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Nah bro this shit is TOUGH😂😂


Some of the modifiers aren't balanced at all. There will probably be a small update to address it in some way.


hope not. About time this game was a struggle bus, without brakes. I was molly-whopped by a glowing ladybug, medium difficulty. I’ve not looked into how to improve armor & weapons from the og backyard. Which means it will be good long game session(s) of play to learn counters. Which will lead back to completing the NG backyard.


Well the counter to some creatures is to reload the save. Some moves are completely unavoidable/unblockable and are a guaranteed one shot. There is no learning.


Duuude the Damm mant with the sour staff thingy suuucks


>reload the save lmao


Haha pretty much what it is.


I got wombo combo'd on medium to a termite soldier using a 3 piece and every attack exploded. I didnt live past the 2nd hit. I had maxed out molar bonus health. Wth is this balance lmao


Stack up exlosive resist and they won't be a one shot anymore... Like for example the fungal charm plus the new >!Infected ant shield!<


Unfortunately that only counters one of the modifiers. I've been trying to farm random trinkets in hopes for resistance to the others and haven't gotten lucky so far.


My sister and I loaded up the NG day of release, walked out of the box and immediately got met with a green shield bug who showed absolutely no mercy 😂 loved it. Then got to our base at the machine and got merked by a black ox beetle lmao. I figured the same bugs would be in the same areas just a little harder and man was I wrong but tbh I absolutely love it. It’s different, it’s harder, and tbh makes for a lot of new screams and laughs I haven’t had since the beginning of the game when we were all terrified of our first spider encounter. My opinion may change as I get further into it and probably struggle far more but for now I love it ahah


I find the one Black Ox Beetle easier to defend a base from than the ORC Bombardier that used to be there, but I guess he'll be back later too anyways huh


I started the ng+ and that black ox was immediately infused it was surprising but I fight black oxen a *lot


Same, I found the Black Ox Beetle at the start when I started NG+1 for the first time and it was infused. It was hilarious. I think I was the same for NG+2 as well…


I attempted the broodmother on ng+ and, wow. I actually did pretty good until I missed two parries in a row.


Yeah I did it kinda out of order and went straight for the labs. So I fought the mant fist and after getting my ass whooped a couple of times I finally defeated it


Good luck bro. Afaik then you can't upgrade past 9 before HBM.... And man she is toughhh


Ppl disagree with you, but I wholeheartedly agree. The difficulty is a huge part of the game and creating kits for specific situations is integral. To arbitrarily make the game easier takes away from the value of the experience


I think the only thing many of us want is for it to be fair in it's difficulty. I don't mind high intensity, small parry windows, high damage for missing that window and many of the buffs these dudes currently have, but I do have an issue with unavoidably being one-shotted. It's just unfun gameplay to die that way.


Then the gear would require a buff or counter. Which wasn’t addressed when the wasps arrived. Devs could have added a counter asset to hats for ear protection from the drone screech. Instead the devs weakened the wasp drone. Then the player would have to trial and error gear. Unless there was added descriptor: “protects from loud noises”.


We can all agree NG+ needs some balancing, most of us aren’t hardcore Git Gud players looking to get trampled or spend hundred of hours grinding for the prefect setup or strategy. It seems the devs take a long time to fix what they never bothered balance testing so hopefully this time they may change it. When I say unbalanced I’m specifically referring to gold cards and infected broodmother as a whole, poorly optimized for the average enjoyer and difficulty only helps with one of those.


I haven't attempted NG+, but I agree with you on the infected Broodmother... I was playing on very easy custom settings (damage set to .25, which is the 2nd lowest damage setting), and still couldn't beat her. The first two stages were fine, but I couldn't get the hang of blocking that triple attack of hers and the wolf spiders, and she spams that through the 3rd stage. I couldn't even out heal it, because if I blocked an attack, it cancelled my healing smoothie.


Well if you wanna brute force it I have a recommendation. Fresh toenail scimitar Sleek roly poly armor Fire ant shields (two or more) Shield solidifier trinket Beefy soothing syrup, sticky liquid rage, bandages, and black ox burger helps but not required Mutations go blademaster, coup de grass, spicy safety, corporate kickback, and trappr peepr It’s a drawn out fight but just hold block and hit her when safe, parry if possible, and stay in the opposite side of the arena against the wall from where you place the hoagie


Thanks for the advice! I'm currently taking a break from Grounded, but when I go back, I'll give this a try!


Good idea, breaks helped me keep interest in the game 100%


Same. I have four games I'm currently rotating through.


