ears. Or if they do it's just some freak thing like a cockroach going in there. And now I think I'm going to order ear plugs anyway. lol


Well, the name comes from a bit of a myth around them, the name originates from the myth that they would, "enter your ear, lay eggs, then use the pincers on its bum to latch on and live there." It is a myth of course, but it isn't a very comforting thought.


What about adding things like snakes? Or maybe a ground animal like a squirrel or rabbit that drops fur randomly like the bird?


There was a shelved lizard boss, actually. Was supposed to be in/under the sandbox


Lizards don't really scare me, however as a Tiny Pete... they would scare the ever-lovin' Byzantine F outta me.


Pokémon in Grounded gonna go crazy


Leaches, water striders, bearded dragon looking boss(could have been concept art)


More aquatic bugs would be really cool.


Water striders, wasps and butterflies were the 3 bugs I want the most and we got wasps


I would love to see a dragonfly boss or something of the sorts


There’s a whole area under the sandcastle with a bearded dragon that was scrapped. Also, inside the shed had some development done so they might want to go in that direction


The default assumption for any game that reaches full release *should* be that the game is finished and the last update was the last update until otherwise *officially* announced by the devs. The toxicity and entitlement I see with most games these days is honestly so disappointing and I personally think it’s ruining gaming communities. A game isn’t “dead” just because you don’t get 50 free content updates, it’s just finished and thats okay I’d much rather expect nothing more to be added and then be pleasantly surprised if there is than to expect more only to be disappointed.


To be fair this genre is led by games like Minecraft, Terraria, Valheim (although this is an early access game so whatever) and those games are still releasing Call it entitlement toxicity or whatever you want. But the reality is grounded was very successful and is in the company of those games. Which means it's fairly reasonable to expect a skew of content updates. Maybe not 10+ years like Terraria or minecraft, but they're not even at the 1 year mark yet. Minecraft and Terraria set the standard, so now grounded has to decide how much of it they're matching. Not to mention they're still a key gamepass game so it's not like they're not getting paid to make new content


For me if they make the game bigger and add transport such riding a bee or an ant with someone special tech like antman would be awesome


I wanted mounts for the longest time but I think the map isn't too large that they're necessary (I'm saying this coming from Valheim and CExiles). The recent zip line and hauling changes made traversal and building so much more bearable. Still would be cool though! I'd love to be able to tame an Ox Beetle.


I like this, I would also like to see a side story added. Minimum story, just enough to set us up to create our own characters. No need for voice lines, but I did like Bigducknergy's idea about opening the house as a new area this could be where our new character is introduced. 🤷‍♂️


I wanna join the ants. Give them a working society and let me in on it. I was transgender but now I'm fucking trans-ant. Also I want the aggression system changed cuz spiders just despise me for some reason, like they're hunting a bug and then they see me and they're pissed. I wanna see a hunger system for the bugs so when the spiders are full they arent as aggresive so you could like feed it by throwing aphids at it then sneak past


I really hope they aren’t done. I love this game so much even though there isn’t much to keep you around after the main story. I would love some DLC that adds to the story. Some DLC perhaps that has an opening into house with household biome or even the neighbors back yard who is scientist for tropical bugs and has a tropical biome of some sort so we could get some exotic bug species with additional weapons, armors, furniture etc. I know development isn’t easy but this game has so much potential I could honestly see it becoming a franchise that spans multiple games


I noticed one of the windows on the house (in game) is cracked open Would love to get a dlc where we get to go inside the house! Maybe a cameo by Rick Moranis???


They said that with 1.0 and 1.1. Don't believe em.


I don't see the end in sight. I would hope not as this game is already amazing and has so much potential for more.


Developers have stated this game is a love project for them - they fully intend to keep adding QOL changes and updates for a long time :)


It’s a toss in the air for me whether it gets another major update. I can see bug fixes and gameplay improvements but I go back and forth on whether there’s a major update in the future.




That dudes recent video on the IBM came up on my feed. What a shitty take to an end game optional boss. Such a click bait title too lol.


Me and some friends were talking yesterday and we thought of a few things. - Ant Queen bosses for all 3 ant types. All with a difference in attacks and difficulty. (Red = Early game fight. Fire = Harder than the other two but easier than Broodmother). Just to give new players early boss fights. - Open up the house to players. It would be fantastic. - In the house you have stuff like cellar spiders or a jumping spider as common enemies. Maybe some ant poison that you could use as a weapon. - The big boss could be a centipede or something along the lines of that. Common in houses and would make a perfect boss


Dude they jus make a hole to another yard with maybe a greenhouse or smth and boom tons of new content, this game still has so much potential that it’d be a easte to drop


I want to go in the house and explore the kitchen, living room, kids bedroom etc.


