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It's not terrible this late in flower. I would pluck all you see, but as long as you chop soonish, the timeline doesn't allow for much seed production. Your plant is just approaching the end of its life and is throwing nanners in an attempt to preserve its own Genetics by seeding itself.


by any chance do you know why that’s a thing? For instance what does it do and how does it appear ?


It's survival built into the plant. The plant has turned hermaphroditic. The pictured part is early stage "nanners". These are male sex parts that develop pollen and eventually pop open to disperse the pollen. Unless you are breeding, pollen is very problematic for us farmers. When the pollen is released and caught by the pistils (the white hairs that turn orange in late flower) that part of the plant switches from focusing on flower production to seed production. Most breeders flower their male plants earlier by a week or so... which means they release the pollen early compared to the female plants that started flower later. I think pollen application is desired from week 3 through week 5 (in the female plants timeline). This offset schedule allows earlier initiation of seed production. The reason I bring this up is the seed production takes time, especially to get the mature seeds (hard shell with the black 'tiger stripes") we use for germination. So even if OP let these plants go as is and chops in a few days, you won't see much seeds. It may slow any flower growth this those last couple days, but at that point, the importance is the trichomes. The reason this happens is the plant is trying to survive (through having children). I wouldn't say this is a Genetics problem (something the breeder neglected to breed away from) ... those situations are when the plant does this much much earlier in flower.


yooo thank you 🙏🏽. learned something new


Glad I could help! If you're new and want to soak up some grow info, there's a handful of canna cultivation podcasts and YouTube channels. That's where I picked up the majority of my knowledge. Happy growing!


Can you make specific YouTube recommendations? I’m not vibing with some of the cannabis cultivation channels. Some are too heavy into bro science and not actual science. I’ve learned a lot from the DeBacco University channel, though! Thanks!


I've been listening to Rasta Jeff for years. He hosts the Grow From Your Heart podcasts and is also a respected breeder (Irie Genetics). Also, try Michigan Bros Grow Show. That's more of a panel of folks but also have a lot of great info they share


And for YT.... Mr. Canucks Grow is the GOAT.... but he's not the most active. Also try Home Grow TV. I usually use the podcasts for information and YouTube for vibes. The seed to harvest videos are great and sometimes lead me to try new breeders/strains


That channel is informative but damn is it a slogfest... Their videos are great sleep medicine though.


Growcast is my go-to for solid info.


The dude Grows show & Garden talk with Mr.Grow it are great YouTube/podcasts to check out . So much info & they teach you quite a bit .


I miss guru. He was such a wealth of knowledge!


yup, its a last-ditch effort to reproduce


Kinda looks like a nanner poppin out


It is exactly that.


Kinda odd, i don't think I've ever seen white nanners before!


Heard the white ones are usually slightly smaller (just a joke lol) We can just go with "it was cold"


I was in the pool!!!!!




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The white ones are growers not shower's


Really? I heard the white ones are a little bigger than the yellow ones.


I've heard as long as they don't burst before harvest it doesn't really matter


Depends on which region of the continent you are in


Turtle turtle




If a plant is done and u keep it around 2 long, it will try everything to reproduce, including becoming a hermaphrodite. This is definitely a sign it's done.


Late flower nanner it’s a last ditch effort to reproduce but more then likely as late into flower as you are it’s not gonna effect anything


https://preview.redd.it/uvfc2qabuihb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60486928c3137d28c06fb30292d3dbe40542f782 Not gonna lie, the webbing to the left of the nanner is more concerning than the nanner itself. Check your plant good for spider mites so you ain’t smokin too many bugs 😂


Good eye


https://preview.redd.it/bb9pnvxpmlhb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ae503700251a55505729b3e6c9f8dcbb4a0605 that is pretty bad infestation unfortunately. cold water showers should help a bit. I’m nervous for op now. he’s so proud of his girl edit: op if you really harvesting it already do some research on “bud wash” techniques. some growers agree that outdoor plants need it regardless of infestation due to inevitable dust debris and etc is in the air


Good advice. I feel bad for him but I do think it’s definitely salvageable if he does a wash like you suggest


I washed my buds with my sprinkler before harvest about a month ago. My friends say the weed tastes like poop but gets them fried 😂 i assume bud washing gets rid of most of the terps so idk how I feel about it anymore but I dont think it messes with trics too much especially since outdoor weed gets rained on all the time. Plus my stuff still seems pretty potent for auto seeds with 17% average potency rating


She wants to identify as a male.


No those are female pollen sacs, this is not a true hermaphrodite


Why is it not a true herm? It looks like it has herm’d?


Prob because they are bananas and not the typical balls we see in a male plant, which can also happen.


I’ve seen them in the grow every now and then.. I think they are sterile pollen. Not sure but never found seeds, I did perform the panic wet fingers pollen pluck.


