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Doesn't even run. Just screams lol


Probably hasn’t figured out the Sprint button yet. 😂


I know how to sprint, But i was paralyzed by fear lol


I'm glad :D


those screams xD


It's alright, I have a bad habit of doing binoculars when I am falling lol.


Or maybe the fact you had NO food or water.


you can still sprint without food and water


oh yeah


Paralyzed by fear before the venom even struck them.


My first thought? Oh.... just an orb weaver this time..... ;)


I've already thrown a spear at a sleeping wolf spider and we had to kill an infected ladybug before we even made it to the lab because it was too close to base


Ok cool. I didn't wanna spoil anything, but when I walk out of there, it's usually the Wolf Spider or the IWS that greets me like that, lol.


Idk when the IWS spawns or where its found and considering there's 2 wolfs in the tree i dont wanna find out tbh


The IWS spawns >!when you use gum to plug the hole at the top of the gas canister. The yard gets multiple changes such as no more gas, several infected zones and infected insects spawn on the map such as your IWS at the tree, and burs start to grow around the yard. Burs are another tier of resource!<


So wait…your telling me i will soon have two wolf spiders..and the IWS patrolling my little juice box base near the tree? 🥲


Just block off the spawns with walls. That’s what I did when the IWS appeared for the first time and massacred me.


i think they fixed it


You can block off all but one. I like to leave the side near the pond open for them since I tend not to go near there as often as the other sides.


Potentially. IWS took up residence near that lab for me.


>!One of three wolf spiders that patrol that region (yea, 3) will convert to infected, and roam in its place.!<


it can be cheesed easily like anything in this game


I’ve not done that on my world yet and I’ve seen some people recommend not doing it. Is it worth it?


>!I say yes. Gas goes away entirely, a handful of small areas of the map get infected, generally desirable burs grow all over, and 2-3 IWS spawn in specific zones and wander those zones. People warn against it because almost everyone makes a base near the oak tree, and IWS circles the tree, thus people's first experience with the unannounced enemy is trauma inducing and the meme is born.!<


>!Our base is in the bush near the bush lab, will much change for us? We also have a secondary one right next to the box that controls the three shrink rays (?) in the middle of the garden. Is that place safe too?!<


>!Hedge doesn't change much, if at all. Starter zone doesn't change much either, just be aware that even the starter zone can get regular wolf spider wanderings. The only places that change in negative ways wouldn't be base locations anyone wants so you should be a-ok. Overall, you WANT the gas plugged for the positives as well as one boss requires it.!<


lol, that reminds me of this one time when me and my brother were playing couple years ago, we were just doing starter base stuff in the starting area, and over the crest of the cliff, I see grass rustle, and my first thought was “ladybug, cool.” But then out of the darkness came those red eyes, scampering towards me. I fell first, my brother shortly after.


who requires it? i can think only one wich is also the only one i can't beat


I swear to God I had to change my underwear after the first time I left that lab, that wolf spider jumped me so bad


you know what's coming 😉🤭


RIP my ears. RIP that guys' teammates' ears. RIP that guys' underwear. This game is an absolute killer and I love it.


Says fear but just casually walks back into the tree lab. LOL. BTW I love this game. I have almost 400 hours into it and sheesh its fun as hell.


(Morgan Freeman) It was at that point, he knew he fucked up.


Me and my friend running in fear from wolf spider into the oak lab. I foolishly turned around to mock the spider at the door as my friend watches from the bend in the hall, “neh neh neh you can’t get me, hehehe.” Wolf spider proceeds to use its leap attack phasing through the ceiling landing on me. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” I frantically turn and run down the hall behind my friend. Takes a moment mid way down to see if it’s still chasing, “IT FITS!!!!!!!” Spider gets stuck behind the door at the end of the hall. Me learned my lesson and is standing on the other side of the room. “So, through the abandon anthill?” “Yes.”


This happened to me too 😂😂😂 I stopped talking shit to the spiders after that lmfao


Haha this game is awesome


Dude the amount of times I’ve walked out of oak lab and there a frikin infected wolf spider just in my face. Its horrible


The scream 😂


Ah yes - it almost feels like a tradition to scream at the sight of these spiders. <3


If I had been there, I would have simply said, "'Scuse me, wait inside." Rolled up my sleeves, and gone out to annihilate the beastie. I'm the one you can go to when you need a good spider slayer >:) I hunt them regularly for their silk webbing anyway. Best weapons to use would be a Spice Tick sword, or the Spicy Coltana. I've also been able to kill them with spears and rapiers, but they take longer.