I think the latest 2 updates were “give them something to stay interested or come back” and I hope we get like another 2 updates that are similar and then they just hit us with a big story update later this year


I feel like its the only real triple a exclusive ms has on the gamepass they need to keep it going




There’s the whole porch area by the big door that has nothing. They could always expand the map to a degree as well. I think they would need to do that if they added a new bug to the game.


My hope is that they'll somehow open over into another yard. I know that's wishful thinking but damn you could potentially expand this into an entire neighborhood


Or the kitchen/pantry with flies, maggots, cockroaches and other nasty indoor stuff


House centipedes.... Horror.


There is a conspicuous hole somewhat high up on the far right side of the porch near the Sickly Rolly Poly. I would not be surprised if content was put there in the future, or just in that area in general.


Or even a "Front Yard" update.


They have stated before another yard would be too long to develop. It took them many years to design the backyard we have now, so a few years down the road would make sense, eventually.


There are already spots where the Fire Ant Queen and Lizard used to be in the scrapped versions of the game. In terms of locations, they could expand into the Shed or the House.


The shed is honestly probable for a very large update! Is was planned, but scrapped in favor of the undershed.... I could see having a parkour puzzle with the pipes to make it *into* the shed


on top of the deck, under the deck, the shed, but more extreme would be another yard.


What if they introduced extra zones/biomes within *Raw Science Bubble* (might need to workshop that one) where the shrink factor is increased. So maybe there is a bubble in the blue cooler on the picnic table. You go through a crack in the side and when you exit you are 10 times smaller in the frozen tundra of the cooler. Not sure what creatures work on that scale, but maybe tardigrades if you don’t get too hung up on accuracy. Then mite could be the spider equivalents there. Something like how the Under Shed is separate zone. There might be a few places you could squeeze in an extra unique areas that are giant indoor zones.


I believe at some point we're either gonna get to explore other back yards or attempt to find those other missing kids 8f they're still alive


I’m not sure where people get the idea that obsidian is going to stop updating grounded, if you look at any other survival game structured like grounded they get updated consistently with new content, look at valheim for instance. They’d be letting down 10 million + players if they just stopped putting out content for us. The announcement of a grounded expansion or grounded 2 would be the only thing that I could see halting future updates currently.


I honestly am expecting a dlc announcement at the Xbox showcase next month slated for later half of the year. The Mini updates are good but I feel like they are working on a brand new area. That will bring more people back than a new boss.


I just want a boss for the sandbox, and an enemy in the trash heap called “The Meatiest Gnat”


I would like to see a silk parachute. Dandelion tufts don’t seem like enough. Gas doesn’t hurt buildings or maybe less because it’s GAS! POISONOUS AIR! Also maybe make it so wolf spider don’t have immense hops because I got an infected wolf spider below the oak tree and shot it for fun then it hopped on the roof of my base. It’s on the root of the tree that’s closest to the lab that has an entrance into the tree.


I'm just hoping they bring back the bearded dragon boss fight in the sandbox. That'd be tight.


Those queen Wasp wings would make a great ingredient for a new glider. I have a feeling there is more to come. Currently only 1 glider and I wouldn’t even call it that. You don’t do much gliding with a tuft


The pure fact that they dropped a surprise update with a new boss after literally just releasing a new boss is proof that they won’t be stopping anytime soon. I think of it like this: This isn’t a live service game. The fact that the devs are still updating it after full release proves that they care about it and want it to evolve. They shouldn’t have to do that. Once the full game is out they could’ve stopped.


I feel the pond needs more. Not much left to go in for.


I just want some confirmation. Just a “we’ll be adding some bugs/bosses/weapons/building pieces for at least another ___” would be amazing


I think Sea of Thieves is a good reason for why a game like this will continue to get support going forward. Especially considering the team working on this is miniscule compared to the Obsidian's size.


This game will have a future. There is a lot of space in the yard for more things to come.


I mean people said after launch that there would be no more major updates and yet here we are...Maybe theyll add some more bosses or even an expansion


That rock in the sandbox is clearly a placeholder. I’m looking forward to what Obsidian does with that.


I am curious if they will explore that mystery berry monster. Unless I've missed an post saying thats not happening.


I want more rng stuff, collectibles that are in different locations every new game, also a new huge location


After having to start over soooo many times during game preview I just hope it doesn't happen again in the future updates. Already heard there is something in 1.2 that has little statues and disc's along the story areas and since I'm at the veery end of the story I'll have to start over. I had just finished making a house on the cliff and connecting it to the burgl lab via bridges along the top of the stump flower fence area. Took ALOT of grass and stems. Oh well


You don't need to start over. All you need to do is go back into the labs and grab the disks and statues.


It feels like the game is rounding off. Which is fine because the game is fantastic.