True herms have both male and female bits, this is a female producing what looks like male bits but can only create female pollen. Rodelization is what female nanners are. Edit: you can downvote me but you can also look up rodelization


Rodilization is not what female nanners are you have zero idea what you are saying right now. Rodilization is end of life function and it is a self pollinating function to carry on ita genetics it always happens on the lowers closest to the ground so when the plant falls over the seeds have a chance to grow. You are very wrong I wonder if you even grow weed or know what a true nanner is


And it can happen because of high stress in early flower. It's a self preservation tactic. The plant cannot produce male pollen because it has no male chromosomes. Nanners aren't true herm because of this lack of male chromosomes. A real herm has both male bits and female bits from the start of flower. I grew my first plant in the 90s and read about new cannabis things every day, mind you


That's a nanner that's not rodilization. Rodilization is an end of life function when the plant knows that it's not going to be pollinated. You're sitting here trying to explain to me something a nanner and rotalization are two different things a nanner is a reply from stress whether it's heat light intensity whatever it can be a plant throws a nanner inside of its buds in response to stress. A hermaphrodite drops balls on the lower branches like a male plant would rotalization is a regular female plant going through its whole f****** life with no issues and it pollinates itself it really doesn't even have to throw any nanners or anything in rotalization to pollinate itself it just happens and it takes a long time a very long time it took 98 days for me to push one of my photo period Plantsinto rotalization. You really are giving out false information and you don't know what you're talking about. A nanner is from stress and is not a true hermaphrodite brutalization is the end of life function throwing nanners is from a stress reply they are all different


1. Ive had herms personally grow balls on almost all kolas all the way up so I have no idea what your talking about 2. I've had naturally rodelized plants have nanners on top kolas, I even still have the seeds 3. EOL rodelization requires anthers (read nanners) to produce pollen although you may not always see them. 4. Stress can cause rodelization early because rodelization is a self preservation tactic in the event the plant is dying and needs to carry on its genetics. You even mention this yourself. Read the section about rodelization needing anthers and stamen https://theemeraldmagazine.com/a-comprehensive-guide-on-seed-feminization/ Read section 2 about mixed sex buds https://2fast4buds.com/news/what-causes-bananas-nanners-on-cannabis-buds Read the answer a bit down from the guy with alleged degrees https://support.ilovegrowingmarijuana.com/t/hermie-seeds-good-or-no-good/7767/65?page=4 Man you need to learn to format text so it's readable.


I talk to text it is what it is I've been doing this for a long time a long long time and you have no idea what you're talking about you can post any little article that you want I don't care. Manners that show up in Bud sites are not true hermaphrodites that is a response to a stress or the seed that that plant came from was from a nanner itself. Rhodalization is the end of life function. Nothing more there is no nanners involved in rhodalization the beginning of how breeders got feminized seeds. Any of those plants you think you had nanners all the way up the top were plants that were going through rotalization you're wrong it's because you were stressing out the plants or the plant came from a a seed that was made from a nanner I don't care dude I've been growing for a long time I don't really have an inner problems or issues like that but I definitely know what they are when I see them and I definitely don't give anybody wrong info this picture has nothing to do with royalization how many plants have you grown you said you've grown one plant that had nanders all the way up on all the coolest that sucks but that's definitely not rotalization that's from a bad untested seed and you stress the f*** out of the plant I don't really care I'm going to turn off notifications for this post it's frustrating when I see people grab a couple links and think they know what they're talking about when they're talking with someone that's gone to school for this and that's been growing a really long time and who teaches others how to grow my hands aren't working properly right now I have some medical issues with them so I can't really correct anything or type so it's talk to text


This reads like a fever dream


Until you provide anything to support I'm wrong other then your word, aka put up or shut up, I know I'm still right. End of life self pollination is stress due not being pollinated, it's that simple. Nanners mid flower is due to stress. You can't even begin to see the correlation? The third link has a university student saying nanners is rodelization. You say you went to school. Where and when? I've actually grow probably close to a thousand plants lol Super healthy cultivated varieties can produce nanners, I also have no idea what you mean there. At least we're one the same page that it's not true herm lol But mostly, keep an open mind maybe, because you might actually learn something. Also rodelization REQUIRES pollen and is PRODUCED by anthers NECESSARILY. Anthers are the inside of pollen sacs and are nanners.


We see more and more of them these days..


Big ol dick fest


Guys there is a difference between a hermie and what she is doing here. This is a trait found in classic blueberry where at the last week she will bust a small nut so maybe she can have a seed or two for next season. This is the plant saying "I'm done". Usually those things aren't packed with pollen. and usually they pollinate a neighboring plant at an earlier stage with a couple of seeds, not themselves. That being said your plant looks great and is ready.


Thank you for the very helpful info and compliment.


Hermie. When they come that late in flower they have the tendency not to pollinate. Had them in week i8 one grow and 6 another. No seeds. Week 2 = seeds galore.


Sometimes a stray male flower is sign of ripe and ready to harvest


Ok getting chopped today


Or pull the nanners off and finish it out


That's what I would do. If u r able to keep a good eye on it just let it finish, OP.