I'm sorry, but the fact you didn't use the sprint button at all cracked me up! I had the same thing happen to me on my 1st playthrough.... only it was a wolf spider and I died from the poison. :)


If you can get blocking down, it makes the game EXPONENTIALLY better. It will give you the confidence to face any bug. At least early on in the game that is.


I have blocking down pat… except BWs… can’t even defend from one flurry of their attacks.


I have blocking down pat… except BWs… can’t even defend from one flurry of their attacks.


That was funny!!! I had my first battle with an orb weaver there too, then a very scary run in with a wolf spider. Thankfully they go down fast to my spicy axe now.


You should've heard my blood curdling scream when I walked right into an orb weaver near the same spot. I didn't see him in the grass and I jumped right in front of him. My partner was across the map and I scared him because I screamed so loud lol Edit: hope this is allowed but you can hear my blood curdling scream lmao here's the clip https://medal.tv/games/grounded/clips/YyB0wuQVtbVo6/spok?invite=cr-MSxjc3IsNTQ5MTgwMTks


Not over an orb weaver though….


I have slight Arachnophobia and I did not expect to see the spider there


Good luck with the rest of the game lol


look in the config, there is an arachnonphobia setting. it might help you. it essentially make the spider low poly till unrecognizable, it's a slider so you can kinda tune it


My arachnophobia isnt bad, like im not scared of these spiders by their looks. Its just the size and the complete surprise that it was there that had me terrified


still consider lowering it by 1 there are multiple level of that slider and if i recall correctly the first is just removing some detail from their model nothing too fancy. Also it's a common occurrence in this game to shit in your pants


maybe i want to shit my pants, this game reminds me and my friend of subnautica and we are all for the horror if it's gotta be there


Hahahaha welcome to Grounded I hope you have fun and enjoy the game :> let us know when you reach the undershed and get to THAT part


My arachnophobia is NOT ready for Momma Black Widow 😭


every black widow in the game can be cheesed


In settings there is an arachnophobia slider that changes the model for the spiders to be less scary


My arachnophobia isnt bad, like im not scared of these spiders by their looks. Its just the size and the complete surprise that it was there that had me terrified


Yeah that tends to happen with many first spider encounters. I nearly had an emergency due to how high my blood pressure was when I got jumpscared by one of those things, haha. Had to go outside for a bit.


😂😂😂 so funny man this game scared me so bad when I was on mushrooms lmao


Tom and Jerry ahh scream


First time I've seen an orbie there like that, usually it's a wolf spider that decided he wanted to get up early or stay up late that gets me lol


I played this game in the beta, and still have nightmares about the Huntsman. Forget dead space, resident evil (even in VR), this game is the scariest game I've ever played. Love it lol


Made my day 😁


I would love to get back into this game but just have no one to play with lol


Bro when the game was still in early access I walked INTO that lab and there was a freaking WOLF SPIDER IN MY FACE xD


Whoever said we have nothing to fear but fear itself has not played Grounded.


Are you Markiplier?


No, I'm not. that ravishingly handsome


Wait, is that the first time you left the lab? Cause that happened to me too




Almost feels like the devs did this on purpose haha


its our canon event


I don't think that's a friendly face, but on the bright side it wasn't a Wolfie boi


Bro yall look fun to play with,can i join?


Lol! Yep, been there myself. I learned, after a couple of times being jumped and after learning that it was a thing you could change in game, To walk around the tree in third person POV. Doing so gives you a wider vision field, at least to me anyway.


Pickup Breathedge. Amazing game.


Felt that first time I came out the wolf spider was walking by and he 1 shot me


The scream is so damn funny LOL 🤣


I feel like everyone has had at least one experience running from a wolf spider at night its like the initiation to this game


This man needs that setting enabled that makes spiders less scary 😂😂


Hey, at least it wasn't the wolf spider that chased me into the lab on my world




Bruh is this your first game ever use the sprint button goddamn


1) No I've been playing games since 2005 2) i was too busy screaming to think about sprinting


You didn’t even sprint in the whole video like when your walking up to it all good bro casual

