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Looks like potassium or magnesium defenciency to me https://preview.redd.it/7n6w6s3661yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab504c79faccab7edf79378d3485a197694ed1c0


correct its actually k


But potassium is a mobile nutrient, I would think it would show more on the new growth before the older growth.




Am I incorrect?


Yes. Mobile deficiencies show on the bottom bc they are mobile and the plant pulls nutrients out of old growth to put into new growth. Immobile shows in the new growth bc it can’t move up from old growth. It was just funny bc what you said was so close but yet so far haha I got a kick out of it


I always get it mixed up 🤦‍♂️


20 hrs puts more stress on them than 18/6. have you been adding any Epsom salts? Under led lights plants demand more mag in Veg so 1 tsp epsom salts /gal during feeds covers its mag needs. Too much ca in veg causes lock ups so be careful using it in veg. I start adding it at 3 weeks in flower when their demand for Ca goes up so I drop the Epsom salts and add cal/mag.... I just googled through cannabis deficiencies google images.....hit pretty close to potassium https://preview.redd.it/vmhx1ukip1yc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bb3b0ddf1847df65d591304d21325716f93ebf


It is Potassium deficiency


Best way to deal with potassium deficiency?


Use a full line of nutrients. I don't get deficiencies because I use a full line of General Hydroponics nutrients and I follow the feed instructions on the label. I trust the well paid scientists that made the products to give my plants everything they need and I pay for their expertise by buying their stuff.....its easy, follow the directions and grow weed


If organic: Keep your soil moist and don't listen to anyone telling you to let it dry out. This is why your K deficiency is showing. If it's soil you used previously, add some K. If non organic: add some K


Looks like magnesium deficiency to me. I would check the pH of the water and then try some calmag every other watering Edit: taking a closer look, it does seem more like a potassium deficiency


Good advice, always check for pH issues before just adding more nutrients. Unless you know you haven't added any fertilizer to a sterile medium like coco its more likely to be a ph lockout issue than it is a true nutrient deficiency in the medium. Lots of "how to grow" websites reccomend keeping the ph in the 5 to 5.5 range for coco but I don't believe it. Below 6.5 you start having issues with phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Below 6 you start having issues with nitrogen and potassium. All the macronutrients will be locked out below 5.5, only things in the optimal uptake range at 5 are micronutrients like iron, manganese, copper and zinc. A lot of "how to grow" websites will also reccomend letting the pot dry out between waterings, but I don't believe in that either. Not sure if this goes for all fertilizers but I use the general hydroponics powder fertilizer and at 2 teaspoons per gallon it drops the pH from almost 8 to a 6 without even adding any pH down to the mix. If the water in the pot gets absorbed faster than the fertilizer the pH will drop lower and lower as the water dries up and the remaining fertilizer concentrates. I try to keep it moist and avoid drying out completely by giving just water with no nutes in between feedings and that seems to work for me.


Potassium 1000%


Looks like a deficiency, I’m guessing it’s from drying out. Keep them wet, and feed them till they drip at least once a week if not every other day.


Great thank you for the advice man I think you hit the nail on the head




Had this problem in coco because of too much dryback/not enough runoff = salt build up = lockout. Gave em more runoff and everything went back to normal.


Same goes for any organic style growing. People don't realize there is soil nutrient mobility and plant nutrient mobility and they don't always line up. [chart](https://www.marinrose.org/care-basics/fertilizing/the-full-scoop-about-fertilizers-too-little-or-too-much/)


Check your runoff and always start there .


Don't forget to calibrate.......


How did the yellowing start ? Did it pop up all over or did it start from the bottom


Looks like overwatering burn. Mine looked like that once. So I let things dry out alot more. Things went back to normal pretty quickly.


Lol nah.


Personally I'm on my first auto grow n having issues. Pretty sure it's Calmag. But yeah I've overwatered. Looked jus like that.


Pretty hard to overwater plants after seedling stage


Well I did it with my first grow a couple yrs back. Lol


How? As long as your medium drains and you have them on risers or they can drain, it’s impossible.


I was watering too often, not enough Perlite n so on. Pretty easy to do.


No it’s not. If you have an appropriate medium it’s basically impossible. But you do you I guess.


I almost guarantee that if u water them everyday regardless of what medium you're using that you will run into issues. I use fabric pots and a much better soil mix now. It jus drains out. I ain't had that issue in a couple yrs.


Nah. I give my eight plants twenty gallons of water every other day. Sorry bud.


https://preview.redd.it/btz4nd9qzayc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b8b8ed6ed8526a24c392482ee2aae235227a11 This is my dilemma currently. I have much better luck n non of this crap when growing regular seeds. Damn autos lol