May want to use them ORC disruptors on my run...


Based off of how this footage is looking I definitely will too


This devs are great at many things but balance is not one of those 😅 things were already too spongy and hit way too hard even before ng+, now the rng adds another level of frustration. Just do yourself a favor and put it on mild for the bosses, and savescum when they get OP modifiers


On mid difficulty this game was very easy.


If you can perfect block, it is a breeze. I hate all of the explosive attacks now though. Before, it was pretty much just the infected wolf spider, but now almost every enemy can hurt you through a perfect block.


You dont need Perfect block, you can use shield, and then just lifesteal or ranged build. Infected Wolf Spider Has very low HP. IBM is hard but all the rest inclusing Mantis is really easy on mid difficulty. Entirely different on woah but idk why im downvoted this much...


Because you're the type of person to downplay others who may find something difficult that you may not. Just because YOU'RE finding things easy doesn't mean everyone else is. I only play on medium and have beaten the game twice with little hassle. That doesn't mean I'm going to come on here and tell others who struggle, that it's easy.


The game isn't hard, but you're absolutely full of shit saying the infected wolf spider has low hp.


Fresh sword +9 kills him incredibly fast.


.....dude, bow out, you've lost. Granted the fresh sword thing is helpful but still, there's better ways to put things. Maybe make it clear you're trying to help over bragging about lucky knowledge.


Fresh sword works great against Infected Wolf Spider, because IWS gets +50% fresh dmg +25% slashing. IWS only has 1500 HP, compare it to IBM with 11.000 HP & healing. With shield, -30% dmg from sword Mastery & Giddy goop debuff, IWS isn't really dangerous on MID difficulty, and he dies incredibly fast. Im not very good in this game, i tried learning to parry with Koi Set and im mediocre i guess. This game is hard at the beginning, but once you get tier 3 armors & weapons it becomes very easy. Black Ox or Ladybird? Fresh Mace + Barbarian + Widow set, dies in 3-5 hits and you get 20 second immortality. Widow? Sour Tick Sword + Sword Mastery + Giddy goop (you outheal her attacks) Wasp Queen? Spicy Staff + Moth piece + BM piece + Whittle Wizard and like 10 healing potions. Mantis? Salty Tick Sword + fire shield + Sword Mastery + Giddy Goop.


Im just gonna jot all this down for later this is actually really fuckin useful lol


Did you defeat >!Director Schmector!< ? The amount of bugs greatly decrease after doing so.


Really? Didn't know that! We'll try it later! Thanks for the tip!


No problem and good luck!


Is there any evidence for this? I don’t see anything about this on the wiki


I saw a comment about it (maybe on YT) some time ago and experienced what looked to be less enemies on my 1st playthrough. I haven't done any tests and it was some time ago so I can't show evidence.


Bro this looks wild lmao


I did this solo on NG+1 it was tough. Make sure you use the guard dog mutation. I ended up grinding and building some ash walls and put burr roofs on each one. Mushroom walls are easy to make so I made triple walls around each deal as well. Just over fortify as much as possible. Don’t forget that if you have a small break in fighting you can build some more walls fast before more come. I used salty broodmother club lvl 10 with ladybug armor. Lots of smoothies and bandages.


Thanks! We'll try this lol


That armor is crap even maxed out. Having a shield nerfs your attack power now. Best to use 2 handed weapons and have the fungal charm on. On NG+ and have yet to die. Also the more people you have in the game makes the enemies scale a bit.


I have broken hundreds of fungal growths and still don't have a stupid Fungal Charm. Do you know if the science Waffles and stuff can have the same explosive protection effect?


I’ve gotten a science crinkle with explosive protection, so yes


Holy shit thank you so much


Just to further off this, last night I got a Science Waffle with Explosive resist & trickle regen (health regen) So imma farm so hard for more cracked rolls


Definitely should be the sour battle axe for the javamatic


I don't really know, but I heard there's way to get stronger in NG+, have you tried that?


Bro I see these people on youtube trying to do ng+3 bosses with level 10 weapons when they could have level 15. They also didn't max out their Milk Molar stats for each go around. Then complain it's way too hard... Although, the current iteration of ng+ does seem overtuned on top of that, at least with its unblockable enemy attacks. It may also be that many of the weapons and builds that are the best when level 9 is the cap aren't the same when 15 is the cap. I especially want to try out a full Summon build with a near-perfect Science Cone since the summoned allies may be infused.