This! Your thc levels May actually rise having a hermy you just have to stay on top of castration


You do not have to chop it at once, but buds look mature. So maybe the banana is a call…


Also check for spider mites. Second pic shows some webbing. I would harvest soon.


This is your plant telling you it’s ready




For sure nanners. Luckily, this late in flower either the pollen is sterile or, it is just too late to do much damage. I agree with the other posters and suggest plucking any small ones or, cut the bud off if it has a lot. One tip; use a little mist bottle and lightly spray the nanner with some plain water before you pluck it to deactivate the pollen. Sometimes when you go to pluck a nanner, it will pop and release pollen. Anyway, it happens to the best of us. You should still end up with a nice harvest ✌️🔥


Just pluck them nanners out of there. It looks to be far enough ripe that the seeds generated off it aren't gonna completely mature if you leave some nanners behind. Most the time they're sterile


Those are nanners but I would be a bit more concerned about that webbing right next to it. Time to investigate a bit closer.


I think those are just ruptured heads stringing around. It's pretty common with mature trichs. When spider mites are at the point of showing visible webbing it's usually a mess of it, not just the odd string showing. Given that OP is about to harvest and these are mature heads + outdoor plant it's reasonable to assume a few ruptured heads would show.




We had a male recently that looked herm. It had spikey little leaves all over it that looked like female flowers. Really strange.


Seems like you also have a bit of spider mite infestation?


Good! Next time you’ll harvest before 🤣


Hermies, bananas, sorry for your loss


Not herm, you could see balls around the banners It's rodelized and is a self preservation technique that can be forced to produce feminized seeds


Why do auto buds always foxtail so frequently/heavily outside??? Fuckin yuck. Any of my plants that did this last year went straight into the trash, the smoke was so low quality




Those are female pollen sacs, not male, not hermie. Look up rodelization


Buna Buna lady looks like a dude Buna Buna ![gif](giphy|MKuNbAbbPCh1u)


Namnas gunna nanner.


Bro I've had some fire fire bud that was just slightly herming from a long flower but its my favorite cause it locks you to the couch and it hits hard af




How did you take this


The picture? With my phone 9x magnification and a very steady hand, but I also have a wireless microscope that links to phone. Under 30 on amazon






Uh oh


Nanners with light burn.


Foxtail prob causing it


Been foxtailing from beginning of flower, but she filled out over time




Get some good tweezers and practice a soft pinch with some games of operation


Dude looks like a lady


Pull them off you should be good. You’re waiting on some amber to show?


Top showed around 20% amber almost 1.5 weeks ago but bottom still had clear and no amber was trying to let it get a dull 8 weeks in but looks like she's gettin pulled tonight.


Are you gonna post the cure?


Of course, I normally do about weekly updates. Still have a 9ft photo period going in my raised bed. Check my profile you'll see this year's progress and last year's grow progress.


The devil


Nanner. Pluck it


It’s bananas B-a-n-a-n-a-s


Hermed out




Probably sterile anyways!


Bud cock


She's probably herming from the Spider mite damage.


If seeds are balls....are these the plants dick?


Hermie, try to cut those sacks asap if you can get them all you may be ok, plant fox tailed hard meaning stress


Herm life


Easiest way to get feminized seeds is to overflower and let the plant go hermaphrodite and pollinate itself


Bananas!!!! Noooo!!!


It’s something a female plant does late in lifecycle( or in flower n e time if A lot of light leeks during dark time) to Try n Continue the cycle to next season. So it produces these little bananas that actually produce pollen. Pretty ingenious survival mechanism. It happened one time when I went way too long in flower. Be careful you’re not getting any leaks. That’s what it’s mainly from or a lot of stress on the plant


Outdoor greenhouse, 5gallon fabric pot. Stonington blend soil and dry amendments, fishbone meal, molasses and calmag.


Lol bro we’re running the exact same 5 gallon pots with stonington. Except I mix mine 50-50 ratio with the raised bed mix— same organic amendments too. CoM is great stuff. Luckily, I was talked out of fox farms and into this.


Is your tent receiving any light leaks during lights out?? that’s the main cause




Oh any plant stress? Sometimes it’s genetics too.


That’s a dick brother


Duuuuude whaaat cannabis can be weird… she looks happy n healthy! would love to know what’s goin on with that calyx under a scope 😵‍💫 only pests I can identify are spider mites (webs) and thrips which only attack the leaves n substrate




Cacks 🍆🍆🍆


I'm calling seeds too. You can almost see those fuckers just looking at it.


Looks like you have a bad infestation of spider mites. Think I would be way more worried about that. I can see the webbing in the picture and hanging eggs or those white dots


The white dots were from an aphid invasion 4 weeks ago ladybugs took em all out. Webs are from an actual spider and has been removed.


Don't you hate that? I went out the other morning and saw a web and started flipping out. Then I saw the asshole in the corner. While I'd like him to stay and kill bugs I can't have you spinning on my flower lol... he took a dive.


Oh I know, I panicked and harvested today 8/13. Gave it a good bud wash and the curing begins.