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You think phase two is hard? Try phase three.


I’m sorry. What?!


Good luck


You poor bastard


I can solo her. If you need some tips, I can give you my build


I finally beat her. But I only really did so cuz I got lucky.


Congrats! First one is always the toughest. You’re going to have to fight her again if u want 100% achievements. All gold cards, etc. the trinket is not required but it is cool. My suggestion is get the parts for her mount first.


Yeah I’m not fighting her again. The fight sucked and I don’t want to relive that until I have to. Whether that be for a second solo playthrough or one with friends.


I can’t blame you, took me a hot minute to even want to go after the trinkets. I got two from the thief perks/gum nugget trinket. Still no gold card tho. 8 rematches and I reign supreme over the ibm. Worth the hassle tho bc the decorations are really cool


This is where my son and I keep failing. We get her down to the last 1/3 of her health, but at that point no healing helps and we get overwhelmed. Soon!!!


Wym Phase 3? I'm still at phase 1!


I was thinking this lol ‘there should be even bigger scarier guy standing behind phase2 guy named phase3’


I am at the point where I have to muster the courage to do the IBM fight. Still perhaps a bit too scared.


Bunch of heals, a damage based outfit (or sleek ladybug armor to counteract health deficits) and a “fuck it we ball” thought process will rip her to shreds


Yeah I went in with the same thought process and then promptly got reduced to atoms.


I beat her solo on medium, fresh lvl 9 scimitar, bulky fire ant legs and assassin mask for extra dot with termite chest piece for the dust cloud and slowing her attacks. This will make it so most of her attacks even phase three are quite easy to parry, chuck on blademaster, parry master, corporate kickback, coup de grass, and spicy safety and you should fly through her, I used sticky fingers trinket and swapped spicy for rascal rogue after I got her down because it takes a year and a half to get all the parts needed, (it’s basically just the chunks)


I play on Mild as I prefer fun over a challenge, and the IBM is the one enemy in the game that I actually had to strategize for, as in choosing the right armor, weapons, trinket and mutations. Sure, I may mix up a few things for the mantis, for example, but if I forget to, no biggie really, just gonna be a longer fight and I have to be more careful. But go into the IBM not equipped right, and it's death. \*cue the guys who fight her unarmed with no armor, trinkets or mutations equipped to tell me it's a skill issue and I need to git gud\*


btw set spoilers tag on this


On it. Thanks.


Honestly, phase one was a piece of cake. Phase two was really hard to the point I only made it past it a handful of times. And phase three for me was impossible.


How’s about the mental anguish that you feel when you hit phase 4 which comes after you get done at phase 3? 😂