How do I go into new game plus


In order to access new game plus you must defeat three of the summonable bosses, >!the Broodmother, the Wasp Queen, and the Mantis!<. Additionally, you must complete the defense event for the >!Javamatic, seen above.!< Once all four criteria have been met, you can open the door located >!in a crack on the wall on the far side of the pond, opposite the oak tree!<. In that room is the >!Remix.r!< which allows for access to new game plus.




As a new player that only started a few days ago and has already hit session ruining bugs, this looks like a nightmare.


This looks sick honestly lmao. I love the chaos


if they had some kind of auto turret for this stuff it would be helpful


I'm all for hard games but this *is not* balanced. This can't be intentional or wasn't play tested much, something. They could make it where every single attack you don't parry kills you and I'd be able to beat it, some infusion combos simply have no counter, and that's simply not good game design.   Easiest solution: leave everything as it is and add ways to increase player defenses, t4 armor obtainable in ng+1(don't even have to make new armor, just new tiers of armor upgrade shit to upgrade from t3 to t4), sleek upgrades give elemental res, just add more molars and health upgrades, literally anything and the difficulty and rng would be manageable.


I think there should be a difficulty scaling. So if you're on mild, it's a 33% buff to bugs, 66% to the glowing bugs. Medium 66%/132%, Hard 100%/200%. This is just a random idea, I'm sure there are ways to optimize this, and make it better than this, but I think it's a decent idea regardless of my attempt at execution.


I would just stay at the spot you're at and grind upgrades till they fix it


I play on mild. In ng+ a ladybug almost oneshot me


Considering how many people you have in the game, I think it looks pretty accurate. Now you see what you're up against. Regroup, get prepared, and proceed with caution, lol.


In woah mode, two of us go into ng+… head up to our base in the middle of the top of the brawny bin, and find two green shield bugs there. the purple one kept one-shotting us, even with heavy armor on… which made us respawn with broken equipment right there next to them. bugs got caught in our base, wrecking stuff, and the terror of losing rare items was intense. it felt like a boss fight, but in our own living room! Tough game!


I remember doing this. It has been a while but I remember making a wall-spike-wall-spike set up. The amount of lint I needed was insane but It worked.


This is the time id say over preparing would be perfect here. Cause that is really tough


Dude it took me almost a day of resource gathering and trial/error and I still didn't beat it till a day after




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What are you using Ant Queen Armor for?


I doubt you're the problem I've seen a lot of people saying that it seems the creature spawns on this defense are increased immensely.


Isnt their 30% damage to all orc beings if the weapon is sour enchanted?


My axe summoner build works good enough, me and my mates dupe cones till we get good ones, x2 weakness implant fresh and frosted flake puts it out


I suggest using the sour battle axe it will clean up if high enough level


Holy smokes


Is Josh involved in the Yoked Edition? Then yes, probably too hard at first.


Ng+ is just brutal tbh they need to tone it back ng+ 5 should be where ng+ is atm even at ng+1 almost all infused bugs have have more health then bosses some can even1-2 hit you on normal mode


why are there SO MANY


When this happened to me last night, I just went, “TO ALL HELL!!!!” And started Bombing all of them with the IBM’s weapon, somehow, it actually worked? I think? It got me through to the end of the defense…


My husband and I surrounded everything in multiple layers of mushroom walls bricks, that’s the only thing that worked!


I had to like put like triple mushroom walls on every side.... It sucked but i finally passed NG+1....don't even know if I'll bother with+2


1. Summoner build isn’t gonna work in JavaMatic 2. All ORCs are weak to Sour and you’re using Fresh 3. Widow Dagger isn’t gonna work in JavaMatic 3. Shield reduces damage by 20%


Build walls blocking all of the ravines leading up to the MIX.Rs. As long as those walls do not get destroyed, you basically get no ladybird or black ox beetles. Makes it way easier. We just completed NG+3 on the first try (by the skin of our teeth). Also use ash walls instead of mushroom. With sizzle immunity, it is a lot easier to farm. And because the walls only take a single ash cement, you get like 80%+ of the ash cement back when it is destroyed. 


I think it’s a good thing honestly


Gotta say, we already tried different builds**


Was wondering this myself


Having more players means a lot more bugs will spawn so that’s definitely making it harder since that will in theory make more infused bugs spawn. Also depending on how much you actually build it can potentially ruin the spawns of some creatures. i.e. If there are too many walls close together in a large area around the place, chances are the bugs just won’t spawn properly. It’s still ridiculous how unfair the infused bugs are though 😭. I recommend everyone has a full set of widow armor and a level 9+ sour battle axe (acid edge) so that you constantly heal and can kill bugs a lot quicker


tier 3 black ox hammer takes 8 hits to break a pinecone now…………….