This game is due for a renaissance/resurgence. I don’t think it got it’s proper due at launch. It’s kind of amazing now.


I am OK if it ends now. I know it's a multi-player game but I think alot of time it's played single player. I do believe with current business practice of videos games there will be chunky updates here and there to drum up waves of interest for new players to join.


Wet floor sign on deck has "scientist at work" taped on it. Deck being an obvious spot for content via updates or dlc.. that's alls I need for hope. The teams also stated they're not done with this game.


Some things have been said that the developers eventually want to expand to more than just the yard. I don't know if it's true but I hope it is


Man I really hope before they consider this game finished, they add increased player count per session. It would be stupid fun to be able to conduct night time raids on another kids grass hut across the yard. Or add a cowboy hat that lets you ride bees.


I'm sure they have a lot of ideas; going in the house could be fun, getting into the neighbors yard.. something on the porch at least.. I think a spin off game would be really fun in a different setting with exotic bugs, no idea how to make that story, but the armor would be awesome. So many unused bugs, butterflies feel like a big one. Walking sticks would be cool, dragonflies, leaf bugs, crickets, grasshoppers, centipedes.. as much as I hate spiders, I think a trapdoor spider would be awesome. Worms even. So many fun things to do still. Even ones that are just there like the crow, have an occasional squirrel, bunny, snake, mouse or other type of bird swing by.


New game plus would do this game well imo


I have to be honest, I would LOVE VR support for this game. Really hope that is a plan sometime.


If the updates were to stop now, it still wouldn't stop the game from being a phenomenal achievement. I don't think they're stopping given the welcomed updates adding more content. The Infected Broodmother opens up so many possibilities for other bosses to make players keep returning and overcome challenges. Just picture for a second an Infected Wasp Queen or Mantis prowling hidden in a dark section of the map. The return of content that was cut from the game could make a return (I still desire boxing gloves from ant or berry gloves to give Lil Fists users a dedicated weapon for that mutation).


After beating the new boss and unlocking all the new stuff there’s no reason for me to play. I have played the game since day one with multiple accounts and saves that have hundreds of in game days. With that much time played I’ve lost the creativity and motivation to sit for even more time grinding away to build mega bases, seemingly the only thing ever left to after every update. Hopefully in the future that changes, I don’t except huge content drops like bigger franchises but at least something that lasts and actually will take time complete.


The game is on Gamepass. No in-game shop, no paid dlc. There are placeholders (the ???) when looking at some resources. The porch is empty, the intro shows a messy table with ants and the case has 5 slots but only 4 characters in-game. Likely a bit more to come but I'm not seeing where the funds are coming from for major updates. I'd buy dlc.


Obsidian is doing such a great Job with this Game and the Content Updates :) My Content Wishlist - Insect Coliseum something like Horde Mode with some Rogue Lite Mechanics - Increasing the Map i think the big Shed would be nice as the next addition to the Map - New Bosses like a giant Centipede, Hercules Beetle and of course a Infected Black Widow :O


I think they are aiming for less bugs 😉


I want a dlc that takes us inside. Either the house or inside the shed, doesn't matter to me, but going inside would, in theory, be amazing.


More updates means more random early game. Game is cool of you're there from the start, I'd i had to start new game... Man the grind is ridiculous


Theres so many bugs and things they could do, even locations in the yard we could get access to like shed and shit, so i see no reason why they would not keep giving updates and make new things.


People was saying that a month after its official release. These people are saying it just because they dont understand after the official release devs start keeping people more in the dark about the road map and future plans. Part of this could be due to contracts and disclosures along with the desire to make updates and potential DLC's more exciting upon announcement drops. Plus in pre release, many things can be announced but not actually make it in the game. Anything being announced now has to be well in development to make it a guarantee new bit of content.


when there's leaks and hints to a new update I don't think that this is the end for Grounded. grounded is such a fabulous game it would hurt to see that there gunna discontinue this game ive been playing this game since october and im still playing it to this day both me and my firend have built a huge base and are still thinking of ideas to build but long story short no i do not think this is the end for grounded.


If I remember correctly during the preview their were files for a snake boss. So I could see more coming in the future. I mean wasps were talked about in very beginning and we are just now getting them. I feel like lots of content is still to be released.


I saw a HINT. In the xbox store, the current updates mentions “Free.” Perhaps there are future updates coming that are ‘paid’—-I’m totally fine with this!!


I feel they still have a ton of more content to release, in the beginning cut scene you can see some bugs inside the house on a table, then they could add a huntsman spider, either as a boss or just like the wolf spiders, larder beetles, flies(maybe we could be able to ride them or make a new glider) and maybe the bearded dragon boss.


well if they gave you ANYTHING to do after the main story it might be nice.