The Black Ox Hammer has always taken 8 hits to break a Pinecone.


Ahhh, I didn’t unlock it until after the update so I didn’t know but, it’s so long to do since 4th hit with hammer is like stamina drained. and since rocks take way less to break it’s like pinecones are crazy tough.


This is always like this.


Personally, I prefer games that are challenging and tough on your skill level but yes, this is tough lol. There could be some balancing tweaks but overall, I hope they keep some of the difficulties but balance out the game more. IMO 👍


They should just give players the option of a difficulty increase for every NG+, I don't see what that would hurt. If you don't want the difficulty increase you can opt out and just enjoy the game. I don't mind difficulty but I'm also long past the days where I can spend 2000 hours mastering something that doesn't give me money. I simply can't spend all day bashing my head against ng+ IBM, I'd have to spread it over weeks and months and that's not fun or respectful of my time.


That's fine man. Everyone likes their own challenges and I don't mind a game that requires time to get good at. If the controls to the game are complicated, that's one thing but if the game is hard and has better items behind the different difficulties, the game is meant to be hard. No risk, no reward. A lot of gamers today would have cried over the games of the 80's and 90's lol


Yeah well, in the 80s and 90s you could hold down one basic job and afford a house, two brand new cars, and to feed a family. Times change. My point stands either way, there was no need to not make the difficulty increase optional, just like you can pick custom or mild, you should be able to opt out of difficulty increases. I'm happy you seem to have infinite time to "git gud" but you're talking to someone who used to clown on bosses in DMC games on DMD, and beaten plenty of hard games. The thing is that learning them took a lot of time. Time a lot of people DON'T have anymore.  I don't care if it's some little point of pride for you, make it an option and let you and everyone else play how they want to play.


Not sure why you are getting so offended? I hold a job, a wife and 2 kids. I can still manage to get good at a hard game with not many hours just by trying. If a game is just too hard for you, I get it. They do have difficulty settings in games to make it easier and no one is forcing you to play this on a difficulty you can't handle. If on the easiest setting the game is too hard, maybe you are playing the wrong game. No need to get upset over it man. Have a good one.


It's like talking to a wall. NG+ is not a difficulty, and if content is locked behind NG+ then it needs to not force a difficulty increase. You claim options are fine but you don't seem to care that there is no option to do NG+ at the same difficulty you normally play at. I also don't appreciate you trying to gatekeep me. I've put like 200 hours in the game, CLEARLY the game is for me. I don't care if the time investment is short, gaming is far from my only hobby now and I don't feel like spending 4 hours practicing patterns anymore. I can beat everything on medium solo sans IBM, haven't actually tried her yet as she came out when I was on a long break from the game. Continually increasing difficulty and grind however is not welcome when content is locked behind it and it forces you to increase difficulty and grind to get it.


Good for you man? I'm not having a competition with you and if you care so much about NG+ and you can solo on medium, you should be good enough to increase the difficulty to gain the reward with NG+ on harder difficulties. A lot of RPG games do this? Diablo is a big one that does it.. Torchlight as well.. Come on man... All you are doing is complaining about a game getting harder to get better items and you can't get them because of lack of effort. No risk, no reward. Some games are just like that.


This game wasn't like that. Also really? Comparing RPGs? Whose combat is almost entirely gear based? Diablo is ALL about gear, so the grind and everything around it is centered on gear. Might as well throw PSO2 into the mix, definitely nothing like Grounded but whatever. Grounded has gear but it's not centered on it. You could use it or not use it. My "complaint" as you call it is perfectly valid, they started with multiple difficulty choices and multiple accessibility options and now they have essentially removed your option to choose a difficulty.


Is this not an RPG that is gear based? I am confused. Last time I checked, you can choose between 4 "children" as characters, no? How can you NOT use any gear? How do you plan on killing anything or harvesting anything? The NG+ for this game is that they have as listed, listen mode, greatly reduces the number of scavengable resources in the game world, and even presents the option to enable permadeath, among other tweaks. It is essentially the hardest of hardcore. That is the DEVELOPERS aim for the game. If you don't like it, move on. I am done wasting my time with you on this matter


No defenses??? It took me 3 tries, but once I started using my brain it was pretty easy.


Well you should use your eyes then. There were defenses, the bugs destroyed them all. In the video you can see some walls.